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  • Should I give this girl's dad my phone number and address?

    I am the guy and 22 and she is 18. We are not dating yet but she is coming over to my house for dinner with my family and I offered to pick her up because I want to meet her dad for the first time. I am old fashion.

    My question is would it be nice or weird if I wrote down on a piece of paper my phone number and address and gave it to her dad? Or is offering to meet him enough? Personally I would like to give him my number and address. I would feel better and I'm sure he would not mind. She did not say he even wanted to meet me but I told her I wanted to. What should I do? Is giving him my license plate number too far? Just stick with phone and address or just a handshake? Help!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Girls, how would you feel about a guy who is Christian while you are not a Christian?

    I'm a 22 year old Christian guy. I have never drank alcohol, smoked anything, or done anything illegal. I don't swear and spend a lot of time with family and rarely go out with friends. I go to bed early and I have a flip phone.

    She is 18 years old and says she is "Christian" but not really into it. She has gotten drunk a few times, has some friends who do illegal things(drugs, weed), swears, always with friends and constantly on her iphone.

    I am not judging either of us but I am showing the differences and I am wondering why she is interested in me?

    She has hinted several times that she likes me and I like her but I am afraid she will grow tired of me because I am boring, mild-mannered and I don't party. She said she would like to try church with me.

    So I am curious how non-Christians view Christians when it comes to dating? Is it a turnoff that I play by the rules when she does not always? She is not at all trying to change me, maybe she wants a change? Does she see something in me she likes, and would like to imitate? (That is not meant to sound conceited, but rather imitate my relationship with God) Please don't judge either of our actions but rather answer honestly.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Is it weird that I'm a guy and I don't like to hang out with other guys?

    I am a 21 year old straight male and I really don't have any friends. It doesn't bother me as I am very independent. I have some guys who invite me places but I just do not like to hang out with guys. I prefer the company of girls. Majority of guys I know talk about sex, and video games and say the f word every other word. They will fart or burp and I just don't like it. They also smell a lot of times.

    When I hang with girls, we actually talk about something important and they are not vulgar or gross. I just feel like I am the only guy does not enjoy hanging with guys. Honestly guys are gross and pigs. I am not gay but I just dont fit all the guy stereotypes. I am a clean and cordial person. So basically I am asking if it is strange that I don't like to be around other guys?

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • This girl liked a really old facebook pic?

    We were in the same English class in college this past semester. We got a long great, would text about hw occasionally. School has been out a month and haven't heard from her.

    I added her on fb and she accepted today. And later today she liked a 2-3 month old profile pic that is just of me. It's not even my current one so was she snooping? If yes, why did she like it? She obviously wanted me to know? I'm just not sure what to make of it if anything.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Girlfriend wanted girl time?

    We are almost engaged and we pretty much only hang out with each other. Well today she said she didn't want to see me and instead hung out with her girl friend.

    I am a little jealous bc she said she was getting a little tired of hanging with me and wanted some girl time. I also feel a little hurt because she wanted to see her friend and not me. I rather see her every day then any of my friends and she obviously doesnt feel the same way so it's bothering me.

    Am I being unreasonable and selfish? I feel like I am, but I'm having a hard time accepting the fact she didnt want to see me today. I need someone to be honest and put me in my place, I know I'm being ridiculous. Help?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Girlfriend driving two guys somewhere?

    Me and my girlfriend are good, we are soon to be engaged. She is giving two guys a ride to church. I offered to take all of them but she insists she will meet me there. We live 30 minutes away and our church is a half way point. I have no problem driving to get them but she said she told them she would drive. They live closer to her then I do.

    Anyways this is driving me crazy. I am getting kind of jealous that my girl will be in the car with two other guys. I know them both, one is her coworker. I really wanted to take all of them. I trust her, it has nothing to do with trust. I am just being selfish because I dont like other guys being in the car with her. I want to be the guy she drives around.

    Should I tell her Im driving? Or just let it be? I may be making a big deal out of nothing, like I said we are going to get engaged soon. At first she wanted me drive when just one guy was going but once the second dude said he could go she said she will drive both. Advice?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Gf hung out with two guys?

    We've been going out awhile, going to be engaged soon we talk about it but today she hung out with her two guy friends who I know.

    Before I met her she hung out with them a lot but since we started dating she kinda stopped talking. She told me she was maybe going to see a movie with them.

    Turns out they went to dinner then the guys sister tagged along for the movie. It's kinda bugging me. I'm not jealous I'm selfish and she posted a pic of the three of them on fb and sent it to me. I don't like the thought of her with her other men. I know she won't she cheat but I'm selfish and want her to myself.

    I don't hang out with other girls and never would but maybe I'm making a big deal out of this. I talked to her and she could tell I was bothered, I told her it was work but what should I do.

    Should I say the picture bothered me and her hanging out with them bugs me a little or should I leave it? She tells me she doesn't like to see them. She tried to get a girl friend to go but couldn't. Help?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should I leave my girlfriend alone?

    We've been going out awhile and we love each other. Yesterday she was fine when we talked in the morning. She took a nap and had a dream we broke up.

    Ever since then shes been weird. This morning she told me shes having dreams about her ex. She just told me everything is irritating her including me and she wants me to leave her alone. She doesn't want to say something she'll regret.

    Should I be worried? I was going to surprise her on her lunch at work but now question if I should? Not sure how to handle this. Should I leave her alone until she's out of her mood? I didn't do anything wrong, is this just girls being girls?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Girlfriend wants to not touch for one day?

    We're not having sex or anything. All we do is hold hands, hug and quick kisses in the lips.

    And she said she wanted to try not touching each other for a day. I didn't like this and told her. She said I looked mad and it upset her a little but told her I wasn't mad.

    She got a little bent out of shape. Should I give in and do this? What's the purpose?

    Btw we been going out almost 4 months and love each other and do want to get married so everything is fine between us.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Gift ideas? Gf going away for a week.?

    I wanted to get her a stuffed animal of my favorite animal and tell her whenever she looks at it to think of me. Is that lame?

    I wanted to give her something she can take on the plane and think of me when she's holds or looks at it. Any other cute going away gifts?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Gf said to leave her alone?

    We recently just told each other we loved each other. Everything was going great. This morning she said to leave her alone today because she is in a bad mood. I said if u need to talk im here. Should I text her again later today? I want to know what is wrong but she said to leave her alone. Should i just not text her the whole day or what? I dont want to get her mad at me. Should I not leave her alone or is that what she wants? Girls are confusing.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is this a good gift to get girlfriend?

    Our one month is tomorrow. And I want to get her a single rose with a piece of paper with one word. Then for two months I would get two roses with a word on each rose. Then for three months I would get three roses with three words attached and so on. I would pick up where I left off every month so she would have to remember what I said the previous month for it to make sense.

    I wrote out what I am going to say for each month. It is just sweet things about her which will lead up to me proposing on the 11 month because she would expect it on our one year and our 11 month is the day before valentines so it would be unexpected.

    I dont want to hear how its to soon to plan that far ahead. But if it does work out is this a cute idea or not? Should i get anything else or are the roses every month enough?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Girlfriend wants no communication for a day?

    We've been going out two weeks. We're taking it slow and yesterday she told me we shouldn't text or call or fb each other today.

    She wants to see if we can do it. Should I be concerned? She seemed happy about trying it where I'm not a big fan of it.

    Should I text her? Does she want me to text her? It's killing me, I want to talk to her but she wants to go a day with nothing. Is this normal or should I be worried?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Gf asked to hang out with ex 2 days into our relationship?

    We've been dating two days and today her ex texted her to hang out. She asked me if its okay and she said you trust me right?

    I said I don't like the idea but I trust you. She's been completely honest about her past. Should I be worried or is this nothing?

    She is a really good and genuine person that I honestly trust but it is odd to me bc it's only been 2 days.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should I bring my gf anything? First gf btw?

    I asked her out yesterday, she said yes. Today were meeting at church for a college group. Should I bring anything like flowers or wait until we go out?

    She gave me a bracelet before I asked her out. I'm just not sure what the norm is. Any help would be awesome

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is it normal i don't want to hang out unless my gf is there?

    We will be officially dating tomorrow as I'm going to ask her. Is it weird that I don't want to hang out with other people unless she's there?

    I want her to go out with her friends, I have no problem but I'm afraid she might feel guilty bc I don't go out unless she goes.

    I like going out in groups but I want her to be there, is that weird? How to i tell her it's okay for her to go out without me when I don't go out without her? They kinda contradict each other

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Help! What does asking someone out mean?

    This girl texted me, that I can ask her out whenever Im ready. Does she mean on a date or boyfriend/girlfriend? Weve been out in a group before but im confused. She said she will wait as long as I need. Which doesnt sound like dinner but more bf/gf. She said she prefers it to be in person. What does she mean?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Girl told me I can ask her out whenever?

    After some textes of us saying we like each other and me saying shes special. She texted me saying I can ask her out whenever, its my timing. I said ok. She said whenever im ready, shell wait as long as I need. Is she refering to boyfriend/girlfriend or a date? Does she like me? I have no experience, no joke

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • She said she liked me. Did I respond right?

    Girl texted me she likes me. I text back I like you too. She asked me if I normally fall for girls easily. I said, nope, never have before (which is true). She hasnt responded? Did I say something wrong?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How do I tell my parents I want to change my name?

    Me and my dad have the same name. I am 20 and am tired of it. I just want to legally switch my middle name to my first name and first to middle.

    We are going into business together so they agreed that clients should call me by my middle name to not confuse me and my dad. I "jokingly" but seriously said I should change my name legally to my middle and they kinda looked at me and almost laughed but my mom saw I was serious and she looked sad like I was betraying her. They take it personally like they own the name partly because it is my dad's name which they thought was cool to name me the same but after 20 years I find it incredibly annoying.

    I am just using the business as an excuse to actually change my name but I really want to. How should I tell them without hurting their feelings? Should I use the business as a reason or say it is something I want to do regardless of the business?

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago