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The name's Tiffany and I love everything about movies and Doctor Who.

  • Cheek Piercings Question?

    First off, I don't want answers about how I shouldn't do something or anything in that nature. Thank you!

    So okay. I really want to get both my dimples pierced because I think the cheek piercings are really neat. And I've been thinking for a while of getting them when I get some extra cash just to spend. And pain is not a problem and I'm of age and everything.

    My question is that if there are, like, holders for those types of piercings? My sister has several piercings and on her lip one she has to put this clear thing in the hole to keep it open while she goes to work. Is that possible for the cheek ones? I want to know this because I want them but the job I have you're only allowed to have a nose stud, if any facial piercings at all.


    2 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • Names of two French-Canadian films?

    In high school we watched a lot of French-Canadian films in French class since our teacher was from Quebec and I remember all of them except for two. And they COULD be like made in France but I'm pretty sure they're French-Canadian films because all the others were. And the two I forget are two of the few like...kid or teen films we watched.

    The first one was a kids movies and the whole thing revolved around a giant snow ball fight. It's winter time and all the kids are released from school and they all spend their whole breaks having a massive "war". And they get really into it and make giant castle forts. At the end, though, their neighborhood dog (or something) gets crushed under a bunch of snow and dies.

    The other one was made more for teenagers I guess. The DVD cover, I remember, had a girl with drawn on martian antennas. And the movie was basically what'd you expect from a movie with a teenage girl as the main character. Like, her dad's left and she believes he was taken by aliens or something. But also she deals with boy stuff and at one point she drops a tampon in front of her crush and pretends that it's a mini-flute. I also remember that she really wants a little white kitten and she gets the one at the end for Christmas.


    4 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Is this possibly mild OCD?

    So recently I've began to notice how frequently I have to check things. I always felt some things were normal, like when I would check the oven to see if it was turned off. On a few occasions, I stopped what I was doing and went out of my way to check this.

    But another thing that I did growing up and still do now that I'm in college. I am always double checking an answer. Like, when I was a kid and I asked to go around the block or something and my parents said yes, right before I went out I had to ask, "You did say I could go, right?" or I would re-ask the first question.

    Now, and for the past year or so, I've become extremely paranoid of flushing the toilet (I know, weird). I'm always afraid I forgot to flush. At first it wasn't too bad. But there were times where I had to get out of bed just to check. And as of now, I have to say (in my head or sometimes out loud), "You are flushing the toilet" or "It's [insert day] and you're flushing the toilet" so when I panic, I can remind myself that I said this.

    And it's just getting bad now too. There are times where I KNOW I've flushed and while I'm walking I'm just telling myself to stop, but I can't!

    Does this sound like OCD? I've always ruled it out as some weird anxiety thing that I could get over.

    My mother has severed OCD, so is it possible that I could have gotten these traits from her? (Her OCD has her clean things over and over...)


    4 AnswersOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • What is the name of this film?

    I watched this horror or suspense/thriller movie about a year or less ago.

    Basically there's a girl who goes to this giant mansion (and there's people who take cake of it) and all this weird stuff starts happening. Like, there's a scene where a glass breaks near her but it wasn't there before. And also a scene where a shoe is tossed at her out of nowhere.

    The one scene I really remember is when she goes to this one room and there's a giant dollhouse replica of the mansion and she looks at all the rooms she realizes that someone's made little figures of her in each room that represent stuff we've seen throughout the film. And the last floor she sees, there'a a little figure looking into an even smaller mansion replica and there's also another figure in the room, but she looks back and there's no one behind her.

    In the end you find out that she was raised in the house but eventually forgot because her best friend and her mother were killed in the house. And the little boy was the ghost the whole time trying to be her friend. And the maid was his mother.

    There's more I remember but I think this is good. Thanks!

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • My phone won't charge but the charger is fine?

    So I just tried to plug in my phone but it will not charge. My charger (the USB end) is a bit bent so I assumed it officially just broke. But to be sure I tried to charge it by connecting to my laptop; nothing. I then tried to use my roommate's charger (that works with my phone) and it didn't work! So I tried charging her phone with my charger and it charged hers.

    Is there a way to fix this?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • East Coast Vs. Midwestern Words?

    I would like to know the difference of words between the east and midwest.

    My roommate and discussing this (she's from Iowa, and I'm from New York) and we've noticed that we say different words to mean the same thing.


    Soda and Pop

    Lollipop and Sucker

    Purse and Pocketbook etc...

    And I'd like to know if there's any other words out there that we might say differently. It's just for fun.

    3 AnswersOther - United States8 years ago
  • Is this sleep paralysis?

    I've had a number of things happen to me while laying down to sleep. I've always ruled them out as sleep paralysis but right now I'm worried and trying to avoid an upcoming panic attack.

    The thing that worries me is that in all my experiences. I've been aware and able to move. Like, just before, I was laying down and dozing off when I heard a click and saw a bright flash as if someone quickly turned on and off my lamp. I immediately opened my eyes. Then a few minutes later after trying to sleep again, I saw a flash, opened my eyes and shot up in bed and turned on my lamp.

    I just always feel so aware of what's happening and I get paranoid! Like sometimes I hear snippets of voices of people I know, except I barely understand the words. And so I grab my iPod and use that to sleep.

    Is it sleep paralysis or something more? I'm super panicked right now.

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • I'm having a tattoo problem, help?

    So I got a tattoo 8 days ago on my calf and ankle, and it's also my second one. It's a red and blue linear/3D tattoo and it's starting to do it's regular healing (itching, peeling &c.).

    The problem I am having is that it seems that places it's peeling, that color is extremely light and looks almost gone, and it's making me upset and worried. I've been doing everything that I was told to do to care for it properly (Wash it with antibacterial soap, and apply a thin layer of ointment every morning and every night before you go to sleep). I also haven't had it soaked in water at all or anything. During the day, though, when it feels like it's dry (I do not touch it often!) I'll add another layer of ointment, or I'll apply unscented lotion. I also have not shaved the area at all.

    I'm just really scared I'm somehow ruining it. I know that artists will touch up tattoos for free, but I'm moving in a week or so, so I won't be around the artists who did it anymore.


    2 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • Extra bit of teeth behind front teeth?

    For as long as I remember, I've always had, as I referred, "extra tooth" behind my two front teeth.

    But, it's not like extra legitimate teeth (like some people have full teeth growing in a new row) it's like extra slabs of tooth that only take up about a quarter of the back of each my front teeth.

    It's hard to explain and I can't find anything on google and stuff, all I get is articles about extra sets of teeth, which is not my case.

    1 AnswerDental9 years ago
  • Harry Potter question?

    What would Lily Potter be considered: a muggle or mudblood (pardon the language)? In the books and earlier films she's a witch born from two muggles. But in the later movies (4+) Voldemort calls her a muggle and Bellatrix calls Harry a half-blood, even though both his parents are magic.

    Are they just saying that to be insulting or did the films mess up?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Period question? Help, I'm kind of paranoid!?

    So I just woke up (it's 4am) because of a stomach cramp.

    Yesterday I put in a tampon at like 4 and I forgot about it and just changed it before now.

    I ran downstairs cause I had to pee and felt a liquid in my undies and shorts and expected blood. But it was clear and kind of smelled like urine, but idk.

    Now Im still having cramPs and very paranoid of TSS! Help please!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Torchwood/Doctor Who question?

    In season 2 of Torchwood, Owen is shot and killed. Then Jack brings Owen back with the resurrection glove.

    When asked about the afterlife he suddenly remembers being in darkness and being attacked by something he couldn't see.

    I was wondering if it could possibly be the Vashta Nerada from The Silence In The Library episode of Doctor Who?

    I'm only like 10 minutes in right now so I don't know if they'll answer my question in the episode... But thanks! (:

    2 AnswersDrama9 years ago
  • Question about memory loss?

    When someone loses their memories (temporarily) and can't recall friends, family &c. When they do remember everything, can they still remember not being able to remember?

    For example:

    "I recovered from the amnesia this morning. It was weird, I looked at my dad and couldn't place his face..."

    If that makes any sense.

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • What is the Doctor's worst fear in the God Complex? (Doctor Who)?

    In the episode "The God Complex" of series 6, what is the Doctor's worst fear that is awaiting in his specific fear room?

    I don't know recall them saying or showing it, but I only saw that episode once. I just remember him opening the door and looking into his worst fear hotel room. And then returns to what he was doing.

    Is little Amelia Pond related in any way? I know there's a part where they go into a room with Amelia Pond but I think I missed something because I don't really remember why.


    1 AnswerOther - Television9 years ago
  • Help remembering a film?

    All I remember in this film that was on the tv years ago was, this little girl runs out into the middle of the street and gets hit by a truck. The next scene is her on a stretcher in a hospital with the woman truck driver crying and saying s/t like, "She just ran into the middle of the street..."

    And I know there's a scene where the girl or (possibly little boy??) is in Heaven dancing around or s/t with wings maybe.

    Any bells?


    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Help remembering a tv show (I think)?

    My friend and I can't remember a show. All we can remember is that there is 2 characters and one character, whenever he says or does something dumb, the other one slaps him.

    But then there is one time where the slapee stops him, and says Something like, "I know..." and slaps himself.

    Any help would be nice. Thanks!

    2 AnswersComedy9 years ago
  • Dry, cracked skin that is spreading sort of?

    So about a year ago, the area between my right hand's pointer and thumb was cracked and splitting kind of, and even with moisturizers, it remained, and my family assumed it was because of the erratic cold and warm weather we were having.

    When that went away, I had similar cracked, dry skin on my left pointer finger. After months with that, it went away and I quickly had it again but on my right pointer finger and 2 spots on my thumb.

    I moisturize a lot, but nothing works.

    Any idea of what it can be because sometimes I have cuts that appear on them and it can be uncomfortable. I'm seeing a doctor hopefully soon.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions10 years ago
  • Where can I find this for Halloween?

    For Halloween I'm planning on going as Finn the Human from Adventure Time. I know where everything I need to buy for it is, his cat hat, sword and clothes. But I can't find his backpack. The only relating thing I have found is his hat piece, the clothes I have on my own and the sword is gonna be from a Halloween store, the one with just his hat piece.

    Does anyone know where his backpack could be found, even a whole costume if possible? If you've seen it in any stores, let me know which ones so I can check if there's one here.

    2 AnswersHalloween10 years ago
  • What or who is AX7? What does it mean?

    I've been a fan of the band Avenged Sevenfold for many years now and have always seen them referred to as "A7X" for short. But recently I have seen "AX7" and I was so confused. What does that mean and is it even related? Avenged Foldseven? Is it something completely different, a joke or just stupid people who don't know Avenged Sevenfold?

    4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Help with film title!?

    I remember watching a part of a film when I was younger so it's a sketchy description, sorry. My dad put it on cause he thought it was a kids film but it was not. It definitely had to be PG-13-R

    It kind of had a "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" feel to it & I'm almost positive that it had real people in it, but I mainly remember cartoons. It was also a pretty dark film.

    The only scene I can recall, and I may not be spot on, is a scene where there is a girl character who is viewed as sexy (I can't remember what she looked like) and that she was wearing a dress. And there's a scene where he legs are open and the cartoons were staring at her crotch area.

    I know it's not much but anything suggestions would be nice. (:

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago