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SJ <3
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GUYS what is with my crush?
Okay before i made it OBVIOUS that I like him he used to be friendly and the flustered one is always me.BUT NOW.It's like!! I don't get it!!
One time he was going up the stairs [i was going down for another class] and I was looking at his profile - he was waving with his bros i think.Then he saw me.and he IMMEDIATELY and i mean IMMEDIATELY lowered his head and looked a the floor!!
I was soooo shocked I just had to say "hi" and He just waved back shyly (I think he didn't looked at me or just looked for a few seconds!)
Sometimes when I pass by he'll look at me,I saw him staring at me from the corner of my eye.I won't look at him sometimes coz I'm shy too!
and other times he would ignore me while I looked at him!! WHY! I was trying to say HI but I couldn't cause he wouldn't freaking look at me!!
I catch him glancing and looking at me! GUYS what is this? does he like me? why does he do this? How can I get closer to him? I'm not ready to confess yet! I want to be friends-crush with him BUT HOW HES SO FREAKING SHY.Diff class! We meet like 2-3 times a day!
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agohelp me remember this cartoon/animation?
about these two "friends".Umm I dont remember when or where I watched it.So they're in this place where its like in the rural area? And they're trying to get food and they ended up blowing up a refrigerator I think? I forgot...1 of the characters had a robot girlfriend i think? and theres a lizard and i remembered they tried to eat it? and its tail came off!
Thanks..please im trying to recollect fragments of my childhood memories XD
1 AnswerComics & Animation8 years agoHow should i act around a guy who rejected me?
It's my guy friend.I was stupid to confess though,cause I found out he recently rejected someone before I confessed to him,I thought he liked me,I was too conceited,it's all my fault
I was almost completely over him when I started reading strobe edge (manga).We're still friends,I'm ignoring him as much as possible,since it's holidays now,it's easy,but when school starts (less than 2 weeks) I'm dead.I don't know how to act around him,I might cry in front of him,I might do stupid things,I seriously don't know what to do,I'm scared and I'm nervous,I'm sad and I feel stupid.
it was all my fault,I shouldn't have confessed,I shouldn't had harbor such feelings for him.I was stupid.I hate myself.It was my first time getting rejected.
5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoRecommend me good korean or chinese dramas dramas?
I want ones with handsome (duh) male lead and pretty/young female lead (I hate the thought of an old hag and a handsome guy kissing,blerk!)
I want it to be:
-No tragedy :'(
-cute x3
I want it to be new! I watched:
-Skip beat
-Kpop strongest survival battle
-Rooftop prince (I love this one coz I love Micky xDD But I don't like tooo much drama and action and the female lead is always so bad lucked!! >_<)
I love Ricky&Micky&Siwon,my opppass xD </3
Thanks in advance :D
10 AnswersKorea8 years agoTakumi Kun Series QUESTIONS?
WARNING:Takumi kun is a BOYS LOVE japanese drama! if you're not gonna answer seriously then dont bother reading it! (and ppl who watched it lol)
I know abt gyii and takumi only!! How MANY movies are there??? And is it finished?? And will ALL the movies/series be focused on them?? Like every movie? Please help me,im awfully confused @@
2 AnswersDrama9 years agoi like my guy friend,he doesn't like me?
Yeah..title says it all..
Basically,he KNOWS (ohh-soo-well) that i like him.I think i remembered when there was this where he avoided me.After like a few weeks,we're friends again.I like him so much.
But I found out he doesn't like me.He has someone he likes.But he acts like he likes me.My good friend said that he's just being nice/friendly.(Cause he's friendly to girls)
It hurts.So much.And there were a lot of times.Where I ACCIDENTALLY touched his hand/shoulders etc.But he's like "eee...don't touch me!" and I was sooo hurt.I think he's trying to hint me that he doesn't feel the same.It hurts.He teases me by calling me names.He only does it to me.He sometimes stares at me.
But I'm planning on giving up on him.It's stupid to hold on to an unrequited love.Oh and fyi,he just rejected a girl who confessed to him.
He knows i like him,but he acts like nothing happened,and he's acting as usual(except that time when he avoided me) and it just hurts twice as bad.So what do i do now? My friends all tell me to just be friends.I wanted to avoid him.But I don't think It would be possible,cause we're in the same class.And a big possibility next year too.
It hurts so much.What should I do? I want to avoid him.Because I won't be able to control myself,I'll fall for him even deeper and it'll hurt even more :(
2 AnswersFriends9 years agoHeart broken,chest pain :[?
Broken heart,ans my chest hurts :[ So does my stomach sometimes (kinda like butterflies when ur nervious)
It feels SO heavy,sometimes i have difficulty breathing and had to take deep breathes.And It hurts when i think about him,But i can't help myself :[
And then there's another one of my guy friend,who's always discouraging me like "he doesnt like u so just give up" and ugh he makes it soooo much worser x(
And It's still school holidays now so i have these REALLY annoying two friends who's REALLY immature (One of them is SEVENTEEN...) And make is x100 worser..Urgh i just HATE those two...My neighborhood friends are SO USELESS when it comes to love =(((...NO i do NOT talk these stuffs with my family...Just my friends but my really closenot here now :(
There's only one person who can calm me down,and she just says something like:"Seriously just forrget him...You still got me x)" And i don't know why but she's the ONLY PERSON who can make me feel A WHOLE LOT better with only those words...=)
She's no great help when it comes to love but it still calms me down when she calms me down...And we do talk on the phone...But i want to see her in person (but i cant..) Just a few more weeks till new term but im desperate to see her...
