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  • I forgot my apple ID security answers?

    So, this is a critical situation,

    Pls read this before you answer somehting stupid.

    We gave another guy to create an apple account, who made the internet and all.

    Now when we decided to buy an app,

    it asks security answers and we don't them.

    Only that guy knows,

    to reset the question i entered my dad's and my email, but it has become 3 days but didnt get any mail, and the rescue mail is wrong, thats because that guy who registered, registered in his mail.

    How can i reset my rescue email?

    please answer.

    Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • MJ is still alive?

    I believe he is alive, And a big fan, what do you guys think?

    Found some footage?

    Please tell me.

    You are not alone..............

    Right in my hearts.


    7 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • How can I get whatsapp for ipad?

    Is there's a site to download it or its available in app store. When I search it in the Web. It takes to app store, but it doesn't load. Without jailbreak. Please answer.

    Thanks in advance!!! :)

    3 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds7 years ago
  • Sims 3 for ipad?

    where can i get sims 3 for free for ipad without hacking and surveys,

    Thanks in Advance

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago


    How much ever I eat I am not able to become thin. And whenever my friends come to visit me, my parents always tell look how fat she has become and you, always like this.

    Not personally in front others they say, how can I stop them from comparing me.

    Please answer. Everyday I won't be happy. A little smile hides a lot.

    Everyday they would make me cry.

    If I cry they shout DONT CRY.

    If I don't cry they shout CRY, LET HER CRY.

    When I was 7 my dad beat me with a rolling pin.

    What shall I do?

    What will you do if you were me?

    3 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • Why am I scared of Michael Jackson?

    When I listen to his Music its okay, also when i see him dancing its also okay, but when i see his pictures I just freak out like anything. If his face is covered with his hair its okay, but when i see his face clearly i freak out like anything. please tell me whether this is a phobia, how to cure it, has anybody had this feeling or why.......

    BTW thanks for you answers and I do have another question, Why should i waste 5 points for each?

    Can you guys help me figure out these other phobias.

    Fear of Darkness

    Fear of being home alone

    Fear of Night,

    Fear of the color RED

    Fear of insects,

    And where ever i see i see ghost's faces. can anyone help me!

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Is something happening to me?

    Past one month something strange is happening to me,

    Here's what happens

    Every day I would wake up at 9:30 and night I would sleep at 10:30, but past one month my routine has changed,

    I feel extremely tired at night and extremely active in night time.

    And my canines start to grow big,

    And my skin tone is changing, naturally my skin tone is hazel, or a bit light hazel, but past one month it changes to white, like pinkish or pale, it turns pale.

    And my vision is actually not clear, I do wear glasses but from past month my vision is so sharp. I do not take any medicines or wear contacts. But my vision became sharp.

    Yesterday when me and my family when to beach, and when I got out of the shade and when to the sun, I got burns,

    Now I'm in holiday.

    Even last month when I we had school race, I came first.

    Really every year, from LKG on wards I always came last but this year I was first,

    And whenever my ma'am teaches and asks questions I won't system anything but from last month I answer each and single one,

    And also I can't see my reflection in the mirror,

    Also July 23 while me and my friends were crossing road, a drunk man came and hitted us, all my friends got leg or hand broken while me, just a little wound , not big so small, like, quarter inch or something.

    Is something strange happening to me?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • How can i make symbols like heart and star in computer?

    I always wanted to make these symbols but i don't know how to make them. Example: heart, star, etc...

    and not only star and heart but also other ones. BTW thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersOther - Computers7 years ago
  • What Does the Fox say?

    4 AnswersComedy7 years ago
  • Are Nursery Rhymes Horrible?

    So, while one day i was searching are nursery rhymes creepy. It told that yes they are sooooo scary. And i wanted to know that are they ture or fake, and guys please also tell me what are their secrets, histories. And after hearing this i was not able to sleep peacefully. Daily i would have night mares and B***** M*** was also linked in this. One day i would read the answersz and if i read the description i would be soooooo scared so i didnt write the full word. So i hope you guys understand what it is.

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • What is Eco System?

    1 AnswerEconomics7 years ago
  • What do Dreams mean?

    from 1 week i am having a same dream like it was 12 midnight. suddenly i heard a sound when i went to look, there was a big flood/tsunami, fire burning from stove, building falling. that week i didnt ever sleep

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • What is the Truth Behind The Story "BLOODY MARY"?


    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years ago
  • Is Bloody Mary True?

    OK, So i have read the Story Bloody Mary recently 2 days ago, I asked my friends that is it true or fake or just a story. Some answered no and some yes, I am still not sure about it, Do you believe in them?

    and are there any evidences that tell Bloody Mary is True? Or have you seen her?. PAST 2 DAYS I'M HAVING REALLY BAD NIGHTMARES, NOW IF SHE IS TRUE AT NIGHT I CAN'T NEVER SLEEP.

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years ago
  • Are Tooth fairies real?

    hey i know, it sounds like.....childish question but when i was a little girl i believed in tooth fairies but as i grew up that belief turns into a question, is ti true?



    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years ago
  • Are fairies real, if so, how can we find them?

    I have read many myths and folklore. Me and my friend are very interested in these. So one day we decided to do something. We decided to find a fairy and become friends with her. And also are they good or bad.

    3 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years ago
  • Are Ghosts True, Do they Actually come?

    You might think it is silly question but my friend and I are in a bet. Se tells they are true and I tell they are not. Sometimes I also think they are true, but are they true.

    3 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years ago
  • Are vampires,mermaids,fairies and myths true?

    I have read many stories and really love them, most of them. Just wanna know wether true or not.

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years ago