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When will McDonald's call?
As stated in my question, when will they call?. I had the interview Thursday and now it is Sunday and they still did not call. This is worrying to me because it is my first job and I really want to nail it, even tho it may be McDonald's. As for the interview, it to me went well!. He used such words as perfect when answering one of his questions and seemed quite pleased when I answered his other questions. Also, I have a sibling there, which to my knowledge helps with getting hired!.
But besides that, when do you think I should call them back?. Most say to give them a week,is that true?.
1 AnswerFast Food8 years agowill the employer remember you forever if you mess up on a phone call to get a interview?
I only ask because this business was the first one I applied to and in doing so, was lucky enough to get a call from them. However, it was my first time talking to an employer and that being said, I screwed it up because it was my first time. I have however gotten better, but haven't had any luck at getting any other jobs that actual call. This is why I am wondering if they will know if I put in a application again to them. This happened over a year ago, so would they still remember the incident and applicant(that being me)?. Thanks for your answers!
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years agoDo cash registers take into account sales tax when they give a total?
I only ask because I want to make sure that I am prepared for this job?
2 AnswersUnited States8 years agoopinion: how would you get past these constraints when trying to get a job?
I am asking this to see how any other person would deal with this. I am finding a hard time getting a job The reason for this is I don't have a car and my mom can't afford to buy me one. My mom is offering to drive me, but not too far because for her, she also have to take my sister to her job and back and pick her up as well from school. This going back and fourth really puts a strain on her, so she has a limit as to what she can do. She also works and that leaves me with a time of 11:00am as the earliest I can leave. Her first shift ends at 10:00am and her second shift starts at 12:00am, but ends at 5:00pm are the times she works, and as you can see, not much time to drive me.To make it worse, I live in a area where it can take a half an hour to get to a place that has a lot of employment options. No public transport is around because I live in a rural area and other family members don't want to drive me either, so that leaves me with constraints. Ones that are quite harsh. Anyways, what would you do to get past these constraints?.
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years agoWill I get hired with this limited time slot?
I am only able to work from 10:00 am on ward. It can not be any earlier as my ride is not available. Does this kill my chance to being hired?.
3 AnswersCorporations8 years agoWould any girl like me even with none of these characteristics?
I am asking this out of thought. To my knowledge, most girls are looking for a guy that does has these characteristics. I however do not have any of these characteristics, witch makes me to believe that no girl would not want to be with me.I also feel not worthy for any girl because I can't provide any of this for her. However, I would hope I am wrong, but I will let the people answering answer that. Anyways, these are characteristics I believe most girls would be looking for. These would be the following:
1)having a car(don't have one because I can't/ nor can my family give me a car. Too poor)
2)being muscular(don't like to work out)
3)going to collage(also can't do because of being poor, and don't believe I could handle it)
4) have money(although this might be temporary. still list though because that is current situation)
This is however all I can list for the time. I one again hope I would be wrong, but I will see with the replays. Do you think a girl would still like me even with these problems?.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoWhat can i do to celebrate chrismas this year?
My family can't afford a tree and gifs are not possible. what are some things i can do to celebrate christmas or should we skip it all together ?
2 AnswersOther - Holidays10 years agoIf i were to get crysis, could my system support it?
here are the specs:
500gb hard drive
3gb RAM
Ati Radeon 5670 512mb
AMD athloan 2 x2 245 processor, 2.90 Ghz
Windows 7 home premuim 64 bit
2 AnswersAdd-ons10 years agowhy would the school want me out?
I am a senior in high school, and want to know what would be the possible reason the school want me to HAVE to graduate this year, rather than let me stay a year. . What i mean is i do not have the required number of credits to graduate this year, althought i could fix that with a schedule ajustment. I however already have quite the busy schedule and do not want the extra stress, So my plan is to get those remaing credits next year, when i don't have to have such a packed schedule, as i know i won't. This of couse being because it would be filled to only the amount of classes i need to graduate, but they refuse to let me stay the extra year. Why would this be,possibly expenses to support a extra year student or what. Not looking for sold answers, just your gusses for there decsion.
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education10 years agowhen could i expect my game from gamefly.?
I live in wallkill,ny and am wondering when i could expect a game when i put it in my game q.
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years agowould i be able to pass this year or would it be immposible?
I cureently have 13 and a half credits and i need 20 to graduate. I had passed all main subjects last year, but i am retaking one as i did not pass. what would your thoughts be as to if i were to even be able to pass this year or not?
1 AnswerStandards & Testing10 years agowas this a resonable estimate for this project?
i needed to hire someone to build a genrator inclosure as we do not have any equipoment in the house to build one our self. The inclosure itself needed be 3 feet long by 29 feet wide and aslo need to have a side to fold down in case of cleaning. The man said that in materials alone it would be over 200 dollars and this is why i a wondering if he was ripping us off. We can not put in inside the house as we do not have any outlets that are needed to hook it up inside, all nesscearry hookups are on the outside the house and this genrator needs to be protected from elements, which is the reason of needing the inclosure. I just figured i would mention this as putting it inside can not be done.
So my bottom line question is: was this guy ripping us off and what is your estimate for this type of project?
5 AnswersInvesting10 years agowhat is the name of this song?
this song plays at the intro of rising:rebuilding ground zero. here is a link if you want to view the song so you may find out it's name
2 AnswersOther - Music10 years agowhy does the Port Authority Police not operate out of Stewart International Airport in Newburgh,ny?
I ask the above question, just because i wonder. From what i thought , isn't it the rule that port authority police are suppose to operate on all port authority grounds. When going to the airport, i nenver see any PAPD patrol cars and this is owned by them after all, witch makes this a little odd for no patrol cars being there. So if anyone has any info on this please tell as i would like to know.
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years agoSimcity 4 help, can't get high tech industry or lower pollution?
I am currently building a city and am haveing a problem attracting high tech industry. I have cleared all industrial building witch cause high pollution, leaving only low poluution. I have also put in several parks as well as make the hi-tech industry tax low and even put several program that would attract them, not biotech as i don't have it yet. My pollution is bad and i can't seem to get it to lower also , even demloshing all high pollution industeries still leaves it in the red zone. My power plants are natural gas, so not much pollution there either. Please help and thanks a lot.
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years agoWhat are your thoughts about this school?
I have recently had an thing that happend in school and it resulteed me from having to leave for awhile. I have however returned and was able to get toutoring for time missed, but before i could get toutoring for one subject, the teacher said she couldn't do it.
This is where i think it is not right . The teacher, after several months waiting from the school to repley about an totuor to take her place , nenver gave my mom a call about the subject and preety much left us hanging. My home would then decide to call the school. of which would be my guidance consolor, but would nenver be able to contact her becaues she would never be available . At last, we would get contact with the guidance consoler, who would have no clue about my no toutoing for this subject because the person that was supposed to tutor never told her and instead left it open. They are know going to give me what i missed, witch is material in months time and let the new tutor handle it. This in just 2 hours, one hour a day that i am supposed learn months material and then take a regrents on the subject. I personally find this ridiclous and am just amazed that they would let this go unnoticed, but what are your thought as i am intrested in what you think also.
Thnaks for your repley, much apperciated.
1 AnswerHome Schooling10 years agoWhat can i cut dollhouse siding with?
I have this 7 x 12 shett of plastic dollhouse siding and want to know how i may cut it. Will a pair of box cutter do it or do i need to use an xacto knife for it. Using any type of lagre powertool, such as a saw is something i will not use because i do not have 1 nor do i know how to use one. Please help and thnaks a ton
1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoWill i be able to buy 5 of this material instaed of 15?
As the title states, i want to buy this pack of material from home depot, but it only list a single pack of 15. The thing is i only need 5 sheets, but it lists a pack of only 15 of that material. Do you guys think that i can maybe only purcahse 5 instaed of 15 or do you think they will make me purchase the full pack.? What would your recommenedation be done for this type of situation?
Thanks for your repley,
much apperciated
3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoMy speakers are making a hissing sound?
As the title states, i am having an issue with my speakers. They are brand new, straight out of the box and what happened when i plugged them in is they starting emitting a hissing sound. This is all they do, not emitting sound at all. I am positive i also hooked them up the right way, the cords are also in firmly. I even plugged in my headphones to them to see if i could get sound that way, but no luck. Is this a sign of bad speakers or something else, such as failed sound card. Please help as i have no sound and i need it to be able to enjoy my music, so it is much appreciated with the assistance. O, by the way, they are a bose companion 2 speakers so as to them not working is beyond me.
1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago