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  • Why do people judge us?

    Most people are low as, they come every day we have people at work or at College/University most of them can be a wise guy. Every one of us, that graduated from University have worked hard to get to the position which we are in today. People on (Social Media) or on blog sites believe they’re better than us they also judge us due to our intelligence and knowledge. The reason they personally attack us is they want to make a name for themselves. My success was measured so much by the position that I have reached in my life as by the obstacles which I have overcome. I always tell people to think twice before they speak, because their words and their influence will plant the seed of either nonsuccess or failures. In the mind of another, I always be myself, express myself, have faith in myself. I go out and look for a successful personality and I keep it original. As a corporate lawyer my success was the result of perfection, hard work, learning from my professors, loyalty, and persistence.

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Why do people dislike well educated people?

    Throughout, my legal career I have seen the worse out of everybody I have seen the worse of people’s personalities. Anyone who’s a fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do. People who are on the internet including (Social media) always have to criticize, judge and personally attack me so they can make a name for themselves. Most people should be talking about why they were defeated because my hard works got me to where I’m at. Instead, all I hear is hate and jealous remarks from critics who criticize me and, I know most of the time, the people who criticize me can't do what I can do. When I told people I went to Harvard they got defensive then they began to ask me questions that I easily answer. Anyone who went to Harvard would know these questions because they went there. Even on (Yahoo answers) I had people come on to my questions and they throw up their insecurities. After I block them, because I don’t have time to argue with people who don’t have class or respect for other people? I give attitude to, someone that’s going to attack me, and tell me to my face. I have three rules for my enemies they are not profanity. Anyone who criticizes my staff has to learn the rules of the game. And then they have to work harder in order for them to achieve their goals.

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Why do people cheat on the bar exam?

    In 2008, after I graduated, from Harvard Law School I was appointed to the American Bar Association (ABA). When I was, taking my bar exam there were whispers going around from other appointees. Saying that there were more than one hundred people half men and half women have been caught cheating. And did not pass the bar exam the bar officials’ who were assigned to investigate the cheating stated that “between” 2001-2004 more than three thousand appointees cheated. But passed the exams and later began practicing law. I have been practicing law for six years and I keep hearing the same stories even people I knew back in University. The problem is that it still continues and the US government doesn’t step in to put an end to it. They just let the bar deal with it but according to my calculations not allowing them to pass the exam isn’t good enough. And there should be more punishment added to it. I was going to write a letter to US lawmakers; to share my concerns but I chose not to because it wasn’t going to do me any good. They’re aware of it but still nothing has been done and there should be something done about it.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • What will the Obama Administration have for 2014?

    Tonight, President Obama will hold his 6th annual State of the Union Address. “Americans are worried, about job creation and Immigration reform including National Security”. His goal is to grow the nations economy but the American people don't believe him, he still has confidence but Americans don't have confidence. They believe he is going to blow this one but if he blows it America will be deeper in the gutter.

    The most crucial statement Americans want to hear is about “Obamacare”. What impact will it have on his credibility? Can he convince Americans Obamacare will support the middle class.

    Or will, it be another manipulative tactic for him to have another majority. America's interests are at stake here and it will be a matter of time. That Americans will lose hope in the Democrats and will vote in the Republicans. Who will do more damage to the economy.

    I remember when President Franklin .D. Roosevelt was in power. During WW2 he transformed America making it, the most wealthiest Nation in the world. That was after “the great depression”. During the depression era American families only had money to put food on the table. There were no savings because they couldn't afford to save after WW2 things picked up. Jobs were created the automobile industry was booming. Education was reformed Americans began to rebuild what was lost.

    We can do it all over again but in order for America to be the way it used to be. Is working together yes we, can't go backwards we need to look forward. But we need to revision our history and look at previous administrations. To understand the minds of George Washington or President Lincoln what can we learn from their economic plans. The answer is we can't compare ourselves to other people.

    We can be ourselves and come up with an economic plan, that can be similar to their economic plan.

    I like to ask will 2014 be better than last year or will it be worse.

    7 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why do debates get so heated?

    Throughout my, life I achieved success in High School and University. The way my, character and personality makes me unique and it frightens people. Everybody is different they also vision things differently. But most people are angry and frustrated. Because they hate when they see other successful people, it’s like when I talk to people about Harvard University. They get into a serious debate they try to judge me stating I never went there. When they don’t know me or have been with me in my whole life.

    When I ask them questions about past Presidents they would always answer and get them wrong. Like the first three Presidents. George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson where the first three Presidents they get defensive stating Abraham Lincoln was the third President. When that isn’t true he became President in January 1861.

    They asked me okay so if you went to Harvard what are the five major campuses. I tell them straight forward.

    1) Harvard University

    2) Harvard Law School

    3) Harvard Business School

    4) Harvard Kennedy School

    5) Harvard Medical School

    I also got asked so if you lived in Boston and you attended Harvard? What subway route do you take? I said “Harvard Subway station”.

    I got asked more stupid questions I got asked is where is Harvard University? I said it’s in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I got asked where is Colombia University I told him Colombia University is in New York City.

    I got asked where Yale University is. I told them Yale University is in New Haven, CT. I got asked what did I study at Harvard I said I studied Corporate Law and Finance.

    I like to ask why people get heat in debates.

    4 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • I been having problems at work?

    There has been tension building between, a receptionist who works in the bank lobby. Last November she, arrived and when I first met her she seem nice and very respectful a year later once I got to know her she changed. She became very rude and nasty toward me and caused me to turn away I manage to stay away from her and continue with my, job but I walk passed her when I leave to go home for the day. Most of the times she gives me dirty looks and glared at me so I believed she had beef with me for some reason.

    Accept I treated her nothing but respect and I had nothing against her I chatted with some of my friends and they said. Maybe she likes me even know I'm already in a relationship with someone I don't believe she likes me because if she liked me she wouldn't be like that toward me.

    When I liked my girlfriend I wouldn't be rude and nasty that turns someone off and I don't date people who are disrespectful and have no consideration for their partner. Yesterday I went to her and wished her a happy new year she continued to be rude so I didn't bother saying anything else.

    I like to get some advice how should I handle this situation?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Will Russia invade Poland again?

    The viewings of Russia today are raising concern, about the revolution of a new “Cold War Era”. Due to the signing, of the deal with the Ukraine Western Allies are convinced that Russian President Vladimir Putin could be rejoining the former Soviet Territories.

    Russia has history on invading nations but if they're going to rebuild the Soviet Empire all the Eastern parts of other nations have to combine together in order for it to be a “Superpower”.

    Some, people don't realize that the Ukraine is the Crown Jewel for Russia it raises concern for the United States but us Americans assume Russia isn't a threat, to Western Democracy. But we have history with the Soviets I always called them that it's hard to call them Russians.

    I like to ask some viewers will Russia invade Poland and the rest of Eastern Countries?

    10 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Will the Cold War rise again?

    It"s been twenty two years since the, collapse of the USSR. The lives of, millions of Russians was finally paid off twenty years later we are seeing signs. Of the USSR re-merging this past year the "United States was hit with allegations of spying on Germany" and other foreign leaders.

    In June "The National Security Agency" was damaged by "espionage activity" done by Edward Snowden now working in Moscow. There is a pattern here but the dots are still being connected America is now concerned that a new cold war is awoken. The Obama Administration is getting criticised and the powerful Secrataries are called to testify infront of the Senate because of these situations.

    Back in, Moscow President Putin is already pulling out the Soviet flags and playing the old National Anthem that presents "Communism".

    I like to ask my American people will there be another "Cold War"?

    1 AnswerPolitics8 years ago
  • Will Lance Armstrong face time in Prison?

    With all the evidence pointing to, Lance Armstrong's doping is it possible he'll go to prison.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Is Henry Kissinger a war Criminal?

    In 1968 Heinz Alfred Kissinger was appointed as, The National Security Advisor for President Richard Nixon. “During the course, of the Nixon Administration he was being accused of being a War Criminal” it is all theory but no evidence to prove that he was.

    Throughout Kissingers career he was well-known and was welcomed by the Soviet Union which raised eyebrows for a lot of Americans.

    Henry Kissinger is from Germany but it was the first time the United States Government appointed a Foreigner to be the NSA here's why.

    During the 1960's the United States was in the danger zone the tension between our Country and the USSR was building they were ready to declare war against the West the fear and anxiety raised panic on American citizens they didn't know what was going to happen.

    Nixon needed someone like Kissinger due to that he knew a lot about what is happening in Eastern Europe during the “Cold War” he was the paddle was to the metal so they gave him the tool and they rode that horse boy did the horse go.

    But if it wasn't for Kissinger we would of gone to War we all wouldn't be here today and as an American I was happy with Kissingers work.

    I like to ask why are people saying he's a War Criminal?

    8 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why do people resent me?

    As a lawyer I have a tough job and a busy schedule, during the course of my time I made a lot of friends people respected me. As my career, was taking off I started to realize most of my friends turned against me I found “it unusual” I chose not to worry about it because I focus on more important issues.

    I asked one of my staff why it happened he told me it is jealousy he stated that the reason they turned against me is because I have money, a car, and a home, and they don't have anything or they have employment accept they make minimum wage of $10.49 a hour.

    They wish, they had the things I got but they can't it is very difficult for them to be friends with someone like me which that is a harsh thing to say unfortunately that is how Society is.

    I like to ask has this ever happened to you?

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Why do people say The United States of America is the terrorist threat?

    As an American I am really offended, by people saying bad things about our Nation. I like to start, off by saying “The United States is the leader of Global Securtity” if it wasn't for our government international laws wouldn't exitst.

    I understand people are terrified about the way our Nation act toward the Middle East and Continuous threats of terror on our shores. When we get “threats of terrorism” by Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or Iraq we will respond we don't only take it personally we take it to the extreme that's what makes us who we are. To those who live in Foreign Countries that don't like our Nation are jealous because they don't have the things we have.

    I like to ask some people why is everyone saying that our Nation is a terrorist threat?

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why is the world so different?

    For the last twelve to thirteen, years society has transformed into a different civilization. “The way things, devoloped has made people pay more attention to themselves” than pay attention to others

    The problem I have in todays society is having relationships with people for me there is only certain people I talk too I try to not let my guard down but I had been stabbed in the back a lot many times and it's quite hurtful.

    I prefer, to be alone because I really don't have, the “courage” to go out and try to meet friendly people to be able to establish something that is good for me and to other individuals around me.

    Earlier today there is a guy who I known for over a few months I met him at a coffee shop we had a few laughs and stuff than when I wasn't looking he stabbed me in the back I heard the “conversation” it was crystal clear he isn't a true friend because true friends don't do that to someone.

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Will President Obama launch a Military Strike against Syria?

    For seven decades “The United States of America, has built and established International laws”. These laws are, put in for reasons and Countries are ordered to comply and follow them the world has been at each others throats forever no real resolution has been made all it lead was war, civil wars, and mass destruction.

    The United States cannot be the worlds policemen our men and women are still battling in Afghanistan we are trying to get out of Iraq the use of Chemical Weapons by the Al-Assad Regime to attack his own people was sickening and unacceptable.

    President Obama, made it clear and addressed it on Syrian television Obama stated

    “If you are planning on using those Chemical Weapons against your Civilians rest assure the United States will take Military Action.”

    Al- Assad ignored the Presidents warning and went to use it anyway now our Nation has a National Security interest to use Military Force at anytime since it has been under the microscope at Congress no Military strike will be needed and Russia has now brought this to the table.

    Congress and the President will wait until the decision for Assad to dispose his Chemical Weapons will officially, go down and he has ordered Military Troops to stay to monitor Assad and make sure he doesn't plan anymore attacks against his own people.

    The United States is watching our Nation is used to bomb things Syria fears the Americans we are brutal we know how to intimidate Assad is watching he knows that President Obama is not fooling around.

    God Bless America

    4 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Is the United States ready to attack Syria?

    For over two years "Syria's President Bashar Al-Assad, has killed and massacred his people due to a protest." Allies around the, world witnessed and watched in horror as the chaos continued UN visited and threatened Assad with a cease fire if it continued no action was taken.

    Until this very day once the White House saw Assad use chemical warfare on his people that is when the tension built as us Americans say if you want to use chemicals against your people and children rest assure we will put a stop to that.

    President Obama warned Al-Assad many, times if you use those chemicals were coming in you can be sure your career as leader will be finished but Al-Assad went and did it Obama is now ready to order a Military strike on the Assad regime.

    Two years has been along time and now it is good to put an end to it as I' watch CNN everyday it boils me up, to watch and witness such chaotic scenes of what has happened in that Nation.

    Tomorrow I can wake up and watch with news about Assad being taken out by US troops then finally I can get that topic out of my mind if I were President I would order a strike asap because I myself love war this is what the United States is made of.

    I like to ask will US attack Syria?

    4 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • The Invasion of Poland during WWII?

    During, World War II the Nazis invaded Poland the chaos "the Nation suffered is staggering. More than half, of the people in the Country were killed some where kidnapped and taken hostage". During the time of the Invasion many Polish citizens borded a ship to Britain because it was the most safest Country in the world.

    More than 70,000 Polish citizens settled in West London Prime Minister Winston Churchill reacted to the invasion and realized the Nazis meant business.

    The, USA and France where heard about the invasion through sources and were outraged by the rise of Adolf Hitler the US Military geared up and was ready for one of the greatest battles in history.

    I like to ask what was your reaction about the Invasion of Poland?

    9 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • The Conflict between the MiddleEast and The United States?

    The, conflict between the Middle East and the United States has escalated. The threat that faces, our Nation alarmed our biggest Allies such as




    Not only our Embassies and Consulates closed Britain and France closed theirs too. The Germans stepped in using legal force to evacuate our Diplomats and other US officials.

    In a, Intelligence report the CIA discovered a new leader of Al Qaeda had resurfaced causing a protocol to be put in place. Everyone states about our relationship with Moscow was bad it is nothing compared to this.

    "White House press spokesman Jay Carney talked about his concerns in regard to our Diplomats who is currently there he told the media that our Diplomats have been evacuated and was flown to Germany".

    President Obama talked to British Prime Minister David Cameron on the phone for a couple of hours to talk about a plan on how to prevent an attack from happening.

    Prime Minister David Cameron said to President Obama let's get our Diplomats home will worry about it after.

    I like to ask some of you do you believe that the Middle East is ready to attack our Country?

    1 AnswerGovernment8 years ago
  • Why do women play games with men?

    I, recently came back into the dating scene I stayed single for a period of three years. After my ex girlfriend, cheated on me with another man during the time I met some great people on the way but I wasn't ready for a relationship.

    Being with someone is a good thing it helps keep me sane and motivated I'm 28 years old as far as I'm concerned the dating scene changed it's not the same as it was back in my time.

    The, thing about dating today is there is no such thing as true love all it is today is games, manipulation, greed, and desperation. After going on a few dates and getting to know them I sensed red flags so I decided to remain alone. I enjoy it I have a lot of friends I hang out with.

    I like to ask some of you do you think the dating scene has changed?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why do women hate men?

    Sometimes it's convenient to label people for ease of identity, and there are three pigeonholes for men haters.

    Women hate men less than they fear them, so we'll list them first.

    Then, as my friend Eriel said, there are the true woman haters, some say. They're unhappy little people with twisted values. As long as they keep to themselves they're no trouble, but if they're in positions of authority they can create lots of problems. Let's put them in the second slot.

    Then we have characters like the woman I described above. They're full of themselves, will take what they can get and boast about their accomplishments whether they actually got to first base, or not. Their pigeonhole gets a bit cluttered because there are so many of them around. Woman call us Jerks.

    It's like last week this woman and I planned a second date to go to the Museum then she started to play games I didn't like it so I called it off. Yesterday she messaged me saying I hate your guts "do not ever contact me again".

    So I realized she has men issues and that is someone I don't want to spend my life with I like to ask some of you why are some women like this.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I'm having girl problems?

    I recently, started dating another woman, we got along very well and had a few laughs after we said good night I thought. I would never see her again honestly I wasn't really into her but once you meet new faces you don't know what to expect when you first see them.

    On the weekend I texted her and to plan our next meeting we were suppose to go to the Museum but she hasn't replied to my text messages.

    I don't hound, her everyday I usually would send at least one once every two days. On Sunday she replied saying she is going to be out of town for the week and said do it the week after possibility I told her sounds great then replied ok, will text you later this week and we can plan a day to go to the Museum.

    A week had gone past still no word so I sent a small text saying hi how are you?

    Then I sent another one today still no reponse. So as a professional and a Lawyer I sent her a message saying:

    I am, writing to you today, to let you know that our second meet has been cancelled.

    As a professional I have a lot of stuff on my plate I have clients to see and I have to go away on business. I feel since my career has gone to a higher level I cannot have someone around who is unfaithful and is willing to put me in a bad position.

    I understand, you are busy but you choose not to stick to your words and that shows me you are not responsible or can encourage me that this is going to work out. If you didn't want to meet me anymore you should of told me at the Subway I would of accepted it.

    If there is anything you would wish to say I would be happy to hear it thank you.

    So she might reply the bad news is I don't think she is going to take it lightly.

    I like to ask you guys did I make a mistake or did I do the right thing.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago