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Patricia Ramirez
How to eat vitamins?
I bought bottle of nature made vitamins which is adult gummies how do I get over the taste while eating them. How do I eat them without tasting it
2 AnswersOther - Health4 years agoWhat is a normal period like?
I m almost 20 in a few months and I m irregular. People said online that it will be something that it will fix itself overtime. And I always wondered how having normal period is like. If you got it on the 14 last month do you get it on the 14 for the rest of your life. Mine just show up whenever it feels like with no warning at all. Sometimes I get it two at the same month on the first week and last week. Last week I got it for 2 days when it only last 3 days is that meaning I m closer to menopause?
2 AnswersWomen's Health5 years agoMailing packages questions?
I was wondering if I order something online like a shirt or video game with extra contents and stuff can I repack it in another box like place it inside another box still wrap unopened. To mail it to a friend who's I don't know sick, his birthday or holiday etc. can I also throw in like a letter or a greeting card. Or do they inspect what's inside the box first before delivering it. Or do I have to take it out of the original package box to repack it
5 AnswersPacking & Preparation5 years agoQuestion about welding school?
So I've been thinking about going to welding school. Well was my second choice. My first choice was beauty school but I did some research and you don't get paid that well it's like working in a minimum wage job unless you get hired by a place where a haircut cost like $120, places that charge a lot for a simple haircut is where they pay more. And I heard on tv that Welders are always in demand. And they get paid up $20 maybe that's for the expert people. And it got me thinking about going there but first I need to get a job and earn the money. Which seems easy cuz as a girl I don't I don't tend to shop much. So my question is if I go to welding schoo is it gonna be just a class about welding or will there be more classes involved. I know the certificates they give don't equal as the ones in college. But it's worth the shot. And I been interest since I've been subscribe on YouTube to this guy name kip Kay and its looks like fun to be working with tool and this people that I follow on Instagram making all this cool designs they make with metal all because of welding. So for welding is there gonna just a class or other classes.
3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years agoWill a wasp sting me if I make it angry?
There's a wasp outside my window. And I grabbed the nail cutter hit it Against the window where the wasp was. And it got mad it started flying like crazy. Will it recognize my face and sting me later or it will forget? I'm afraid to go outside
2 AnswersFirst Aid6 years agoHow to make kids eat more foods?
How make kids eat more foods. I don t want them to be picky eaters. I want them to eat what s cooked I instead of heading towards the chips. How do I get them to eat a burger with all those toppings. How do I get them to eat pizza and try other foods. How do I get them to eat vegetables like broccoli and peas
5 AnswersCooking & Recipes6 years agoA camera app like Instagram?
I want a camera app that pauses instead of stopping a video completely. A camera app where I can resume a video after pausing it. Instead of having a whole bunch of different videos. I just want one video. A camera app that's free
2 AnswersCamcorders6 years agoWhys this haircut called?
I got the haircut before. But I never knew the name. I always used hand gestures. To kinda let know the hairdresser what I wanted. It's not just a simple bob. It's bob something or something bob. I'm going to get my hair cut soon. Since I got a coupon of $4 off in supercuts and with a deal that great I just can't miss.
Picture found on google
3 AnswersHair6 years agoStrange pain on my back?
Okay so it's the third time that happen. It's like a pain so strong. It's like someone putting pressure on lower left back. And my body feels like it's locked. And once it goes away my body moves like a worm. This is not my body randomly jerking at night. And it's scaring me. Like my body has no control over it.when it moves.
Pain & Pain Management6 years agoDefrosting chicken fast.?
I got chicken defrosting cold water. Is that safe. I mean its frozen like a block. I wanna defrost it fast within an hour. What's the safes way to do it.
6 AnswersCooking & Recipes6 years agoComcast remote control?
Okay so the Comcast control remote button down button not working. How do I fix it I took the batteries out and nothing how do I fix the button. On demand is no longer watchable because I can't scroll down
2 AnswersTiVO & DVRs6 years agoYouTube question?
Okay so I'm gonna post a video on YouTube that's copyright. But if I add a song made by me. Is it still copyrighted. Like what would happen to the video. Is it gonna get muted or what. I really don't care if its gonna get muted. All that matters is the video. Is the video gonna get deleted or what.
2 AnswersYouTube6 years agoPosting a video on YouTube?
So I wanna post a small video it's from an episode of a show. But I want to post a small piece of the show. Not the entire episode. But I'm afraid of getting my account terminated or something like that.
What would happen if post small short video from the show
I'll give credits to the creator of the show
1 AnswerYouTube6 years agoiPod second generation not charging?
So I had this ipod second generation for years and well it's not charging anymore. I had an ipod fourth generation for less than a year. I stop using the other one and was forced to give it to lil sis and well she had it for a couple of months and it broke. Like it no longer charges and. I plug it up on the wall or computer and where the adapter connects to the ipod on the bottom left corner it starts to get hot like you can feel the temperature changing right in your hand from cold metal to really hot metal
My lil sister used it alot like when battery was completely drain she plug it up once charged she unplug it up and still used it until the battery drain and repeat.
One day I asked her why it's not working and she replied with an I don't know. I'm mad. Cuz I really didn't wanted to give it away. Because of my music and pictures and the apps well most of them passed or impossible to complete, level passed. Is there anyway to fix it
How to fix an in unchargeable ipod?
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players6 years agoIs this a safe site?
Polls and survey
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years agoChristmas lights plugs?
Okay so 90% of the Christmas lights in our house are plug up in one plug my room. The 10% remaining are plug in the living room. The cable that is plug in my room gets hot after a while. And it releases this mentally smell almost like burning. Kinda like a copper. And I'm wondering if that smell is bad for me. Is it toxic. And I'm kinda worried when I leave it on when I'm not at home. I don't want a fire to happen.
8 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling6 years agoCooking fajitas in butter?
Okay there's leftover cooked fajitas. It's strips of fajitas. And I'm wondering if I can recook them In butter. The reason of why recooking them in butter instead of microwave it's because there's a spice in the cabinet that I really wanna try
Is it possible to recook leftover fajitas in butter?
1 AnswerCooking & Recipes6 years agoSad dream meaning?
I had a dream where me and my sister and dad walked out at night with my cyborg YES CYBORG across the street
My dad told my sister to shut him off completely. Once that was done. I walked inside the house Leaving my sister and dad behind. I Locked myself in my room.
Moved stuff away from my bed and laid on it. I felt sad, heartbroken, destroyed on the inside. I cried so bad I just could believe what happen. Next scence was about 2 actors just acting around. On a pirate boat. One stab the other. And he acted like it hurt. That's somehow reminded me of my cyborg and I literally cried allot I front of them.
I woke up with tears on my eyes
And for no reason I cried more like more tears were running across my face.
Plus the cyborg was hot. Lol
1 AnswerDream Interpretation6 years agoMy ear makes a popping noise?
My ear makes a popping sound followed by a crackling noise afterwards everytime I swallow. I think it's an ear infection and I've been putting hydrogen peroxide to see if it works and I only see a small difference. How do I make it go away
1 AnswerFirst Aid6 years agoIs hearing voices once something to be worrying about?
I once heard voices in my head at night. It was a guy who was saying a speech a speech in regular voice. More like for just a few people. Then out of nowhere i hear a women started saying a speech in regular voice same as te guy a speech just for a few people. Now at that time I felt like I was just standing in the background of the corner of a room . Out of nowhere the women sarted screaming outloud as she wanted all the attention to herself. I was so scared. After the voices went where slowly going away I heard a man with a deep voice say a couple of words. And it really scared me. After all the voices went away. I heard a girl say in Spanish Patricia I'm gonna hurt you in a very threatening voice. It was my first time hearing voices and now I'm thinking if that's the start to something serious like psychosis Or schizophrenia.
4 AnswersPsychology7 years ago