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Lv 42,750 points

Mommy of Andrew

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Hi there!! I'm 26 years old and have 2 little boys. Andrew who was born November 30, 2008 and James born on April 30, 2010. I'm a stay at home mom and happily married.

  • Don't know what to do with my 2.5 yr old son. Not speaking well, doesn't listen?

    Andrew is problems with talking and when he gets frustrated he will hit/push/bite other kids but not all the time. He's only done it a few times and he doesn't listen well and my husband and I are at our breaking point. I'm waiting for Andrew's Ped to refer us to a ENT and do a hearing test and handed in all the paper work for Speech therapy which will start after the hearing test... But i'm starting to get upset with my friends they have 2 daughters who are 3 and 3.5 and they told me that andrew can't hang around their daughters because they are afraid he will hurt them and that if we hang out that my husband should watch him and bring our youngest son to the zoo, park or wherever and exclude andrew out of everything. Personally it really hurts me that they would do this. Boys in general like to play rough and he plays rough with his 1 year old brother and James Loves it (scary for me) but it's in their nature to play like that and these moms that have only girls think their girls are perfect it seems like and they say they never want a boy. I don't know what to do. I think he is just frustrated b/c he cannot say what he wants and will push. But hate to break it I've seen these girls hit/push and have awful attitude to, but I wouldn't ever exclude them from our group activities that we do together. Team work!!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Don't know what to do with my 2.5 yr old son. Not speaking well, doesn't listen?

    Andrew is problems with talking and when he gets frustrated he will hit/push/bite other kids but not all the time. He's only done it a few times and he doesn't listen well and my husband and I are at our breaking point. I'm waiting for Andrew's Ped to refer us to a ENT and do a hearing test and handed in all the paper work for Speech therapy which will start after the hearing test... But i'm starting to get upset with my friends they have 2 daughters who are 3 and 3.5 and they told me that andrew can't hang around their daughters because they are afraid he will hurt them and that if we hang out that my husband should watch him and bring our youngest son to the zoo, park or wherever and exclude andrew out of everything. Personally it really hurts me that they would do this. Boys in general like to play rough and he plays rough with his 1 year old brother and James Loves it (scary for me) but it's in their nature to play like that and these moms that have only girls think their girls are perfect it seems like and they say they never want a boy. I don't know what to do. I think he is just frustrated b/c he cannot say what he wants and will push. But hate to break it I've seen these girls hit/push and have awful attitude to, but I wouldn't ever exclude them from our group activities that we do together. Team work!!

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • HELP!!!! My 27 month old son is awful.He's mean to other kids and 9 mth old brother. TIPS PLEASE! :)?

    I would greatly appreciate some tips and ideas with what to do with my 27 month old son. The last few months he's been hitting/pushing/kicking/ throwing things at me and my husband other kids. He has a 9 month old brother and he does those mean things to him as well. I've done time outs where he stands in the corner facing the wall for 2 minutes, doesn't phase him. I've tried spankings, doesn't phase him. I've taken toys away his favorite puppy and blanket away doesn't phase him.. nothing phases him!!! And I don't know what to do... I'm a stay at home mom i've been taking him to story time with other kids at the library, Painting ceramics for children and they do story time, Take him to a indoor jump and play every week. I keep him busy but it never seems enough and when we do these things he IImmediatelypushes/hits/kicks kids. Unless they are babies he does great with babies and older kids (besides his baby brother, he does have some good moments with him, but mostly bad).. I'm out of ideas with what to do and so is my husband.. I brought it up to his ppediatricianand she didn't seem concerned and told me to be patient and continue with the time outs, but kinda hard when they don't work!!!! I've stopped taking him to the fun things we did last week was the first and told him we are not going to the library or wherever and it doesn't phase him either... He doesn't talk yet either so I don't know if he gets frustrated because he can't way what he wants and he just lashes out because of it. I feel like i'm the only parent going thru this!!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Does Weight Watchers online work? And how does it work?

    I'm just wondering if you also get the points book and everything that you would get if you went to the meetings or is everything done online completely? Thank you!!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Is there anything else I can do to help my son sleep better at night with his teething? He's 15mths?

    My son is getting his 1 yr molars and 3 of them have cut through but the one on his bottom left is being a booger for him and hasn't cut through and he wakes up just crying/screaming in the middle of the night because he is so uncomfy. We give him tyenol or Ibprofen right now it's been Ibprofen and orajel. We were giving him teething tablets, but ran out need to pick up more. I usually massage his gums before bed if he lets me, let him suck on popsicles throughout the day. He is constantly chewing on something esecially his fingers. I don't know what else to do to help him. Any other ideas? Thank you so much!! xx

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I don't know what to do anymore. My 15 mth old is NOT listening what so ever, any advice?

    Hi Moms/Dads!! :)

    I don't know what to do anymore with Andrew. I'm 30 weeks pregnant and my patience is running slim lately and he does not listen what so ever!!!!!! He doesn't talk yet so when he wants something he will scream on the top of his lungs. We get to his eye level and talk to him in a stern voice and he will smack me in the face sometimes or close his eyes and will cry so doesn't hear me. I don't know what to do. We started the time out, but I think hes too young to understand, maybe not? He is getting his 1 yer molars and not sure if this have anything to do with his behavior. He does have his sweet moments and will listen but has those naughty moments a lot lately. Any advice please, and reassure me that he isn't the only child out there like this and this is normal :)

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My 15 month old son will scream on the top of his lungs when he wants something and doesn't get it. What to do?

    He doesn't talk yet really and I swear in the last month he has become a little brat basically. He is not in daycare I'm a stay at home mom and he is normally a good little man but has his moments. I understand where he can get frustrated because he can't talk yet and wants something. But there are times where it is so unnecsairy. Is there anything we can do? We ignore him most of the time but doesn't seem to bother him, he just keeps doing it. We are weaning him off the bottle and is doing good. No bottles during the day at all and has 1 8oz bottle before bed time along with a little snack so he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night because he normally does and expects a bottle. When he does want a bottle middle of the night we give him water in it so that way he doesn't want it, he may take a few sips and goes back to bed. Has your child gone through this lovely stage where they do not listen what so ever?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Why am I SO thirsty during my pregnancies? I'm 29 weeks a long. Don't have gestational diabetes......?

    I'm normally a thirsty person when I'm not pregnant but when I am pregnant I am beyond thirsty! I drink a lot of juice I buy the Mott's for Tot's juice which is 40% less sugar and usually drink a jug of that in 2 days and about 8 bottles of 16.9oz water bottles a day. I pee a lot. I did the same thing when pregnant wih my son, I crave juice like there's no tomorrow. I like to freeze it and eat it as a slushie to. I took the 1 hour gestational diabetes test and failed that one abnormal is considered over 130 and I was 132 so it wasn't bad at all and did the 3 hour test and passed that one. Does the baby need the much extra fluids or what? My son was a big boy when born and extremely strong and still is. Thanks to all the calcium I've had probably too. Did you have the same problem?

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Do any of you mommies take Zoloft or a anti depressant for anxiety during your pregnancy?

    Hi there! My doctor prescribed me Zoloft to take. I'm almost 29 weeks pregnant and I have super bad anxiety, runs in the family but it's just getting worse because my scheduled csection is coming up in the beginning of May and I'm freaking out (had a cousin pass away from having a csection last month so that did not make things easier either, god bless her) My blood pressure is getting higher and higher and I know that the anxiety is not helping it. So I do need to start it, but i"m nerous because it is a category c drug, but i've talked to other ob doctors and they said that zoloft has been out the longest and the most used with pregnant women if needed. Did it work for you and how did you feel taking it?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • *MOMS* Did any of you take Zoloft or a anti depressent/anxiety medicine while pregnant?

    Hi there! My doctor prescribed me Zoloft to take. I'm almost 29 weeks pregnant and I have super bad anxiety, runs in the family but it's just getting worse because my scheduled csection is coming up in the beginning of May and I'm freaking out (had a cousin pass away from having a csection last month so that did not make things easier either, god bless her) My blood pressure is getting higher and higher and I know that the anxiety is not helping it. So I do need to start it, but i"m nerous because it is a category c drug, but i've talked to other ob doctors and they said that zoloft has been out the longest and the most used with pregnant women if needed. Did it work for you and how did you feel taking it?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How is your baby when teething? Do they tend to sleep more during the day and less at night?

    Sorry for asking so many questions about teething. But very curious. My son already has 8 teeth (4 on top and bottom in the front) but he's getting his top 1 yr molars and is acting WAY different with these I think. Saturday night he had a temp of 101.9 but went down some after Tylenol. Didn't sleep much at al yesterday afternoon (he takes 2 2 hour naps normally and only took 1 20 min nap and 1 1 hour nap) and last night went somewhat better, my husband still had to sleep on the couch with him though. And this morning he took a 3.5 hour nap 7-10:30 am and since he has been up he is just kinda blah. He ate some applesauce and had some diluted juice and about 4oz of milk this morning and that is it. He just went to take another nap because he was practically passing out here in the living room. I called his doctors office and she said that kids don't normally run a temp when teething but always thought they did and that he "might" have a ear infection or strep throat. She told us to take him to the urgent care, which we are going to once my husband get's home in a hour. But still if he did have a ear infection or strep they don't ever give antibiotics anymore it seems like. I'm at a loss right now, so confused. Lol, lack of sleep is probably part of it.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Does your little one run a fever when teething?

    My 14 mth old son is getting his top 1 yr molars and saturday night he ran a fever up to 101.9 and has been off and on since. He doesn't have a appetite or is thirsty. Super clingy and extremely crabby. No diarrhea. I called his Pediatrician office and talked to a nurse and she said that they don't run a temp normally when teething and that he may have a ear infection or strep. I'm confused because I thought it was like a #1 symptom with teething was a fever below 102.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Should I let my 14 mth old teething baby sleep? He's been sleeping for 3 hours now for his morning nap....?

    Good Morning! My little guy is teething hard core right now and Saturday was a very rough night for him and didn't get the best of sleep and didn't take his normal naps yesterday because he couldn't get comfy and last he had a so so night. Better then Saturday night anyways, I laid him down at 7am and he's still sleeping. I'm sure he is beat and needs to catch up on sleep, but don't know if I should let him continue because I don't want it to mess up his night schedule. I would assume it wouldn't just because he is extremely tired, plus he has been eating/drinking much at all which can wear them down too I think? His temp has gotten much better, Saturday night it got up to 101.9 but the tyenol helped lower it some. Is it true that the eye teeth and molars are the hardest for them to go through?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Do any of you mommies use a support belt when pregnant? Does it work? And where did you get yours?

    Hi there!! I'm 28 weeks along with my 2nd pregnancy and I had a csection with my 1st and will with this one also (have to because my pelvic is small and will not progress further then 5cm, runs in the family) and the nurse practitioner that I saw for my 26th check up said she suggests I would get one. That it would probably help my pelvic pain that i'm having with all he stretching and give me more support. I should of asked her more questions but got caught up talking about something else and I just want to know from other mommies if they used them and if you would recommend it. How did it work and where did you get yours?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My 14 mth old son is getting his 1 yr molars and is super uncomfy. Would love some ideas to help him please :)?

    When my son was getting his front top/bottom teeth he had some moments during the night where he was uncomfy but these molars are kicking his poor little bum bum. I feel so bad for him :( he was up for a long time last night we gave him tyenol, teething tablets and orajel which releived him for a little bit. He had a temp of 101.6 but dropped a little after the tyenol. My husband would snuggle with him on the couch and give him his comfort that he needs (I would but laying on he couch is very uncomfortable for me right now 28 weeks preggers and huge already, but I sit on the floor with them and caress his hair an soothe him until he falls asleep, all babies need their mommies comfort) . I went to the store and bought Infant Ibprofen and that seems to help a lot more. But he doesn't have a appetite or is thirsty and extremely irritable, which I understand. I've been giving him diluted powerade (doctor's office suggest that if he isn't drinking much or throws up which he did last night too). Is there any other things we can do to comfort him? Or just hang in there and give him our love and comfort until this tooth pops out completely? Thank you so much!!

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Did any of you moms use a support belt when pregnant. Why did you use it? Did it help? Where did you get it?

    Hi there!! I'm 28 weeks along with my 2nd pregnancy and I had a csection with my 1st and will with this one also (have to because my pelvic is small and will not progress further then 5cm, runs in the family) and the nurse practitioner that I saw for my 26th check up said she suggests I would get one. That it would probably help my pelvic pain that i'm having with all he stretching and give me more support. I should of asked her more questions but got caught up talking about something else and I just want to know from other mommies if they used them and if you would recommend it. How did it work and where did you get yours?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Trying to wean my almost 15 mth old son from the bottle. What do I do when he's hungry middle of the night?

    Wow this whole weaning my son off the bottle is not easy, lol. Granted I already kinda knew it wouldn't be "easy" but holy. He is sooo stubborn when it comes to sippy cups. He'll drink juice out of sippy cups just fine but when there's milk in there he throws a big hissy fit. Last night he woke up around 1:30 and was hungry and I was so out of it I just made him a bottle and didn't think anything of it. We do feed him before be (food food) but when he goes through his growing spurts he tends to wake up in the middle of the night to eat. Any ideas please!! Thank you SO much

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • trying to wean my almost 15 month old son from bottle. What to do when he is hungry middle of night?

    Wow this whole weaning my son off the bottle is not easy, lol. Granted I already kinda knew it wouldn't be "easy" but holy. He is sooo stubborn when it comes to sippy cups. He'll drink juice out of sippy cups just fine but when there's milk in there he throws a big hissy fit. Last night he woke up around 1:30 and was hungry and I was so out of it I just made him a bottle and didn't think anything of it. We do feed him before be (food food) but when he goes through his growing spurts he tends to wake up in the middle of the night to eat. Any ideas please!! Thank you SO much

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Moms did any of you suffer from RLS (restless leg syndrome) during pregnancy? If so what did you do to help?

    I have been losing sleep at night because of it. I try raising my legs, massaging them, warm baths. Nothing helps. If you have any other ides that would probably help please let me know. Thank you!

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • *Moms* What did you use to relieve your hemorrhoids? And to help your constipation or have less strain?

    Hi there! I was constipated for a few days which isn't anything really new with me, but with the pregnancy it's been a little worse. I'm 26 weeks 4 days along. And when I do have the urge to go #2 I have to strain myself pretty much to go and I believe that is what caused my hemorrhoid... Lovely. I swear it's one thing after another with this pregnancy, lol. But I want to know if I can use preparation h just on the outside. I have to wait for my clinic to open yet but need some relief. I've been taking metamucil 2 times a day to help me pass my bowels easier, but nothing really and bought Fiber One cereal yesterday and start eating that. I know that use to help me but we'll see if it will with being pregnant. If you have any other ideas that would be great. Thank you so much and sorry for TMI.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago