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  • I feel like I'll never get to ride my horse?

    When I first got my horse, his saddle fit. As he got a bit older, he lost a bit of muscle and it stopped fitting. The chiro came out to put his shoulders in after the poor fitting saddle put them out. But now, he's always got something out or a pinched nerve, no matter how many times the chiro fixes it. And, I can't afford a new saddle or a saddle fitter. I could ride him bareback but he's an arab so very bony, and obviously I can't when he needs the chiro (which is always). I can't afford a new horse, either, even if I sold him (which I wouldn't do anyway).

    What should I do?

    4 AnswersHorses4 years ago
  • Does a block c# builder exist?

    Like scratch, but programs for 3D and you can get the code once you put the blocks together

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Why is Yahoo Answers deleting my apostrophes?

    It's driving me nuts and makes me look like I have crap grammar!

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • Will a wintec 500 fit my horse?

    I want to order one online (SOOO much cheaper than buying from horseland), but will it be able to be adjusted so that it definitely fits my horse? I ll get a saddle fitter out to do it. I just don t want to be stuck with (another!) saddle that doesn t fit. (I m probably going to get it flocked because I ve heard bad things about Cair).

    P.S. He s a 15hh Arabian, medium-wide gullet.


    3 AnswersHorses6 years ago
  • Horsey Fashion Advice?

    I hope to start a new Youtube channel with my horse (mainly trying out different disciplines and seeing if I can find one he isn't hopeless at lol), but I can't really afford all the fancy expensive clothes/gear so I was wondering if anyone had tips to get both me and my horse looking good?

    Gear that I do have:

    Black Saddle (english all-purpose)

    Light blue saddle pad

    Black bridle (with white under noseband)

    Blue/navy dublin helmet

    Black Jodhpurs


    (BTW My horse is a chestnut with a white stripe, and I'm a brunette if that makes any difference)

    2 AnswersHorses6 years ago
  • How do I stop procrastinating?

    I want to be a vet, and my grades are good, but I procrastinate SO BAD how do I stop? Also study tips in general?

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • How can I improve my riding?

    I m taking lessons once a week, in a group (all I can really afford). I have a horse, but the ground in my paddock isn t very safe to ride in (especially during winter) and he s unpredictable on the road (He s normally fine, but occasionally he ll go crazy at a car or something, which is not safe when your nature strip is only a metre big!). My horse can t really jump (I m told he can, but if I put a pole out, he ll be very afraid to go over), and can t do dressage very well because he has a clubbed foot (he s the budget option lol).

    Any advice on improving my riding? Are there any excersises off a horse I should be doing? Any tricks for getting the most out of my lessons?


    3 AnswersHorses6 years ago
  • How to work in a frame?

    Long story short I missed the lesson where my instructor tought us how o work in a frame, but she just assumed I knew it and it's too awkward to ask now.

    So how do you work a horse in a frame? All I know is you have to get them moving forward and impusively.

    Which reminds me, how do you get your horse moving forward but not faster?

    5 AnswersHorses6 years ago
  • In a quote ending in an exclamation mark, do I need a full stop after it?

    So like:

    "Quote yay fun stuff!" This is a new sentance.


    "Quote yay fun stuff!". This is a new sentance.

    1 AnswerQuotations6 years ago
  • Does it make sense to say directives in this sentance?

    ".....the comfort of directives are soon overridden by...."?

    If directives are a leader and rules?

    It's for an english essay, we aren't supposed to repeat words but there are only so many ways you can say things >:/


    1 AnswerHomework Help6 years ago
  • My horse is lame?

    I went to ride my Arab today, and he was a bit upset so I lunged him for a little bit, and he looks lame? He's not in agony or anything,but he was nodding his head in the trot when his near foreleg came down. It was more obvious lunging him so the N/F was on the inside, and even more prominant when I untacked him. He has a clubbed foot on his off fore,and he sometimes looks a touch stiff when turning on it but it's never caused problems.

    I checked all four feet, I did pick them out before I tacked him up and didn't notice any stones or anything. It's notfounder. He's still walking around and eating, I just don't want to ride and make it worse.

    I don't really want to get the vet, it's not upsetting him or anything, and I'm a long way out so the vet costs heaps of money. Any ideas or advice? I'll give him a bit of devils claw if he gets really sore, but should I do something or just wait for it to clear up?

    5 AnswersHorses6 years ago
  • How to get my horse to pick his feet up?

    My horse is talented at tripping over, and I was wondering why (I'm talking talking tripping at a walk on a level sand arena), till someone pointed out to me he hardly picks his feet up. The only thing I can think to help with this is poles, any other ideas?

    2 AnswersHorses6 years ago
  • My horse won't walk a straight line?

    So the only place I can ride is my two and a half acre paddock, but my gelding won't walk straight from one side to the other? He keeps either drifting or gently turning. The problem is, if I choose a line with no holes, the resulting zig-zaggin means we end up in every single one. He doesn't know how to leg yield.

    5 AnswersHorses6 years ago
  • Why do humans think they are suprior to animals?

    We can build stuff because we have thumbs. Other then that, we are no different to animals! Jus because we were the species stupid enough to try and control another, doesn't give us a right to!

    So come n, why are we? Because our DNA is different? In that case, I guess Hitler was justified in killing all those Jews and handicapped people.

    7 AnswersAnthropology6 years ago
  • I'm really curious about this...?

    In class, we are studing lord of the flies. We had to answer some uestions, and one of them was "why didn't Jack kill the piglet?" (basically jack was going to kill the piglet but he didn't).

    EVERYONE in our class who read their answer for this question mentioned Jack still knew the difference between right andwrong. If a class of year 9's says that killing animals is wrong, why do they all eat meat? Why does anyone eat meat?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • How does a saddle fitter work?

    I know it seems like a stupid question,but I only have one saddle and the gullet isn't adjustable,so what would a fitter do if it didn't quite fit my boy?

    1 AnswerHorses6 years ago
  • I'm not sure whether my horse is right for me?

    A few months ago, I bought an arabian gelding. I've done lessons for a few years, but he's my first horse. I had been looking for about 2 and a half years, and he was the only one that I found suitable (I had a small budget).

    The thing is, he spooks at everything. My trainer says he's just being an arabian, and it won't stop (he's 14 btw). The thing is, I'd really love to do pony club, of endurance riding, of even just to down the road of canter in my paddock, but I can't because he's too spooky, and it's really upsetting me! I can't sell him because my parents put a lot of money into training him, and I'm friend with the old owner so its a bit awkward ( he was too advanced for her).

    Advice? Anyone?

    6 AnswersHorses6 years ago
  • Flute bass duet?

    Its a long story, but I need a duet for flute and bass guitar.

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts6 years ago