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  • Where can I find the song One Day at a Time Sweet Jesus?

    I'm creating a CD for my Granddad's memorial service this Thursday and I can't find his favorite song! It's Cristy Lane's One Day at a Time Sweet Jesus, although I'm willing to have it sung by anyone.

    I would be eternally grateful if you could tell me where to get this song online, I'm willing to pay anything at this point!

    Thanks so much.

    2 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Twilight Effect? (all opinions)?

    I've been thinking about the possible effect Twilight could have on other books for a long time now and started to make post a question.

    This is an example: Last summer I went to purchase Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (if you haven't read Hunger Games by now you seriously should) from the bookstore. At the till the clerk asked me what I had thought of Hunger Games (the first book) and when I told her how uch I loved the books she told me she had been tempted to read it for months but was very put off that Stephanie Meyer's review on the front cover.

    I was stunned and a little distressed. Could Stephanie Meyer's review be actually discouraging people from reading this fantastic book?

    (I assured her the books were awesome)

    Here's another example: I was recommended the Mortal Instruments Series by a friend but was wary from the beginning when I read the summery, I'm not a fan of urban fantasy to begin with but when I read Stephanie Meyer's review and learned it was 'a world she would love to live in' I was even more put off. Alas, I persevered and gave the series a chance. As it happens, my misgivings were fairly placed.

    Both examples are a negative effect Stephanie Meyer's review placed upon the book.

    But to balance the negative I can only assume there must be a positive. Perhaps Twilight fans see a book like Hunger Games or City of Bones and are only encouraged to read it because Stephanie Meyer has reviewed and liked it?

    So here's the question- are reviews from Stephanie Meyer (and other authors too) capable of effecting a book for the negative or positive?

    Would you feel encouraged, discouraged, or neutral if Stephanie Meyer reviewed a book? How would you feel if she reviewed one of your favorite books?

    How would you feel if a favorite author had given Twilight a awesome review? Would you be/have been more encourage to read it? Or would you loose a little bit of faith in that author?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Keg Steak with Goast Cheese, Pecans, and Red Wine Sauce?

    My boyfriend has described his favorite meal at the Keg- a steak with melted goat cheese, pecans, and a red wine and herb sauce. The dish (much to his dismay) has been taken off the menu and it was his favorite. I'd love to suprise him with this for dinner one night, can anyone possibly tell me the recipe or at least give me a detailed description of it so I can make it myself?

    Would super be appreciated, thanks so much!

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Vegetable Dishes for Thanksgiving?

    I'm preparing my very first Thanksgiving dinner in one week. Myself and the awesome people I work with are throwing it for our Asian coworkers who have never celebrated Thanksgiving before.

    We have the turkey, stuffing, gravy, sprouts, yams, dressing and cranberry sauce sorted out. But I'm looking for ideas for vegetable dishes. Ones that work in a crock would be great.

    What are some that you've tried yourself and loved?

    13 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What flowers would be good for a balcony?

    I live in an apartment with a balcony and I want to start a little potted garden to increase the prettyness. My mum gaves me some pots and soil but I need to know what would grow best.

    We get quite a bit of sun, but also some shade and I live in the North West Coast, if that helps.

    Any suggestions?


    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Ethnography or history of indigenous Hawaiian peoples?

    The other day in lecture my prof briefly covered the populating of the Hawaiian islands and the history. It was fascinating! I would love to read more about the culture and history. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    I'd like an actual book, not just an article.


    1 AnswerAnthropology1 decade ago
  • Ideas for a Friend's 21st Birthday?

    Keep in mind before you answer, we (friend and I) live in Canada and have been drinking legally for two years, so going out and celebrating that we can get drunk won't do it, been there done that.

    It's going to be my friend's 21st and I've offered to help organize a party since she hates such things. My friend is a little on the timid/shy side so anything we plan can't be too crazy. She hasn't decided if she wants to go out or have a house party, so she's open to either.

    Any ideas of something that is fun but also tame-ish?

    We were perhaps thinking of having a sushi fest, since she had sushi at my house once and was ever so impressed. But that's still only a maybe.

    3 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Does Anyone Else Think That the Twilight Books We're Only Okay- Not Amazing?

    Okay, first off, Twilight obsessers, I don't want to hear from you, so please just exit quietly.

    The Rest of You,

    I read 'Twilight' because I was told I 'just had to' and that they were 'amazing books'? And other reviews like that. Usually I am over all wary of vampire books, but I gave it a try...

    And as I thought, it was okay, but not amazing. Good, but not really good. I'll probably read the others ones (in softcover) and go see the movie. But I'm not going to fangirl them like so many others.

    I thought the writing was sub-par, the characters emo, and the entire thing cliche. Yet still, I bought the second one the other day (it was on sale, I swear) and am reading it (by the way, I want to punch Bella and Jacob in the face). A friend of mine said it perfectly, "It's like bad crack. You know it's bad for you, and there is better stuff out there, but you can't stop."

    Please tell me someone else feels this way?

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • British Harry Potter Fans I need your help....?

    Hey all,

    I'm traveling to England in less then a week and one of the things I would really love to do is see anything Harry Potterish. I've already decided to go to King's Cross Station to see this famed platform 9 3/4, but what else would you suggest?

    I am not, I reapeat NOT, a movie fan- so please don't suggest movie sites, they don't interest me :/

    And is there any kind of Harry Potter store? I would love some merchandise, but again, not the movie, book.

    Thanks so much for your help!

    4 AnswersLondon1 decade ago
  • What does coke do to you?

    Besides rotting your brain.

    I was at a get together the other night and some guys announced they were going to snort some coke. This really shocked (and kinda of horrified) the two friends I was with and we decided to leave. Apparently the coke guys left afterwards because we weren't the only ones very uncomfortable with the idea.

    But afterwards my friends and I got to talking and wondered what the hell was the draw of coke. Some people I know (I'm from a small town) have started using coke even though they claim it's only once or twice, but I don't see those people much.

    I have NO desire what so ever to even be in the same room with someone while they are snorting coke, let alone do I have a desire to try it for myself.

    But I'm curious. What does the high feel like and dosn't it burn your nose?!

    *sicked out*

    And I hope this post isin't violating any rules, *koff* my apologies if it is.

    12 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Anthropology Question?

    I'm a second year anthro student and taking my first medical anthro class (which rocks btw). An assignment I have been given (actually it is a group project) is to write a research paper and create a presentation on nutitional change and health in one or two cultural groups that until recently have been mainly pastoral or horticultural.

    I've been looking through my massive book of cultures (best thing ever) though I'm a little stumped for ideas on what cultures would be best and what to use as examples. My group is meeting Wed. and I'd like to have some ideas to bring (you know that nasty feeling you have when you realise you may have to spearhead the entire project? That's what I'm feelling...)

    Anyone willing to give suggestions?

    Pretty please supply links, I'm a very visual person.

    (p.s. I was thinking the Sherpa people of Nepal but I did a project last year on them and since it's the same prof I think I better not...)

    5 AnswersAnthropology1 decade ago
  • Question for Anthropologists.?

    I'm a second year anthro student and taking my first medical anthro class (which rocks btw). An assignment I have been given (actually it is a group project) is to write a research paper and create a presentation on nutitional change and health in one or two cultural groups that until recently have been mainly pastoral or horticultural.

    I've been looking through my massive book of cultures (best thing ever) though I'm a little stumped for ideas on what cultures would be best and what to use as examples. My group is meeting Wed. and I'd like to have some ideas to bring (you know that nasty feeling you have when you realise you may have to spearhead the entire project? That's what I'm feelling...)

    Anyone willing to give suggestions?

    Pretty please supply links, I'm a very visual person.

    (p.s. I was thinking the Sherpa people of Nepal but I did a project last year on them and since it's the same prof I think I better not...)

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • What historical kings had a wizard?

    I'm doing a history essay and I am curious to know if any historical kings/queens (emperors, cheiftans, warlords) had a magical person of some kind in their court. Like Bredei of the Picts (who had a druid), or King Arthur (who had Merlin). From any time peroid, to any corner of the globe. Who had magical assitance of some kind (or was said to)?

    4 AnswersHistory1 decade ago