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Lv 7113,788 points

Theatre Doc

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II am Dr. Kenneth Plonkey, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Theatre, CSUP. Go to my blog and you will find out all about me and all about acting. I'm retired, having worked as an actor in films between 1978 and 1988; and was Theatre Program Director & Professor of Theatre from '68 through '96.. A few years ago, a student wrote to me for advice and it occurred to me that this was the perfect opportunity to give back to the profession that had been so good to me; so I started mentoring him for free and eventually he convinced me to write a book about my ideas on acting. My e-book about preparing for a career as an actor, "The Tao of Acting, Mentoring for the Aspiring Actor," is free for the asking... I am so greatful that what I have to share is not going to waste. Write me at; tell me your background and about yourself, and I will see if I can help you.. God bless, Doc