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  • Why won't my 11 month old sleep through the night?

    My 11 month old still wakes up in the middle of the night at least 2x a night and still needs feeding! No matter how much solids I feed him in the day he doesn't seem satisfied. I know what you thinking "just let him cry it out" but see, other people live in the house too. Not just me, his dad, and him. If it was that the case I would use this method. But because other people live in the house and they need to wake up for work very early in the morning I can not use it. I've tried and I got yelled at because they say I am a bad parent for letting him cry. Not just at night but anytime of the day. He is very spoiled by his grandparents. Get what he wants no matter. If I take it away he throws a big fit and will hurt himself! He's a baby, I know. But I get frustrated sometime. I try to stay as calm as possible. When I put him in the crib or his playpen he screams from the top of his lungs. And he can go on for hours, believe me. I've tried! This boy does NOT give up! Any suggestions? Please help. With sleeping and disciplines. Thank you in advance. Your help is appreciated!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How to wean him off the bottle?

    My son will be 11 months soon and I feel it is time to get him off the bottle. He's been using sippy cups since he was 6 months old. BUT he's never drank his formula out of it. I tried giving it to him but he wouldn't. He would only take his juices and water from the cup. He still wakes up for a feeding in the middle of the night at least once and I find it hard to get him off the bottle because of that reason. I've been also trying to get him to sleep through the night but nothing's really working. What can I do? How can I get my son to drink his formula from his cup? & how do I get him to sleep through the night? I know two question in one! But I would really appreciate it if I can get some answers! Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a rental bounce house?

    My son's birthday is coming up and I wanted to rent one of those bounce house for the kids. Does anyone know where I can find one here in Stockton, CA? Thank you in advance for all of your help!

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Why isn't he sleeping through the night?

    My son who just turned 8 months still isn't sleeping through the night. He still wakes up for 2 feedings and I'm getting so tired! I've tried not giving him a bottle but if he doesn't get it, he cries really bad and he won't stop until he gets it. I don't want him crying so much in the middle of the night because there's people in the house who has to get up for work @ 4am. Is there another way I can get him to eating in the middle of the night? All I ever heard is, let him cry for at least 5 minutes, he'll most likely fall back asleep. But that's definitely not my son. I also tried to feed him more in the evening so he can be full, still doesn't work. He used to sleep so well between 3-5 months now he acts like a newborn waking every 3-4 hrs for a bottle. Please help, I need to get him off of this.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Son have really dry skin. What can I use?

    My 6 month old has really dry skin. I've used Vaseline, Hydro-cortisone, regular Johnson's lotion (which i've used ever since he was born..) and nothing is working at all! Is there something else I can use to help his dry skin. He has dry skin around his nose, chin, and legs. Please help! I need to get rid of this! I've talked to his Dr. but she doesn't seem worried or anything. It just bothers me when I touch him and he feels really dry.. Any suggestions?

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Why won't he let me put him down?!?

    My son will be 6 months tomorrow. These past few weeks I cannot put him down! I give him toys to play with, put him in the bouncer, etc...The moment I put him down will be the exact moment he will start crying and screaming. Sometimes I just let him cry just so he knows he can't always have everything his way. But when it all comes down to it, he cries even louder. Believe me, my son always cries on the top of his lungs like no one hears him. I'm a good mom! I make sure he's full, diapers changed, and all that before I let him play. He just wouldn't! What am I supposed to do?! Always hold him? I can't do that! I understand he's just a baby, he needs love and reassurance, and I ALWAYS give that to him. But everything I do feels like it isn't good enough. Because he stills cry!! Help please?!?!

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is he allergic to it?

    My son will be 6 months in 2 weeks. I asked his pediatrician if it's okay if I can start giving him baby food. She had said yes, so a couple days ago I started him on Gerber Rice Cereal. Is it possible he can be allergic to it? He have rash around his lips and face. But I think it's from his drool because he drools a lot! And he was playing on my bed. Could it be from him drooling and rubbing his face on the bedsheets? Please help!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • is my son really teething?

    My three month old boy seems to be biting his hands and anything he see's and can grab. (though he can't really hold for a long period of time.) He's drooling and also having diarrhea. My cousin told me, those are signs of him teething. But I'm still unsure. Isn't it a little too early for him to start teething? Has anyone child ever been in the same situation?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • my son and tummy time.?

    my son hates being on his tummy! i would scream, kick, and cry really bad whenever i put him on his tummy!! i try to entertain him, i get on the floor and lay on my tummy w/ him, i talk/sing to him, i get his favorite toy, and put it near him but he doesnt seem to like it at all! when i put him over my shoulder he lift up his head and is such a happy baby! if he's doing that already, do i have to put him on his tummy if he's already lifting his head and moving it side to side when i lift him up. or he must be on his tummy? what can i do for him to be more comfy?? please help! my son is only 2 and a half months.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • california driver's license?

    My license has been suspended due to my health condition (Epilepsy). It's been over 10 months that I've lost my license. I want to get it back and I'm unsure of what I can do next. If you can please help, I'd really appreciate it. I haven't had my seizures over a year but they took it away anyways. I'm not sure how they found out. But please help! Thank you!!

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • infant formula; is it safe?

    I'm feeding my one month old Enfamil Lipil w/ Iron. This is my first time using powder formula and I was wondering.. Can I make some and refrigerate it?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • when you warm up formula?

    i warmed up formula for my baby, but he doesn't want it. can i re-refrigerate it or i must toss it out? it was sitting out being warmed for about 6 minutes.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • whats wrong with my one week old?!?! please help!?

    Today, is just like every other day with my son. I'd feed him, burp him, and play a little before he goes back to sleep. Strangely, I keep hearing his stomach growling. I don't understand why it growls so much because I feed him until he no longer wants anymore. I breast feed him but if he's not satisfied I would give him formula (enfamil lipil w/ iron to be exact.) His cord fell off, but I don't know if it has anything to do with that. Can someone please explain exactly what is going on? Should I be worried??

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • is it postpartum depression?

    i just had my son a week ago. he's the best thing that ever happened to me! but i'm feeling strange. i feel sad and hopeless(but i don't have the answers to why, i feel this way). i feel like someone is after me(is someone out to kill me??I'm scared) i feel like i can't do anything (helpless/worthless) I can't eat nor sleep. Even when I try to rest, I cant shut my eyes. When I left the hospital on Saturday I was 164, today I am 143. I love my son with all my heart, sometime when I look at him, I'll just start crying. Why is it that, I feel like I didn't accomplished anything in this whole pregnancy, when I have everything I could possibly ask for, a beautiful, healthy, baby boy!! What's going on? Has anyone ever felt this way before?? Is this even normal??

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • safe or unsafe to do?

    My OB said that my bag of water is very tense. I am already dilated to almost 3cm and 100% effaced. Can intercourse break the bag of water? If so, can it harm my baby?

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • I just don't understand. Please, help?

    I am 37 weeks pregnant w/ my first baby. I went to the hospital twice but it was false labor. The first time I went in was beginning of week 36 and been told I was 2cm and 80% effaced I went in the same week but 2 days before my 37th weeks and they said I'm still @ 2cm but 90% effaced. Since 36th weeks, my contractions have been regular from 2-4 minutes apart. Today, I am 37 weeks and 1 day, had an appointment and OB said my cervix thinned out more but still @ 2 cm BUT his head is VERY low. She said my son should be born soon, from what she see. I've been walking, but how long should I walk each day? Do you think I'll be in labor soon??

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Has true labor begun?

    I am 37 weeks in one day w/ my first baby. I've lost my mucous plug. I'm having regular contractions 2-5 minutes apart, that last the whole day. It's been happening a few days now w/ bad diharrea.(sorry, tmi) I am 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced for almost a week now. I have a lot of pelvic pressure and it usually happens when I walk. I also have dull backache! Last seen by my OB/GYN yesterday and been told that baby's head is also very low. She said she give me a week before he's out. Is it possible? What can I do to speed up labor?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • dilating and effaced?

    On Monday evening around 4 I went to the hospital because I was having contractions. The nurse there had told me my contractions were 4 minutes apart. She checked to see if my cervix was opening and she told me it was opened to 2 cm and I was 80% effaced. A few hours later my contractions got closer 2-3 minutes, when she checked me again I was still the same. They told me to walk, so I did what they wanted me to and walked for about 30 minutes. Came back and checked me, yet it was still the same. So she gave me a shot I believed it's called Stella(a shot that slow down/stop my contractions). After she gave me that shot and waited for another few hours and came back and checked me, my contractions were 5 minutes apart but I was still 2 cm and 80% effaced. So they sent me home.

    It's been a couple days now. I feel okay, but my contractions are still 2-6 minutes apart. There was this brownish-clearish (it looks like a long gooey snot) that came out while I was showering last night. (Sorry, that maybe too much info). And I leaked a little bit more. (Also the reason why I went in).

    Today, when I eat, I seem like I can't keep the food down. I would feel the need to throw up but nothing would come out..

    When will my baby be here?! I'm getting impatient and I'm hurting! Help?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i'm in pain and feeling scared.?

    I just turned 36 weeks today, and these passed couple of days my stomach has been cramping up really bad, my lower back is killing me, it really hurts when i walk cause i feel pelvic pressure it's even to the point that i can't even walk! And I've been having really bad diarrhea also. (TMI, I know. Sorry) Is this a sign labor is near? My next ob visit is this Friday. Should I wait til that day or should I call her now.

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • popping/cracking noises from my stomach.?

    I'm 35 weeks pregnant and I've been hearing strange cracking/popping noises from my stomach? What does this mean? I'm confused. Is my baby okay?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago