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  • I like my crush but his brother likes me now?

    So I've had a crush on this guy(#1) since February last year. Last month he found out I like him but we never talked about it. He's my neighbor and my sister told his little brother (#4) that I like(#1). So once again the little kids strike again and this month his little brother told Me that his other brother(#2) has a crush on me. I feel really bad because I know what it feels like to not have you're crush like you back and I would never want to do that to anyone. The problem is he's two grades below me leaving a grade between us and his other brother(#1) is only a grade ahead of me. Usually girls date someone who is older than them unless you're birthday is fairly close. Me and my mom confirmed that (#2) likes me with his mom. So that's someone who has a crush on me for sure. (#4) also told me that (#1) likes me too. I got really excited but he also said that they have diaries and(#3) read them. I just can't see them having diaries so I don't know what to believe anymore. When the person I have a crush on found out(#1) he had a girlfriend but now he doesn't and my friends keep telling me that he's gonna ask me out. Please help do they have a crush on me but two of by other friends have a crush on me too and I've never had so many people have a crush on me at once. Lady night while I was at the other neighbor's house(everyone was over there) (#1) went with my dad and I feel like they're gonna want to hang out with them more instead of me now.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Where to download chains by Laurie Halsey?

    Anywhere I can listen to or download for free the audio book chains ?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • US history help?

    Explain how the ideals and institutions of a democracy adds influenced by historical documents, events, and political philosophies.

    3 AnswersHistory6 years ago
  • Does he like me?

    So I've actually had a crush on him since January.. It's November now. He's my neighbor and we are a grade apart. I'm in the eighth grade and he's in 9th. We've talked several times and we live across the street from eachother. He always starts the conversation if we do talk because I have no confidence. I actually don't find myself quiet ugly. I know his whole entire family. The one I talk the least to is him. I Even know his dog like really well lol. Everyday I go get my sister from the bus stop (elementary 1st grade) and his brother gets his other two brothers from the bus stop. On Monday he brought his dog to the bus stop even when his brother was there so he didn't nessesarily have to go. He saw I had my dog and new my dog is afraid and doesn't like other dogs so he went inside right away and even his brother told me he went inside. On Tuesday he rode his skateboard after he saw me go outside. Today he was waiting at the bus stop not riding or anything at all. But I was kinda late to the bus and didn't get to wait there. Is he trying to talk to me more ? What's he doing ? I know this doesn't nessesarily mean he likes me. He's a year and a month away from me. How can I start a conversation with him and not stutter or be shy? ( I haven't been bringing my dog since lol then again I can't because her leash broke)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • House training questions?

    I have a two year old chiweenie and she is very playful and loving and I play with her ALL DAY LONG. but she is an outside dog. We got her a couple of months back and 3-4 days ago I asked how to house train her, If I should get another dog so she is not so lonely outside etc. instead, I got a lot of hate. Yes I am a 13 year old girl. My dog, Lunable was actually a stray and she would cry when I wasn't with her. All the answers said how it was animal cruelty and that its up to my mom/dad and that they don't expect me to take care of the dog. She isn't even badly behaved. She is occasionally bad but hardly ever. We actually bring her inside at night and we keep an eye on her while she is outside. Whenever we do put her in (rain, cold, night, too hot, etc.) we put her in her crate, or in the bathroom, or in the garage. She has actually been peeing in the bathroom when I sleep in or when she's been in there too long. My mom said we would be able to put her in the house if she was house trained. Once again I am going to tell you that she doesn't pee unless it's at night. She does not per in her crate or in a pet taxi. We are going to take baby steps. If she doesn't pee at night we will see how she does during the day inside. So how can I house train her? She already knows what it's like inside (because I occasionally let her inside and let her roam around) she's never peed anywhere in the house besides the bathroom. Also what is a good way to cut her nails?(she moves a lot)

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Dog training questions?

    I have a chiweenie who we think is about two years old, and we were talking about giving her away because she always looks so down when I don't play with her. My mom brought up about bring her inside but she pees in the house at night and I don't know how to house train her. Any suggestions for that please?? We used to bring her inside at night in the restroom. (I'm going to be waking up in the middle of the night or really early in the morning to take her out starting tonight). My mom said that if we train her not to pee in there that we could leave her inside as long as she's bathed, house trained, and her nails are cut. I have a fear of cutting her nail because I'm afraid she's going to bleed :( please help. My dad Also brought up getting her a friend. Maybe a dachshund or chihuahua. Thing is she doesn't get along well with other dogs. How do I make her more sociable or something of this sort?

    So really, once again my questions are

    -How to get my dog sociable (and where to adopt another chihuahua) {I didn't mention this but she growls and barks at other dogs}

    -How to get my dog house trained

    -where to get shots for my dog

    -and how to cut her nails

    Thank you,

    Illeana 13 yo girl

    Please excuse me if what I typed made no scense.

    9 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • What kind of dog is she?

    If you can't see the dog.. It's a small dog with a long body and chihuahua sized legs. Her ears are small and one of them is flopy and the other one is weird. She has a short haired coat and a small muzzle like a chihuahua. I'm not exactly sure how my uncle found her or what happened but she's not up to date with shots or anything. I thought she was a chiweenie but now I'm having second thoughts. I thought she was an older dog but I never realized all dogs have nipples. I was stupid and thought she had nipples because she had babies. Starting to think she is very young but when we first got her she was so calm. Now she's so hyper she'll try jumping up to you and almost go up all the way. I would get her shots but I have almost no money and I'm 13. My dad doesn't like the dog anymore because she messed up the door from scratching it. She doesn't do it anymore but she's still a pretty bad dog. I don't know if she's a puppy or a young adult or what. We keep her outside because she doesn't have any shots or anything.

    My dog Luna:

    Thank you.

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • How to get my neighbor to notice me?

    So I've been living here since November, (it's July now FYI lol.) and I switched to this school in January. Everyday we'd both ride the bus and get off at the same stop. (I would sit somewhere like at seat 5 and he would sit in seat 12 so we weren't close when we got off the bus.) and either way we wouldn't even be close to eachother because he would wait at the bus stop for his brothers.

    Well, now it's summer and I won't see him next year because he is going to be a Freshman in high school so I won't see him get off the bus or anything. OKAY SO ANYWAY BACK TO THE MAIN THING LOL.

    Now that it's summer I want him to notice me even more since I've had a crush on him since February. How do I do this? I'm turning 13 in July 2nd so not that far away and I believe he is 14 going on 15 or something like that..

    How can I make him like me? I'm like really shy lol so I wouldn't go up to him and say IM IN LOVE WITH YOU XD

    Okay so.. I'd say I'm fairly "decent" I'm not beautiful but I am not ugly either. (As far as I know) he is okay too.

    He's always outside riding his skateboard and I adore that lol.

    What are some ways for him to be my "summer love"?

    Thank you,



    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Ways to gain weight?

    What's the best way to gain weight?

    I'm thinking about trying for sports as well but I feel like I'm too skinny. (I'm only 12 turning 13 in July) but I'm really boney :( My friends used to call me anorexic play fully but I eat so much and still I don't gain weight !

    I'm 5" and weigh 72lbs (last time I checked) sometime I feel really insecure about my body. To be honest I don't even know what insecure means but I know it would go with that sentence lol. My mom and dad have been getting mad at me lately because I feel like I can't eat that much, but I used to eat so much yet I still never gained any weight :(

    Please help ?

    How can I gain weight fast?

    (IM A GIRL.)?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Texas history project help?

    Okay so ..

    I am having questions on these two can you help me?

    1. Why was annexation by the United States during Sam Houston's first term as President of the Republic?

    2. If Texas has not been annexed by the United Started in 845, what would you think would have happened to Texas? Why?

    Thanks you.

    1 AnswerHistory7 years ago
  • How can I get sick overnight?

    I need to catch up on some work and I also just need a day off. I really need to get sick bc my parents are strict /-\ please don't comment no you need to go to school

    I'm begging you


    1 AnswerOther - Health7 years ago
  • What do sex dreams with my cousin mean?

    I've been having a lot of dreams about my close cousin.. I've grown up with him and I love him but I haven't seen him in a few weeks so we haven't really talked .

    Last night I had a dream of him saying "wanna play 20 minutes in heaven?" And I said no and finally I said yes and we ended up having sex . What would this mean ? He's 14 and I'm 13 and I don't think I should be having these dreams ._.

    6 AnswersDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • Can I switch to a violin?

    I just finished being in beginners, I played the viola. Tomorrow I am going to get a violin. Do I need to take classes to learn the violin? I heard I just need violin, Book 1.

    3 AnswersClassical8 years ago
  • where did my appstore go?

    on samsung note!

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds9 years ago
  • how does a horse move its tail?

    just outa curiosidy. ^.^

    2 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago