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  • what if i eat about 500 calories a day?

    hi ok please READ this ALL before going off and saying ill die and that its a bad idea

    im 15 year old and i want to lose some weight, i am 5 foot 3 inches and i think my weights between 110-120 pounds and i just want to look skinny i dont care if i look sickly i want to be happy with myself idc what other people feel because currently i look at myself in hatred my entire body i just want to be skinny and not have to worry and i want to lose it fast because summer is now and i want to wow everyone... so if not a 500 calorie a day diet, what can i do( food wise) to make myself loose weight in like idk a month?? i run with my dog less than a mile every other day and walk the days i am not running, whats another quite undisruptive exercise to do maybe at night like jumping rope or something?! tHanks for the help and telling me not to diet wont stop me

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Music Suggestions? I need some new artists and bands!?

    hi so I have a like trend in the music I like, im going to tell you the bands groups and artists I always listen to and if you have any ideas of artists bands or groupps like them can you tell me please because I want to add to my playlist :) also please don't judge my music taste because everyone is different and this is what I like

    one direction


    ed sheeran

    5 seconds of summer

    the summer set

    so that's BASICALLY it I mean theres some others here and there but that's yeah. also im most fond of slower and sorta sad songs idk why but yeeeep please helellppp

    also if it matters I am a 14 year old girl

    4 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • I have period cramps annnnddd?

    So I always get this constant cramp in where ou get period cramps like three days before my period comes and of course today is when I get them and I have an important day... SOCCER TRYOUTS. I'm so nervous and when I run it hurts really bad. I'm not telling anyone the coach is a guy and I'm just a shy freshman and ugh this is just great. What can I do for relief? I already took an aspirin and I have to leave in just under an hour. Everyone says be prepared for ALOT of running. Ugh

    Women's Health8 years ago
  • My parents don't understand at all?

    I'm 14 years old. They just had a big talk basically telling me everything I do wrong. I'm always on my phone. I'm pretty sure a big amount of people are on their phones ALOT more than me. I'm always in my room. Because if I'm not I get criticized and I just can't sit and be alone. Do they not know what it was like to be a teenager? You just want to be alone. I don't hate them. They say the miss the old me who would always come to them when I was bored , well I'm 14. I think they need to think more and realize I'm normal. Would they like me to go and act like a ten year old? I can entertain myself on twitter. I like that. I play sports I'm super active. So why do they do this. What can I say to them. I'm literally just had some pretty bad thoughts and they're making me feel like there is something wrong with me.

    5 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • I really need help making a decision I'm really nervous?

    I'm a freshman going into highschool. There is a captains practice today in about an hour for soccer. I am planning on playing soccer. I've played soccer all my life and I've gone to all of these practices that I could missing everyone last week because I was away on vacation. So today I'm really not wanting to go because my friend is not going to be there. It seems like a dumb reason but it's because I'm really shy and still are not comfortable going. And to add to my nervousness my ride is going to be in the gym an hour after so I have to go on my own into the gym after for an hour... I'm seriously nervous. My mom is being no help whatsoever. I'm starting to get a stomach ache I am so nervous. It's not a big deal as she and my dad are taking it as. The caption was stressing how these practices are not NLT mandatory. I was planning in texting her and saying "Hi I can't get to practice today. I feel bad that I've missed so many! I hope that it's ok and I will definitely be at the scrimmage tonight." Doesn't that sound like I care? And I won't be the only one missing a lot. The previous week my friend wasn't there at all (I did go but it was forced and miserable because I had nobody to talk to) I really don't even like anyone really on the team. No one there talks to me and I never talk to people because I'm shy and nervous. My mom is telling me "Just let me know what you decide to do." I really am not comfortable but I have a feeling she is getting my dad involved as I hear her talking on the phone now.. If I don't go they will both make me feel guilty but do they not realize how nervous I am? What would ou do..? I'm so nervous it's making me cry and shake and get a stomach ache. I can't keep doing this.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago

    Hi.. So I just got my period today and well um it's for my second time like its not my first time but it's literally JUST started but today I had so much planned like going tubing I'm on a lake on vacation and my cousins just got here and I'm leavin tomorrow. I hate tampons last time I wore one and well it wouldn't come out easily I'm pretty sure I have that thing the hymen that goes like right across and OMG help so you think I'd be ok to just go..? My bathing suit is black I'm so upset I can't wear a tampon I just won't tell anyone it won't be bad right please tell me this is ok I'm freaking out..?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • I REALLY need help quick please?

