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  • Help with Hallucinations?

    So I started a new job and to stay awake I drink more Redbull than usual. About 3 (20 oz) Cans a day and have a nicotine addiction nothing too bad, but it is there. I work about 40-50 hours a week between my 2 jobs and the hours range from 5-12 hour days so my sleep schedule is a little off as well. Yesterday I had 60 oz of Redbull (all day) and 3-4 snus packets (oral tobacco) from 9pm-12am last night. (Girlfriend and I had a fight, I use snus to help me calm down and not get upset). Well, that night I closed my eyes to sleep and I started hallucination in a sense. I kept seeing people spill water at a bar and I felt like my body was filling with water (swelling). It felt like my pillows were getting bigger, I was heavier, and was just a weird night. (I know caffiene and Nicotine arent good for the body) every day differs in how much I drink my RedBull, use my tobacco, and how much I sleep and eat. Could any combination of Nicotine, Caffeine, and an irregular schedule cause hallucination? It was only once (last night).

    4 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • How can I treat my PTSD?

    My counselor diagnosed me with PTSD. I was sexually assaulted as a child (raped) and I finally came out about it about 3-4 months ago. I'm 17 now and going to see a counselor. What are some treatment options for PTSD? I've heard they can put you on Anti-Depressants but what else? thankyou very much

    one thing that is very noticable to people is my hypervigilance. I was in the break room at work and (my coworkers are very unprofessional and we screw around very differently) I bent over to look behind a couch. Well, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that he was standing right behind me and was acting like he was grinding on me from behind. He never actually did but I pinned him to the wall by his throat and told him that if he ever did it again I would f******* kill him. I didn't notice what I had said or done until it was over. It felt like I blinked and it happened.

    1 AnswerMental Health10 years ago
  • My dad just asked my mom for a divorce?

    I am 16 with a pretty good life. My told me not to make a facebook and I did it anyway. My mom found out and asked me why I did it behind her back. I told her it was because she had always told me to do things without reason. The only reason I could see them not wanting me having one is because of my biological father trying to track me down and get contact with my mom or random pedophiles online. So I changed my last name, didn't post my school, and I only add people that I absolutely know. Not just people that I kind of know. Well, my stepdad found out and confronted my mom about it. She replied no because she wanted to protect me and he knew that she already knew about it. So, my dad asked my mom for a divorce and I realize that it is my fault. There is no other reason other than me because my dad hates how I do things behind their backs. He never confronts me about things and goes straight to my mom. So, afterwards my dad asked my mom for a divorce. I know this will hurt my mom by asking, but for a few nights I want to be out of the house. I know I am welcome to my grandma's house which is 15 minutes away and I have a car. The reason I want to spend a few nights is because as soon as my dad sees me, his anger will flare up and that won't be fair to my mother or anyone else in our house. How should I ask her?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How much would it cost to live on my own?

    I am a 16 year old Junior that lives in Arizona. I plan on moving out when I turn 18. How much would it cost to live on my own if

    -I live in a decent area

    -Live in an apartment

    - I have a pretty decent car when it comes to mpg

    - Ill be living with my girlfriend (So 2 incomes)

    - I don't eat out a lot to begin with so maybe 1-2 times a month

    How much could I expect to pay for living each month/ per year?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • How can I relieve menstrual cramps?

    My girlfriend is experiencing some MAJOR menstrual cramping at the moment. She is 17 and started Birthcontrol about a month ago. She missed her period but then it came way later in the month. Normally she can relieve her cramping by using a hotpad and some pain meds but none of that is working. She says its the worst cramping she's ever had. She's been crying throughout the day and I just want her to have some peace. I hate seeing her in pain :'(. I've heard consuming calcium, magnesium, hotpads, hot herbal teas, ibprofen and other pain meds, and light excercise like walking and swimming help relieve it. Any other ideas? I just really hate seeing her pain :( especially as much pain as she's in right now

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What is causing my headaches?

    I am a 16 year old boy and I have been getting some pretty bad headaches for the past month and 1/2. My Mom believes they are dehydration headaches (I live in Arizona). I've been drinking about 50-70 oz of water during school. I've head this same headache for about 1 1/2 months. It varies in intensity but its always there. The worst is has been is last night. I went to a friends house to do homework and my headache hurt horribly and my vision was starting to "shake". It would just go out of focus but continuously get worse and worse. I can barely think clearly on simple directions or thoughts. ( Like I grabbed the wrong set of keys even though they are color coded) or grabbing the wrong book. When I stand, I sway from side to side. Sometimes my speech starts to slurr or I mumble when I talk. The headache is normally behind my eyes, runs to my temple, and up to my forehead. I'm going to the doctor tuesday but is there anyway I can get rid of these? I've been taking 8 hour motrin but it only lasts for about 3-5 hours. Not as long as it should. I'm not a big caffeine drinker. I don't drink a lot of soda. My mom also asked me if I am taking anything last night. She was referring to drugs or vitamin pills. Please help me, I really want to get rid of these headaches as soon as possible.

  • Why is she missing her period?

    My girlfriend and I love eachother very much. We had unprotected sex awhile ago and she started birth control a week after. I know it wasnt the smartest idea but its the past and I can't change that. Her period was supposed to start yesterday but it never came. I am 16 and she is 17. Of course I pulled out and a few seconds later I ejaculated. I am a little stressed about pregnancy and I know she is as well I know there is always the possibility she can be pregnant. What other factors could there be for a missed period? I know stress from the thoughts of pregnancy and school (It just started again), and birthcontrol can be factors in it. If she does end up being pregnant I will love her all the same and be as responsible of a father as I can be. What are some other factors to a missed period?

    I am 100% positive I did not ejaculate inside her. I held it in and also sort of pressed on the bottom and top of my penis to keep it from coming out as well. I feel like I did the withdrawal method pretty well.I'm pretty sure we had intercourse on the 23rd. She has been only eating lunch. I try to get her to eat breakfast and I tell her to eat dinner but for awhile, its only been lunch and not a healthy one either sadly.We do have a pregnancy test in-hand but we have to wait 5 days after her scheduled period for it to be as accurate as possible. We are going to use it friday.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Could she be pregnant? She's late on her period?

    My girlfriend and I love eachother very much. We had unprotected sex awhile ago and she started birth control a week after. I know it wasnt the smartest idea but its the past and I can't change that. Her period was supposed to start yesterday but it never came. I am 16 and she is 17. Of course I pulled out and a few seconds later I ejaculated. I am a little stressed about pregnancy and I know she is as well I know there is always the possibility she can be pregnant. What other factors could there be for a missed period? I know stress from the thoughts of pregnancy and school (It just started again), and birthcontrol can be factors in it. If she does end up being pregnant I will love her all the same and be as responsible of a father as I can be. What are some other factors to a missed period?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it possible my nose is broken?

    I was with my girlfriend last night and she decided to be cute and bit my nose. It was cute but ever since that, its been hurt around the ridge of my nose and a bit downward. I pull upon my nose and I can feel a sort "click". I do that every couple of minutes and it hurts, but right after I do it, the pain subsides. Is it possible that its fractured or separated? There was no blood when she bit it. Any possible ideas of what might be happening?

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • Is there anyone here that has...?

    now just lost the game?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If Jimmy Cracked Corn, Would you care?

    Would you care?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Who has seen blue waffle?

    What was your reaction? How did you find it?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Would anyone be willing to give advice?

    I need someone to talk to and know one I know is ok to talk to right now. I dont know where to go. :/

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Who do you go to when you need someone to talk to?

    I need to find someone to talk to. I dont know what to do, I'm a depressed 15 year old boy. Who do you talk to when you need someone to talk to? Any free counceling websites?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is there something wrong with me mentally?

    I am a 15 almost 16 year old boy. I live in a good house and am in a good town, good school, and have great parents. I have been depressed a year prior and have also cut. I was reading a book about a murder and it made a reference to snuff films. I looked it up and there was a documentary online about it. I watched the documentary and there were people being mutilated. None of them were real but some were brought to court because they believed they were. I have also seen "blue waffle" (Of which i do not recommend) which is a severe vaginal infection that makes most people throw up. Neither of these did I cringe, throw up or was disgusted by. I know this is not the right text to put it in, but I know that if anyone enters my house forcefully to hurt, rob, or anything of the sort, they are not leaving unless in a body bag. My parents have told me the same. I feel as I could easily hurt/kill someone if they are hurting me or someone i love. I dont think I am mentally right though. For my depression, my mom would willingly take me to a psychiatrist if I asked. I do great in school. A's and B's. I am mostly physically active. I take walks and take long bike rides around 20-30 miles. I also have some great friends. Not alot but i have enough. What i am asking is, is there anything mentally wrong with me? Should i see a psychiatrist about any of this? I am questioning whether i should or not.

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Have you ever been...?

    been depressed? What did you go through and what caused your depression? What were your thoughts and did you do anything about them?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you have a second language?

    I know English and Sign Language as my second. What else do you know?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Have you ever done something like...?

    Cut your wrists? Just out of curiosity. Knows someone who did? What was your feelings about them?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If you have seen my Q/A...?

    What would your impression be of me?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is the weirdest....?

    Tattoo you can think of? My friend wants to get a tattoo of a goat sniffin' lines of cocaine off of baby jesus. Whats yours?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago