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  • Rate/Fix Karakuri Deck Please?

    The deck does very well at locals. always gets in the prize pool. usually around 15 people. ive wop twice in the past month and a have.

    Monsters 14

    3x karakuri muso "haipa"

    3x karakuri komachi "ninishi"

    3x karakuri soldier "nisamu"

    3x karakuri watchdog "saizan"

    3x karakuri ninja "kuick"

    spells 23

    3x pot of duality

    3x de-synchro (most broken card ever in this deck)

    3x karakuri anatomy

    3x karakuri cash cache

    3x karakuri showdown castle

    3x mst

    1x heavy storm

    1x book of moon

    1x monster reborn

    1x dark hole

    1x pot of avarice

    traps 3

    3x royal decree

    Extra deck 15

    3x karakuri shogun "burei"

    3x karakuri shogun "bureido"

    2x naturia landoise

    2x stardust dragon

    1x red dragon archfiend

    1x colossal fighter

    1x Thought ruler archfiend

    2x chimeritech fortress

    Side deck 15

    2x nobleman

    3x cyber dragon

    2x rivalry of warlords

    2x starlight road

    and i need more for the side deck any suggestions?

    2 AnswersCard Games10 years ago
  • Karakuri build for september?

    hers my karakuri deck for the new format. rate and fix please.

    monsters 17 (seems a little heavy for karakuris)

    3x karakuri soldier "nisamu"

    3x karakuri ninja "kuick"

    3x karakuri watchdog "saizan"

    3x karakuri komachi "ninishi"

    3x karakuri merchant "inashichi"

    2x karakuri muso "haipa"

    spells 20

    3x karakuri cash cache

    3x karakuri anatomy

    3x karakrui showdown castle

    3x de synchro

    3x mst

    1x heavy storm

    1x book of moon

    1x monster reborn

    1x dark hole

    1x limiter

    traps 3

    3x royal decree

    extra deck

    3x karakuri shogun burei

    3x karakuri shogun bureido

    2x stardust

    1x naturia landoise

    2x naturia beast

    1x naturia barkion

    1x rda

    1x thought ruler

    1x colossal

    1 AnswerCard Games10 years ago
  • Rate/Fix Karakuri deck?

    Monsters - 18

    3x karakuri komachi

    3x karakuri strategist

    3x karakuri watchdog

    3x karakuri ninja "Kuick"

    3x karakuri soldier

    3x karakuri merchant

    Spells - 19

    3x karakuri anatomy

    3x karakuri cash cache

    3x karakuri showdown castle

    3x pot of avarice

    3x de synchro

    2x mst

    1x dark hole

    1x monster reborn

    traps - 3

    3x royal decree

    extra deck - 15

    3x karakuri shogun "burei"

    3x karakuri shogun "bureido"

    1x ancient fairy dragon

    1x naturia beast

    1x naturia barkion

    1x naturia landoise

    1x catastor

    1x brionac

    1x stardust

    1x scrap dragon

    1x black rose dragon

    2 AnswersCard Games10 years ago
  • Rate/Fix Karakuri (Pure) deck?

    They deck synchro spammes like crazy and abuses shoguns. won 2 locals with it was wondering how it would do at regionals.

    Monsters 18

    3x karakuri watchdogs

    3x karakuri ninjas

    3x karakuri soldiers

    3x karakuri komachis

    3x karakuri strategists

    3x karakuri merchants

    spells 16

    3x karakuri anatomy

    3x karakuri showdown castle

    3x karakuri cash cache

    3x de-synchro

    2x mst

    1x dark hole

    1x giant trunade

    traps 6

    3x karakuri cash shed

    2x solemn warning

    1x solemn judgement

    Extra Deck 15

    3x karakuri shoguns Burei

    3x karakuri steel shoguns Bureido

    2x Ancient fairy dragon (abuses showdown castle works great)

    1x naturia beast

    1x naturia barkion

    1x naturia landoise

    1x brionac

    1x stardust

    1x scrap dragon

    1x trishula

    1 AnswerCard Games10 years ago
  • Do Magic the Gathering players get to make cards to submit, or something similar to that?

    I've had some ideas for mtg cards but I don't know if they accept user submissions and etc. so if you know let me know too.

    2 AnswersCard Games10 years ago
  • help with doppelwarrior synchro deck?

    Help with debris doppel synchro deck?

    im short on funds right now so i cant get a glow up bulb, Mist Wurm or trishula or formulas (proxys for now but there my next prioirty) but heres what i got

    Monsters - 20

    3x Junk Synchron

    3x Debris Dragon

    2x Card Trooper

    2x Lonefire Blossom

    1x Dandylion

    1x Spore

    3x Unknown Synchron

    3x Doppelwarrior

    2x Quickdraw Synchron (helps for drill, archer, and destroyer)

    Spells - 10

    2x MST

    1x Monster Reborn

    1x Dark Hole

    1x Giant Trunade

    1x Book of Moon

    3x Pot of Avarice

    1x ROTA

    Traps - 10

    2x Bottomless Trap Hole

    2x Black Horn of Heaven

    2x D - Prison

    1x Dark Bribe

    1x Call Of The Haunted

    1x Torrential Tribute

    1x Mirror Force

    Extra Deck - 15

    3x Formula Synchron

    2x Stardust Dragon

    1x Shooting Star Dragon

    2x Drill Warrior

    1x Junk Destroyer

    1x Scrap Dragon

    1x Thought Ruler Archfiend

    1x Junk Archer

    2x Junk Warrior (cant get a catastor either)

    1x nitro warrior

    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago
  • Rate/Fix doppelwarrior synchro deck?

    3x junk synchron

    2x quickdraw synchron

    3x debris dragon

    3x doppelwarrior

    2x lonefire blossom

    1x dandylion

    1x spore

    2x card trooper

    3x reborn tengu

    1x sangan


    1x dark hole

    1x foolish burial

    1x book of moon

    1x monster reborn

    1x giant trunade

    3x pot of avarice

    2x mystical space typhoon


    1x call of the haunted

    1x mirror force

    1x torrential tribute

    2x dark bribe

    2x bottomless

    2x black horn of heaven (solemns)

    extra deck

    1x junk berserker

    2x junk destroyer

    2x drill warrior

    1x iron chain dragon

    2x stardust

    1x scrap

    1x thought tuler

    1x colossal

    2x junk warrior

    1x junk archer

    1x magical android

    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago
  • Fix cheap six sam deck?

    Rate/Fix cheap six sam deck?

    This deck doesnt have kizan or shien or any solemns for financial reasons but this is basicly a deck that focuses on swarm and summoning lvl 8 synchros and it uses extreme victory cards. if there are any cards that would benefit this deck that are relatively cheap i would love some criticism

    3x six samurai hermit

    3x legendary six samurai kageki

    3x kagemushi

    3x mizuho

    3x shinai


    3x six sam united

    3x shien smoke signal

    2x Temple of the six

    2x shiens dojo

    2x pot of avarice

    1x dark hole

    1x monster reborn


    3x double edged sword technique

    3x musakani makatama

    2x bottomless

    1x torrential

    1x mirror force

    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago
  • suggestions on dragunity deck and side deck?

    3x Dux

    3x legionairre

    3x Phalanx

    3x Aklys

    2x Mystletainn

    1x Leyvaten

    1x Morphing Jar

    3x Dragon Ravine

    3x Terraforming

    3x Cards of Conosance

    2x MST

    2x Pot of Avarice

    1x Book of Moon

    1x Monster Reborn

    1x Dark Hole


    2x icarus

    2x bottomless

    2x black horn of heaven (solemns but cant afford em soooo yeah)

    1x call of the haunted

    1x torrential tribute

    extra deck

    3x dragunity knight - vajrayana

    2x dragunity knight - gae bulg

    2x stardust dragon

    2x scrap dragon

    2x thought ruler archfiend

    2x colossal

    1x trident dragion

    1x ally of justice catastor (proxy)

    side deck

    2x kinetic soldier

    3x crevice into a different dimmension

    2x dark bribe

    2x imperial iron wall

    2x D- prison

    2x divine

    2x prohibition

    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago
  • Rate/Fix Dragunity Control deck?

    3x phalanx

    3x dux

    3x legionaire

    3x aklys

    2x mystletainn

    2x effect veiler

    1x morphing jar

    3x dragon ravine

    2x terraforming (maybe 3?)

    2x cards of conosance

    1x book of moon

    1x dark hole

    1x giant trunade

    1x monster reborn

    2x mst

    2x pot of avarice


    2x bottomless

    2x black horn of heaven

    2x dark bribe

    1x torrential

    1x mirror force


    3x kinetic

    1x Leyvaten

    3x crevice

    2x nobleman of crossout

    2x d-prison

    2x prohibition

    2x icarus


    3x vajrayana

    2x gae bulg

    2x stardust

    2x thought ruler

    1x scrap dragon

    1x RDA

    1x colassal

    1x trident dragion

    2 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • Rate/Fix machina deck?

    3x machina fortress

    3x machina gearfame

    2x machina peacekeeper

    3x machina force

    2x malefic cyber end dragon

    3x ancient gear gadjiltron dragon

    2x red gadget

    2x yellow gadget

    2x green gadget


    2x MST

    1x dark hole

    1x monster reborn

    1x book of moon

    2x geartown

    2x solidarity

    1x limiter removal


    2x bottomless

    2x D - Prison

    2x trap stun

    1x mirror force

    1x torrential tribute

    side deck

    3x imperial iron wall (protect fortress from getting removed from play)

    3x kinetic soldier (anti samurai)

    3x prohibition (wrecks everything)

    3x chain dissapearence or crevice into a different dimmension (anti monarchs and dragunitys)

    2x nobleman of crossout

    2 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • Rate/Fix dragunity deck?

    Monster: 18

    3x Aklys

    3x Phalanx

    3x Dux

    3x Legionnaire

    1x Leyvaten

    1x Morphing jar

    2x Effect Veiler

    2x mystletainn

    Spell: 14

    3x Dragon Ravine

    3x Terraforming

    2x Cards of Consosance

    1x Monster Reborn

    1x Dark Hole

    2x MST

    2x Pot of Avarice

    Trap: 8

    2x Bottomless Trap Hole

    2x Dimensional Prison

    2x Dark Bribe

    1x Mirror Force

    1x Torrential Tribute

    extra deck

    2x Stardust Dragon

    1x Scrap Dragon

    2x Thought Ruler Archfiend

    1x Colossal Fighter

    1x Red Dragon Archfiend

    1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

    1x Ally of Justice, Catastor

    3x Vajrayana

    2x Gae Bulg

    1x Trident Dragion

    side deck

    2x Prohibition

    3x Kinetic Soldier

    2x Crevice into a different dimmension

    2x Nobleman of Crossout (anti-Ryko, and anti Gravekeeper)

    2x black horn of heaven

    2x imperial iron wall

    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago
  • Rate/Fix dragunity deck?

    3x aklys

    3x phalanx

    3x dux

    3x legionaire

    2x mystletainn

    1x morphing jar

    2x effect veiler

    3x dragon ravine

    3x terraforming

    3x cards of conosance

    1x monster reborn

    1x dark hole

    2x mst

    2x pot of avarice

    2x icarus

    2x black horn opf heaven

    2x dark bribe

    1x mirror force

    1x torrential

    extra deck

    3x vajrayana

    2x gae bulg

    2x stardust

    2x thought ruler archfiend

    1x scrap dragon

    1x red dragon archfiend

    1x colossal fighter

    1x trident dragion

    1x brionac dragon of the ice barrier

    1x ally of just catastor

    side deck

    2x prohibition

    2x bottomless trap hole

    3x kinetic soldier

    2x mask of restrict

    2x divine wrath

    2x crevice into a different dimmension

    3 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • Rate/Fix dragunity Control deck?

    3x aklys

    3x phalanx

    3x dux

    3x legionaire

    2x mystletainn

    1x morphing jar

    2x effect veiler

    3x dragon ravine

    3x terraforming

    3x cards of conosance

    1x monster reborn

    1x dark hole

    2x mst

    2x pot of avarice

    2x icarus

    2x black horn opf heaven

    2x dark bribe

    1x mirror force

    1x torrential

    extra deck

    2x stardust

    1x scrap dragon

    2x thought ruler

    1x colossal

    1x RDA

    1x broniac

    1x catastor

    3x vajrayana

    2x gae bulg

    1x trident dragion

    side deck

    2x prohibition

    3x kinetic soldier

    1x ladd

    1x leyvaten

    2x mask of restrict

    2x chain dissapearence

    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago
  • Why do people the LaDD loop is good with leyvaten?

    i can understand why people think its good. 2600 beater that cant be destroyed by battle or by card effects. but there are many ways to get around it.

    1. bounce with broniac, evac, raiza

    2. remove from play with cauis, d prison, dark core, and others

    3x destroy ladd with mst dust tornado giant trunade and anything that can destroy spells, traps (leyvaten wont be in grave by the time ladd goes off so you just blow up your field)

    and also IT BLOWS UP YOUR FIELD.

    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago
  • Rate/fix naturia stll/burn deck?

    3x lava golem

    3x naturia mosquito

    3x naturia beans

    3x naturia cliff

    3x naturia butterfly

    2x naturia antjaw

    1x sangan

    3x heart of clear water

    2x the dark door

    1x monster reborn

    1x book of moon

    1x mst

    2x inferno reckless summon


    3x just desserts

    3x ceasefire

    2x magic cylinder

    3x scrap iron scarecrow

    2 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • Rate/Fix naturia deck?

    23 monsters

    3x naturia bamboo shoot

    3x naturia cliff

    3x naturia cherries

    3x naturia mantis (i run more monsters because of him)

    2x naturia butterfly

    3x naturia fruitfly

    2x naturia white oak

    2x naturia cosmobeet

    2x naturia pumkin


    2x miracle synchro fusion (makes exterio very easy to get out)

    1x future fusion (fuels miracle synchro fusion and gets exterio out

    2x mst

    1x giant trunade

    1x monster reborn

    1x dark hole

    2x pot of avarice

    traps (7)

    2x black horn of heaven (when i get solemns ill use them)

    2x divine wrath

    2x D - Prison

    1x scrap iron scarecrow


    2x naturia beast

    2x naturia barkion

    2x naturia landoise (not sure since i dont run many spells, situational)

    2x naturia exterio (the ****)

    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago
  • Rate/Fix dragunity deck?

    3x dragunity arma mystletainn

    3x phalanx

    3x aklys

    3x legionaire

    3x dux

    2x effect veiler

    1x morphing jar


    3x dragon ravine

    3x terraforming

    3x cards of conosance

    2x MST

    1x Giant trunade

    1x dark hole

    1x monster reborn

    1x book of moon

    1x forbidden lance

    2x pot of avarice


    1x dark bribe

    1x mirror force

    2x icarus attack


    3x stardust dragon

    2x thought ruler archfiend

    1x red dragon archfiend

    1x scrap dragon

    1x trident dragon

    3x dragunity knight vajrayana

    1x dragunity knight gae bulg

    1x red nova dragon

    1x ally of justice catastor

    1x brionac dragon

    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago
  • is this a fair trade yugioh?

    1 ultimate scrap dragon and 1 ultra trident dragion for 1 solemn warning(ultra) and 1 starlight road (secret)

    10 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • Rate/Fix junk chaos deck?

    3x chaos sorcerer

    3x level eater (this card rapes with junk destroyer)

    3x synchron explorer

    3x the fabled catsith (when this card is sent directly from the hand to the graveyard, destroy 1 face up card on the field, this card comes out in hidden arsenal 4)

    3x quickdraw synchron

    3x cyber dragon

    1x dandylion

    2x fabled lurrie (gonna possibly replace with genex neutron)

    3x junk synchron


    2x pot of avarice

    2x mst

    1x dark hole

    1x monster reborn

    1x giant trunade

    1x foolish burial

    1x ROTA

    1x book of moon

    1x one for one


    3x threatening roar

    2x trap stun

    extra deck

    3x junk destroyer

    2x junk archer

    3x drill warrior

    2x stardust dragon

    1x colassal fighter

    1x mist wurm

    1x iron chain dragon

    1x red dragon archfiend

    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago