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  • Children born overseas to Australian citizens is it compulsory?

    Heard children born overseas to Australian citizens can be classes as citizens but is this automatic? Can you just not do so?

    Living in Spain permanently but me and SO are both still citizens of Australia (takes years to nationalise) but we would rather our kids be Spanish citizens as we live permanently in ASpain and it'll be relatively easy to gain Australian citizenship later if necessary. Spanish law states that children born in Spain to foreign parents will obtain citizenship only if their parents country does not take them. Meaning if Australia accepts citizenship they don't get Spanish citizenship but if Australia doesn't they do. Is it automatic Australian citizenship or opt in? Can we just not opt in therefore giving them Spanish citizenship?

    Also in the future our citizenship proceedings may be assisted if the kids are already. Most of what I can find online is if parents want Australian  citizenship for their kids.

    5 AnswersImmigration1 year ago
  • Attachment image

    What type of connection do I need (pics included)?

    I lost the plug for my charger and all I need is the adaptive part that plugs into the wall. Dimensions 22x18mm for the rectangular crevice and 8x7mm (horizontal and vertical) for the 2 oval slots

    10 AnswersCameras2 years ago
  • Twin Double Ectopic Pregnancy?

    Ectopic Pregnancies can occur in a multiple heterotopic pregnancy which results in an ectopic foetus with some uterine pregnancies,

    But I was wondering have there ever been any recorded sets of multiple Ectopic Pregnancies? Have there been any known sets of multiple pregnancies outside of the Uterus? I imagine this might occur with Identical Monochorionic Pregnancies in which the split blastocyst implants outside of the Uterus. or if there is a gap or ridge somewhere causing multiple zygotes to get stuck in a particular spot.

    Has this ever been recorded?

    1 AnswerPregnancy2 years ago
  • Universe Sandbox 2- getting seconds on the time bar?

    I need tof time the orbits of Jupiter's moons for a project. It only has hours:mins, can it be changed to have seconds too?

    1 AnswerAstronomy & Space3 years ago
  • Carbon Dioxide and Monoxide from candles?

    I have tealight candles with a burning time of 2hours approx with tranquility and relaxation oils that i've made. I leave them in a closet on my candle shelf in a holder and the door partially open. It's winter and below 10 Celcius every night and below 5 Celcius most nights so I can't leave the window next to my bed open, I do leave the window on the opposite side of the room open about 1cm for circulation etc. I have a small vent in my wall and due to my house being old there are small gaps in the floor and walls, in the wind I can hear and sometimes feel small puffs of air circulating and the bedroom door has gaps at the side and bottom obviously.

    I am always paranoid of Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide building up. I keep telling myself it's paranoia and that there is little danger of a build up but I'm still paranoid and worried. There is really no significant danger actually is there?

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling3 years ago
  • Can you have Mixed Cerebral Palsy of Unrelated Types?

    In Standard Mixed Cerebral Palsy in the forms of Spastic-Ataxic and Spastic-Dyskinetic there is Spasticity and Dyskinesia or Spasticity and Ataxia generalised across the whole body but can you get CP of "mixed" from Partial Unrelated CPs in Unrelated Neurological problems? I am not explaining myself properly so I'll give you Some examples:

    -Infant Stroke is a common cause of CP. Say if an Infant were to have 2 strokes, one in the right Cerebral Hemisphere and one in the Cerebellum, this would result in Spastic Hemiparesis and Ataxia so this would result in Generalised Ataxia and Spasticity of only the left.

    -A Premature infant has Periventricular Leukomalacia which is a common type of Spastic Diplegia or Spastic Quad, for this example Spastic Diplegia, and has Cerebellar Atrophy which also occurs in Premature Infants sometimes. Diplegic Spasticity and Generalised Ataxia.

    If Cerebellar Damage and Partial Pyramidal degeneration could result in Ataxia of the Whole body and Spasticity of various areas but not everywhere. I see no reason this couldn't happen but is there something I'm missing? This would probably be rare since you'd be unlucky to have unrelated brain injuries but has anyone known anyone with this kind of CP?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases3 years ago
  • Argentinian Exchange Universities?

    Does anyone know of any Universities in Argentina that offer Summer Spanish Courses? Roughly what costs are involved?

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersStudying Abroad3 years ago
  • Nystagmus in Total Blindness?

    Can a person who is Totally Blind develop Nystagmus?

    Nystagmus is an involuntary trembling or moving of the eyes. It usually occurs in people with other visual problems eg. ONH, CVI, Albinism, Congenital Cataracts etc but even if it's a solo finding it can still lead to serious impairment if it is a severe case.

    I ask the question of whether a totally Blind person can develop Nystagmus because: in all the cases I've read of the people still have some vision remaining I don't know of complete Blindness and Nystagmus. Also Nystagmus can develop from deprivation of visual information ie in Cataracts or Extreme refractive error, however in a totally Blind individual there would be absolutely nothing coming to the brain so it would not be aware that it is being deprived of anything as it has no means to understand the sight it fails to receive.

    3 AnswersOptical4 years ago
  • My Eye Genetics? Possible Sex-Linkage?

    I am a Male in his early 20s of predominantly European but some Middle Eastern and Pacific ancestry who was raised in Iran and Australia.

    I have noticed over the years that I have much better Night vision than many of my family members, especially the Female ones. My mother an sister both say that It's dark and that they can't see properly when I can see perfectly fine. They sometimes say that they cannot see items on a table when I can see every single one clearly. I've had my sister walk around saying it's "Pitch Black" when I can see outlines and basic details well.

    This trait is also found in other branches, my aunt cannot see in the dark anywhere near as well as I can. My brother's night vision is no where near as good as mine but he has High Myopia and Had Retinal problems as a child so his vision isn't brilliant anyway.

    Is it possible that since in my family all female members have far worse dark vision than me that I have a sex-linked gene that impacts my eyes? Does this occur in anyone else's family?

    Also: NOT SURE IF IMPORTANT BUT I have Mild Hyperopia and according to eye tests I have slightly better than average colour differentiation.

    3 AnswersBiology4 years ago
  • How easily fooled by this photoshop?

    I'm creating funny fat pictures of myself and how realistic does this photo look. Is it obviously photoshopped or could people actually believe it?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Accents in non-English?

    I know accents in English are common and a big thing but you rarely hear about Accents in other language. Do people who speak English have obvious accents in other languages?

    Are immigrants to other countries given away the second they begin speaking?

    I have a slight Middle Eastern Accent when I speak English (As I'm an Iranian) but I'm currently learning Spanish and most people say I have no noticeble accent in that except my beginners hesitation in more complex sentences.

    Is it harder to have accents in other Languages because most of them Have more strict pronunciation rules?

    Also back home, I never noticed any strong "accents" in people's Farsi when they spoke, more of a vocabulary difference depending on Regional Origin.

    2 AnswersLanguages4 years ago
  • Panic about Premature greying hair!?

    I am 21 but in the last few months I have noticed about 6 or 7 greyish-white hairs appearing mainly on the upper part of my scalp and I'm worried. I have heard that Grey hair at younger ages is becoming more common but that's not a comfort.

    My mother has claimed that a small number for grey hairs at a young age is normal and that she had a few grey hairs in her 20s and 30s but didn't properly go grey until her late 40s (she's 57 now) so this may be just the case for me but I'm still not convinced any of this is actually normal. Is their any obvious issue I should be aware of?

    I'm going to the doctor next week and I will ask if I should be tested for any metabolic or scalp problems but is there anything I need to worry about or am I just worried over nothing as usual?

    1 AnswerHair5 years ago
  • Help with a Paragraph for Spanish Composicion? Edit?

    I know I should go to my teacher about this but we are currently on break so I can't. I don't want anything too drastic just tell me if there are any serious errors in this paragraph.

    Subject: Comparison of 2 parties using pasado, comparisons, foods and food adjectives

    Mi cumpleaños 17 y mi hermana compleaños 18 estuvieron octubre. Complí 17 años en 2012 y complió 18 años en 2014. Mi hermano cumpleaños estuvo más luego que mi cumpleaños, tuvo a la noche. A mi cumpleaños 17 tuvimos las fritas, las pasteles y comida de barbacoa. Nos la compramas de KMART. La Comida a la fiesta de hermana estuvo más mejor que mi fiesta, tuvimos la comida chino y las pizzas.


    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • What if 2 people called each other at the same time?

    Its a classic movie thing, 2 people call each other at the exact same time and it goes to voicemail. But what would actually happen? (I know how unlikely this whole thing is so don't bother pointing it out). Would it go to voice mail or connect the calls?

    8 AnswersMovies5 years ago
  • Bifocals and Progressives?

    I am moderately Hyperopic & mildly Astigmatic and I am due to receive new Glasses at the End of this year. I am only in my early 20s and not presbyopic but i suffer eye strain so i've decided to get an addition lens.

    Which are better Bifocals or progressives? I prefer the no line design of a PAL but I am concerned about 2 things: The blurry spots on the sides of the lenses and how low down the reading section is but i really like the no line design

    Anyone here used both before? What is more effective?

    5 AnswersOptical5 years ago
  • Questions about the (hypothetical) Kurdistan?

    I personally think Kurds should have some sort of independent region but I have questions :

    1) I think a Kurdistan nation is likely at some point but when should it be expected?

    2) the Kurdish language can be written in either Latin or Perseoid scripts. If they had a country of their own, which would likely be the official script?

    3) Would it nedd a standard besides it's many dialects such as "Modern Standard Kurdish" like Modern Standard Arabic?

    4) wpuld it just be in Iraq and Syria or would it take other Kurdish regions too?

    5) if only one part of Kurdistan became independent, would other Kurdish people move in from surrounding areas?


    4 AnswersCurrent Events5 years ago
  • Can a Genetic Disorder/Trait have both Dominant are Recessive Subtypes?

    Something I've been bothered by for a while but can't find a straight answer to: Can a Genetic Disorder/Trait have both Dominant are Recessive Subtypes?

    Many Genetic Disorders (Batten Disease, Albinism, Usher Syndrome (US), Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome (HPS) etc) have subtypes (HPS has 7, US has 3 etc.) which are caused by different Mutations of the same or similar genes. In both of these cases all Mutations are Recessive.

    However is it possible for different subtypes of the same mutation to have different Dominances? For some Mutations to be dominant and others to be recessive?

    I know that in Eye colour, hair colour, hair curliness, etc. the different genes are alleles which make them different versions of the same gene. In all of them one version is dominant and one type is recessive. Could this happen in genetic disorders too?

    This would mean one type of a genetic disorder may need 2 carriers of identical mutations to produce an affected individual, whereas others may require only a single affected parent or a single gamete mutation.

    1 AnswerBiology5 years ago
  • Is Transgender treatment Reversible?

    If a Male to Female or Female To Male Transgender stopped treatment and decided to detransition, would their sex organs fully recover. Obviously once they've had surgery and their testes or ovaries have been removed obviously not.

    But if a Transwoman stopped taking Oestrogen and began Testosterone therapy to reverse it, would their Genitals eventually recover? Or a Transman switched from Testosterone back to Oestrogen.

    In either case would genital function and fertility eventually be restored after years of reversal therapy or would it never fully recover due to genital damage

  • Talking to myself?!?!?!?

    I've recently started talking to myself on my own and in public, randomly yelling out crazy and sometimes weird or sexually vulgar terms and phrases. I don't believe any of these things and it usually happens when I start thinking and say things unrelated to what i'm thinking. I then will realise what I'm doing and stop.

    What is going on? Am I having a Mental Breakdown? How do I address this issue?

    2 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • Reasons to (or not too) Learn French...?

    I speak 3 languages (English, Farsi [Iranian Persian] and Arabic) and I am currently learning Spanish at University. I am Native in English and Farsi, highly proficient in Arabic and still (obviously) a beginner in Spanish.

    Recently I have become very interested in the French language it's pronunciation and it's common use has got me interested. I am now considering learning French after I have become proficient in Spanish.

    If anyone has any compelling reason to learn French or not too, place it below. Also if anyone ahs learned French after learning Spanish, is it really a lot easier after a full comprehension of another Romance language?

    3 AnswersLanguages5 years ago