    I have to go to a highschool soccer practice in like 20 minutes but I really don't want to go, my best friend isn't going to be there and I feel sick because I got myself worked up. I feel too much pressure because my dad said he'd be disappointed if I didn't go and my mom said we wouldn't go on vacation and I know they both would be very angry with me. There is a scrimmage tonight I said I would to go the no matter what but they still want me to go to the practice. I have anxiety issues I always have and so I lost control this morning and I was hysterically crying. I really do not want to go. I feel like I have to and it's making me sick. I'm doing all I can not to start crying again. The problem is that I'm going on vacation next week so I won't be there all next week either. It's just a Captains practice and its like to get in shape, they said not mandatory yet my parents insist if I don't go I won't play in the scrimmage tonight or I won't make the team when I said I would go to every other one. I feel sick now and I'm in no shape to go for the big run we do right we practice starts yet my mom and dad are angry with me and will be mad and disappointed. I hate this pressure to go.. I feel like ill ruin the vacation if I don't go and I really need help please

    3 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • HELP! How do I get rid of puffy eyes from crying FAST?

    I was JUST crying because I have anxiety issues and I have a highschool soccer practice today (the first one) and I have anxiety issues and my mom is forcing me to go.. So I kinda of lost control and started crying hysterically and now my eyes are squinty puffy. I have to go in like 1 and a half hours so I need how do you get rid of puffy eyes? Because my mom is making me go and I don't want to look like I was crying

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • How to get rid. Of red puffy eyes from crying?!?

    I was JUST crying because I have anxiety issues and I have a highschool soccer practice today (the first one) and I have anxiety issues and my mom is forcing me to go.. So I kinda of lost control and started crying hysterically and now my eyes are squinty puffy. I have to go in like 1 and a half hours so I need how do you get rid of puffy eyes?

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • I can't do this I'm panicking?

    This week I have two soccer practices and two scrimmages the practice is early Tuesday and Thursday the scrimmage is late Tuesday and Thursday. I said I would go to the scrimmages but not the practices because I'm a really shy anxious person and my one person I'm close with and talk to on the team is going to be away this week on vacation and then I will be alone, I'm a freshman and this is a highschool team. I'm freaking out I can't stop crying and breathing heavy and I'm literally having a panic attack writing this. I will eventually get to know them but in not yet comfortable around them. I lack confidence. I can't go I really can't dont tell me I can because I know. I can't ill be a mess and I'm not ok I really can't go I'm not ok right now my parents keep saying I have to go. I said I'd go to the scrimmages but I'm also really afraid of that too..but I'll make myself go to those but these practices aren't mandatory. IM NOT Ok I'm not . What if they do a partner drill,, everyone has their friend kn the team I'm not mine wont be there I cant deal with this I'm not a outgoing person I'm awkward and I hate myself and I don't know what to do

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • I love soccer but hate the highschool team what do I do? Also my parents are giving me a panic attack!?

    I'm going to be a freshman and I've played soccer my whole entire life and it is my one if my favorite sports. I'm having problems with the new team for highschool though a lot. I'm a very shy and anxious person and I only am close with one person on the whole team so far. I really really need help I literally am going to do something and hurt myself because I'm not ok and nobody cares so please read it I know it might be long il sorry I really need help.. So this week there will be two captains practices(I've been to all three other ones so far) but this week my friend who is the only one on the team I like and are comfortable talking with is going to be away on vacation. I'm literally crying right now. I can't go to the practices if nobody I knows ging to be there I'm panicking but my dad is tellin g me I have to go that he wil take away my iPod and never drive me and my friends anywhere if I don't go. I can't. They have no idea how much I'm freaking out I'm about to scream. I'm not ok if I go I'll be a mess. I was going to text he Captain and say: Hey I won't be able to make it to the morning practices this week but I will be at the scrimmages. I hope that's ok I feel bad I'm missing them. She's really nice and she said that the practices aren't mandatory when she decided to start having them. My mom is tellin me that I won't play on the scrimmages if I don't show up to practices. I don't think that's true. The practices are to get in shape. The coach won't even be there. I'm freaking out ad idk what to do. I'm shy and never know what to say or if I do I have no confidence or whatever to say it. My dad told me that so many people said I was an amazing soccer player and that I just needed to come out and show them. But I'm doing bad at the practices because I get nervous. I want to look good. I have no confidence in mysel and I get to nervous. I almost want to quit this teamandplayformytravelteamonlybutiddisappointmyselfandfamily. Help please!

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • I really need help ASAP?

    I have a high school soccer practice today in a half hour! I'm so nervous because last time I went I threw up because I got too hot and ran too much and I'm still embarrassed and so I have to go today and its 90° out today! I hope we won't run as much or even at all...... Seriously. HOW DO I STOP BEING SO NERVOUS? This makes me literally hate soccer my favorite sport I don't even want to play anymore because since I like three up u feel like the girls would think I'm not good enough like I'm like weak and I haven't played soccer in a whole 3 months either so I'm a little out if it. I feel like crying now..

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • I need to use a tampon?

    So I figured out how I put it in... But idk what to use!! My mom goes just figure out how to put one in. I need to wear one since in going swimming sooo. I'm unstairs in the bathroom and I'm looking at my moms and she has super plus tampax pearl. Good? Or there's these ones the sport ones down stairs probably meant for teenagers but I'm up here and A BUNCH of people are down there and I want to do his if I can.. So would the super plus be ok? I mean idk what the definition of heavy flow is or looks like but I wiped and there was a lot of blood. So help? Also I know how to put one but could you just tell me again?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • I think I have my first period! Noooo?

    I don't want it! But when I went to the bathroom I wiped and it was like discharge like squishy and stuff (ik tmi gross but I need help) but it had blood in it! Sooo then I went again and guess what A LOT more blood! So I wiped and went into my room and then it was gone for alittle but I'm so sad whyyyy? I was supposed to go swimming tomorrow with my little cousin from New Jersey! Wahhhh! Help? Also I had spotting a while ago and then I like told my mom and I wore pads for that whole week just incase.. Even though it never came again. But now it's here agin and I think it's my actual period now :( no no no no! Can I wear tampons or...? How do I tell my mom she's with my sister and dad and I don't wanna be like "come here!" Because either way everyone else will find out and also I'm afraid that like shell tell my aunt and poop poop no no no!

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Is this my first period? :'(?

    So I'm 13 years old 14 next month to start. So this morning I was in the bathroom and I noticed that it was a little bloody when I wiped. So I wiped again and sure enough more blood. I discovered it was bloody discharge because (sorry gross) there was a glob of it next time I wiped. I've been having discharge for a while and a couple days ago I had a constant cramp in my lower left stomach area and I've been feeling really annoyed with everyone lately. Is this how your first period could be? I don't want it to be... Because my little cousin is coming this weekend and we swim together and I'm scared. I hope it'll hold off and just be discharge for awhile.. Okay so please help me! Oh and I forgot I had like spotting at the beginning of this year and it never came back.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • I need help I think I have something wrong with me!?

    So you know the boy band one direction? If you don't then well oh. But this is somewhat having to do with that, but only niall! I've love all the boys in the band since I first found out about them and now I'm crazy obsessed! So well lately I've found myself reading those things called imagines and they really make me feel, I CAN'T EVEN EXPLAIN! I really have huge feelings for niall and I wish I could meet him but I know that I really don't have much of a chance of doing so.. Millions of girls want to marry him. But now that I've been like thinking and imagining him being in a relationship with me my heart starts beating fast and I like get really giggly! I love him so much! He so adorable and the other boys in the band were like calling him cute and that he got scared around fans and when they mobbed them and stuff and I though AWWW he's kinda like me! Like he's all shy and sweet at the same time he's a completely hilarious physco! Well I've gotten really bitter towards my family because I feel like depressed about the fact that I love him so much but I might go through my whole life and he won't even know I exist! And I'm literally holding tears back and it's getting bad! I need advice! I NEED HELP! Okay now that I read this I sound like a freak but seriously there was an interview and all of the boys said that niall is the cuddling type and he's a good cuddler and that his future girlfriend is the luckiest girl in the world. Why can't it be me? It makes me literally not want to talk to anyone. It makes me feel pathetic!

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • I feel like I'm falling apart I'm a mess! Idk what to do!?

    So I'm going to be a freshman this year in high school (it's summer vacation now) and I play soccer. And I am going to be, we'll trying out for but I'm pretty much on the team since the coach talked to me and everything, the soccer team. I'm nervous because I'm only 13(14 next month) and ill be in a game against some 18 year olds! How on earth will I do that? I'm so small too! (I'm super fast so I'm not you know a tiny stick girl who is a benchwarmer) and there is only a varsity team so.. Yeah. But anyways I have my first "captains practice" tomorrow which is a practice put together by the captains if the team and they just have them to start getting back into playing and in shape and to get to know the new players coming in. So I'm nervous. I feel like I'm not good enough.. Like ill embarrass myself which I don't think I will but I still feel like I will! Like ok I'm justgunna tell you, I am NOT bad at soccer. On my regular travel team I'm the #1 player and I don't get subbed out often. But I always feel like "those girls are better than me" and also I'm really shy and awkward and can never think of what to say! So helppppp! Because I'm literally tearing myself apart telling myself I'm bad and will be that girl who doesn't talk and sits in the bench and stinks.

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • I very upset and I don't know what to do! Please help?

    So it's the Fourth of July! Usually I'm super excited to go to my cousins aunt and uncles house. But this year I'm actually dreading 3:00 when we go. So befor you call my like childish or whatever I'm 13. Ok so. My sister was invited to her friends cookout but I thought maybe she'd go for alittle while then go to this one. But no, I just asked her if she was going to our uncles at all and she said no. I can't believe it. Who an I supposed to hang around all day? I know my cousin will be there but she moves people to people as I usually just stayed around my sister the whole time, because we're sisters... But she won't be there... I'll be like all by my self and I'm really nervous! I don't wanna be alone! Like it won't be fun.. But I can't do anything about it that I can think of. I've talked to my mom and she had nothing to say or nothing against it. Nobody else in my family(mom and dad) think its rude. I think it's rude, it's our family, we haven't seen them in a while whereas she sees her friends VERY often. In their defense she was invited first. So what? We were invited to this cookout at my uncles pretty much automatically, we go every year. Ok so what should I do to convince her??? Because I'm getting very very nervous and I can't stop crying and Idk why and OMG. (I have anxiety issues) ok so please help my ok bye :o

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Does anyone else have this problem? I always feel excluded?

    My best friend has been rude lately.

    There's this girl my bestfriend and I have

    been getting closer.

    (Imma call my bestfriend BFF because its easier)

    And so we've been all talking but sometimes my BFF will just like be super nice to this new girl and just sorta rude to me. I literally feel like crying sometimes because I'm very insecure and always feel like I'm annoying or something. I'm thinking she's being so nice because well, she's new. But seriously it's weird she's like obsessed with this girl. Like we were at a school dance and obviously she's gunna hang out with other people too not just is and everytime she would like go off for a minute she'd be like "where (her name)" I kept saying she'll be back but it was ANNOYJNG becuaseshe didn't care and go looking for me if I went off.... And I kept getting like closed off from this group of girls and it's not like I'm annoying its just they don't think of me even though I always make sure everyone's happy and included. It really hurts my feeling and I never ever would have the guts tosay something." So the problem is this Friday our grades going to an amusement park and I'm afraid I'll feel excluded and get upset again, because i always make sure that if somebody says something it won't go unheard I'll laugh or smile or reply to why they say, but it seems like I say stuff that they just don't think about. It hurts my feelings. So what can I do to make sure I'm not excluded this Friday, don't tell me to "say something" because as I said, I can't.

    I feel like I'm not appreciated and I don't know how much longer I can take this. Also it's like my BFF doesn't care, if I'm upset or something, I always show sympathy. It's so hurtful when I say something like "I had a bad morning" and she'll be like just nodding her head or shrugging her shoulders. I don't know how to show in getting upset. Help?

    5 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • I feel excluded alot..?

    My best friend has been rude lately.

    There's this girl my bestfriend and I have

    been getting closer.

    (Imma call my bestfriend BFF because its easier)

    And so we've been all talking but sometimes my BFF will just like be super nice to this new girl and just sorta rude to me. I literally feel like crying sometimes because I'm very insecure and always feel like I'm annoying or something. I'm thinking she's being so nice because well, she's new. But seriously it's weird she's like obsessed with this girl. Like we were at a school dance and obviously she's gunna hang out with other people too not just is and everytime she would like go off for a minute she'd be like "where (her name)" I kept saying she'll be back but it was ANNOYJNG becuaseshe didn't care and go looking for me if I went off.... And I kept getting like closed off from this group of girls and it's not like I'm annoying its just they don't think of me even though I always make sure everyone's happy and included. It really hurts my feeling and I never ever would have the guts tosay something." So the problem is this Friday our grades going to an amusement park and I'm afraid I'll feel excluded and get upset again, because i always make sure that if somebody says something it won't go unheard I'll laugh or smile or reply to why they say, but it seems like I say stuff that they just don't think about. It hurts my feelings. So what can I do to make sure I'm not excluded this Friday, don't tell me to "say something" because as I said, I can't.

    I feel like I'm not appreciated and I don't know how much longer I can take this. Also it's like my BFF doesn't care, if I'm upset or something, I always show sympathy. It's so hurtful when I say something like "I had a bad morning" and she'll be like just nodding her head or shrugging her shoulders. I don't know how to show in getting upset. Help?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago