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Lv 57,566 points

Leesa T

Favorite Answers19%

I am 25 married 4 years I had a 37.5-week stillbirth due to a cord knot. I have had two chemical preg. One miscarriage at 9.5 weeks I have PCOS. I was TTC for a year went to a fertility Dr. got preg. my first round of use with clomid and Metformin. I have a 9-month-old son. Currently due 1/4/09 with my 2nd. Sometimes I say I’m pregnant with number 2 sometimes I say number 3 it all depends the topic both are true sometimes it’s easier to not to confuse people. I tell it - Like it is! Like I know it! Like or not! I have been through a lot with losing and having a child. I know a lot about fertility problems; trying to conceive, infant loss, pregnancy loss and parenting, breastfeeding and cloth diapering also. Therefore, if I can help someone else with what I know I am willing. The best part is being able to say I MADE IT and giving others hope that if I can they can do the same.

  • Married filling separate...he works I don't why can't he claim our kids?

    I have been reading a lot online that says if your married filing separate you can't get a tax credit for your children I don't get it? I owe for a gov. student loan in collections under my maiden name. The debut has been sold to another collector I tried to set up payment plans with the new collector they told me I had to make a hugh monthly payment which we could not afford it was like 500 a month, I told them I could not afford that much they did NOT want to work out any plans. So since I don't have an income I won't be filling anyway. My husband has worked 2 jobs this past year and we have 2 kids ( 1&2 years old) I stay home with the kids. So we are planning on filling separate that way I don't have to worry about his return being taken S why can't he claim the kids with the married filling separate status? I've read Joint is the better status but in our case it's better to file separate.

    6 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Should I have separate diaper bags for each baby?

    I have a 13 month old son so he kind of still in the baby stage. I feel the older he gets the more I have to pack in his diaper bag, bottles, sippy cups, diapers toys snacks and so on. I am due in 8 days with baby # 2 ( I know!) now #2 is also a boy so we get away with not needing to buy much, but I'm thinking do I need a separate diaper bag for each baby? I'm a stay at home mom so when I go out both the boys will go with me. But you know how it is with kids you often need to be able to grab things quick. I know having two bags will be an extra bag but I will still need the same amount of stuff no matter if it's in one bag or two. Moms with small kids let me know what you find more helpful to put everything in 1 big bag or have separate diaper bags for each baby.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Dangers of giving an infant whole milk?

    Now before you get all upset let me say this a question about a friend. My son is 11 months will be on formula until he's 1. I get WIC I stay home and hubby works but, my friend makes to much to get WIC she has a baby who turned 9 months a few weeks ago she told me that she has been giving whole milk to her cut formula costs. Her daughter is a big weighs more that my 11 month old ( he's a peanut anyway). I'm more worried about if this is healthy for her son to be given whole milk soo soon. I know her Dr. said no but we all know none of us listens to the Dr. all the time. So what are the dangers of giving whole milk to a child under 1 year old. We always give each other advice so it won't be a big deal if I just tell her the facts plus I love her kid like my own. I know some people give whole milk a little before 1 year to help the transition but 3 months is a long time and if he does not seem to get sick she may wean the child sooner but just because it does not make him sick is it healthy?

    15 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What does the financial crisis of banks mean to me?

    So my husband and I have been struggling to make ends meet we have been married for 4 years basically when the crisis started. We have an 11 month old and are expecting another baby due in Jan. We have struggled to heat our home in the winter, put gas in the car and keep up with the increasing cost of food. We both work hard and make and honest living. But these days you'd be hard pressed to find a family who is not struggling with the economy being the way it's been for the past few years. We have no savings just a savings account which we take out of more than we'd like. We rent our home and own both our cars. I was wondering what does the financial crisis of banks mean for the average working family. What is the bail out going to mean for us less on tax refunds more taxes from our paychecks? I'm starting to feel like things can't get much worse. So what should I expect if we are already barely making ends meet. Seems now rich people are now outraged because their money is in danger but what about those of us who have been struggling for months now. What should I expect now? Like many I have no clue what this all means.

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • T-mobile at home phone?

    Is it free for me or my husband to call our house from our cell phone it's all on the same plan. ( This is with the Mobile cell phone and t-mobile at home internet phone it all comes on the same bill) Like I use my cell to call my husbands cell. That's mobile to mobile so it's free and won't take from my minutes. But when I'm out and call my house from my cell ( checking in on my baby-sitter etc.) does that take from my minutes to since it's technically all the same line. And can other T-Mobile cell users call me on my house line and it still count as mobile to mobile?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Experience with Crying it out?

    Does this work my son is 9 months old and fights and cries when it time for nap or sleep time I am sure he does not want anything else he just fights sleep andcriess. Will letting him cry it out work? Please if you don't know the answer from PERSONAL experience then don't answer. I am not looking for people to tell me what's right or wrong I just want to know if it worked or did not work for you and why. PLEASE no lectures and soap box stories not really looking for a debate here people get so righteous on these topics. I'm a 1st time mom and 16 weeks preg. with baby #2 what I am doing is not working so I'm just trying to find something that will.

    16 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Why is Y! A taking so many breathers

    seems like I spend time to answer a question and they keep saying taking a breather? What's that about and I go to refresh to see if I can post my answer and it's still says the same thing. And is it just me or is the new spell check annoying

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • What should I do when my 9 month old has a fit?

    My son just turned 9 months old (and he is going to be a big brother in 5 months I know) He gets into everything. This is normal I get that part. However, lately when I take things from him like car keys or the remote or just things he finds (you know how they just find the smallest random things right after you vacuum too!) When I take things from him, he has a fit I mean he cries with real tears not the "fake out" cry. My husband feels bad and gives things back to him once he has a fit. However, I think he is having fits more now because he is starting to see that fit = get what I want. I have tried taking things away and giving him a toy or something he is allowed to have but he just cries more or pushes it aside. What can I do? Before I did not care because he would cry a little fake cry and move on. Now he is having full-blown fits. Is dad to blame ( Men!!!!) I keep telling him once you take don't give it back seems since dad has become a sucker and with baby #2 coming I want dad and I to work together cause he gets over on dad a lot. What can we do? I know all kids cry when they don't get their way I just think we need to be consistent as parents dad just says “he's just a baby” but it won't be cute in a few years. Help or advice please tell me what works with your family? This kid is playing us already and he’s not even 1 yet! Thanks

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Husband doesn't want me to work?

    I am 3 months pregnant and have an 8 month ld son (i know). My husband works full time and I work part-time. Now that I am pregnant my husband thinks it would just be easier for me to stay home and he already got a second part time job. I would love to stay home but I'm don't want him miss time with our children, like dinner and bed time stories. He would make more it would be better as far a the money goes but I'm wondering if it will come at the cost of dad not being around much is it really worth it? You can't put a price on time your family. Part of me says just do what you gotta do with prices going up and another baby on the way we sure could use the money and at least our kids will have one parent always with them. But on the other hand I think of how much my son looooves daddy and looks for him at the door around 5:30 everyday. Advise please I'm torn! Should I keep my part-time so that we can have time together as a family or should hubby work the full and part time.

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Metal crown during preg.?

    I just got a temp. crown put on it will be in for 2 weeks. I did not think to ask at the time but, do the new metal crowns contain mercury? I thought they stopped using merucry in these things a while back but I'm not sure. I could call and ask when I get off work I guess just wondering if anyone know the answer.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I work with mental health clients?

    Working in the felid I have seen a lot. From fights where clients have put other clients in the hospital to a client trying to kick me in the stomach when I was preg. a year a ago. My question is if I was ever in a situation where I was actually hurt by a client (and I have come close). What are my rights like would I have to press charges on the client or their family or could I sue my job ( because a lot of times they only have one person working with 8+ people when I believe it should always be 2 or more) I have an 8 month old son and I am 3 months preg. currently. Now these violent acts are not frequent and I only work 2 days a week ( so don't tell me to quit!!) But I was just wondering what rights we have as workers, my job has a whole list of what the clients rights are and anyone will be fired if they are found to violate a clinets rights in any way. But they don't seem to be big on having a 0 tolorance policy with violence when it comes to protecting staff. Advice please!

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • When to stop washing new baby clothes?

    My son is 8 months do I have to keep washing his new clothes when I buy them from the store. At what age to I need to wash new clothes until. I put him in new shirt today I did not wash it cause we where out and he's other shirt was dirty. It did not seem to bother him at all. But he had an undershirt on then the new tee shirt.

    20 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My Grill is a Mess?

    I had pain in my tooth over the weekend-called and went to an emergency dental appointment Tues. They took x-rays said I had a huge cavity some decay. They took x-rays told me what was going on then said come back next Tues. WHAT? come back in a week. WTF I am in so much pain now, I called back and said need to be seen sooner! Is it normal for them to look, see what's wrong and then send me away for another 7 days with no pain meds just a big azz hole in my tooth? SO they said fine come in this Thurs. why not just fix it the 1st time I because it was an emergency appt.? Even the Dr. said man this is bad ( I just had a baby 5 months ago and just stopped nursing so this one tooth probably would not have been so bad if I was able to have work sooner. What should I expect on Thurs. will they do more x-rays and send me back home? They know the problem should I expect or demand having it fixed that day? I have an infant to care 24/7 and with this pain OMG it's killer what's the next step?

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • How old is my son!?

    My son was born on Oct. 30, 2007 I say he's 12 weeks old which makes him 3 months old today. But my friend says that he's not 3 months until Jan. 30. she told me not to count by weeks But if there are 52 weeks in a year no matter if I go by weeks or months he will still turn a year old this Oct. 30! I was also telling her you can't go by dates because counting from the 30th of one month to the next means your only counting 30 days and not all months have 30 days! I had my son 12 weeks=3 months ago today I know that much. SO which of us is right

    22 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 8 old week infant shots HELP!!!!?

    my son is 9 weeks old he is getting his 8 week shots tomorrow. I'm soo worried people keep telling me their babies cried 2 and 3 days non stop and ran fevers. I know about the tylenol for pain before. But what should I expect will he really cry for 2 to 3 days? Will he just be fussy will he not sleep? How many shots do they get and where? Please help what was your experience. Will he just want to sleep more or will be in too much pain to sleep. Will he not want to eat? He is just getting over a cold will that matter?

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How to concieve baby #3?

    Okay so I had my 1st baby last year I was 37.5 weeks she was stillborn due to a cord knot. (yeah I know it's early) But I just had my son he's 3 and 1/2 weeks old. After I lost my 1st baby due to the stillbirth I had 3 miscarriages at which point I did Clomid and had an IUI to get preg. with my son. Lucky for us it worked the 1st time we did treatment. I'm only thinking about this now because I went through soo much before, Hubby and I want to get preg. again by the time our son is 1 year old I have gotten preg. both naturally and with treatments do you guys think we should try on our own 1st or just go back to the ferility dr. for treatments when we are ready? There are pros and cons to both methods. It seems soon to be even thinking about it I know but we have been through a lot with TTC and it does not come quick and easy for everyone.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Amnio & Induction @ 36 week????

    Okay so I lost my daughter stillborn at 37.5 weeks last year due to the cord wrapped 5 times around her ankles She was otherwise perfectly healthy. My dr. plans to induce me on Monday (I'll be 36 weeks) provided my amnio comes back showing the baby's has mature lungs. I had the stirod (sp?) shot 3 weeks ago. SO, do you guys think that the lungs will be mature by Monday has anyone had success delivering at 36 weeks. Oh and the ultrasound shows the baby weighs about 6 lbs so far that was done a week ago! Any advise would ne helpful. Please be honest but don't tell me I should wait until 37 weeks because I did that last time and still it did not keep me from lossing my baby!!!!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Gas during pregnancy???

    Pregnant women ONLY!!!!! I'm 23 almost 24 weeks. I just want to know what is safe to take for gas. I don't have heart burn or a problem moving my bowls I just have gas! I need to know what works.I would prefer something natural like a kind of tea, or a certin veggie. ect. I don't want to take something that will give me the runs because that will make the gas cramping worse. What works for you.

    Don't say call the dr. just to get the 2 points. if you don't know just don't answer or it will be deleated and you'll lose 12 points!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why does Chihuahua have really bad breath?

    My little dog Paris is a chihuahua mix (w/ what we don't know) but we took her to the vet to make sure it's nothing seriously wrong because a lady in the pet store said that bad breath could mean something else more serrious was wrong. The doc. said she was fine, what we fed her was fine she drinks water like a fish. We got her from a shealter SPCA she is about 6 years old but looks like a puppy she loves to give licks and I even put her in cute little outfits sometimes she loves to play with everyone even dogs 4x's her size. But i feel bad when people pick her up and make a face because her breath semlls soooooo bad. Help what can I do oh yeah I brush her teeth eveyday and even have it done when I get her groomed every 3 or 4 weeks it just won't go way. Help!!!!

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Where should you feel flutters @ 18 weeks preg.?

    Okay so i'm showing now seems like my belly is big but I feel flutters and light kicks low in my abdomen I know the baby implanted low because they told me. This is my 2nd. Preg. I'm worried about everything because my 1st baby was still born @ full term. I read @ 18 weeks the uterus is about 2 inches below my belly button but I feel flutters alot low almost just above my public hair line. Is that normal @ this point.

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago