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  • Are there any real estate laws reguarding this?

    My husband and I bought a home in IL approximately a year ago. Prior to the purchase we asked if there were any covenants for our home. It's a rural area, outside city limits, but we are in a grouping of about 5-6 homes each on 1 acre plus lots. We were told there were no covenants at all. We were directed to contact the county about any building restrictions though. We have since purchased a new travel trailer, which is in our drive, put up a small chicken coop and gotten 6 chickens, and put in a vegetable garden and put up a fence to keep rabbits out. As we are finishing our fence, a neighbor comes over and complains about or trailer, and says he is not sure if we can have our fence or chickens either (which are also enclosed in a fence). He then hands us a photocopy of the covenants from 1964. Had we known about these covenants prior to buying the house, we would not have bought it. Do we have any legal rights or am I just out all these hundreds of dollars we have spent?

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Toddler with behavior problems?

    My son is 2 he will be 3 next month. We are having behavior preblems with him and have tried everything we can think of. We need some advise or some sources to look at. He throws uncontrollable fits at the drop of a hat for just about everything. If he gets told not to do something, If he wants to play a game or with a toy and has to wait his turn, when waking up from naps, when he just doesn't like something. At home if he does this. He goes to his room and we let him cry it out for a few minutes and then we go in and talk to him about it. Sometimes this works and sometimes he needs a few more minutes. He does often hit his time out chair or call us names "poopy butt head" is his favorite. When he gets exceptionsally worked up and will not behave we take away privledges like favorite toys or his cartoon time which seems to work. I was just told this morning that at his daycare, he gets much worse. They have told me multiple times about the fits, but I thought they were like the ones at home. When I am made aware of him calling names or hitting at school, he still gets toys or cartoon time taken away at home and we are continually talking to him about how hitting and calling names are not acceptable behavior. Now they are telling me that the fits are much worse than I originally thought. He will go on for 30-45minutes screaming so loud he disrupts the entire class and upsets other children. They have tried multiple things and can not get him to calm down. His morning teacher has lead me to beleve this happens every day multiple times a day. She did not come out and say it, but made me feel like if immediate action is not taken and his behavior is not changed soon he may not be able to continue to go to this school. Teachers are having to spend too much one on one time with him to try to calm him down when they should be helping or teaching the other kids. I don't understand why his behavior is so much worse at school. I'm not one of those parents who thinks their kid does nothing wrong but I am now concerned is she exagerating the situation or does he really behave the way she says he does? His teacher feels and I have felt this before myself that he does not have the ability to cope when he is angry or upset and does not know how to soothe himself. I know this has kind of gone on and on, but has anyone else had to deal with this, and if so is this a phase and normal for his age? What have you done to try to help your toddler deal with negative emotions and soothing themselves when upset?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Is it dangerous for a child to swallow lip gloss?

    My 3 yr old son got ahold of his sister's roll on lip gloss this morning. He took the top off and "drank" maybe 1/4 of a small tube. Now about 7 hrs later he is throwing up. Could that be why? He threw up about 4 times and now he is fine. He's done now but should I still take him to get checked out?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Is this still OK to cook and eat?

    I was going to make a chicken bog in my crock put yesterday. The night before I put raw chicken breasts, chopped onion, butter and cream of mushroom soup in my crock pot dish and stored it in the fridge. My intent was to get up and put it to cooking before I left for work yesterday morning. I forgot to start it cooking so it sat refrigerated all yesterday and last night. Is is ok to start it cooking this morning or should I throw it out?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • How to: getting toddler to eat vegetables?

    My 2 1/2 year old hates vegetables....I mean hates! I don't know what to do to get him to eat them. He will occasionally eat corn and sometimes potatoes. He will not eat anything green at all and will not eat most other veggies like carrots or beans either. He does get a multivitamin every day, but I'm worried he won't get the nutrients he needs. I offer vegetables at every meal and he eats everything except the veggies and then wants more. I refuse to give him more of the other foods we are eating until he at least tries his veggies. Most of the time he will not even try them and if he does he sits it on his tongue then spits it right back out. I know he isn't going to like everything. I was forced to eat things like livers as a child and I swore I would never force mine to eat them but he likes nothing and half the time won't even try. What do I do?

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Is this broken tooth an emergency dental situation?

    I just moved to a new town and I do not have a dentist yet. I have a situation where I need to have a tooth fixed but I din't know if this is an emergency type situation or can wait until next week. I've asked around and looked at reviews. The only place in town that has emergency services is not highly recommended and has bad reviews. If possible I want to wait and go to a good dentist but I dont' want the situation to get worse. last night when eating out at a restaurant, I bit into a bread stick and my very back upper molar pretty much disentigrated. the front half of the tooth is still there but the back half broke off in several chinks and now there is a jagged hole where the back half of my tooth was. It doesn't feel great but doesn't really hurt as long as I don't chew on that side of my mouth. My biggest issue is that the jagged part is cutting my cheek. It's not bleeding but there is a sore that keeps getting bigger. Do I need to go right away and get something temp done or can this wait until I can call monday and make an appointment?

    Dental9 years ago
  • ear drops for ear infection?

    My 2 year old son has a double ear infection. He has a long history of ear infections starting at about 7 months old. At 9 months after 5 rounds of oral antibiotics that made the infection better but never fully cured, he had his first set of tubes placed. at about 16 months the first set of tubes fell out and a month later he had another infection. He had one round of oral antibiotics that did nto help at all. We then had to go to the hospital and get the antibiotic shot rocefin (sp?) and that same week had his second set of tubes put in. Now he is just over 2. One month ago his second set of tubes fell out. He was taken to the doc Monday and had a mild ear infection in left ear. Was given oral antibiotics. He has gotten much worse. Now taken back to the doctor and the ear that had a mild infection is not pretty bad and the right ear is also badly infected too. They have put him on a different kind of antibiotic. They will not do the shot again like they did last time until he waits another 3 days. In the mean time, He wont eat and will hardly drink anything b/c it hurts to bad to swallow. Even with giving tylenol and ibuprofen alternated every 3 hours as directed and using numbing drops in his ears, he is still in horrible pain. He cries non-stop holding his ears. He can't sleep and wakes every hour or two screaming bloody murder. I have some antibiotic ear drops from his last ear tube surgery. They have not expired yet. Does anyone know if the drops will work if he doesn'thave a tube in and the ear drum is not ruptured? Or is there anything else you can recommend? He is hurting so bad it breaks my heart. While I don't want to jump to a very painful shot at the hospital, I also know he has a history for the last almost 2 years of oral meds not working for his ear infections and I'm upset that he has to wait and see given his history.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • married and dreaming of an ex?

    I've been married for just over 7 years now. Recently my husband and I have been having trouble. Arguing a lot lately, and a feeling of disconnect between us. After our last big arguement, an ex found me on facebook. It seemed kind of odd that it was the same day as the arguement. We parted on good terms and decided we would be better as friends. Shortly after I met my now husband and we had a whirlwind engagement and marriage. I moved out of state and we lost touch after that. Shortly before I left, a mutual friend told me the ex was really upset and that he said he could have seen himself marrying me one day. Obviously we weren't as on the same page about the break up as I thought at the time.

    Well, now I'm having dreams about my ex almost every single night. I don't know if it's b/c of the off nature of my marriage right now, or guilt over hurting the ex way back in the day. I know nothing is ever going to happen between us. We live a good 8 hour drive apart. We are never going to see each other. I don't even want anything other than to be friends. I just don't u/s why I can't quit dreaming about him. The dreams are always current setting, but we are hanging out and he knows about the marrital problems. He is recently divorced, and u/s what I am feeling. He then tells me how much he has missed me and I say how much I've missed him too. Then the dream ends. I feel like I'm cheating. It makes me feel so bad, but in reality I am not cheating and will not cheat. We have not had any of the conversations that we have in my dreams. Is this normal?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • What to do Considering Divorce?

    My husband and I have been married for a little over 7 years. We have 2 kids, a daughter almost 3 and a son 1 1/2. We always had so much fun together and were so in love. That was until the last year. Almost 4 years ago, around the time I got pregnant with my daughter, my husband started battling some depression and anxiety problems. It has gotten worse and worse since then. He is now diagnosed with severe anxiety and Bi-polar. He is on about 4-5 different kinds of meds for his mental health issues, but they barely take the edge off. He is up and down in his mood so much but more and more lately he's in the down phase and gets stuck there. We argue alot. I've tried so long to support him and help him through but he is now depressing me. I'm not suicidal, but every day I wish I were dead so I don't have to deal with it anymore. I"m not happy at all. Nothing but my kids make me happy any more. Our arguing has turned into pretty bad fights after the kids go to be. Nothing physical, but lots of yelling cussing and blaming. I try to leave the room so I don't says somethign I will regret and he follows me and says I run away and that I don't care and I'm not supportive of him. I don't know what to do anymore. I do not personally believe in divorce. Not that I think it is wrong, I just don't want to view it as an option. I feel like lately though that I'm trying to make everyone else happy and worrying how everyone else feels and no one hears or understands what I am going through. I don't want to be free and run around partying and going out and living it up. I just want to be content and not sad all the time. I just don't know how to get there from here. Any tips or advise?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Toddler throwing fits and hurting herself?

    My daugher will be 3 the end of september. For the last month or so she has been throwing horrendous fits and I don't know what to do. It started out just when I would get her up in the mornings to go to daycare. She didn't want to get out of bed and would scream until the veins in her neck were popping out and would throw herself around for a good 5 minutes then it would be like nothing had happened. Now she still throws those same fits, but also throws a fit at the drop of a hat over the craziest things. Like she wants a drink but doesn't want to drink out of any of the cups we have. I try to let her pick and she just goes crazy. She has now also gotten to where when she is throwing a fit she grabs her feet and pulls her toes back really far and says ooww!! but keeps on doing it, pinches herself, or pulls her hair. Sh throws herself around and kicks anyone near her. She bangs herself around on stuff. I try calming her and reasoning with her and it just makes it worse. What am I supposed to do? Any help or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I thought maybe sleep was an issue. I am going to start putting her to bed about 30 min to an hour earlier, but she does already sleep 10-11 hours at night and take anywhere from 1-2 hour nap during the day.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • What to do about Bipolar husband?

    My husband has been dealing with depression issues for the last 3-4 years. He was previously diagnosed as manic depressive. Now 4 months ago he was diagnosed as bipolar(did not say if it was 1 or 2). He is on meds but not getting any better. He is actually getting worse. He cut himself this morning. It was a superficial cut and nothing life threatening at all, but obviously that is not a healthy thing to do. I made him call his mental health doctor and he did not tell them about hte cutting so they didn't get him in until a week from now. He won't tell them b/c he is afraid they are going ot put him in the hospital which he does not want to do. I in the mean time am worried about him and don't know what to do. Should I call them and let them know what is going on. We have 2 children under 3 and we have no family around at all and all this lands on me which is starting to put me in a funk to and I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm trying to take care of and hold together 4 lives and it's getting more than I can handle. I need advise please.

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • HOw do I get rid of this yeast infection?

    I was having some bladder problems and have been prescribed about 6 different rounds of antibiotics in the last 6-7 months. That has caused me to have a massive yeast infection. OTC medications do not work. They make it slightly better, but do not get rid of the infection. Oral antifungal prescriptions seem to get rid of it for a bit, but then it comes right back. I'm in a lot of pain and need some times. I'm extrememly swolen and raw. I itch horribly and every time I urinate it takes everything in me to keep from crying. Any other tips on how to get rid of a really bad yeast infection?

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • 11 month old with sleep issues? Please help!?

    I have an 11 month old son that has some sleep issues and I don't know what to do. He was born early and had reflux so for a while we had to sleep in a bouncy seat so he was partially elevated. Then after the reflux issues he kept gettin ear infections. Again slept in seat to keep elevated b/c laying flat increased the pressure in his already sore ears. Now winter and stuffy noses and laying flat stops his nose up. The thing is the entire time he has fussed all night long and I have to frequently get up and put a pacifier in his mouth to settle him. I always thought the fussing was b/c of the reflux or ear infections. Now that he is healthy he still fusses all night long. I've now gone almost a year without a decent night sleep and I'm at my wits end. I don't know what to do but something has to give. Usually he woudl just wake up aver 15- 30 minutes and fuss for a few seconds and go back to sleep. Now it has evolved to waking every 15 minutes and fussing for a minute or two and very quickly it evolves to all out screaming. The pacifier rarely works, cahnging his butt and fixing a bottle does not work. He all out screams for 30 minutes until he goes back to sleep only to start all over and do the same thing about an hour later. When he starts out fussing he isn't even away. he still has his eyes closed, but something eventually wakes him to the point of screaming. My trying to comfort him makes him scream more. I don't understand what is wrong b/c during the day he is so happy. Any ideas or tips? Anyone else dealing with this? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • getting baby to self soothe?

    I have an 11 month old boy and a 2 1/2 year old little girl. When my daughter was small she never took a pacifier and from the beginning was good at self soothing and has never really had sleep trouble unless she is sick. My son however is the complete opposite. He is he will not go to sleep without a bottle or pacifier in his mouth and if he wakes at night he screams bloody murder until someone finds it and puts it back. I'm so sleep deprived I have to get up every 30 minutes at night and put the pacifier back in his mouth if I want to get any sleep at all. Any tips of how to break him of this habit? I've got to get him to sleep. With my daughter, around 12 months she had separation anxiety and there was about a 3 week period where she would cry and we did cry it out. She was so easy after about a minute of crying she would go right to sleep. With my son I'd love to be able to do this for him, but obviously it isn't going to work for him. He starts screaming hysterically and his room is right next to his sister's room. I would hate for him to keep her up all night. Any ideas or tips are greatly appreciated!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Why does my daughter act this way?

    My daughter is 22 months old. Since she was about 1 year old she started throwing fits when I drop her off at daycare. At first I thought it was just seperation anxiety. Is it supposed to last this long? I've tried easing her into me leaving, I explain to her mommy always comes back ot pick you up, I've also tried just not making a big deal of it and just saying moomy has to go now I"ll be back and walking out. Nothing works. I feel so horrible. She throws herself on the ground. A few times she has hit her head pretty hard on the floor, and she just screams bloody murder. They assure me it stops a fe wminutes after I leave, and I'm sure it does. I still feel horrible though. Is this normal for her to act this way still? Any tips on how to get her past it?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Getting time outs to work?

    My daughter is 22 months. She is really starting to pick up a bad habit of hitting. She she does not get her way she throws fits for about a minute or two then after she is done screaming she comes over to me and hits me when I tell her not to him momma, she repeatedly hits the couch right next to me. I'm trying to do time outs, but I can not contain her. I was always told to wait until they are done throwing a fit, but time out starts the biggest fits ever and I don't know what to do. When she hits me I tell her no hitting or you will get a time out. Then when she hits me again or acts like she is going to and hits the couch I pick her up and put her in her time out chair and she screams and wiggles down into to floor and rolls around kicking and screaming until she sees I'm not paying attention. Any tips on how to get time outs to work? Am I supposed to start her time after she guits scremaing and thrashing around? When she stopps she is in the floor, if I put her back in the chair she starts screaming again. I just don't know what to do.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • possible broken toes?

    I was just grocery shopping and dropped a big can on my toes and think I may have broken a few of them. I know most of the time they don't do anything for broken toes, but I don't know if myabe I should go get them checked out or not. They keep going all numb and tingley for a few minutes and then they throb for a few minutes then back to numb and tingley. the rest of my foot is throbbing all the time. Should I just not worry about it or blow $50 going to an urgent care clinic. I am certainly not going to the ER.

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • neighbor's flood lights shining on my house?

    A builder is building a house in the lot behind my house in my subdivision. The back corner of the house is abotu 20 feet of my back privacy fence. It is two story and has a nice deck on the top story. The builder has put three flood lights on the back of the house. I do not understand why since there practically is no back yard. There is one flood light on the lower level that does not bother me b/c of the fence, but there are 2 flood lights ont he roof line above the covered deck. They flood my back yard and shine on the back of my house all night long. We have shades, but they are bright flood lights and it makes it look like it is afternoon outside instead of the middle of the night. What can I do to make them take down the lights?

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What to dress children in for a funeral?

    My Grandfather passed away last week and his funeral will be this coming weekend. I have a 21 month old and a 4 month old and no idea what to dress them in. Neither have black clothes and I am unable to find appropriate black clothes for them. I am totally confused as to what to dress them in. Also, any tips for keeping a toddler calm at a funeral? I can see her throwing a tantrum and really not looking forward to that.

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone had and infant with torticollis?

    My son who is now 4 months old, was born almost 3 months early. He is getting big and doing great now, but he always keeps his head to one side and Dr says he has torticollis. He is getting a flat spot on his head from always hold his neck in the same spot. We are going to be taking him to physical therapy in a few weeks. I'm not really sure if that is it though. He only keeps his head to that side when he is on his back. When we hold him sitting up he moves his head all around and can keep it straight forward. When he does tummy time he moves it from side to side. It's just on his back. Anyone else had a baby that did this? What did you do?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago