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Drew S

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  • What is this movie please?

    I am curious about this movie I seen a while back when I was a kid. The only scene I remember was a couple riding a plane and at one point the gas gauge was at empty. The pilot hits it and it goes back to full. Later the gas gauge was empty and the pilot hits it again and it stays empty. The pilot leaves and leaves a note so that the couple can land the plane and they do. That is all I remember of the movie. I think it is a comedy. Anyone who knows that movie would be great. Thanks ahead of time.

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • Fairness in abortion for both men and women?

    I will get to my question here. To start out with, whether or not abortion should be legal is a touchy issue on both sides I see both viewpoints because on one hand I see it as murder but on another I do see why we shouldn't put another person on this earth if neither parent wants it, it is a burden to society.

    My thing that I want to get people's opinion on is this. One common theme I hear about abortion is that it is a woman's body and they should have the right to do what they want. But really, half that kid is genetically the man's. Shouldn't he get a say in what happens? Lets say a man knocks up a girl and the girl doesn't want to kid so she plans an abortion. My feeling is this, the man should have a say in what happens. If he wants to kid he should have the choose. At the same time he should have to pay the woman for "caring" for the kid for nine months and all docter fees. After birth she gives it up to the man and that is it.

    Same holds true for the woman. If she wants to kid but the guy doesn't then the man shouldn't have to pay child support. Only fair in my book. Now what is your opinion? Let me know if that situation sounds fair. My big issue is that advocates of abortion seems to give to many rights to the women and strip rights of the men. If we had a situation where the woman can make money or the woman has to pay for it all then that would be fair for both the man and woman. It would force them to sit down as adults and work something out. Either both agree on an abortion and it goes through or if one doesn't then they are responsible for that kid. Sound fair right?

    Opinions please and keep them intelligent. And this is all assuming if abortion is legal. I mention why I really don't want to hear why abortion should be legal or not I just want to hear that if it is legal then should it be fair for both parents like I suggested. Thanks.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Becoming a physics teacher?

    So here is the deal. I am thinking about becoming a high school physics teacher and I am wondering how hard is it to become one. I already have my degree in both physics and chemistry and I am right now I am pursuing my masters in physics. I am wondering how hard it would be to get a job as a high school teacher in physics? It is a long story on why I would want to become a high school teacher but I am wondering how hard it would be. Thanks ahead of time.

    3 AnswersTeaching9 years ago
  • Question for Reno, NV residents about bars?

    This is going to seem like an odd question to some. I am new to the Reno, NV area and attending graduate school. I was at a bar the other day and saw it as laid back and saw a couple of people playing chess. I was wondering if there was a bar in Reno that one can sit, have a few drinks and study, like read a textbook and do homework. A nice laid back bar and not one with a bunch of college kids or a wild crowd. I am not the most outgoing person in the world but it can be a way for me to get out of the home a little bit. Thanks ahead of time.

    1 AnswerOther - US Local Businesses9 years ago
  • Brief minimum wage question?

    Now I have my opinion on minimum wage and feel that it should be ran by the local government and not the federal. I can get into detail why I feel the way I feel (mainly I have seen many jobs lost and raises stopped because of it) but I won't do that. Knowing that minimum wage is suppose to be a way to force businesses to give out a decent wage and in some cases livable according to liberals, would it be a smart idea to lower the minimum wage on high schoolers? High schoolers work part time and usually don't have to worry about paying bills. Doing so will allow businesses to have more money to give out raises to those that need it, like adults trying to make a living. So, in your opinion would that be a good idea?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • How to display a blanket on the wall?

    So I have this wool blanket that I would like to have hanging on the wall to display in my apartment. I don't want to ruin it and I feel that it is a waste just being folded up and sitting in my closet. I am wondering how I can hang it on the wall and if I can hang on the wall to begin with? Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • What movie is thi? I can think of parts of it but don't know what it is.?

    This is a movie I saw once when I was a kid. I don't remember much of it. What I do remember of it was it had these guys that were in black bullet proof suits that cover their whole body except their head. The attacked these group of guys and kill most of them. In the end two of the guys end up killing the guys in black suits or something like that. There was a suitcase involved I think. Like I said, I don't remember much of the movie I just remember some guys in black jump suits that were bullet proof. I also remember one scene where one of the black suited guys checks all around for a magazine to reload his gun, couldn't find one and then pulled out a pistol. This was near the last scene.

    If anyone knows this movie that would be great. Thanks ahead of time.

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • How hard is it to obtain a master's in finance?

    Hello out there. I am currently studying physics at the graduated level and I am about to complete my first year of it. While I enjoy physics and studying it in class I don't like working in it which will make it difficult for me to obtain a graduate degree in it since they expect a lot of work out of me to get one. I want to get a job involving business of some sort. I actually know what I want to do I just need to get a little more experience before I can do it so I am volunteering right now to gain experience. I feel that getting a masters degree in general, especially in some field in business, would help me get that job I want.

    Looking at some fields in the university I am attending right now finance and economics are the two graduate programs that will benefit me the most. I am just wondering if those will be harder than physics? I am leaning more towards finance because I feel it will prepare me better for my future job but I will be willing to study economics. I also ask this question because I will be working a different job that will require me to work a little more thus have less study time. If one of those two is easier or just as difficult as physics then I should be fine. So, overall, is a graduate program in finance (mainly) or economics harder than the graduate program in physics? And not so much the program (looking at my university I think physics is harder) but are the classes harder? Any answers will help and thanks in advance.

  • Song in the movie Brazil?

    What is the name of the song in the movie Brazil during the restaurant scene? It is after the explosion and the band is playing a song while the workers set up a wall, what is the song's name?

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • Is it a good idea to use a dating site, and what is the best one?

    Hello. I am a 24 year old single male that recently moved to a new city far from home for school. To give you a little run down on me, I am average build, I work out to stay in shape, eat somewhat healthy, and I would say that I am average looking. Really, asking some of my lady friends at home, and some gay guys they say I am pretty good looking, I am not ugly at least.

    One problem is is that at 24 I have never had a girlfriend. I do work quite a bit and when it comes to a social life I am not the type to go out to bars or clubs or do anything late on a Friday or Saturday. When I approach a girl I seem interested in I usually take them out to dinner or something and take it slow and usually end up in their friend zone, I am not the aggressive type. Also, I get confused by some women. Recently one gave me her number and she seemed liked she wanted to hang out. A couple days later I text her asking if she wants to hang out and she said she was busy. A week later I asked again and she more or less ignored me. Basically what I am getting at is that I never had luck with women. And I am not one of those creepy types. I am too busy to be one of those people and most of the girls I meet want to be friends with me.

    Here in the new city I am living at I am still trying to meet some new people. With my past history with women and trying to meet new people I am considering signing up for a dating site to see if I can meet that one match for me. My problem is is that may make me look desperate. If I do sign up for a dating site I will check it from time to time and not be on it constantly, I will just try it out.

    My main question is is that is it a good idea to use a dating site? It there anything wrong with using a dating site? And which one is the best one? And what would be the best approach in using a dating site?

    Any advice would help. Thanks.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Reservoir Dogs, Mr. Orange pistol?

    Does anyone know the pistol Mr. Orange puts in his boot when he is leaving his apartment to meet up with Nice Guy Eddie, Mr. Pink and Mr. White in the car? Thanks.

    2 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • To the girl that answer two of my question with :).?

    Hey. You answer two of my questions and I liked that. I am just wondering if you wouldn't mind maybe keeping in contact if you want to know how this whole situation works out. This is a confusing situation for me right now.

    You know who you are, you are a 21 year old girl that has a :) as your name. If you want to keep in touch to see how the situation works out then we can. Just tell me and we can. And if not then that is cool. Good luck and take care.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Should I tell this girl I like her? I am afraid of ruining a friendship.?

    So here is the situation. Sorry for the length. I just moved to a new city for school and I don't know anyone. All the people I consider my friends as of now are fellow grad. students who have families and are married so we do homework together but nothing during the weekends.

    I met this student worker who works in the department that I am currently studying in. She is 21 and I am 23. At first I was interested. I asked her out to dinner and we went and since then I have been texting her and talking to her. She is busy so we don't hang out much but we have a couple more times. This has been going on for a month. She just recently told me that she has a boyfriend. It was kind of surprising because she never mentioned one and I have been chasing her for the past month.

    After she told me that I lost interest in her but I still like her as a person so I want to be friends. Also, after she told me(through text message) she then said that she was going to a local bar that night and ask if I wanted to join. I did, met a few people she knew and met her boyfriend(he was a bartender there). When we met she was pretty drunk but what surprised me is that she gave me a hug. I didn't know anyone so I basically talked to her the entire time and she talked to me. At the end of the night she went home with her boyfriend of course.

    What I am getting at is that I like this girl as a friend. I enjoy hanging out with her and it is kind of nice to meet someone that is willing to go out occasionally and have some fun. I would really like to tell her that I like her but I am afraid that it might scare her or make her feel that I am trying to start something. I want to let her know that I want to be friends but I don't want to break anything she has going with her current boyfriend.

    What I am confused about right now is why she was willing to go to dinner with me one on one, and when we met at the bar she gave me a hug. But it took her a month to mention that she had a boyfriend. And we only known each other for a month so while I see her as a friend, I don't feel like we are close enough for her to be giving me hugs in a bar when her boyfriend is present, especially since he doesn't know me.

    What I am asking is that, what does this girl think of me? She is kind of sending me mixed signals. And should I tell her that I like her? I want her to know that I like her and hopefully develop a close friendship but I don't want to scare her off or make her think I want to start something. What should I do here? Should I tell her that I like her and how should I tell her?

    Any advice will do, thanks.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • A question for the ladies. How does a guy tell a girl that he likes her as a friend?

    Ok, so her is the situation. I just moved to a new city for school and I don't know anybody or have a close circle of friends. I met this girl who is a student worker who works in the department that is my major. I was interested in her and asked her out for dinner and we went. She is 21 I am 23. For the past month we have been talking, texting, and hanging out at times when she isn't busy. I just found that she has a boyfriend which is fine to me. I like her enough that I want to be good friends with her. I like hanging around her and spending time with her.

    The other day I hung out with her at a local bar that her boyfriend works at. She greeted me with a hug and since she was the only person I knew there I sat with her at the bar and talked to her the entire night. She drank too much and her boyfriend took her home when he got off of work. He didn't seem to mind me hanging around her. And this girl seems to enjoy talking to me.

    What I am asking is how I should tell her that I like her and that I want to be good friends with her, or develop a good friendship? Should I even tell her at all? She is a great person and it is kind of nice meeting someone that wants to hang out. She does have a lot of guy friends as well. Ladies, how will I go about telling her that I like her without making her feel uncomfortable? And should I ask that if she sees me as a good friend?

    Any advice will help and thanks.

    2 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Girls, I need advice in what to do in this situation?

    Here is the story. I just moved to a new city for school so I don't know many people. I met a girl who is a student worker at the department the is my major and I was interested in her. She is 21 I am 23. I asked her out to dinner and we went. Since then I have been texting her and talking to her and met up with her a couple more times when she was with friends. I think she is a great girl and I developed a liking for her. This have been going on for a month.

    Just recently, when I offered her a ride to school during bad weather(she usually walks to school) she sent me a text saying that her boyfriend usually gives her a ride but said it was a nice offer. This is where it gets complicated. I never knew she had a boyfriend and now I feel bad for going after her. I am a little mad that she never told me until now(I was making kind of clear that I was interested in her without flat out saying it) but at the same time during that month I got to know her better and develop a liking for her. I am no longer interested in starting anything but I would like to be friends with her because she is a nice person. I just feel bad for basically hitting on a girl that had a boyfriend the entire time and I don't want her to feel uncomfortable being around me, I want to be friends. I wish her well in her relationship I just want to be friends.

    Since I feel bad I feel like I should apologize for going after her because I didn't know she had a boyfriend. I just want her to know that I want to be friends and don't want her to feel uncomfortable around me or think I am going to be a problem in her relationship. Ladies, I am wondering if I should apologize to her now for doing that or should I wait? And if I do apologize what should I say? She did mention how she was going to hang out with friends this weekend and was wondering if I would like to join. I said I would. With her saying that I feel that she knows what was going on and wants to be friends and is trying to avoid discussing the situation, or it could be just wishful thinking. Also, with that in mind should I wait until we develop a friendship and then after a few weeks apologize to her for the whole thing or just forget about it?

    That is the situation girls. Any advice would help. Overall I hope to be friends because there are great advantages to having a girl as a friend. Thanks.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Girls, advice for a guy that is coming on too strong.?

    So girls, here is the issue. I just moved to a new city for school so I don't know many people and I recently met this young lady. We don't have any classes together so we don't see each other much but she works in the department that is my major. She is 21 I am 23. We have had a few conversation and one day I asked her out to dinner. She gave me her number, we went out and had fun. Nothing big happen. Now I have had poor luck in the past with girls in coming on too strong and scared them away. I don't want to do this with this one. After dinner she texted me saying she had fun and since then I have been keeping in touch with her with texting every so often.

    She is extremely busy so we only met up one other time and that was to study. I basically have been keeping in touch with her through text. I will ask here how her week was or weekend and she seems to like them. This has all been going on in the past month.

    In all this where I feel I am coming on too strong is that one, I feel that I am texting her to much, and another I keep asking to spend some time with her and she recently ignored my last request. I asked if she wanted to go get coffee and I have never gotten a reply. She is a nice girl and I will like to be friends with her and not force anything that isn't there. I just don't want to fall into the situation where she doesn't talk to me anymore.

    I am just wondering what I should do. Should I ask her if I am coming on too strong? Should I apologize for coming on too strong? Or should I just lay low for a little bit and then talk to her a little and on be so pushy in trying to meet up with her? I am planning on laying low for a while and then talk to her in a week. I would like to meet up with her one more time before Christmas break before I go home to family. I will also like to tell her how I feel, that I do like her and hope to be friends with her. What is the best way to do that, through the phone or in person? And how soon should I do it?

    Any advice will help. Like I said, if we become friends then great. I just don't want to scare her off to where she isn't talking to me anymore.

    Sorry for the length and the poor grammar, I am a terrible writer. And thanks for any advice.

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago