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  • Disaster relationship/ pregnancy?

    i have been involved with a guy that has a gf for the past two years. I am now 6 months preg with his daughter and he is absolutely furious with me because i chose not to abort this baby. He does not come around or anything like he used to before i was pregnant. i will say if i need something done around the house or to the car he will do it and thts it. hes trying to make me feel bad saying how we are not friends, we will never be friends, i was pressed for him thats why i kept the baby etc. he has another child who is 10. he is awesome with her, he has joint custody of her, he spends alot of time with her, and provides very well for her. i guess my question is: do u guys think he will step up as a man and be there for our child like he is for his other child? i know he is very angry right now but to be perfectly honest i am not 100% the blame for this. He knew what he was doing just as well as i did. i feel he cant be mad at me for not killing this baby. he knew he had a gf way before i was even pregnant, so why did he continue to keep doing what he was doing? then wanna be mad at me for choosing life instead of death. i dont understand. i really some advice from a mans prespective. just to know what i should do from here. how should i handle this... thank you for all kind words in advance. have a blessed day.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • We have been dating for a while now..?

    We have known each other for a while now...he never really shows any emotion. But before he left, we kissed. Which is something we don't normally do at all! I was very surpised we he did this! Men are very hard to figure out, so I need to ask. Does this mean he's developing more feelings?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • i have a 2 year old maltese.....?

    thursday that just passed i absent mindedly left my plate of cheese eggs and turkey bacon on my bed and he ate it. since monday he has had diahrrea only. no vomiting, he still still active, he still wants to eat.... to me he still seems like his normal self. i spoke to his vet this am because of the diahreea and he told me not to feed him anything for the rest of the day, except water. so i just got home from work and took him out side.... i watched him as he had a bowel movement and i went to look at and it looks as if it was a little blood in it. i told the vet this, this a.m. as well. i know as humans when we have diahrrea, our behinds may become very raw so when we wipe we may see a little blood. my question should eggs make him respond like this? and how long before this passes over? any suggfestions are appreciated have a blessed day!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I have a 2009 Honda accord......?

    how much do you think a front headlight would be for my car. a dodge durango hit me and ran 2 days ago and now i have to pay to get my car repaired. I am going to attach some pictures if i can. I would like to know can anyone tell me a rough estimate of how much you think this damage will cost me and how much is a fornt headlight for my car. thank you you guys so much in advance. be blessed!!!

    3 AnswersHonda1 decade ago
  • my brother financed a car for me.......?

    after me doing for other people i have gotten screwed over and me having bad credit is the result. so he financed a car for me back in march 2009. i make my payments for both the car note and the insurance every month on TIME! however i got a parking ticket and i paid it 2 days late so the ticket doubled and the notice came in the mail to my moms house (where the car is registered because of the address on his liscence). she hit the roof! saying i need to take the car out of my brother name and alot of other mess. let me say that my brother is 19 years old (an adult) and he totally wanted to help me get the car. i paid for everything, the down payment for the car, the down payment for the insurance and everything. i know that dosent make it mine because its in his name. so anyway i ignored my mother, she keeps calling me now asking questions threatning me saying "bring the car back or else!" we really dont have a close relationship anyway so it dosent bother me anymore that we dont talk. she talks to my older sister more than she does me, so i dont feel like i owe her anything when it comes to this car. shes just mad because she had no idea about it, and its really nothing she can do because my brother is an adult now and when he signed for the car. she even went as far as calling the finace company today trying to canel the contract and asking about turning the car in and all types of stuff. i am so pissed off at what she trying to do. if this was my other sister my mother would have never done all this!! my mother was even saying she will take over the payments, just give her the car. she dont even have a job to maintain a car note and the insurance which is over $600.00 per month. thats how u know she just dont want me to have the car. in a situation like what should i do? how can i handle something like this? does anyone know some appropriate steps to take?

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • me and this guy have been.....?

    Friends now for about 2 months. I really,really like him! He's funny outgoin, fun 2 be around & everything. I am a little concerned because he told me last week he was goin out of town 2 south carolina 4 his friends wedding this weekend& coming back on monday. When I talked 2 him this morning he said he says what did I want him 2 bring me back from barbados. I'm like huh? U told me u we're goin 2 south carolina, wat r u talkin about barbados? After we went back & forth for a min he says he told me that because we have a mutual friend together & he thought she was goin 2 tell me that he had plans on goin on this trip with someone else. He been planned this trip along time agob4 we even met, & @ 1st it was them goin 2gether but now its not. & I do understand that. He says he is no longer talkin 2 this person anymore & its nothin 2 it at all. But its 6 people going 3 males & 3 females. So that means their goin 2 b doin things as a couple. Right? My concern is y lie? Y not just tell me up front? We r not in a relationship, so he dosent owe me anything & I DON'T OWE HIM ANYTHING. I feel funny about him now & I wanted 2 know what should I do? How should I act? Do u think he lied? And is still with her? What do u guys think I'm really concrned because I really like him & I'm kinda hurt by this.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what is a good for me to feed my 6 month old.........?

    maltese. we just recently got rid of our pit bull dog , but while we had him they both used to eat dog chow. we tried to give the puppy (maltese) puppy chow, but he always follows the pit bull and does everything he does, so he eats dog chow. even now that the pit bull is not here anymore he still eats that. is this okay? is there another food that i should be feeding him? any suggestions? thank you!

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • what can i do to stop my puppy from eating.........?

    his poop! he is a 6 month old maltese and if he poops in the house he eats some of it! if he goes outside (and I take him out regularly) he does not eat it. it's like he saying to himself, "i know im not supposed to be pooping inside, so let me get it up"! what can i do to stop him from doing this? thanks you guys have a blessed one!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • my 7.5 year old daughter........

    left my cell phone in the store. we went back to see if it wa still there and unfortunatley it was not! i am so pissed with her i dont know what to do. as i was talking to her ( telling her she should have never taken my phone out the house) she yelled in my face! saying "i didnt hear you"!! i smacked the hell out of her, however she continued to yell at me as if i were a child her age, and kept screaming out loud because she was mad i hit her, while walking down the street. i didnt want to discipline her too much while in public because you never know what others around you may do, like call the police or something. so i told her wait until we get in the house and i will deal with her. but in the mean time she better go in her room and dont come out. i know i am a wonderful mother. i teach my child all the right things to do, and i know children will be children but this is too much for me. it actually shoocked the hell out of me. she has never yelled at me like that before, ever. what should i do at this point? i have calmed down some, but i am still pissed off. also, a guy found my phone and called and i met him and got it back, thank god!! just give me some advice. thanks!!!

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • i came down with a cold.......?

    the other day. this morning i got up vomited, and i have a fever of 101.3. i have been taking robitussin only at night. which is not really helping much. is this a cold, or should i go to the er?

    5 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • okay, i bought a used honda from..........?

    a used car dealer ship. i have yet to pay the entire down payment of the car. however my tags, taxes and titiling was paid by my financing agency ( which that deal has been funded already). my tags are there at the dealership but they are telling me that i cannot get the tags until my down payment has been paid in full. can they do that? even thought they already got the money to procsses the tags from the finance company. again tags, taxes and titiling was paid for by the finance company... i need help asap because my paper tag are going to expire in a few weeks....

    5 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • i have a classic, old fashioned,16 oz coca cola bottle...........?

    that my great gandmother has had for about 35-40 years. she wants to get rid of it for the right price. how can go about it? i live in washington dc, and there is coca cola place in maryland which is close to me. do you think she would get a good offer on the bottle? any suggestions excepted, thanks!

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • hello i dont know where to got with this............?

    but i guess i will just say it. I was nine months pregnant and we lost our son friday. due to something called a cord prolapse. I dont know what to do, how to explain it to people or any thing. i really dont want to keep saying it over and over either. I know i need prayers right definately to help me and my husband get through this. this was our first baby, and it was so unexpected. we thought everything was fine. we had the room ready and everything. what do we do? where do we go from here? we had all of his stuff, even his bag packed for when we go to deliver? i dont want to give his stuff away, i want to keep it. oh i just dont know anymore...........

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • has anyone's due date.................?

    been changed at the last min? like when you were supposed to be due. what were some of the reasons? i am very curious and want to know. my step sister had a due dat of june 17 and she has not had the baby yet. and she said her dr told her, if she dosent have the baby by the end of june they will induce her and take the baby. now she said that they arechanging her due date again to a date even further ( i dont know what yet though) like maybe somethime in july, i think. what do you guys think? have you heard this before? or anything similar? thanks

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i am pregnant and over due as of today.....?

    i am just so fustrated and irritated i dont know what to do! everything bothers me, the phone ringing, the ac unit going on and off, the commercials on tv,( im crying now...) i mean everything. i went to the dr's today and my dr was out so i had to see another dr, and she got on my last nerve! i had to let her have it! my husband just came in the house ( late) and did not call me to tell me that he was going to the barber shop. so im pissed at him now! has anybody ever felt like this? is this normal?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how do you say, in spanish.........?

    " please dont say anything about the dog poop on the balcony ok?"

    7 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • my hair is shedding bad.....?

    what can i do to stop this? i just shampooed it and put a conditioner in it , as i was combing the conditioner throughout my hair with a wide tooth comb i noticed my hair is coming out in the comb. its not just dead hair either. i took a close look at my hair in the comb, and it is healthy pieces that is coming out! its not a whole lot but its enough to worry me because this has never happend before. i have medium length hair, with no colors. but i do have a perm in my hair, thaats about 2.5 weeks old. can anyone ( that's experienced with this, or a stylist possibly) tell me what they think is going on? what can i do? any suggestions are helpful! i didnt call my hair dreser because they are closed today. thanks, all of you have a blessed day!

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • a co worker of mine was pregnant...........?

    she was about 8 months pregnant when she went on maternity leave, and somhow she lost her baby. (her baby passed away) I dont want to invade her privacy and ask her what happened, how did she lose the baby etc.. but i really want to know. we were really close at work and now she is distant and sad looking all the time. I want to ask her but i just can't. what do you think could have happened to her? she was very healthy during her preganacy, she had absolutely no comlications, ( i even went with her on a few of her appointments) . i m trying to figure out a good approach, but give me some of your insights on what could have happened. have you ever seen anything like this happen? have you ever heard anything like this? please let me know . thanks i really appreciate your input, have a blessed day!

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i have a removable disc......?

    that i bought, and i want to be able to save all my info that's on my floppy disc, onto my removable disc. how do i do that? there is nothing that says anything about removable disc on my computer. can anybody tell me anything about how to do it? thanks in advance , i really appreciate it.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • I have a 2005 impala.....................?

    with leather interior no scrathes, dents or anything! It looks good on the inside. It runs excellent! 100% excellent condition. The seats are inexcellent condition! I am looking to get another car (Honda) and I want to sell the car. How much do you think i should sell the car for? I really appreciate any suggestions you give me.

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago