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psn name: awesomedude331 awesome on the electric guitar like playin wit friends and hangin around my family only 16 very smart and very good at math
What is the mass of a 10 kg in orbit one earth radius above the surface of the earth?
The distance is equal to one earth radius. Please try to explain it in terms of basic High School
4 AnswersPhysics8 years agoWhy are PC gamers so arrogant?
Im not saying all pc gamers are arrogant elitist. I just hate it whenever I stumble on a video or forum and see a douchebag pc player braggin about superior graphics and better games. Im a console player, but I never talk bad about pcs. I enjoy all types of games, ranging from Halo on the xbox to Uncharted and Killzone on ps3 to Team Fortress2 and Minecraft on pc. Why are pc gamers so arrogant and major douchbags
10 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years agoWhy do I suck at Call of Duty BO 2?
I suck at Call of Duty. I do good in Battlefield and Halo, but its just CoD i suck for some reason. Its like it takez the enemies 3-5 bullets to kill me but it take me a whole clip to kill a guy (or at least deal half damage). I dont know what is going on. One time i was running around with an mp7 and this one guy killed me with my own mp7. Him and I were both aiming at each other about the same time (me alittle earlier), but guess what... Yup he killed me. Thats what I call BS. WHY DO I SUCK AT COD SO MUCH. Its like the only game i ever rage in. A fun game turned into a miserable expierence.
8 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years agoHow come when I play FarCry 3, my ps3 always turn off randomly.?
Im still in the first outpost but i cant continue because the ps3 always turns? off. Its not overheating or anythin, but when i play dishonored it never did that. Any help please
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years agoWhats your most anticipated game of 2013?
Mine is Bioshock Infinite, Injustice Gods Among Us, and The last of us. What is yours
6 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years agoTips on Black Ops 2 multiplayer.?
I will be straight up and say I suk at Black Ops 2. I mean I suk so bad, a squirrel missing a leg and eye can beat me while its hanging upside down from a telephone pole looking at the tv 10 yards away. Metaphorically speaking of course. I always do good on Battlefield 3 with a score over 5000 and a way better KD ratio than in Black Ops 2. Any tips on what I should do to get better. Im tired of throwing my controller at my tv. Just kidding but you know what I mean
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoWhy do people hate Hawkeye from the Avengers?
I find him prettg legit. Having Jeremy Renners play as him was pretty cool. But why is there so much hate on Hawkeye?
1 AnswerMovies9 years agoIs ig lame to go to Homecoming alone with friends?
I asked some girls but they had other plans. I kno its nof excuses cuz i was able to get a girlfreind before but broke up. But is it lame to go with just my friends. Some of them have dates and i tried to ask but it didnt work out so well.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoHow do I apply to college?
Im kind of new to this stuff. Its not like a job application where you go up to a employee, fill out the application, and return it and wait till the call you. I dont know where to start. I plan on going to USC, UCI, Digipen, UC Santa Cruz, and Arizona State University. But where do I start applying, how do I even send it to them? Im a senior and i am totally lost with this stuff. I already got good grades, am already a well rounded student, and got at least 3 letters of recommendation and secondary school report.
5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)9 years agoWhats the big deal about Aeriths death?
Im not a big final fantasy fan. I'm not even sure if I spelled her name correctly. But whats the big deal. Its just Sephiroth coming out of nowhere stabbing her in the back, right, and Cloud is like "I luved her". Ok so that is dramtic but it isnt as cool or memorable death like John Marston from Red Dead or Noble Six in Halo Reach "lost and forgotten" which to me is pretty cool but sad. So im asking what is so big about her death.
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoList of Heavy Metal mascots?
I like heavy metal, but the only ones i kno of is Vic from Megadeth, Eddie the head from Iron Maiden, The Guy from Disturbed, and Death Bat from Avenged Sevenfold. I plan on making a collage fof my media design class.
2 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoWhat should I do after I got rejected?
The homecoming dance is coming up and I asked this girl I liked to the dance. Note: we have been close friends for about 2 years. She said no, she wont be here that day because of some vaction. I was like "Its cool, I understand" but in my head, I was thinkng"major B.S." But I got over it and we still talk to each other sometimes. But what should I do now, I know there are other girls that I can ask out, but Im not sure if it is the right thing. What should I do.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoHow does Time Paradoxes work?
Im always been wondering this, but Im always confused with this time travel thing. How do the "meet yourself in time" paradox work. If there are other paradoxes, please explain others
11 AnswersPhilosophy9 years agoWhy does being a senior in high school suck.?
Being a senior in high school is not what i expected. Im taking 1 ap course, i have to worry about college, sat scores, and still manage to have a decent social life, and join the senior activites. I would have expected more freedomand less stress, but now it is less fun and more stress. I also hardly have any time to at least watch 30 minutes of tv or play video games....
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoHow do I paint in photoshop?
Im pretty good at drawing but it is applying shadows and highlights is whats giving me problems in photoshop. Need help please
3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration9 years agoSongs similar to "This Fire Burns"?
I like Killswitch Engage and I whenever I listen to this song, I always get pumped up. And the guitar riffs are EEPPIICC. What are some songs from different bands, that are similar to This Fire Burns
4 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoHow do I Google something?
Yes it is a joke. Wanna hear interesting responses
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoWhat are some good Helloween Songs?
Something cool like Are You Metal, or Hell Was made in Heaven. Cool lyrics but a powerful riff. I'm new to the band
2 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoIs it bad to leave the charger on my laptop when it is 100% charged?
Recently my charger just stopped working, and my dad keeps on my naggin me about dpnt leave the charger a on and all that stuff. I have been lookin at different sites and came up with different responses. I need a definite answer about this situation.
If this helps, I have a Toshiba laptop with a Targus adapter charger. The Targus charger did not come with the laptop. I bought it separately.
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years agoHow do I make speed art/paint in Gimp/Photoshop?
I always attempted to do it but never as good like some pics in the internet. Im a good drawer and made some decent stuff on Gimp. Is there any tutorials I can learn from, I really want to make some cool painting in Gimp
Heres an example of what I want to do:
1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration9 years ago