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Xx Thomas' mummy xX

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My name is Natalie i am 28 years old and married we have been ttc are second child for 7 years now and have been diagnosed with unexplained secondary infertilty ! We started clomid in Jan 11 and got pregnant on my second cycle..This pregnancy sadly ended in miscarriage between 5-7 weeks i am now waiting to start my next round of clomid and praying to God it works :o) Sending billions of baby dust to all you you guys ttc i know its hard but we will get there in the end i just know it x Fast forward to just over a year we now have another beautiful baby boy that "next cycle of clomid" did work our prayers were answered MIRACLES DO HAPPEN HAVE FAITH :)

  • Is this possible to do ? (breast feeding help/info)?

    I know this may sound weird but here goes !

    I never breastfed my first baby (8 now) and i am really wanting to do it this time round !

    I am 26 weeks and have started leaking ( i leaked a huge amount from about 30 weeks with 1st) and i know not all pregnancies are the same but i was wondering if i did leak like i did last time would it be possible to collect the milk (you can buy shells/collecting things that go in your bra) and use it for when/after baby is born ? Or would that milk not be good like not proper milk etc i haven't got a clue ! I just know if i leak like last time before baby is even here then there is going to be quite a bit of milk lost that could be used if you get me ? Or am i just sounding weird here lol also if it is ok how long can i be kept in the freezer for etc....Any advice would be appreciated and thanks in advance :)

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Q's about breastfeeding/pumping help !?

    I am looking for advice and no one telling me i am wrong or whatever just good honest advice please !

    I am really wanting to breastfeed my next baby (17 weeks + 2days) as i didn't do it with my first he was tongue tied and wouldn't latch and i just didn't no what to do had no support etc and gave him formula !

    Now i just want this time round to be different and i am wondering is it possible to express milk in the last week of pregnancy for when baby is born as i am scared i will have problems again but really want my baby to have a feed when he is born not be screaming for hours while every nurse etc try to get him on the boob (thats what happened last time it was horrible) and my milk was there ! or if he won't latch can i pump in hospital and feed him and what if he won't latch at all is it possible to pump from like the minute he's born and feed him the b.milk from a bottle ? I just want some advice from ladies who breastfeed or who have been through this Thanks

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Ovulating late on clomid or not at all ?

    I am on my 3rd round of clomid (got pregnant last cycle but miscarried at around 6 weeks) I took my clomid 50mg on days 2-6 and it is now cd 17 and still no + opk !

    I am feeling a bit of discomfort around both my ovaries now for about 4 days but what i am worried about is that i got ovulated late on my last cycle (+ opk cd18) and got pregnant but as i said miscarried so i am scared if i ovulate late again which it looks like and i get pregnant will it cause me to miscarry again/Do you think i may not ovulate at all...The first cycle i ovulated cd 12 but i didn't get me pregnant !

    We are ttc#" for nearly 7 years and have been diagnosed with unexplained secondary infertility and i do ovulate on my own but was told that clomid will increase my chances.

    Any advice would be great thanks :o)

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • 9 days after last clomid pill ?

    I am on my 3rd round of clomid..The first cycle i got my + opk 7 days after last pill...The second cycle i didn't get it until 14 days after las pill (one follicle was found but small so i am guessing thats why it was delayed a little) i got pregnant that cycle but misscarried at around 6 weeks in March...Well its been 9 days since taking my last pill and still no + opk but having lots of aches around m ovary on the left ? It says you should ovulate/get your + opk between days 5-10 after last pill !

    I also don't no how its going because i never got scanned this time. What do you guys think has it worked will i still get my + opk has this happened to anyone !

    We have been ttc number 2 for 7 years and have unexplained secondary infertility !

    Thanks for any answers it is much appriciated :)

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Help i am confused ~ttc~?

    Sorry it might be a long one but bare with me please !

    I got pregnant on my 2nd round of clomid after we were ttc #2 for 7 years it ended in miscarriage between 6-7 weeks on the 21st March I then got my period 6 weeks exactly after the m/c which was 2nd May 2011.

    Well my cycles are normally 33 days long and i am currently on cd 24 but got my first + ovulation test yesterday and another today (without the clomid)

    What i am wondering is have i ovulated to late and or could my cycle this month be longer due to it being my first one after m/c ?

    I really want this to happen and i am positive i do have good feeling this month but if my cycle is back to the normal 33 days i am to late right ? or not ?

    Any advice or experiences to share would be great and sorry its long thanks in advance :o)

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Clomid will it work again !?

    I was on my second round of clomid (7 yrs ttc no2 and unexplained infertility) and got pregnant i was over the moon as i didn't thnink it would work... anyway i guess it wasn't meant to be and i miscarried on the 21st march 11 ( i was 7 weeks )i am completely guttered i bled for 2 weeks and got my period exactly 6 weeks after that i am currently on cd17 now (normal cycle 33days) and still have not got a + opk yet !

    Anyway i have 2 months left of my clomid and want to start it again on my next cycle (if it arrives) as the dr says thats ok i just wanted to know if it did work a few months ago is there a good chance it will work for me again? As anyone experienced this ? Any help will be much appreciated i just wanted this baby soooooo bad and the fact don't help both my sister and sister in law both told me last week they are pregnant and due in Dec and they didn't want it to happen but it did :o(

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Ultrasound saw nothing !?

    I am pregnant and should be 6+2 days from lmp but 3+6 from ovulation as i ovulated late on clomid !

    Anyway i rang the hospital yesterday as i had slight cramps no blood or nothing and asked could i have a scan to see if everything was ok so i went in and had the scan done (transvaginal) the sonographer said first of all That's never a pregnant uterus ! Then oh yer that looks like it was a sac but no its not ! then oh it might be ectopic go round to the emergency room ! All this was said in less than 2 minutes !

    I was upset but well pissed at the attitude of her i explained about my ovulation (nothing had been wrote in my notes since Dec even though i had my 2nd round of clomid in Jan) and then she said oh well yer it may to early to see anything !

    Went the er and was give another pregnancy test which was + was examined and told the pain i was experiencing was normal (scale of 1-10 it was 2) and said to come back on the nhs for a scan in two weeks as it was probably to early to have seen anything and she hadnt put anything about collapsed sac's in the notes !

    Well i rang the private clinic i had my scan done in to complain about the attitude of the lady who scanned me and they told me it was prob to early to see anything they were sorry and want me to come in again on the 22nd but i mean will they see something in a week !

    What is wrong could it have been to early do you think !

    I mean "thats never a pregnant uterus" wtf ? I am going outta my mind here and i am scared to go back incase there is nothing there or she was right about the sac ?

    I mean how can she have had for different opinions on the matter after scanning me for less than 2 minutes !

    As this happen to anyone before or anything simular and how was the outcome !

    Sorry for going on and on but i just need some opinions thanks :o)

    Also i the cramps i know are normal i had them when i had my son but i am being to sensitive with this pregnancy because we have tried for 7 years ! I am still getting pregnany symptoms which are getting stronger and not going away !

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Baby Name Help Please !?

    Ok so i know i have a long way to go as i'm only 6 weeks pregnant but i need help with boy names (have a girl name chosen).

    I like Georgie, Billy,Frankie & Tyler but the hubby is having none of it !

    We have Ryan in mind also because we both like it but just want more names to choose from we already have a son Thomas James so a name begining with T would be good but it doesn't really matter as The surname is Barry if thats a help and thanks in advance guys !

    4 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • I can't believe it 10dpo !?

    I can't believe i am roughly 10dpo (+ opk on 17th Feb) and i got my BFP !

    I am in total shock 3 ultra sensitive test showed faint lines, Clearblue Digital showed PREGNANT 1-2 !

    I don't understand it though this was my second round of clomid and was told at my cd 10 scan that i only had one small follie ! So i thought this month was out the question i mean i wasn't even thinking about it and only bd'd 3 times !

    We have been waiting for this for soooo long (7 years) and was on the treatment due to unexplained secondary infertility !

    I go for my scan on 22nd March :o)

    Just thought i'd share my good news instead of harassing all you guys with ttc questions over and over again !

    Baby dust to everyone ttc if its happened to me i know it will happen for you too :o)

    Sorry for the ramble i just need to get it off my chest i feel like i need to tell someone but i don't wanna tell family yet !

    8 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Is it a Wasted Month or Do you Think i Still Have A Chance !?

    I am on clomid 50mg second round and had one follicle i got my positive opk on cd18 but the thing is we only bd'd 2 days before the + the day of the + and the day after the +....Do you think we still have a good chance of getting pregnant because i missed actual ovulation which is normally 36 hrs after + opk right? we have also been using pre-seed !

    I'm a bit pissed and think this month has been wasted but my hubby was sooo ill he couldn't even get out of bed !

    What do you think is there still a good chance or do you think iv'e missed it this month...Thanks guys !

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • + opk on comid help !?

    I am on my second cycle of clomid (days 2-6) i had a scan on cd10 dr said i had one small follicle (never told me exact size) so i was taking opk's from cd 10 anyway and got a + today cd 18 but it was 12 days after my last pill i thought you were supposed to ovulate between days 5-10 days after last pill !

    Anyway we have only bd'd 3 days ago and we will tonight and the next night but do you think we still have a chance will the follicle have grown more ? Will the chances be slim since i have not "done it" right before i got the + opk ?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance :o)

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Clomid cd 10 scan and 1 small follicle !?

    Ok so i'm on my second round of clomid for unexplained secondary infertility !

    Last cycle i had 3 good follicles in one side and 2 in the other at my cd10 scan but it still didn't get me pregnant !

    Anyway i went for my cd 10 scan on Wednesday and was told oh you have one small one there come back on Friday for another scan !

    Well i was pissed at the attitude of the dr and tried to cancel Fridays appointment but the nurses and dr is having none of it saying "oh No" you can't you need to be monitored as your on clomid an i explained about the scan 2 days prior and said i think its pointless getting another scan as no more are going to grow so why can't i just go ahead with the timed intercourse and she freaked and said i can't cancel !

    Well i just paid £130 for a scan that took 2 seconds and then they want another £130 for a second one on Friday i mean it's bloody expensive and they seem to not give a sh*t i mean i takes me all day to get through when i need to speak to them and yet when i leave a voicemail telling them i wish to cancel they call me back demanding that i don't !

    I mean do you think its worth forking out another £130 for a scan to see if one follicle has grown a bit more or should i leave it until next cycle i mean what are the odds of me getting pregnant on this cycle if it didn't happen last time with all them follicles !

    :@ I'm sorry for ranting but what do you think would you pay again 2 days later or just go on and wait till next month ?

    Thanks in advance to anyone who answers :o)

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • When will AF show on clomid ! help please !?

    I started clomid on 1st Jan days 3-7 and got a + opk on cd 14 (12th Jan) well i am 17dpo and still no period ? I took a hpt and got a BFN !

    But my normal cycle is 33-34 days and i'm confused you should get af 14-16 after ovulation right ? and so if i ovulated on or around day 14 wouldn't that shorten my cycle to 28-30 ?

    So its now cd 31 am i late ? is it still to early for hpt to show + ?

    I hope you understand this question and any advice would be great am going a little crazy right now !

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • When will AF arrive on clomid ?

    Hi i normaly have a 33-34 day cycle but i am on my first round of clomid and i am just waiting to find out if i'm pregnant !

    Well i got a + opk on cd 14 and i am now on cd 28 and was just wondering will my cycle be shorter as i'm on clomid and ovulated around day 14 or will it be my normal 33-34...I don't know when to class myself as being "late" isn't af supposed to arrive like 14 days after ovulation which would be any day now ? and i am getting cramps :@ I just need some advice if anyone can help thanks very much :o)

    TTC#2 for nearly 7 years unexplained secondary infertility :o(

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • when will my period arrive...Clomid help !?

    Hi i'm on my 1st round of clomid which i took on days 5-7. I had a scan done on cd12 and i confirmed that i had mature follicles in both ovaries (3 in 1,2 in the other)and other less mature ones to anyway i got a positive opk on cd14 and had really bad ov pains ! Anyway i am now on cd25 i have taken a hpt as i am 11dpo and i thought i seen a line but my hubby says no ! I do feel a little different this month could i still have chance of being pregnant or would the hpt have been accurate ?

    ***Also i have normally a 33-34 day cycle so will that stay the same or will it be less as i'm on clomid and ovulated around cd14 ? ***

    We have one child and have be told we have unexplained secondary infertility been ttc for nearly 7 years :o(

    Sorry its long and maybe confusing but thanks in advance i hope you can understand it all :o)

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • When will my period arrive....clomid ?

    Hi i'm on my 1st round of clomid which i took on days 5-7. I had a scan done on cd12 and i confirmed that i had mature follicles in both ovaries (3 in 1,2 in the other)and other less mature ones to anyway i got a positive opk on cd14 and had really bad ov pains ! Anyway i am now on cd25 i have taken a hpt as i am 11dpo and i thought i seen a line but my hubby says no ! I do feel a little different this month could i still have chance of being pregnant or would the hpt have been accurate ?

    Also i have normally a 33-34 day cycle so will that stay the same or will it be less as i'm on clomid and may have ovulated around cd14 ?

    We have one child and have be told we have unexplained secondary infertility been ttc for nearly 7 years :o(

    Sorry its long and maybe confusing but thanks in advance i hope you can understand it all :o)

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Do you think these are good signs !?

    I am on my first cycle of clomid had my scans and found out i had mature follicles in both ovaries i got my + opk on cd 14 and i am 4dpo...Anyway i have had lots and i mean lots of cm i have been having hot flushes and sore bbs since yesterday and today the same but i have been getting period type aches and pains and have been really bitchy (like pms) but i'm not due for af to arrive for nearly 2 weeks!

    I no its a silly question but do you think they are signs i could be pregnant or am i to early to tell !

    We already have one child and been ttc2 for nearly seven years...we have unexplained infertility !

    The doctor who we had consultation with and scan was really hopeful but i know he can't be 100%....I'm going out my mind i hate this 2ww !

    Any advice experiences are appreciated and thanks in advance :o)

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Ovulation pain, + OPK, 0 EWCM !?

    I am on my first cycle of clomid 50mg (3-7)...Had scan done on day 12 had 3 mature follicles in left ovary, 2 in the right !

    From day 10 until i had my scan i had lots of ewcm but since the scan nothing in fact (tmi sorry) it is completely dry down there !

    I got my + opk (clearblue digital and cheapy one too) yesterday (cd14) and have had alot of ovulation pain and discomfort on both sides but no ewcm !

    Will this stop me from getting pregnant ( i'm using conceive+ gel)...Is this normal on clomid ? Why did the ewcm disappear ?

    Also can you ovulate from both ovaries at the same time if they both have mature follies ?

    Sorry it's long and thanks in advance :o)

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Clomid days 3-7 when will i ovulate ?

    I am on my first round of clomid (taken days 3-7) i went for a scan yesterday and there is 3 mature follicles in the left ovary and a couple on the right !

    I know your supposed to ovulate 5-10 days after last pill but was wondering around what day should i ovulate ?

    Anyone who's been on the same timed cycle as me when did you ovulate ?

    Thanks in advance !

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Clomid & Uterus lining ! Help !?

    I was wondering does your uterus loining grow each day !

    I had my scan today and was told i have 3 mature follicles on one side and one on the other and my uterus lining was 5.4mm !

    She never said much about the lining just that i needed to know the risk as i have 3 mature follicles there...Any how i googled it and it says for pregnancy to occur that you need to have uterus lining of 8mm ?

    Is there still a good chance of me getting pregnant !

    Has anyone else experienced this...Thanks

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago