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  • BO: making history or was history made for him?

    I counter the whole notion that BO had made history... what has he done for himself?

    MLK made history for himself. He fought for civil rights, voting rights, etc. What has Barack done to "make history"? While I think it's great that a black man was elected to the highest, most influential office in the world, but is that technically "making history."

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who do you think is more racist, Liberals or Conservatives?

    My postulate is that Libs are more racists than Conservatives... Who are the ones who bring up race FIRST. Who always brings up race as an issue? I only have begun to think about it since BO's became a candidate

    Two examples: First, BO claimed that JM was a racist when campaigning in FL. second, Ill activists preemptively stated that "a black man/woman should be the only ones considered to fill Obama's seat." Last one, Everyone(especially on the yahoo boards) is saying "wake up white folks, there's a black president whether you like it or not."

    and as a pre-emptive counter: sure there are extremes, but I'm talking run of the mill people, not 'hillbillies.' I'm talking about people who claim to not be racist. but the first thing that comes to their minds if there is any type of problem is the black/white issue.

    any thoughts?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you feel that Republicans will be more supportive of Obama than Democrats of Bush?

    I've always felt that Rep might have different beliefs than Dems but are usually more respectful ( I might be biased as I am a Southerner) towards someone with different beliefs; as compared to a Dem who had/has opposing viewpoints as a Rep. An examples/actions I would cite would be "to rally" or " to protest" or " to boycott."

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who is a good Liberal syndicated show host to listen to on the radio?

    Right wing leaning radio shows seem to own the airwaves, ie Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck. You never hear anything about Left leaning syndications.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Talk amongst yaselves...?

    Do you think that (Rep/Dem that voted for McCain) are more unified behind Barack as our President than Liberals are about Bush as our President.

    If you don't understand what I'm asking, please ask for clarification...

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • IS Pelosi serious???

    She's acting like they weren't going to go foward with the bill yesterday, now she's trying to act like she's helping us and not the Rep who stopped this crappy bailout. a good alternative... google the "birk econimic recovery plan." makes sense to me!!

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you agree with Iran's President?

    and want to elect Obama as our President?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Obama died today, would Dems support Biden?

    If yes, why didn't you vote for him in the first place, or would you run to Hils and try and have her elected?

    27 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • if osama is captured before the election..?

    who do you think that will help to win?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who was Obama courting when he selected Biden as VP?

    Why all the talk about Palin. Lest we forget there is another VP... why all the focus on Palin.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are you voting for Obama? ?

    This question is focused on his plan, and NOT reasons dealing with: hope for change, bc i don't like Bush, McCain is Bush #3, McCain is too old.

    What are the concrete changes to Washington that he will make that is/are reason(s) why you are voting for him.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who thinks that Abortion and Capital Punishment(death penalty for dumb libs) are the same?

    I constantly hear this ridiculous argument whenever a lib tries to argue with someone who doesn't believe in abortion. BUT, libs forget it is a two way street... Why do they believe in abortion, but not the capital punishment? THAT'S the real hypocrisy.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else notice that people who write anti-Republican statements?

    get all kinds about thumbs ups and thosewho write Anti-Lib comments get the thumbs down.

    i'm sure i'll have 10 after this...thumb down that is.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Fox news right now, watch BO nealry slip up and ay someone is inexperienced.?

    Wowza... he almost ruined his entire campaign, with one word.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do Democrats=Ralph Kramden?

    They just got ***** slapped by Alice!!! hamanahamanahamana... looks like this VP choice has gotten them all confuwsd. It's okway wittle Demis, you'll get you chance again in 12 years.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What gives, I thought that Feminazis wanted a woman to be President?

    OHHHHH, I forgot. You are all hypocritical losers. You do, but she HAS TO BE A TREE-HUGGING LIBERAL.

    well newsflash Democrats, you had your chance, but you blew it. she'll have to run in 8 yrs and by then she'll have worn out her stay in politics. Yay for the first female President of the USA, Sarah Palin '12. Don't hate on her bc she doesn't like the muff.

    I apologize for any crass statements above, but it had to be told like it is. you can't argue with those points, only criticize me; but in either case, the GOP wins this year(as well as I do with my argument.)

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Dems don't know what to do with themselves.?

    they are all reaching for anything to discredit Palin. NOt going to happen. when she stands up to Biden in a debate, she'll have even better qual than Obama(the masterdebator.) no chance in hell libs take over now

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where is everyone from?

    Please mark for whom you are voting, where you are located and (generally) your party affiliation.

    Just curious...

    McCain-Palin; New Orleans, LA; Independent

    p.s. everyone please keep NOLA(or wherever Gustavo makes landfall) in your thoughts.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Debunked arguments against VP Palin?

    Although it is the largest state in size, it is not in population. It actually has a number of citizens similar to that of, oh, say DELAWARE. So are you all saying that no one from DE should be allowed to run for President? Argument #1 destroyed.

    Experience... 700 days as Governor. Obama 150 days as a Senator; you all have to remember that the senate only meets during sessions within the year... he was not working for 4 yrs in its entirety. Argument# 2 detroyed.

    You can't say that Obama doesn't have the experience to be Pres but she does.... well, she's going to be the VP, NOT President. She will gain experience to lead the country(although she has led her state) in 4 years; Obama will learn to lead along the way. His VP nominee has already made statements to that affect. Arguement #3 destroyed.

    She's the nominee simply to gain Hilary voters. ABSOF-INGLUTELY. why do you think OBIDEN was formed. Biden was chosen simply to gain the blue-collar, white voters from his home state of Pennsylvania. Why else would Obama pick him knowing that Biden would rather run with McCain than Obama(look it up, he actually said that after he pulled out of the race.) NO Other reason... all this talk about McCains reason is simply the pot calling the kettel black. Arguement#4 destroyed.

    Youtube video about her "not knowing what a VP did..." If you are a literalist, sure that's what she said. But what about her meaning behind it.. just maybe she avoiding the question or maybe she was curious if her role as VP would better serve herself and the people of Alaska, or would she and Alaska be better off serving as Gov. I think she found her answer.

    Face it, McCain's choice for VP was 1000x's better. She is an everyday American. A mother. She relates to real Americans on a personal level than any of the other three. Her husband is big oil. Yes, but he's a works on the rig... NOT an executive.

    She won't change the minds of literal leftists, but she WILL attract undecided voters, and that my friends is why she'll be the next VP.

    She's the all-American mom, 5 children and one with Down Syndrome. and there is nothing you can say about her that you won't get back 10-fold. Perfect choice and probably the future President of our the country. It will never be Hillary and Dems can only thank themselves for that... you've been out-matched, out-manuevered, and left wanting.

    McCain-Palin 08

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • my take on arguments against Palin?

    Although it is the largest state in size, it is not in population. It actually has a number of citizens similar to that of, oh, say DELAWARE. So are you all saying that no one from DE should be allowed to run for President? Argument #1 destroyed.

    Experience... 700 days as Governor. Obama 150 days as a Senator; you all have to remember that the senate only meets during sessions within the year... he was not working for 4 yrs in its entirety. Argument# 2 detroyed.

    You can't say that Obama doesn't have the experience to be Pres but she does.... well, she's going to be the VP, NOT President. She will gain experience to lead the country(although she has led her state) in 4 years; Obama will learn to lead along the way. His VP nominee has already made statements to that affect. Arguement #3 destroyed.

    She's the nominee simply to gain Hilary voters. ABSOF-INGLUTELY. why do you think OBIDEN was formed. Biden was chosen simply to gain the blue-collar, white voters from his home state of Pennsylvania. Why else would Obama pick him knowing that Biden would rather run with McCain than Obama(look it up, he actually said that after he pulled out of the race.) NO Other reason... all this talk about McCains reason is simply the pot calling the kettel black. Arguement#4 destroyed.

    Youtube video about her "not knowing what a VP did..." If you are a literalist, sure that's what she said. But what about her meaning behind it.. just maybe she avoiding the question or maybe she was curious if her role as VP would better serve herself and the people of Alaska, or would she and Alaska be better off serving as Gov. I think she found her answer.

    Face it, McCain's choice for VP was 1000x's better. She is an everyday American. A mother. She relates to real Americans on a personal level than any of the other three. Her husband is big oil. Yes, but he's a working class fellow. NOT an executive. She won't change the minds of literal leftists, but sheWILL attract undecided voters, and that my friends is why she'll be the next VP.

    She's the all-American mom, and there is nothing you can say about her that you won't get back 10-fold. Perfect choice and probably the future President or the country. It will never be Hillary and Dems can only thank themselves for that... you've been out-matched, out-manuevered, and left wanting.

    McCain-Palin 08

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago