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  • Brown discharge , yeast infection?

    I have a brown discharge and it's kind of watery now. I'm not sexually active so it's not an std unless you can get an std from a finger. It's not a uti my urine test came back negative. Help! The discharge smells normal. I'm on birth control, I get like pain on my ovaries most of the time that I get the discharge.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Is this a uti or something more ?

    Idk what's going on down there! I had a uti a few weeks ago when I was on vacation , I was put on antibiotics for two days and it went away. 8 days ago when I came back my BF fingered me. Than a few days later I started feeling uncomfortable down there. It was like a burning and itchy sensation I thought it was getting better until just a few minutes ago I was walking and my vagina just got real itchy/pain and discomfort I went back home and used the bathroom and it burned when I went pee when I wiped I notice like regular white discharge and than a tiny bit of brown discharge with in it! I haven't had sex, idk what wrong with me !

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Are these pregency signs?

    elvic pain, lower back pain, abdominal pain, and pain down my leg near groin

    Dry/burning vagina

    Boob pain

    I'm on birth control so I doubt that I'm pregnant. Plus my boyfriend and I didn't have sex he tired going in me and I was way too tight. And he didn't ***. A few days like 2 or 2 days after my boobs starte hurting. My period isn't due until Tuesday and I just took of my patch. My boobs have been sore for a week now, now I'm not sure if I'm paranoid but I have all these wired symptoms. I currently woke up never and I feel sick to my stomach

    Last night I thought I had a uti infection because my vagina burns and it would burn every time I go pee. This morning I woke up and it doesn't really burn when I go pee anymore! I just want to cry. My boyfriend doesn't seem concerns one bit

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Ladies on birth control I have a question!?

    For the ladies on the pill or patch on any sort of both control that has a period week!

    Do you guys get your period the same day on your period week. So let's say in May you on your period week your period came on a Saturday ? Did in June it come on a Saturday ? Does it always come on a Saturday or does it change ?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Pelvic pain. Cramps and vagina is sore ?

    I'm not suppose to get my period until Tuesday! I'm not pregnant because I'm on birth control, but I'm having all these pains, pelvic pain, Lowe back hurts my groin area hurts and vagina is like sore I haven't had sex so idk what's wrong

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Can my period come on a different day than it usually does when on birth control ?

    I've been on the patch for a few months now! Usually I take my patch of on a Saturday and my period would come on a tuesday. Two weeks ago aka around the time I would suppose to be ovulating my boyfriend and I tired having sex he said he didn't get to go in because I was two tight. A few days later my boobs starting hurting. They have been hurting ever since and I started getting cramps yesterday and my ovaries started hurting. Ever since I started birth control I only get cramps the day that I get me period. I'm kind of scared that I'm pregnant so idk if the cramps are from that. Or can I get my period today even though it only comes on Tuesday ever since birth control ?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • If I were pregnant could I get sore breast 3 days after intercourse ?

    My boyfriend is telling me I'm paranoid because he said the tip barely went in, since I never had sex before I was way to tight and in pain so he stopped. I'm in birth control so I should be worried , but I am because I worry about everything. My breast are sore sometimes mostly when I'm laying down but I started feeling them sore 3 days after we tired having sex, I'm due for my period Tuesday could of just be that ? Would I even feel sore breast that early

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • Tired having sex, didn't work .. Worried about pregnancy ?

    9 days ago and this kid tried having sex, it was my first time and everything hurt so he got mad about me complaining so stopped, he said he didn't even go in because I was way too tight. We didn't use a condom but I am on birth control , if though I use it the way I am suppose to I am worried, he didn't get to *** because well we didn't get that far. My boobs hurt, the usually don't my period is due for Tuesday! Should I be worried ? I'm so scared!

    3 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • On birth control but could I be pregnant ?

    I've been on the patch since like jan now, wasn't ever sexually active until a few day ago ! Me tired to do it but I wasn't ready for it so we stop it hurt way to much and he barely went in, he said he didn't go in at all because I was too tight, my boobs hurt a few days ago idk why should I be concernd ? He didn't *** at all .

    4 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • Condomless sex but on birth control ?

    I've been on the patch since like jan now, wasn't ever sexually active until a few day ago ! Me tired to do it but I wasn't ready for it so we stop it hurt way to much and he barely went in mr this was less than a week ago, my mom kind of hurt idk why should I be concernd ? He didn't *** at all eitherc

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • My boobs hurt, and feel heavier, am I pregnant ?

    So my and my BF tried having sex for the first time last Tuesday. He didn't ***, the tip barely went in and I'm on the BC PATCH. My period isn't due until next Tuesday and I'm on my last patch right not. I've been on it for a few months now. It hurt when he tried to put it in so we just stopped. A few days after all of this my boobs started feeling weird and they felt kind of sore this morning I woke up and they feel like watermelons I just went up a bra size so I know it isn't my bra because it's a pretty new bra. Idk if it's just my boobs growing again ! I'm scared now. We didn't use a condom because we didn't have one. Saturday I had white discharge but I always get this discharge idk if that's good or bad. Should I be worried can my Boone be hurting less that a week after all of this happened ? And I pregnant ?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Is birth control causing acne?

    I've never suffered from acne. I woke up this morning and my forehead had an acne flare up ! My mom just thinks it's because I been eating junk food. My friend told me it's a side effect but it will go away. I've never had acne and in having anxiety and stressing. What do I do ? I'm ugly ! Will the acne go away if it's from bc ?

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions6 years ago
  • Is my bc causing me to break out?

    I started bc on the 8th of April for my cramps. It's the xulane patch. I didn't want to go on it because some say bc can cause you acne. I've never suffered from acne. Today I woke up and my forehead broke out over night. I'm flipping out! I'm ugly now. Will the acne go away ? Is it only temp side effects? Or should I just stop using it. And also am I already protected from becoming pregnant if I started it 3 weeks ago. On the day of my period

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions6 years ago
  • Is my birth control working is I started it 3 weeks ago?

    Okay I'm a virgin. I'm on birth control for my horrible cramps. I started it April 8th. I almost lost it to my bf last nignt. He trying to stick it in from the back. But we were having issues. I can't remeber if his Tip rubbed against my vagina. Anyways. I threw my clothes back on and I was good I grabbed his dick and I felt the precum at the tip. I got a little paranoid. Even though I started my birth control the 8th I'm concerned it wasn't effective yet. He hasn't had sex in almost a year. Ever since he started dating me. I hear that sperm is only in his pre ejuculation ! If there was some in this uthera from the last time he had ejuculated. That was almost a year ago. Would sperm still be there ? Am I overreacting ?

    3 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • My clit hurts/ it's sore?

    Okay. I'm still a virgin. Anyways I got my period last Friday night late near the end of it my clit started hurting so bad like it even hurt to move. I just assumed it was cause of my period. Pain has gone down a lot. I'm stilling spotting but it still hurt when I move sometimes. I'm beyond 17 and I don't wanna tell my mom because I'm scared. It basically my right side of my clit now and I'm scared. The only thing that I've done was been fingered by my boyfriend but that was like two weeks ago. What could this be ?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • I feel so wear and weird and I'm shaking?

    Soo I'm got him from work and was feeling okay then I started feeling weird so weak and I'm kind of shaking I'm 16 and I'm so scared could it be that I'm yo tired?!? It my fifth day working in a row out if 7. And my like my neck hurts

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Appendicitis question?

    Okay so I'm 16 on Sunday my right dude started hurting really bad and I dint think anything if it. It went away then yesterday it started to hurt really bad from my belly and it hurts more when I walk and I've been uranating more often. Mom brought me to the er the doctor was a complete dick they took an ultra sound of my appendixs and he said it was fine. But my white blood cell count was elevated. And that I have all the signs of appendcitis He said he wanted me to go home and come back in 12 hours because he didn't want to give me a ct cause I've had 3 over the last five years. I woke up nauseous this morning. No one really knows what wrong with me . Could this be appencidits ?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • Am I going to die ? Oral question?

    I'm 16 I was going to go brush my teeth and I had something stuck in my tooth I stoke my tongue and noticed two bumps in the back of my tongue that I never really noticed before there's one if eac side if my tongue.

    I'm flipping out cause I looked it up and it said I might oral cancer . I don't drink I don't smoke and I'm not sexually active. I was already flipping out earlier cause I have a small black spot in my front of my tongue. I'm flipping out do I have cancer ?!? I also burned my tongue earlier I'm scared in ones if those ppl who goes to the worst case scenarios what are the bumps in back of my tongue. The black spot has been in the very front of my tongue for months now. My throat has been bugging me a bit I going to die ? I have bad anxiety

    4 AnswersFirst Aid7 years ago
  • calling out of work last minute?

    okay so its about to be like either 2 or 3 month at my job I got hired sometime in October anyways. the last two days ive been sneezing and coughing like crazy yesterday I woke up just feeling kind of sick I sucked it up and went to work,today i feel a little bit more sicker. I thought I was going to be fine until a few hours ago I started feeling horrible, I got to work at 830 a.m I work at Panera. I would call in tonight but I cant. is that to last minute. should I try to work through it ? I work an 8 hour shift tomorrow. im iffy about calling in because im new

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • I hate my job ? advice?

    So I'm 16 I work at panera and its my first job. I haven't even been there for a month and i hate it. I'm new and I feel like I'm doing a horrible job. The mangers say I'm great and they all like me. Tge only reason I got the job is so I can stop asking my mother for money. I feel bad because she buys me everything. So I want to help her out. I'm hispanic and the only person that's is not white at my job and the customer tend to say some racist comments. Idk what to do. I dread going to work. I don't want to quit because I am not a quitter so idk what to do

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago