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  • Does my dogs gums look relatively normal?

    I know she has some tartar and should brush. I’m asking about the pink color

    Here’s the link:

    2 AnswersDogs2 years ago
  • Does chocolate colored vomit always mean blood?

    I woke up this morning feeling nauseas as hell and I went to go throw up, it was dark brown like a chocolate color. I don’t have any stomach pain, nor do I even feel nauseous anymore. Just that slight weakness feeling anyone has after throwing up. I’ve eaten like complete crap the past 24 hours so I’m wondering if the color can be due to this and not blood: I had several chocolate cupcakes, dark herbal tea, chips, hotdogs, Mac and cheese, creamsicles, Reese’s cups, and more. Do I have to worry about blood being in my vomit or is it possible it’s just the coloring from what I ate? It’s been about 6 hours since I’ve had the last cupcake so I’m thinking that’s causing the color. I’m really tired lol I don’t wanna have to go to the doctor if I don’t have to please tell me if that’s relatively normal

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases2 years ago
  • Can I mix black hair dye with a green dye to make it darker?

    I really want to achieve a deep green/teal color. I have the dye I want to use for the color

    But I want to make it a bit darker and deeper, and finding a darker green dye is VERY hard to find. They're all so bright. Would doing this make it look murky and gross? What should I do?

    1 AnswerHair6 years ago
  • Double dosage of birth control- extreme nausea.. HELP?

    So I'm 16 and last week my mom was late to pick up my birth control prescription, and I missed about two days, give or take. The birth control packet instructed me to take two pills for a few days until I caught up. I think I took them about 3 days this way. Today I finally got back to one pill, but I'm EXTREMELY nauseous. Like last night I went to sleep nauseous, then woke up the same way. It's been going back and forth since yesterday, and I never vomited. Just gagged due to the bad point the nausea got to. Is this possibly because of the big change in hormones in the span of 3 days? Does this happen? I've never gotten nausea from my birth control before while normally taking it, but my mom thinks it's just the large increase in such a short amount of time, but I don't know. This has been going on for too long for it to be normal. The nausea only subsided when I ate something bland, and now it's back again. Is this is any way normal? I'm starting to worry.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Extreme body tremors- Anxiety?

    So I just had an extreme panic episode due to some medical issue I thought I had but didn't. While being extremely worried, my whole body shook. I understand that some moderate shaking is normal with anxiety. But like, the shaking literally felt like it came from within my core, like I got struck by lighting. It looked like I was having a seizure or something. My legs, arms, torso, hands, and jaw was shaking uncontrollably. Is it normal for it to be THAT intense? I'm still having some very slight leftover tremors from the shock.

    1 AnswerMental Health6 years ago
  • My mom refuses to buy me condoms..?

    Okay, so I'm a 16 year old female, on birth control, and currently sexually active, which is obvious due to the title. I don't currently have a job yet, so I asked my mom if she could buy me condoms. She knows I'm sexually active and all that, and she obviously wants me to be safe. But when I ask her to assist me on being safe (a.k.a getting condoms,) she refuses, telling me that's a "man's job" and that my boyfriend should be buying them. I understand it's typically a thing for guys to do, but I honestly think you shouldn't refuse to buy your sexually active teenager condoms because it makes you "uncomfortable." It's better than teenage pregnancy. Does anyone else think it's wrong what she's doing? It shouldn't be just one gender's responsibility. If you're in a relationship, both people should be aware. And please no answers about me being too young, you can't judge a person's maturity level by their age, thank you.

    14 AnswersAdolescent6 years ago
  • How long do I have to wait before having unprotected sex on birth control?

    I've just started birth control last month. I'm starting my next pill cycle tomorrow. I've already taken all the active pink pills in the packet and I didn't take the brown inactive ones, but I'm starting the active again tomorrow. Is it okay to have unprotected sex yet? Some have told me 2 months, some have said a week.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Lack of sleep- Hallucinations..?

    So, I've been awake for maybe 12 hours, that's it. But I'm getting really dizzy. My vision keeps getting blurred. If I look at something for long enough, it starts moving. I've been up for like 32 hours before, and the same happened, except a LOT worse. Like out of the corner of my eye things would move. Like my mom has this plant in her room with christmas lights on it, and I thought the lights were little bugs and they were moving and crawling, and.. ugh. Idk, it gets scary. Anyway, I was wondering why this happens. Also some tips to help with my insomnia. I've pretty much heard it all: melatonin, meditation, getting off my phone/computer at a right time, tea, all that basic stuff. I think it has a lot to do with my OCD, I'm not sure. Any tips that I may not have heard of? I'm desperate, every day at school I STRUGGLE to keep my eyes open. Thank you in advance.

    5 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Question about ear stretching??? Need advice.?

    So, I had my ears pierced years ago, and I haven't had any earrings in for at least 4 years. I got them pierced with a gun at walmart when i was younger, so the hole isn't very centered. The hole is still kinda there, but it doesn't go all the way through. If I got my ears repierced by a professional at a more centered area to stretch them to about 1/2 (maybe a little less), could I still do that without damage or rips? Would the other uncentered hole (more towards the bottom) make my earlobe rip even if the actually plug or taper was in the more centered hole? I hope this makes sense. Thank you xx

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • Growing out my layers?

    So I have a haircut where it has a crapload of short layers, and swoopy bangs. I guess you can call it "scene" hair, but I don't like stereotypes. Anyways, I wanna grow it out all into one length so I can wear my natural curly hair and do more things to style it.. How do I grow it out so it can be all one length by the end of the school year??

    2 AnswersHair9 years ago