Please,please guys tell me what do to.I've tried listening to a lot of music,but that didn't help,and a lot of songs i listen to makes me think about him WAY MORE.I tried watching some funny videos,yes it does help but only a lil bit cause i go back to thinking of him when the comedy stops....
I just CAN'T help myself....
Please suggest some nice POP broken hearted girl/guy songs?
I have a lot of things going on my mind now....Everything's perfectly fine until that jerk came...He was my first love,so this is my first heartbreak...And I still don't know which class I'll go cause I want to be with my friends!!
if u finish reading all of the above,then thank you,in advance.
Also I keep telling myself "Forget the past,don't worry about the future,and just enjoy NOW!"
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoI'm jealous of my best friend?
I know it's WRONG for me to be jealous of my best friend,but i just can't help myself.
-She's so pretty,she has the biggest brown eyes (in a pretty and not creepy way) EVER
-She's very nice,a lot of guys like to talk to her
-A guy ALWAYS teases her,he likes to switch seats to sit near her,play with her hair,kick her chair in a friendly way etc,etc;
-She gets good grades
-I'm so insecure around her,I don't even wanna tell her about my crush,I'm afraid that he may like her.(but shes not mean she wont steal anyone from anyone lol)
-Everyone likes her.
3 AnswersFriends10 years agoi dont like having a babyface x(?
im 13,and im asian (so dont continue reading this if you don't like asians :P)
I'm NOT going to include a picture --- personal privacy reasons..
So i have a babyface and my friends say im cute (sooo not trying to brag sorry if it sounds like it! >.<!)
Well,i USED to like it,until i got jealous of my pretty friend who's adored by so many guys.
She's SUPER pretty,dark brown eyes (because us asians [or at least the people in my class XD] have light brownish eyes,and hers are VERY VERY noticable,they're SOO pretty =O)
Me and her are almost the same,except,well,our faces xD
I think what makes her better is that she has a babyface and very pretty,maybe cuz of her big brown eyes (but she's like cute,pretty&lovable,many says she looks so innocent)
But she doesnt want to start a relationship with any other guy,she rejected a lot (actually she just avoids them in a cute way (: x) She's my best friend too xD
also i have short hair :P my friends said that if i grow my hair longer,I'll look pretty,but...I'm just scared that i'll look ugly OMGOSH DX
Let me just say that I AM jealous of my friend,but i do not hate her,so don't comment anything about that,please.
Thanks for reading! >.<!
4 AnswersFriends10 years agoI think the guy i liked likes my friend.....=(?
I think the guy i like (and he likes me too) likes my friend (she's 17,he's 13) I KNOW! D:
It's holidays now,and he'll come once a week to spend the night at his cousin's house which is in my neighbourhood (same row) and once his little cousin (9 years young) called my friend (the 17 yrs gal) who I always talk to about him,and all that...
And it was night so she said to me the next day of what happened yesterday and when he looked at her,she said that he smiled at him and then got in the car (they were about to leave for dinner or something and they were in the car park getting ready to go..)
I pretended to say something like "so..." but deep within it hurts like hell...
.I KNOW for a fact that he likes me,he has all these signs at school and stuff..
including the last day of school before holidays started..
and it was only 1 or days when holidays started so i didn't think he would "not like me" so fast......
1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years agoWhy are boys&girls in my class SO MEAN to me? :(?
Okay so they're very mean to me.They used to call me ugly (nope,im not ugly,and im not trying to flatter myself).One boy used to said that I'm so ugly no one will like (that awkward moment when an UGLY person tells you you're ugly xD) And one time,some of the kids in my class brought their camera to class to take some pictures for a school project.And the guy (lets call him stupid) was taking pictures and i was there,minding my OWN BUSINESS and then i shouted "NO!" (forgot the reason why i shouted no,lol) and then *stupid said "why r you shouting?" and i said, "mind your own business" and then he said "want me to take a picture of you and put it on facebook and say this is (MYHORRIBLENICKNAME) <--- that i get called in my class (which i will not reveal) and i said,"shut up you loser" And then another guy (who i REALLY HATE) said "its ok no one will want to take your picture" and then the other guys (they were in a group) laughed.And damn that sudden sharp pain like a knife that thrusted through my chest...I feel SO sad when he said that...and that HORRIBLE nickname i got called is still the "JOKE OF THE CLASS" two of the class clowns (one boy one girl) would always use it,i would TRY to ignore it,but sometimes,it's just so hard to ignore especially when you're best friend cant help but laugh too...My friend tried her best not to laugh but sometimes she just can't help herself.Which i understand.Some of my friends also like to tease me.For example,"You look like an elephant when you were small" (EXAMPLE ONLY) i can only think of that XD and it hurts me so bad.Especially when my friends are laughing,urgh!! Only ONE or TWO of my friends (good friends) wouldn't laugh...I hate it...I had always been very sensitive about these things,i hate getting called names...T_T I tried to bare the pain,but sometimes i really,really can't help but CRY.(Of course,not in class but once or twice i really cried in class,and only 3 of my friends realized it.One sitting beside me,other two on my bk.)
And the only thing that has kept me going on is a very good friend of mine,who i can talk to about my feelings,and she helps me feel ALOT better.Another thing that ha bothered me is that Today,i got an A on my history (the first 2 BOYS who got As got big round of applause) and im the only girl who got A and no applause.Even my friend said "its so mean that no one clapped when you got A" And i said,"it's ok" (obviously i'm NOT ok) (but my 3 good friends clapped for me) People in the class call me by my horrible nickname,and so far,it's only within class,not the whole school.Which is a relieve...
I'm not gonna tell the teachers,they didn't help me anyway.They might think I'm a baby,i used to be a Daddy's girl.I guess i just have to bare all this pain by myself.
In conclusion,I HATE junior high.(oh and kinda late but im 13 XD)
sometimes i just wanna cry my eyes out,cuz i have such a sucklish school life.I'll never be totally happy again.I miss the old days,I've got nothing to worry about then.
If you have read all of the content,then i just wanna say THANK YOU.SO MUCH.
1 AnswerFriends10 years agoI have a child like (cute) face.?
Ok so im 13 and i have a babyface,I look like a kid,ppl say im cute,but no one has called me PRETTY.
There's a girl in my class who's (i cant deny it) shes very pretty,she has yellowish skin,DEEP dimples on her cheeks,Its like cheekbones xD.And shes nice,BUT only with GUYS.Ugh,thats ONE of the REASONS why I hate her,and YES,im a lil jealous of her,but she doesn't have the whole package (looks,kindess etc) And a lot of peeps hate her TOO xD.Also a LOT of guys like her,even 14 yr olds like her.And theres one guy who likes her and he's always following her everywhere she goes,haha its kinda funny but hes like a STALKER xD.I have another friend who's pretty,but,her pretty isn't ALL pretty,she's HALF PRETTY AND HALF CUTE.But she's my best friend,she's super nice.But not too many guys like her,shes pretty but she isnt arrogant and shes really,really nice,and its not pretend nice.(I said shes nice twice :P) I guess guys just like PRETTY GIRLS not CUTE ones.
Also,my friends said if i grow my hair longer (i have shorttt hair xD) <------ Maybe thats one of the reasons i look like a child :P I'll look really pretty,but im not sure,I mean i can't imagine myself with long hair,I'm really afraid ill look ugly DX
1) Why Do Most Guys Like Girls That Are Pretty And Not Cute?
2) Should I Grow My Hair Longer? :P
Kk thanks for reading.
3 AnswersFriends10 years agoDoes He Still Like Me Or Not?
ok so ders this guy i met at a birthday party of my neighbor (he's my neighbor's cousin) and we didn't met after that until i was going to high school and we're in the same school at first i think that he's annoying and stupid and ugly and i didnt really thought about it.He used to tease me like once he started to mimic my moves and then i said "STOP IT!" and he just laughs and i kinda did too.And like i said i didn't really gave much thinking about it until one day that i caught him looking at me and looked away quickly when he found me looking at him which i thought was kinda cute xD He also shows up at places i go.And he'll try to show off infront of me with his friends also one of his friend kept staring at me (so he must have told his friends about me,right?) And so when i went home i googled search "signs a guy likes you" and yeah he has some of the signs.
Then i started to think about him ALL the time....especially at school....
and he once accidentally bumped into me and he said sorry xD
Now he's acting like a jerk and ignores me when im around but i sometimes (till now) caught him like trying to find me (if u know what i mean xD)
Also he's kinda rude to other girls (he IS a boy) but kinda shy around me..but im shy-er (WAYYYYY tooo shy around him ><) I try to avoid him as much as possible (i really dont know why)
And once at the school hall i saw him sitting way across me and i kept looking at him (hoping he would notice me) then i found him looking my way too but suddenly some jerk stood up and blocked my view (we were sitting) then i saw him raising his head and turning left and right trying to see me (i guess he thought he saw me and was trying to confirm if it was really me) but someone else blocked his view (and mine)...again....=.=
He's always trying to act cool infront of me (by IGNORING me) and sometimes it actually made me sad and does he like me or not? >> why is he like this? is he playing hard to get? If he's not gonna make a move then ill just forget about him and move on (like one time i TRIED to forget him but then he started acting nice again and it gave me hope..but i guess i was wrong...)
Ps-no rude and spammy answers please? :D
thnx in advance.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago