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  • Considering quitting University but what would it mean financially?

    I'm three weeks in and I really hate it. I am going to give it till Christmas to give myself some time but if I still feel this way I defiantly want to leave before the work load becomes too much and its time to start prepping for major assignments and everything. I'm mainly thinking about quitting because I forgot how much education stresses me out and I realised that when I was applying for University I was only doing it to help me make friends (which I haven't really yet) as well as because I didn't know what else to do. I also don't really like being in my flat, like I prefer to be in a house and I just don't think I made the right decision. However, I am wondering if I quit would I stop getting my maintenance loan or would I get the remainder of it that I was due for the year. I only wonder because I'm pretty sure I have signed a contract with my halls that is for the year and so therefore would have to continue to pay for it but without my student loan this obviously wouldn't be possible. If anyone can help me in anyway it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

  • Good books for English literature A level coursework?

    I m about to start A2 at sixth form and for my coursework I need to pick two books. They need to be able to compare them and allow for context. My English teacher has suggested the dystopian genre but said we do t have to stick to it. Any good suggestions that would allow for a strong piece of coursework but also be interesting to read. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

    Ps. We can t do stuff like Harry Potter

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • How to revise for A-levels?

    I m on Easter/ Spring break at the minute and I need to revise for my exams which I have next term. My problem is I don t have the motivation to do so. Ever since I didn t get what I wanted to in my GCSE s I ve not really bothered trying with my a levels, but not that they are around the corner I know I can t deal with the disappointment again. But I can t. I don t have the energy and on top of that I don t know how to revise. My notes aren t the best and I just don t have a clue what to do to re use. What are the best methods and how do I get motivated?

    Please help any advice would be highly appreciated.

    Ps I think I m a mainly a kinetic learner and a visual learner as well if that helps

  • Monologue for female between 1800-1980?

    I need a monolgue for LAMDA that is between 1800-1980. Ideally I'd like one between 1940-1980 but as long as its in this time period its okay. It needs to be from a play and must be for a female.

    Need ideas ASAP

    Thanks for your help

    1 AnswerTheater & Acting5 years ago
  • Please read need help!!! What are the odds of me becoming an actress?

    Since I was 4 years old I have always dreamed of becoming a movie actress. I have never considered doing anything else. Of course I have back up plans but becoming an actress was my main goal. Now I'm 16 years old and it is still my dream except I'm starting to re consider for a number of different reasons.

    1) nobody (other than friends and family) thinks I can do it, they always tell me I'll probably just end up working in asda or something. This has never bothered me before but now it's really getting to me

    2) it's occurred to me that people say I'm not as good as I think I am and maybe I've just been saying I'm good because i want to believe I am because I can't do anything else. I have no other talent.

    3)Its kind of an unrealistic dream isn't it?

    That's my question really. I live in England I haven't really been apart of a drama school because my parents have been unable to afford it but i have been in a number of school plays and drama groups after school but am I just wasting energy on it.

    What is the chance that I'll become a film actress??

    Thanks for reading this and thanks for your help

    4 AnswersTheatre & Acting6 years ago
  • What can my years resolution be?

    I'm 15 years old, 16 in March, and I have no idea what my new years resolution can be. I always so eat healthier and it as never happened so I want a different one. Something that I could possibly stick to. Any ideas would be great.

    Thanks in advance

    5 AnswersOther - News & Events6 years ago
  • How do you make a blog?

    I've been reading Girl Online and it's got me thinking. I'd love to make a blog of my own. Share things and stuff. So how can I make a blog.

    Thanks for your help

  • What to buy for Christmas?

    Okay so I m going Christmas shoppig tomorrow and I need to buy presents for the following:

    My brother who is 18

    My mum who doesn t were Jewellery or Perfume

    My Dad

    My Nan

    and my four cousins one is 10 one is 9 one is 7 and one is 5

    What could I get them all? Any suggestions for any of the following would be great.

    Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerChristmas6 years ago
  • How to stop procrastinating? Please help!!?

    Okay so I have mock exams starting next Monday and I really need to revise but cant. I have got to be one of the biggest procrastinators ever. Basically I can t concentrate long enough. For example, I tried revising for science earlier today and ended up watching a film. And once during the October half term I was revising with my friend but I ended up starting to talk about what it would be like in the Hunger Games and who in our school would survive the longest. (I have a huge obsession). Basically I m asking how do I stop procrastinating and start revising? I really need/want to well in these exams. Any advice would be great.

    Thanks in advance

  • Good films for 15 year old girls yahoo answers?

    I'm bored and want to watch a film but don't have a clue what to watch. Any suggestions? I don't like horror films btw

    Thanks in advance

    5 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Healthy diet for 15 year old?

    Okay so I wouldn't exactly say I'm fat but I have got fat in some places and I do want a flatter stomach. I've been doing sit ups and crunches and stuff and nothing seems to walk. So basically I want to know a good healthy diet for a 15 year old girl to help loose a bit of fat and tone up. Also any exercise that I can do to help as well would be great great.

    If you have any advice please let me know.

    Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • I'm writing a book....?

    Okay so me and a friend are writing this book together and I keep telling her that we can have things like Iphones and adidas clothing and stuff in it but she says that we cant because it's copy right. So we just wanted to know is it copy right naming a brand in our book?

    Thanks in advance

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • What are some good films to watch?

    I'm bored and want to watch a film but don't know what film to watch. I'm a 15 year old girl. I don't like scary films so nothing like that. I do like action film though. Any suggestions would be great.

    Thanks in advance

    5 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • How to become a more likeable person?

    Okay so I'm going into year 11 this year my last year of high school and basically most people in my year either hate me or don't like me. So this year I want to turn it around with it being my last but I don't know how to. People say in annoying even my friends say I am but nobody's tells me why and I want to know how I can be of a likeable person and stop everyone from finding me annoying??

    Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerTeen & Preteen7 years ago
  • Good young adult books to read for girls?

    I want to write a book but I have no ideas. I know the best way to get ideas is to just let the ideas come t you and the best way to do that is read. I've read loads of books but most of them are spy books but I want to widen my variety but I'm not sure of any good books. So what are good books for 15 year old girls to read? Any ideas would be great

    Thanks in advance

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • What do I need to know to write a spy book?

    I'm writing a book about spies and I want to get all the facts right. But how much do I need to know and were can I find any information? I'm British so I'm writing mostly on the MI6 and MI5 and that but if you could help me get any information or give me any information to be able to write a successful spy book that would be great.

    Thanks in advance

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • How to get a good idea for a book?

    So I'm 15 and I have tried loads of times to write a book but the ideas I have just never work. I know that I really want to write a spy book but I can't get any ideas. I'de love to write about a spy school but I think that's copying the Gallagher girls books to much. Also my lives pretty boring so I can't write on anything interesting that's happened in my life because well...nothing interesting has happened. So how do I write a good book? Any advice would be great.

    Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago