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Sachet Zode. 6teen, turning 7teen in April. I try to answer all the questions that I think I can help people with, and I'd be glad if my answer ever was a help to someone.

  • How can going in the past and changing it affect the future?

    I am talking scientifically. Time is supposed to be a continuous loop, right? So shouldn't the past and the future be fixed?

    Like, if I go in the past and do something, how will it change the future? Won't me doing that thing will always be a part of the past?

    I read once, about some kinds of type a and type b theories, where type a says you cannot change anything, it's all fixed and type b says you can change things. I searched a lot, and I can't get it anywhere.

    Can someone here please tell me more about it? Links to the respected articles would be highly appreciated.

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • I feel lonely and have a lot of suicidal thoughts. What the hell is wrong with me?

    Here's the thing: I hate myself. I hate my life, and I hate living it.

    4 months ago, my best friend committed suicide after an hour of us meeting. For me, he was like a brother, I cared for him as much as my own parents. Even though I knew he was depressed, I could not help him, and somewhere I blame myself 4 his death.

    A girl I loved, I told her about my feelings 2 years ago. She had lot of physical and emotional issues that time, and so she never confessed her feelings to me, and made a lot of hints she loved me too. Next thing I know, she gets a boyfriend, and then tells me that she never told me that she doesn't like me because she felt good when I cared for her.

    Basically, I feel like ****. My best friend died, and I couldn't help him, a girl was using me for the last 2 years, and I liked her.

    After all this happened, I was suicidal, almost killed myself a couple of times. I didn't want to die, but I couldn't live with the sadness. So, I told a girl about what had happened, and she didn't care. She was like 'oh that's so sad. Anyway, I gtg' and I haven't heard from her since. Another close friend of mine, who lived in my old city (I moved to a new place 2 yrs ago),, I haven't talked to him recently. I text him, and he's like, I don't have a problem with you, let's just go our own ways.

    So what I am asking is, what the hell is wrong with me? I treat everyone well, don't talk behind anyone's back, I try to help everyone as much as I can.

    5 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • What are some good Pokemon Games out there?

    I don't mean for the original Consoles. I have all those games (except the 3ds ones) and I want the ROMs or Hacks now. I've tried playing Zeta/Omicron, and it's awesome, so what are some other good ones?

    Please specify the Gen of Pokemons included and if it contains Mega Evolution

    A website link would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games5 years ago
  • How to use my external hard disk on my macbook?

    I have been using it with my Windows PC for long, but I am going on a trip and I wanna take my macbook and my hard disk with me.

    Some days ago, I was able to use my hard disk on my macbook (Paragon NFTS, from torrent). Then, I updated to OS El Capitan, and now I can't seem to connect my hard disk, it does not show up in Disk Utility either! I use it properly in my PC, and pendrives and stuff connect to my Macbook so I don't see what the problem is.

    I have Windows 10 installed using bootcamp, but the hard disk doesn't get recognised there either!!

    My hard disk has 600 Gb of stuff, so I can't format it. Plus, I don't have enough space in my PC either. What should I do? Please help?

    I have the new Macbook Retina 2015 brought 4 months ago, and my hard disk is 1 TB Seagate Expansion Drive.

    2 AnswersAdd-ons6 years ago
  • Help with Balanoposthitis? Please?

    I have balanoposthitis. Yesterday, I went to a dermatologist, and he gave me some medication, and told me to take those for 3 days.

    Today, after 2 dosages of the medicines, I did not feel much difference in the condition. So, I went to a GP. He told me that I had to get circumcised! And honestly, I am afraid of surgeries.

    Now, I am going to a urologist. I am really afraid if he will want me to get circumcised, because this is the first time something like this has happened.

    So, my question is, is circumcision necessary even if I haven't had this anytime before? And why didn't medicines work after I took them for a whole day? Does it take more time for them to show results than a day? Please, explain everything to me since I am really very scared of medical procedures, and I have to go to the urologist in a couple of hours. Please help. 10 points for the best answer?

    3 AnswersMen's Health6 years ago
  • Help with Balanitis? Please??

    So I have balanitis, and I went to a doctor. It was Sunday, so I had to go see a emergency GP. He gave me neosporin, and I have to go see a Skin OPD tomorrow.

    The thing is, there is discharge from the penis. And, I have a tight foreskin, so can't pull it back. And I have no idea how to clean the discharge to apply the neosporin coz it's really sticky.

    Plus, I have pain urinating.

    So please tell me how to clean the discharge to apply the ointment, and please tell me how I can reduce pain while urinating. Please?? I'll answer your questions too, and 10 points if your method works?

    3 AnswersMen's Health6 years ago
  • Should sociopaths be hated? If yes, why? If no, why not?

    I have been wondering this recently. And it'll help if you give me a nice answer.

    I mean, should all sociopaths be hated, even if they are criminals? If it is a personality disorder, why should we hate them?

    3 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • I used to have dreams. But they stopped some months ago, and now I never dream. Why? Is it safe, or is my mind going insane?

    For additional info, my life hasn't been too great. I am having anxiety attacks almost every night for the past 2-3 months, and sometimes, they're pretty bad, sometimes, they're mild. Nothing good has happened to me for the past 3 months, instead, all bad things have happened. I am not suicidal, but I sometimes really feel like dying. I think I might have a anxiety or a depression. But I don't have a counsellor or a doctor.

    Can this be the reason why I don't have dreams? Because I really miss my dreams. Yeah, I know, sounds foolish, but I am a 16 yr old guy and I miss my dreams.

    3 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • I think I am having an anxiety issue. Please help???``?

    Okay so it's 1:30 am and I can't sleep. There are many things I am feeling-

    1) Scared. A lot.

    2) Heavy heart

    3) Fast heartbeat. Faster than I ever remember. Just like Palpitation.

    4) Hollowness from the inside

    5) Feeling like my emotions are all drained out. I don't have any emotions and feelings left inside me.

    6) Occasional Heartburns and stomach pain

    7) Shaking. And shivering.

    8) Dizzy

    9) Hopelessness and uselessness

    10) Everything is gonna end. Pretty soon.

    3 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Is there something wrong with me? Is it normal?

    I am 16 yo male, and I am in grade 12. In my whole life, I have always been the happy one. I was always a great friend to everyone (I hope). I always helped everyone, kept everyone's secrets, never said bad about any friend, never back stabbed anyone. Out of the large amount of friends I had there, only 3 people talk to me, and they're quite distant too. Nothing's like it should be.

    The thing is, my dad works in a bank, so we have to move to a new place every 3 years. I moved to a new place after I completed grade 10, and believe me, I had all friends and no enemy when I was there.

    But after I moved, things started to fall apart. People started to ignore me, they started to hate me, I can say. I never did anything wrong to anyone, and still everyone hates me. Due to this reason, I have been unable to make any new friends for the past 2 years, and I always stick out alone. I talk to my classmates, but I'd rather call them acquaintances. And being used to move to a new place, I make friends pretty easily, but I can't seem to do so now :(

    There's a girl I like, and there are a lot of issues there too. (I posted a question about that?)

    Moreover, I can't seem to have any feelings now a days. I never feel happy, sad, angry, frustrated, nothing. Sometimes, I feel like I shouldn't live anymore, coz practically, I have no one to support me. My parents dislike me, and so do my friends.

    I have lost interest in everything I liked, and I hate my current situation. Please help!?

    5 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Why do people (especially teens) need to have a relationship with someone even if they have a small crush and don't love the person?

    Okay. So I've been wondering that why do most of the people want to have a relationship with someone, even if they have a small crush on them? I mean, is it because of sex? Or is it because of show off? Because having a relationship when you know the end's gonna be bad since you don't love each other is really not a good idea. So why do people insist on being in a relationship?

    I am 16 yo, and I never felt the urge to be in a relationship with a crush. Yeah, I love a girl now, and I'd do anything for her, but that's the first person I wanted to be in a relationship with.

    But looking at Yahoo Answers, I realised that even 13-14 year old kids are wanting a relationship. Okay, they're kids so they don't understand. But why do 18-19 yo teens wanna have a relationship even if they don't love each other?

    Sorry if it's really long but I am wondering this for a week now. Can anyone answer this?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How do I know if my best friend has feelings for me too? It's a huge story so please read all the details...?

    Okay, so here's the story. We have been best friends from the past 3 years, and I had feelings for her for almost 2 years now. Recently, I texted her that I love her and she said ok. She said that if I had told this thing a year ago, she'd have gladly said the same thing to me too.

    But after all of this, we've grown much more closer. We literally talk to each other on the phone all night, we text each other all day, she always keeps telling me that I am so sweet and cute. She always tells me that when we finally meet some months later, she's gonna hug me so tight and never leave me again. She's always dropping hints which suggests that she loves me too, and she's never said that she doesn't feel the same about me.

    The thing is, she's suffering through a lot of physical and emotional problems right now. And she always tells me that she doesn't want anybody to come close to her because she's really broken from the inside. And I am perfectly sure that even if she has feelings for me, her health is the reason why she doesn't accept it.

    So do you guys think she feels about me the same way? Coz she's always dropping hints that she does, and I think she does feel about me. And it's really eating me up coz I really love her a lot and I just can't stop thinking about her. I have never felt so strongly for anybody, and I just can't live without talking to her or hearing her voice everyday, and she has accepted that she can't live without talking to me everyday too.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Can anyone suggest me some good English Songs?

    Some of them which I like are,

    Just give me a reason

    Love me like you do

    Break Free

    Blank Space

    I will never let you down

    Pocketful of Sunshine

    The heart wants what it wants

    O-o-h child

    Escape(The pina colada song)

    Let it go

    Best Day Of My Life

    Hooked on a feeling

    Come and get your love


    Little Mix-Wings

    Boom Clap

    Katrina and the waves

    I need some songs like the ones above which are good. Help me out guys, please.

    2 AnswersLyrics6 years ago