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  • How am I still losing weight?

    Okay so, I've been off my feet for about a week due to a sprain. I've now lost in total, 35 pounds. I don't wanna give my exact weight, but I'm 5'4 and female. Over the past week, I haven't been eating healthy at all. If anything, I should be gaining weight because of what I've been eating. I haven't been exercising, but I have been walking around throughout the week because of errands and other things. I went ahead and got my blood tested and I don't have diabetes. I also don't have any other underlying health issues. I just weighed my self a minute ago and I've lost another pound. Is there a sensible reason as to why I'm still losing weight despite eating unhealthy things and doing practically nothing?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • OCD is consuming me?

    I was diagnosed with a form of OCD (intrusive thoughts) when I became paranoid to the point of not wanting to live anymore. Conspiracy theories were the cause of this. I eventually stopped taking the medication because I felt I didn't need it anymore, but now I feel like it's slowly coming back. I love to draw. I want to go to art school and everything, but it seems each time I try or I draw something, I hate it because it's not perfect. It can't be perfectionism because I get tired too. Physically tired. It's a mixture of depression and just a heavy feeling. This happens to me every time I draw or attempt to do anything I like. If I don't like what I've drawn, I just become depressed and give up. I feel like it is related to OCD because of the obsession behind being perfect. I could be wrong, but I do ultimately feel like it's what is causing my problem. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I just wanna draw without constantly focusing on one thing and crashing.

    1 AnswerMental Health5 years ago
  • How to not feel like a bad artist?

    I love to draw and I love art but I'm more of visual artist, I prefer to see things so I can get the idea but it seems like everytime I use a visual and I'm drawing mine I become sad and tired and I leave the project or just do it half assed. Is there anyway I can not feel like this when drawing?

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration5 years ago
  • How much does a comic book artist make?

    I know it must not be a lot but that's what I wanna be, also I'd prefer if a real comic book artist answered. What do y'all do besides making comics to pay your bills and where would you recommend I go to to learn?

    1 AnswerComics & Animation5 years ago
  • Mom won't let me be vegan?

    My mom always encourages me to be healthy but I just recently made the decision that I wanted to go vegan. At first she sounded ok with it even though I know she was acting that it was fine because she doesn't think I'm going to take it seriously but I really do wanna be vegan and now she's refusing everything. What can I do?

    8 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Do guys like genderfluid girls?

    I'm a young genderfluid girl and it's not huge on my worry list right now, however I know as I get older it will be so my question is: do guys like genderfluid girls? Should I be looking for a certain type of guy?

  • Best friend?

    My best friend has been acting weird these past few days and I didn't know why, well just the other day we were cracking up laughing and everything seemed fine. Then we got back into school and she started ignoring me or acting as if she didn't wanna be around me. Today I spoke up and she said she felt like we had nothing in common yet I act just like all her friends and they are the ones she's been ignoring me for. I just don't understand and I feel horrible, has anyone had this happen to them and what did u do?

    1 AnswerFriends6 years ago
  • PS3 problem?

    Ok so on PS3 you have a friends list and they can see when you're off and online and what you're doing, however I'm sure everyone has those moments where they just wanna be left alone to play their games in peace. If I set my status to unavailable can they see I'm playing my games or will they just see that I'm unavailable?

    2 AnswersPlayStation6 years ago
  • Ghosts or something else?

    I recently found out I was gifted after wondering why I saw and felt certain things and I've kinda started trying to learn how to use it but in the process of it weird things are starting to happen. When I'm at home it's becoming normal for me to get headaches and my eyes start burning. The weird thing is, it seems I'm the only one who has noticed a change in the atmosphere and it's said that animals can sense things but my dog doesn't even notice. It can't be something I'm allergic to either because I've lived in this place for years and this just recently started happening. I've been touched on my back which went ice cold, I've felt things watching me and heard noises that stop only when I acknowledge them only to then reappear when I go back to what I was doing before, and to top it off I was sitting in my living room one day and it was 90 something degrees outside, no air conditioner or fan was on yet I was cold as hell and it didn't stop till my sister walked in the room. I think I'm starting to lose my mind with all this and I don't know what to do. Whatever it is how do I make it go away?

    3 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Can't find movie information?

    I've looked everywhere for the movie: Me and earl and the dying girl. Google said it was released on June 12 and I'm gonna assume it has played in some places because people have seen it but why can't I find it on the Internet anywhere and why is there no information as to why I can't find it?

    2 AnswersMovies6 years ago
  • Sibling stealing my style?

    My sister is 13 years old so she can clearly process her own thoughts without a issue but lately she's been trying to act like me and I'm tired of it. It started with my choice of clothes, I've always tended to to lean towards dark clothing like the gothic grungy look and she's always been a girly girl who likes to have her hair done and wear bright clothes. She always said she'd never wear my kind of clothes and that they were hideous. Well lately she's been attempting to subtly dress darker and darker even though she's stated before she's not into it and thinks the look is hideous, she continuously steals my make up and tries to hide it so she can keep it as her own, and she even goes as far as to say things that she doesn't even know anything about yet have come out of my mouth before. I might have been flattered that she liked my look if she hadn't constantly said nasty things about the stuff only to do a full 360 and try to be like me except she isn't and she can't. I'm just really tired of there anything I can do to put it to a stop.

    4 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Is it possible to listen to music and read?

    So basically my teacher won't let us listen to music while we read because she says it's physically impossible to do both at the same time. The weird thing is, I listen to music while I do my homework and I make good grades. My question is, is she right or is she very wrong?

    2 AnswersOther - Education6 years ago
  • Help with insomnia?

    I have clinical depression and I'm starting to think that my depression may be causing insomnia. Is there anything I can do because I have to get up early in the mornings to go to school. Please help???

    4 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Suicide notes?

    Are suicide notes required when killing oneself. No I'm not planning to kill myself, I'm just curious.

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Hard candy question?

    So in the movie Hard Candy was the guy even really a pedobear or did she do all that for nothing?

    2 AnswersMovies6 years ago
  • How can I get colder hands?

    My friends are always telling me I have warm hands and I don't like having warm hands, I want a icy touch. I've tried putting my hands in cold water and it worked but within minutes my hands were warm again. So how can I get permanent cold hands easily? I'm only 14 so I can't pay for anything.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions6 years ago
  • Is this ok?

    I have a friend who basically spends most of the day trying to insult me and point out my imperfections like for example: today we were standing in the lunch line getting lunch and I had a pimple that I thought I had got rid of but I guess it didn't fully go away. So we're standing there and out of the blue she says as loud as possible "You seriously need to pop that it's agitating me" and this isn't the first time she's said something about my body or face. Anyway I've come to the decision that I should just start saying rude things back to her and I did end up saying something today and by the look on her face I could tell it hurt. Is this the right thing to do or no?

    8 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • My friend calls me fat?

    I don't know what to do anymore and im really hurting. My friend started calling me fat a few weeks ago and at first I just kinda shrugged it off and took it as nothing but she continues to call me it. Every chance she gets she'll say it. She's called my other friend fat too and that pissed me off because my other friend has had a past known for starving herself. I don't think I'm fat and I think my curves suit me well but she just won't quit and its gotten to the point where im starting to believe her. I don't even eat a lot and on a regular basis during lunch they eat more than me. I don't wanna come off as rude but I'm really considering stopping eating altogether at this point. Any helpful advice?

    4 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Is it ok to hate Conspiracy Theorists?

    I seriously wanna punch the one that goes to school with me because that's all he wants to talk about.

    4 AnswersSociology6 years ago
  • Desperate help!?!?!?!?

    I don't know what to do at this point and I'm thinking about just taking her and putting her in a hospital at this point. It started a few months ago or last year in other words. I found out she was reading conspiracy theories which at the time I thought was pretty harmless. Well after awhile I started noticing she would act differently, when Id turn on the news and even the slightest thing came on talking about a certain subject she'd become enthralled with the story and then she would say that they were lieing and that I shouldn't listen. At first I kinda waved it off and just said she's being herself, but then she got worse. We would be sitting on the couch watching movies and Id turn and look at her and she'd be crying or looking very upset all while looking at her iPad. Long story short she read a lot of stuff on the internet and she literally looks like she's about to end herself. I've tried everything. I took away her internet access, her news access. Basically anything that could give her the option to read more of that stuff. She's just read so much that I think it's permanently damaged her. She's 14 and my daughter. What can I do to make her let go of all the stuff she's seen and read? And has anyone else had this problem with their kid?

    3 AnswersFamily6 years ago