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  • 8dpo and what my cervix looks like!?

    I wish I knew the difference from a pregnant cervix and I regular looking cervix if I keep doing this, the next month I will notice a chance if there will be a change. I got a speculum from my doctor last month, so I stated monitoring my cervix. 8 dpo My cervix now looks bluish/reddish a lot more discharge from yesterday. I had a stringy cm, not like egg white. It feels lot lower then usual. I do have some discomfort but I will attribute to AF coming. I feel some nause but I think aunt flow is coming. The cervix looks soft. It looks open but I did have a baby previously, my cervix was dilated 7cm, the I had to have c-section. What do you think? Could I be pregnant?

    Thanks Raquel

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Could I be pregnant? I was not trying this month?

    My last LMP was 09/27. I was one day late. My Ovulation date was 10/13, I had sex on 10/12. I was not trying to get pregnant this month. Today is 6 Days post ovulation. I had some discomfort in my back like cramps. Last month when I was at DR I took a clean wrapper speculum home with me. Last night I gave a try, I could not see any thing except for the creamy white discharge. Today while The baby was napping I tried again and saw the cervix opening had some white creamy discharge. It was hard to find the cervix because it look all the same to me! It does feel more moisture down there then previous cycle. What you guys think? Thank you very much!!!!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Could I have Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis?

    My mind is going thousand miles right now! I went out eat breakfast with my family. Right now baby is sleeping. I can't stop thinking about my liver and my liver enzymes. My AST and ALT elevated a couple of weeks ago. Friday I went to the Doctor and the Doctor told about NASH a nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Then I told him I was bulimic, he sad to me that liver enzymes could be elevated b/c of my bulimia. He asked me not to vomit and Thursday before my appointment I would do another blood test to check. So since then I been eating a lot, going out to eat(no vomiting) I feel guilt and have feelings about vomit (but I am not going to do it). Then I started think horribly about liver disease and my mom liver cancer death and how I thought I am going to be next. I have no history(hx) of any hepatitis, alcoholism. My problem it's my diet that is terrible. I was thinking of if I my liver enzymes are high, what am I going to do? I was also thinking about gallstones. After I eat I usually feel bloated, pain on right side abd and under sternum and my back! Please help me?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • Can gallstones cause liver enzymes to be elevated?

    My liver enzymes were slightly elevated. I was not sure why. I been having right upper quadrant pain, abdominal under sternum, bloated and abd pain after eating fatty meal, pain under my right ribs and going to the back. Could gallstones cause my liver enzymes to be higher than normal??? What do you think! I do have a appointment on Thursday!!!

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases10 years ago
  • Could this happen to someone with bulimia?

    Can bulimia cause liver enzymes to be slightly elevated?

    1 AnswerOther - Health10 years ago
  • I don't know what to do?

    I'm 39 years old, I am not taking any birth control pill. I had the day before yesterday, I am on my fertile days. So today I had this pelvic pain after going pee. So I called the doctor and went in and I have UTI (urinary tract infection). The doctor gave me Bactrim DS, I started taking then I realized that I had umprotect sex and was wondering pregnant it is too early to test. At the time of the visit with MD I took the speculum from a drawer(plastic one in a package). When I got home I want to see what my cervix look like. I was open and I had moderate amount of creamy white discharge, no stick ones. Two or 3 days ago was like egg white. I did not noticed any bluish color or a mucous plug. Could I be pregnant? Bactrim DS is category C which means it has been test on animals with adverse reaction, but it has not been tested on human. Could I be pregnant should I keep taking my ABX(antibiotic)? What do you think?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Can anyone help with this dream that I had? What it could mean?

    Last night I had a dream that I was working and the patient died. My supervisor and I were in the patient's and he said to me your patient just took his last breath. I did not have much of reaction when he said. I have never seen this person in my life! After dying this patient kept talking and twitching. At this time my boyfriend and baby were there and I said to him, I don't think this patient died, so now I don't know if it is my boyfriend, but we go to the room and we look at the patient and he twitching and moving and the person who is with me says he is dead, his chest is not moving. Then another nurse coming, one of the I know it is my friend, the other I don't know and it is talking about re organinzing the room. Then we leave and I started talking to my friend about a project and she tells me let's leave the pens here so we can finish our project later and I say let's taking the pen, because someone can take them(this pens are those pens with four colors red, blue, green, black that I use all the time at work) then we leave. After this point there is another person that I know that it s with me, but in real life she does not want to do anything with me. So we are at like a ATM/ vending machine and I am buying this bags that in my dream are for just for some one to ejaculate( graphic sorry) then someone comes in the line and I get extremely angry and I poke her in the eye. And that is my dream! What do you think this dream is all about???

    Thank you!


    2 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years ago
  • Do you like OWN (Ophrah's network)?

    I miss the Discovery Health Channel What do you think about her network? Do you miss DIscovery Health Channel?

    3 AnswersOther - Television10 years ago
  • I had dream about grapefruit! What does it mean?

    I can't remember much of my dream last night, but can remember walking in the Street and seeing this grapefruit trees with extremely large grapefruit. There was also another fruit involved in this dream but I can't remember the other fruit. None of this fruits are not mine. Was wandering what it could mean?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation10 years ago
  • My lab values were high!?

    I recked my labs today! My Alt is 55, ast is 31, triglycerides 152, cholesterol 203, LDL 134. Could this mean I have a fatty liver, versus liver disease. My mon died of perihepatic cancer( liver cancer) I get scared getting the same thing as or worst. I should lose someweight. I have been taking tylenol but not on regular basis have stopped taking my medication that are not real necessary like celexa, trazodone for sleeping, prilosec. The only med I have to take is my levoxyl for my thyroid!!!! And that will be it for meds! What do you think? The dr is going to call me tonight!!!! Ultrasound is next!!!!!

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • My liver enzymes were elevated?

    My Alt was 74 and my Ast was 46 what could possibly be wrong with my liver? My mom died of liver cancer! I am worried that I have a liver disease and not going to be able to take care of my son?

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • I am little disapointed!!!?

    I finally got my period today. Last week I had a blood test and was negative! I knew it was going to come, but deep in my heart I wanted to be pregnant again!!! I thought may be a slight possibility that the test was wrong, but I was wrong. Next year I'm turning 40. I feel kind of pressure to have another child. I want my son to have a brother or sister. I also scared of turning 40 and trying to have another baby and he or her has down syndrome because of my age.

    Thanks for listening!


    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Horrible heartburn and congestion!!!!?

    Up to yesterday I thought that I might not be pregnant, but I think I could be. It's 1am and heartburn is killing me. When was pregnant with Justin(19th month now) I had this horrible congestion. I could not take any

    thing for the congestion because of my blood pressure. Tonight I am experiencing those same feelings. I m 9 DPO, my period is due on the 9/25. I feel miserable!!!!

    Ps my breast are not sore, but I surely extra veins in my chest that was not there any more! What do you think

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • I have a feeling that Aunt Flow is coming to town!?

    I think I am not pregnant at all. My cervix is just like it was 2 days before I get my period. Cervix is high, feels like nose tip. I have a stuffy nose, but I think is a cold. My back hurts a little(it feels I am going to get my period). I am 8 dpo. But my period is due 9/25. It will be very early this month. I hope I am wrong!!!What do you think? Please tell me what you think?

    Thank you


    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • I think Aunt Flow is going to come and visit me!?

    I think I am not pregnant at all. My cervix is just like it was 2 days before I get my period. Cervix is high, feels like nose tip. I have a stuffy nose, but I think is a cold. My back hurts a little(it feels I am going to get my period). I am 8 dpo. But my period is due 9/25. It will be very early this month. I hope I am wrong!!!What do you think? Please tell me what you think?

    Thank you


    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • I think Aunt Flow is coming!?

    I think I am not pregnant at all. My cervix is just like it was 2 days before I got period the last time. Cervix is high, feels like nose tip. I have a stuffy nose, but I think is a cold. My back hurts a little(it feels I am going to get my period). I am 8 dpo. But my period is due 9/25. It will be very early this month. I probaly will be one of those people who is going to be very irregular! What do you think?

    Thank you


    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • I am getting anxious! It's too early too test!?

    I feel anxious and confuses. My ovulation day was 9/11 My last period was 8/26, I should expect my period on 9/25. I don't feel bloated (previous period I felt like a balloon about to pop. I had sex on 9/8, 9/11,9/12,9/14,9/15. Today i feel like i don't have any pms symptons. I don't have lower abd pain, no nausea. I do have dry lips. I am not craving. My brast does not hurt! I've been checking my CM an CP. My cervix a couple days a go felt like tip of nose and high(not normal for this time), this usually happens couple days before period. Today my cervix is much lower soft and has some milk discharge. I don't want to get my hopes up, so i say to my self "i'm not pregnant" Do you think I am pregnant! And please don't tell me I have cervical cancer like this morning answer from a member! Don't give me a site to see because I have looked at all websites!!!!

    Thank you


    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • What do you think this is?

    I feel very, but I worked all day today! I was so hungry that ate pizza so I could wait for dinner. Ate a small dinner, but now I feel sick and tired(yawning). I don't know if is a headache or stiff muscles around my neck. I have on and off lower abd pain. My cm is white watery(looks like fat free milk). I am 6 dpo. My last period was 8/26, I should expect my period on 9/25. I don't feel bloated (previous period I felt like a balloon about to pop. I had sex on 9/8, 9/11,9/12,9/14,9/15. Do you think I am pregnant! And please don't tell me I have cervical cancer like this morning answer from a member! Don't give me a site to see because I have looked at all websites!!!!

    Thank you


    You can say I am a little cranky!!!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • I asked a question earlier today, what do you think?

    My ovulation day was 9/11, had sex in the 9/8, 9/11,9/12,9/14,9/15. I been having some lower abd pain yesterday on and off. This morning my cervix was really high, hard to find! Usually cervix around this time will be lower. I have some nausea but not bad, I can drink coffee. Cervical mucous milky white. Do you think I might be pregnant?

    Thank Raquel

    Another person answered to this question that I had cervical cancer is that true or might be wrong????

    Please respond and see what you think?

    Thank you

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • I woke up today in a good mood!!!?

    My ovulation day was 9/11, had sex in the 9/8, 9/11,9/12,9/14,9/15. I been having some lower abd pain yesterday on and off. This morning my cervix was really high, hard to find! Usually cervix around this time will be lower. I have some nausea but not bad, I can drink coffee. Cervical mucous milky white. Do you think I might be pregnant?

    Thank Raquel

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago