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Transfering Itunes movie to a disk?
Can I transfer an itunes movie to a DVD disk?
2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoWhat are teenage French guys like?
I have to stay with a 15 y/o from France. What are they typically like? Is it any different from guys from the US?
2 AnswersOther - France1 decade agoWhats a 15y/o guy from Spain like?
I'm about to spend a week with a foreign exchange student from Barcelona. What typically are teens from there like? How do they dress? Is it true they are very outgoing?
2 AnswersOther - Spain1 decade agoWhat should I expect?
I'm leaving Sunday to spend two weeks in California with family. There will be two exchange students there. One is from Spain. He is 15 and speaks English well. The other is also 15 years old and from France. He is close to being fluent in English. Does anyone have any insight into what typical teen guys from those places act, dress, etc.? Is there anything an American teen girl often does that I should avoid? I'm just curious. Thanks!
3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoWho's preforming at the Taste of Chicago?
Can anyone give me just a general list of the big performers going to be at the taste and what day they are going to be there? Thanks
2 AnswersChicago1 decade agoMistake In Mean Girls?
I was just watching mean girls last night and I think I noticed a slip up. They said that Cady was supposed to be taking 12th grade calc. If you noticed, in math class they talked about geometric series and a (sub) n. That's all algebra two stuff. I just got done learning that. Do you learn it in calculus too or is this a mess up from the producers?
3 AnswersMovies1 decade agoAny Good Salad Recipes out there?
I'm looking for a delicious salad that can be made in under five minutes (not including chopping time). Pasta salads are good too! Thanks!
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoMacbook Has A Virus- What should I do?
My mac has a virus- infact maybe two. A while ago I got virus protection for it and now the McAfee virus protection isn't doing anything accept tell me I have a virus. I'm pretty sure its from some random anime websites that my sister used my computer for. (Hers got wrecked from the virus' from those sites so she steals mine) It says one of the problems is a tube player. I cannot even get on it to fix it myself because I get the never ending beach ball. Should I just take it to best buy or is there a way to get rid of the virus myself?
6 AnswersSecurity1 decade agoI need a couple recipe ideas!?
For a foods class I have to show the class how to cook something. I'm a really great chef, so difficulty level of the recipe doesn't matter. The main issue is it cannot use an oven, toaster, etc at school. I have to take everything to school, So, if it involves heating and cooking right after its done being prepared, then it doesn't work. (Hope that made sense) Here are some things that have already been done:
- Pasta Salad
- Pretty much everything with ice cream
- Guacamole
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoIs there a way I can reset all my settings?
I have a mac and did something or a whole bunch of things to my settings and want it all back to normal. Is there a button I can press to do this?
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoEasy Mac Question! Flipped Color?
I somehow made the colors on my Macbook flipped and now everything is black and white and the opposite of the normal colors. What do I press to get it back to normal?
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoCountry Song Name? Easy!?
I can't find this song. Its a country song played on the radio and I miss the name every time. Its a guy singing. It goes...
"1,2,3 Like a bird I sing, cause you've given me the most beautiful set of wings..."
8 AnswersCountry1 decade agoHelp Proof Read Please!?
Can You Proof read this for me please? It is a paper due tomorrow. It is on the amazon rainforest being deforested from the birds point of view. Thank you so much!
It was just another great day here in the Amazon Rainforest. The sun shone brightly through the billowing white clouds creating small rainbows as it passed through the fine mist. The air was thick with humidity and warmth. I was perched on a large leafy limb of a tree at* the top of the canopy of this dense green tropical forest in which my fellow birds and I, Earl, preside, the magnificent views of nature at its best are endless. It is such a beautiful site to see. So, as I said, everything was going normal until midday, when the sun was just about in the middle of the sky, I began to see a grey and white blur streaking through the sky at a fast pace. As soon as I saw the miniscule red segment that came along with the blur I assumed it was Delmar. Delmar is a friend of mine from the southwest. One can easily distinguish between him and other birds because his species, the African Grey Parrots, is entirely unique looking. In the land of vibrant colors that we live in, Delmar is pretty much colorless. His feathers are grey and white like the stormy sky and the area around his eyes is pure white. Their only color comes from a few striking red tail feathers. He became clearer and clearer as he neared and upon arrival at our branch he took a minute to catch his breath and spoke, “They came,” was all he said. To any outsider those two words would mean nothing, but to all creatures of this domain those words were cursed words. “They” are humans, and their arrival is almost certainly followed by a most tragic destruction of our homes and lives.
Over time, we’ve learned that They call what they do to our homes “Deforestation” or “Clear Cutting.” Generally, it occurs in four steps. First, two to five of the two legged monsters come and stain our trees with alien objects that spray out mists of colors that leave scars on our tree’s trunks. At the same time, they plant thin flowers in the ground who’s stalks are made of unnatural material that is reflective like water and hard like rocks and topped with triangle shaped flowers that waver in the wind. Second, more sizable groups embark onto our land. They cut down a few trees to make room for, what seems to be, their shelter. Then, enormous swarms of them come in like hordes of leafcutter ants. Alongside them are the Roarers. Roarers are huge loud creatures the humans sit in. They seem to highly multiply the capability of tree cutting the humans have, but as they do so the create deafening roaring noises. The back of them creates black clouds that make it hard to breath. Many birds have become ill flying over regions occupied by Roarers because the air above them gets so effortlessly occupied by their smoke.
“The midday rain shower is about to begin, how about we go inside?” I asked Delmar, hoping to not get caught in today’s storm. From the looks of the sky, it seems like it is going to be a bad one.
“Sounds good to me,” he responded. We climbed down about seven feet to a hallowed out section of a tree I like to call home. The floor was covered in crunchy dried leaves. It was the perfect size for a petit African *grey and myself, a maximillion pionus. As soon as we got settled we heard the storm commence. The thunder crackled and sounded like it hit a tree somewhere far in the distance.
I turned to Delmar and began to ask some of the many questions that were so rapidly running through my mind, “Now, explain to me what happened. Is everyone well? Is there anything left?”
“They came without warning and cut down everything down to the last shrub. Hundreds of years of cultivation and thriving habitats were destroyed in a matter of hours. The Roarers were in full force. In and out before sunset. At the end, the did something tricky, though. They spilled clear liquid out of a red container across the ground. Now, not only was the land was now barren and reeked of a putrid foreign smell that we think came from the clear liquid, though we thought nothing of the smell dismissing it as a result of the humans.
A little bit after They left we assumed they were not coming back. Their job was done. So many of us regathered in our old home to find friends and family. Twenty minutes into the reunion it began to smell smokey. Soon someone yelled, “Fire!” At that point we realized what was happening. They were burning down all the remains of old trees. The timeline from that point on was a blur. One event seeped into another. There was a craze of creatures running and flying all over, choking and blinded by the heavy smoke. I was on the outer skirts of the cleared area and had easy axis to fly off. Not everyone was so lucky and got out,” he told me. As he spoke the rain became harder and thunder more frequent.
2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade agoWould You Be Mad If...?
Read and Tell Me if You would Be Mad if this happened to you!
We just found out our 8th grade graduation trip to six flags was canceled for a trip to CoCo Key Water Resort (arlington heights) Six Flags Has been a tradition for years. You look forward throughout your time in our school to it as the first field trip that your not overly supervised. Instead, the cancel it for a trip to a place recommended for 12-13 at the oldest. They state that some kids cannot afford it this year, but we can easily fundraise the money, we are great at fundraisers. (In a single food drive we raised 1,000 food items between three classes) The district officials will not let us. A lot of girls are not going because they do not want to be seen in their bathing suits. 10-15 cannot go because their parents won't let them be in swimsuits with members of the opposite sex. And even if you can go and are comfortable with going it is a small facility (it'll be full capacity with all of us there) recommended for much younger ages. (Sorry, I know this is kind of a ran lol)
PS- I know I should be grateful that I get to go on field-trips but they have canceled all of the ones this year, too. Normally, they get to go on 5 and we have gone on 2.
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago****Taking US Constitution Test Tomorrow?*****?
I've got to take the US Constitution and Illinois Constitution test tomorrow! AHH! Any tips from anyone else thats taken it???
2 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade agoEasy Question- Amazon Rainforest?
Can anyone tell me any facts about the Amazon? Anything helps. Or about animals there that live in groups? Thanks!
1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade agoRoyal Caribbean Quick Question!?
What is Freedom of the Sea's Route? What is adventures route? What cruises go to Jamaica???
4 AnswersCruise Travel1 decade agoASAP!!! Read poem please!?
I wrote a poem, I know its not great, I just need it for tomorrow. Can you read it for typos and point out literary devices (simile, metaphor, hyperbole, irony, assonance, rhyme, imagery, onomatopoeia, etc.) I have to have six and point them out. I know its looks long, but it really isn't. There shouldn't be more then 8 of those lit devices (super max) Thanks so much!
Mom goes stomping down the hallway.
“Nina! Wake Up!”
Moaning and groaning she slumps out of bed.
I look at the clock.
5:00 AM.
Doze back asleep.
My dog has awoken.
“Hold on, Yorkers!”
Get up and open the door.
Flash of blinding light, then back to darkness.
I Look at the clock.
5:15 AM.
Doze back asleep.
My sister is coming into my room.
“I’m borrowing your hair straightener!”
I grumbled. “Thanks!” she says.
I never said yes, whatever.
I Look at the clock.
5:20 AM.
Doze back asleep.
My mother screams.
“I’m getting a soda!”
Off to Burger King she goes.
Going to get her morning fix.
I look at the clock.
5:50 AM.
Doze back asleep.
I hear those noises accompanied with a chorus of blaring thuds.
Did World War Three just occur at my house?
No, thats just my Mother home from Burger King.
Look at the clock.
6:10 AM.
Doze back to sleep.
My alarm clock goes off, the real battle has begun.
“Ugh! Shut up!”
Get up and slam on the snooze button.
It’ll go off again in 7 minutes, but for now its quiet, warm, and ever-so comfy.
Gives a new meaning to seven minutes in heaven.
Look at the clock.
6:15 AM.
Doze back asleep.
Has that sound gotten louder?
“I’m coming! I’m coming! Sstop screaming at me you stupid thing!”
It’ll take all my strength to do so, but I gotta get to that snooze button,
But it’s worth it. Oh, so very worth it.
Look at the clock.
6:23 AM.
Doze back asleep.
I hear that dreaded sound again, warning of an impending day.
“Okay, just this one the last time.”
Once again, I hit snooze.
Ready to take in my last seven minutes of sleeping in all their glory.
Look at the clock.
6:30 AM.
Doze back asleep.
This is the last straw, I have to wake up now.
“Come on Margaret! Get up!” I cheer myself on, without much luck.
Slink and slide out of bed.
Time to start the day.
Look at the clock.
6:37 AM.
Get out of bed.
3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago