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  • Why can't I orgasm.?

    Me and my boyfriend have been. Dating for over a year. We were each others firsts and we are very much in love. At first I thought I was orgasming when we were having sex but after one very intense time I realized I wasn't. Now though when I feel like I'm about to orgasm something in my bran kicks in & I have to make him stop. This only happens when he doing other stuff then full intercourse. He's real,y worried about the fact that I do this. I'm happy the way that things are but I don't like the way it makes him worried. Does anyone have any suggestions about this? And please don't say I'm not attracted to him or just get past it. This is a real problem for me. I can't even O when I'm doing things myself please help!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • what can i do with my boyfriend?

    So me and my boyfriend go to college together but since summers came along we can only see each other once a week and even then alot of times we can't do anything sexual. We've been skyping alot and doing sexual things on there. However, when we do we can't say much because neither of us want our parents to over hear anyone know how I can make it really sexy for him?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Prom Date Issues Please Help Desperately need it soon all help welcomed (trying to feel in space now so it wil?

    Okay so prom season is just around the corner, and i don't know what to do. I've never really had a boyfriend (only 1 for like 2 weeks and we didnt kiss or anything), and i reccently moved over the summer and its my senior year. I don't want to be the loser who has no friends to go with and no date but i really wanna go. I'm not really pretty, and I'm shy when it comes to being around people I'm not close too. The few close girlfriends i have are all younger then me, and I don't see anyone asking me. What should I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I'm an aspiring writer?

    My think is that I'm trying to get people just to read my work and so I've started a blog. I don't feel as though I can really be honest If my friends and Family are reading it so I'm trying to find readers out side of that Any suggestions?

    By the way my blog address is check it out

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What should I do about this Guy since I'm moving?

    So this guy who is way nerdy in a cute way asked me out. I told him no sense I'm moving in like 3 weeks to 4 hours away and I'm not into the whole long distance thing. Neither one of us have dated anyone even though he's 15 and I'm 17. He is also two of my good friends little brother and neither odf them are 2 happy about us. The more i get to know him the more i like him. I don't want to date him when i move, but i wouldn't mind it intil then although he seems clingy soi don't want to hurt him plus i really don't want to ruin thingwith his sister

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What's up with this guy???

    so there's this guy that a like, and we were talking all the time, and stuff he seemed interested although he said he didnt want to go with me to prom, and everything but we seemed to really connect. Anyway one night I told him that i liked him, and he said he didnt feel that way about me, but we still talk all the time. Last night he asked me to help him write his best man speech for his brother's wedding since i am a really good writer, and I'm trying to get him to ask me to go to the wedding with him since i know that he isn't going with anyone. Anyway does he like me. We hung out a few times, and i don't know. Granted he hangs out with alot of girls, but he isnt gay because he asked me what he should do about this girl he likes before he knew i liked him (this girl and him never got together but she didnt want a relationship) anyway what do you think

    Ps. im moving in a month but his dad lives where im moving and he's up there all the time anyway.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it weird I don't like to hang all over guys?

    okay so I'm 17 years old and for the record I've never had a boyfriend. More of I've always had really close guy friends and the few guys that I do like don't like me back. Anyway everytime i go to parties all the guys always put their arms around the girls, and the girls respond. I've never really had this happen to me but it did last weekend. My ? is do you think that its bad that I really dont feel comfortable responding. I don't really think its right to lay all over a guy unless your interested. Love to hear your opinons on what i should do.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What does face mean as an insult?

    Someone called me a face in 4th period what does it stand for i think its an acromyn but i'm not sure.

    9 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Tips for finding things??

    So here's the deal i misplaced my music for jazz ensemble at school, and i think i may have burned it with some oither papers, but i'm not sure. Does anyone have any good tips for finding misplaced items.

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know the name of this song?

    Does anyone know the name of the song thats is like everybody clap your, how low can u go can u go down low all the down to the flow

    7 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • How do i change my name on facebook?

    okay my parents were terrified of facebook when i first got my account so they wouldnt let me use my real name. Now that i'm older i want to change it to my real name. I tried to do it under changing my profile but it wouldnt let me. Does anyone know how to do it and no stupid answers please.

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • I don't know if this guy likes me?

    So there's this guy we've hung out once and we talk alot and he even sent me this song he was working on last night. i kind of like him. we talk alot, but he hangs around a lot of girls, so i don't know if its a sign. Anyway i invited him to prom. At first he said that he would have to check the date because it might have lined up with a boating class he had, and then he said that he wasn't going because he didn't like prom. I think that he might have backed out because he's a sophmore and i dont know his financial situation. Anyway i invited him to go see this movie shutter Island because i told him none of my other friends will go see it with me. He said it was cool with him if his mom says its okay. Anyway i dont want to ask him outright give me some adivice.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Some1 please answer my question?

    Ive already dont it once and no one has anwered it. It has been up all day. Please help me heres the question:;_ylt=Anfeb... i know the question is long but i will be eternally grateful : )

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know why a hamburger is called that when there is no ham in it?

    PLease answer this it is really bugging me now

    10 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Help with my paper on Jesse Helms has he ever helped you?

    I am trying to write a paper on Senator Jesse Helms and ways that he helped individual people if this man has helped you could you maybe leave your email adress down at the bottom so i can interview you and if not if you have any ideas of how i could figure out that informatiion it would be extremely helpful thanks

    1 AnswerCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • okay am i overreacting? with my best friend?

    okay my best friend t as we'll call her always ditches me. she never calls or txts me bck unless she is really really bored and she doesn't nvite me out very often even whenever it is a group of ppl and she knows it's something i've been dying to do. even when we do have plans half the time she cancels or she she won't give me an answer if she's coming or not or she'll show up a half an hour late or more. it is so annoying anyway then on the last day of school she said she wasn't coming out to eat with several of us and then she said she was then i found out frm a mutual friend she was trying to ditch me. that was the final straw i told her why i was mad and she i havent talked 2 her since and she hasn't tried to call me so she doesn't care rite? everyone tells me that i'm n the wrong and i should try to make up and stuff but i don't want to am i wrong

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • am i overreacting? cause i don't think i am?

    okay so my bff is totally chrushing on this other girl and he constantly choses her over me and takes her word over mine and she treats him like crap , and now i jst don't feel like i can trust him bc of the way he's pretty much dumped wht i've had to say do u think i'm overreacting

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • do u think this is pathetic?

    okay i'm sixteen yrs old and i have recently stopped trusting my best friend. the only person who i have ever been able to talk to n my family is my grandparents and one is dead and the other is really sick so i can't talk to them there is a lot of crap that is happening in my life rite now and i need some1 2 talk to so i've started writting out these fake txt message convos with this imaginary guy named byrann to get out my feelings is tht bad?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How can i make someone just forget something that i said to him?

    Okay so my best friend is a guy and we had this huge fight because me and this girl that he likes but treats him like **** are fighting and he's pretty much taking her side.It is really annoying. Anyway this has been bothering me for a couple of month's and then last night he suggested me and this other girl should make up and be friends again. i finally confessed how mad and hurt i am. However he doesn't believe anything i'm saying about this girl, adn i'm tired of trying to convince him. he is my best friend and we talk almost everyday. After i told him i came on here and posted what should i do and they all said let him have his own issue but he won't forget our convo last nite what can i do?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Bros before hoes HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    okay i have already asked this questio before but no one has given me any great advice. my best friend totally drops me all the time for this one girl. And yes i am a girl too but me and him are seriously just friends. He takes her side on arguments and takes her word over mine. She lead him on and then pretty much dumped him but because he has a crush he has the puppy dog look about him whenever he's with her. I've tried to point it out but it does no good. I am always on his side and i am tired of being a loyal friend whenever he treats me that way but i don't no what to do

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago