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  • Poll: What's your opinion on Donny Osmond's voice?

    I'm just listening to a youtube playlist of broadway hits while doing homework. A song that I've never heard came up and I was like, "Ooh, I like this guys voice!" Turns out it's a recording of Donny Osmond from 1996 singing Any Dream Will Do. I think his voice is very smooth and nice to listen to. What do you think? Have you heard his music before? Or just his name? I"d heard his name but never listened to him before. I'm just curious. Thanks and have a great day! :)

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • I need help, motivate me?

    I have a midterm paper due tomorrow at 10:30 am. I have barely started! I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm normally not this bad. I'm just having a really hard time. I'm so messed up from my last relationship. It ended four months ago, I was very depressed the first month. I'm not anymore, but I still get really sad and cry. I don't know how to make myself work. Whenever I start, I just get distracted by other stuff. I've been trying to work on it since 4, it's 9:30! Please help me? Thank you.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • P&S: Goodnight?

    Goodnight world, I'm finally going to sleep. Thanks for entertaining me for several hours. :p

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Survey: Guys, what do you think of mermaids?

    I'm working on a book. In it some guy finds a mermaid and is about to kill her, because that's what humans do in my book. Anyways, before he does, he wants to get answers to questions, stuff he's always wondered about mermaids. Problem is I have no clue what stuff a guy would wonder about? Any suggestions? Please keep i clean, I don't want to know stuff you wouldn't want your mother to know about. Thanks for your hep. Girls, feel free to answer to. If you lived in a society were mermaids were real and thought of as wicked, something to be rid of, what would you want to know before killing the mermaid? Again, thanks for the help, sorry this is so long... :P

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • How do long kisses work without the French part?

    I'm saving my first kiss for when I get married, which means I pretty much know nothing of kissing. I came across something that mentioned long kisses, and it wasn't talking of French kissing. I don't understand how you can kiss for a long time without the French part. I asked my boyfriend, but he couldn't put it into words, was wondering if maybe someone out there could? Thanks!

    2 AnswersFamily & Relationships7 years ago
  • Is this too (insert word here) of a question to ask a guy?

    Is it to weird/awkward/wrong (or whatever word you think fitting) to ask a guy for his help in not having a crush on him? I know this is strange. I've had a crush on a guy for a while, and am tired of it. I want to not have a crush on him. I've tried oh so hard to not like him like that anymore. It hasn't worked yet. Would it be too strange if I confessed to him and asked him for his help to not like him? I seriously don't know what to do anymore. I'm very much sick of liking him, yet I can't stop! Help??? Thanks. :)

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Why do guys have fragle egos?

    Especially when it comes to females saying no to a date?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What's with this guy? He's distancing himself from me... Why?

    I met this guy two months ago. We are in a class and a school club together. I'm fairly sure he likes me. He was very friendly to me. He helped me out with the class, helping me with homework, studying for test, what not. After knowing him for a month, he asked me out. I basically told him, "no, not yet. It isn't time." He told me it was fine, no big deal, he'd still help me with the class and stuff. Nothing would change. Well, afterwards, we were studying and everything was fine. I was like, cool, nothing will change and be awkward. Well, I saw him five days later, and he was different. No as friendly. Two days after that, I saw him. Was hanging out with his friend. Well, he was never rude, per se, but I feel like he was purposefully excluding me from the conversation and stuff. Ever since then, he's been very distant and stuff. Like when I asked for help, he wasn't as helpful as he had previously been.

    I learned from a girl that used to be good friends with him, that they were great friends for over a year, and then he started distancing himself from her and ignoring her, what not. Can any of you guys explain? I don't know what to do. I do like him, as more than just a friend. But I want to be friends first, before dating him. Or anybody... But apparently he doesn't anymore? At least that's how it seems to my poor confused brain. What should I do? Should I just let him do what he wants and forget about him? Should I try being his friend? Any help that you can give me? Male or female input would be appreciated. I really new to the whole dating and guy thing... This isn't normal, right? I didn't say anything about him, just that I wasn't ready to date yet. Help?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Do you know any good haircuts?

    I have long hair, I love my long hair. Unfortunately, my older sister came down for a visit and informed me that I have really bad split ends, up to my shoulders. So now I need to cut my hair to around my shoulders or so. The problem is that I can't seem to find anything that makes me go, "Oh, I want my hair like that!" I've been looking online for different styles and cuts, but I just keep getting depressed. Is there a certain haircut you can suggest that I'd like? My hair is fine, and I have a small amount of hair, as compared to others. I do not have an over abundance of hair... It is wavy, it gets frizzy when it's humid. I usually curl it after I shower, just scrunchying it up and stuff, but I'll sometimes straighten it with the flat iron. So I need something that will look good curly and something that will look good straight. Maybe some kind of layers? Oh, also, when my hair is short, it tends to curl up a lot. Like, if I cut bangs that are reach to the end of my nose, changes are likely that it will curl up to my eyes or eyebrows. Just fyi. So yeah, I'd really love your help, because I'm lost on what to do. Thanks!

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Why is the SAT scarier than taking a college test?

    I've been taking dual credit classes at the community college for a while now. I've had several test, some that I was ready for, some that I wasn't. Now I'm going to finally take the SAT Reasoning test, and I'm all scared and stuff. Why? Shouldn't the college test that is supposed to come after taking the SAT, be scarier? Yeah, guess I just wanted ya'lls thoughts on this. Also what your experience with the SAT was like/is like. Thanks. :)

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What do you think of spanking kids?

    And when do you consider it abuse?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Wet lip gloss brands out there?

    I really like wet lip gloss, but don't know of any brands out there. I just know I like it because I have this one lip gloss that came in a box with a bunch of other girly things. Something from when I was little. You know how they sell around Christmas time the makeup sets? It's from something like that. I don't know the brand and it is gone. I just know I like my lip gloss wet. Do you know of any wet lip gloss? As in, not very sticky, where it doesn't resemble glue. Are there any drugstore brands that are relatively wet? Thanks. :)

    4 AnswersMakeup8 years ago
  • What makes you do the things you are supposed to do?

    What motivates you to do things you ought to do? :)

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Survey: How does Superman shave?

    My theory is that only his skin is made of steel, that his hair is just like normal hair and he shaves with a razor like other people. What do you think?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What is your dream date?

    And who is your celebrity date? :)

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Poll: Who else likes dancing exercise videos as a work out?

    Recently I've been using some Belly Dancing workout videos. I just started a Bollywood dancing one. I think they are great fun, but a lot of work, so great for toning my body and stuff. Do any of you like them? If not, what do you do for exercise? Also, guys, what do you think of this? Thanks. :)

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago