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  • So tired of him screaming at me...sorry so long?

    I know he has had a hard week because he has been working with his Dad. His Dad pretty much treats my Hubby the way my Hubby treats me. Hubby is never really happy with me in the first place but this week has been hell. I can usually count on one big blow up from him a month. But its been every few days. I understand Hubby is mad that I don't work. Im in the process of being treated for PTSD and Anxiety. Just going to the store is horrible for me. I stress before I leave and then when I am in the parking lot then real bad inside. Then by the time I get home im have a horrible headache and belly ache. Soooo. He is the sole provider for me and our three young children. It is a big bunch of pressure on him. He works from home and we have a small farm. I take care of the critters. Horses, chickens, ducks, rabbits and cows. Plus the kids. He helps with them though. Sometimes he drives them too and from school and sometimes I do. I also cook and clean (not well though). I did work for a few years after we got together but he always ended up yelling at me because I did not make enough to make up for the stuff I could not get done at home. Seems like he is not happy either way. Plus he knows I cant just get a job anywhere with my anxiety. He is not affectionate at all. Well, except right before he wants some...

    He drinks most nights and sometimes cant remember what he did. Last night he let three rabbits out of the cages. And has no memory of it. I know he hates the rabbits. The cost of feed. But im allergic to beef and pork so I got them to give me a change from chicken and turkey. Every winter he hates the chickens too because they slow down on eggs. I usually sell them along with veggies from my garden during the growing season. But he don't hurt them...just complains and yells. The other day I had to get some medicine for the kids old pony. (he was not happy) He /gave me the money for the meds and as I know the lady at the feed store we started talking. I needed a hackamore nose piece pony size and had not been able tofind one. She had one in the back and gave it to me. Said no one every buys em lol. Hubby saw it in the bag and fumed over it for a few days. Tonight he brought it up and was screaming at me so hard he had spit running down his lip. Then he started in on how I don't help him enough with his ebay stuff he sells. I tell him all the time I will help but he has to tell me what to do. I don't know anything about the stuff he sells. And if I mess it up.....Then he threw the noseband across the room screaming about how "I don't get it" "You have to work to get stuff" and then screamed "How much did this cost me?" When I told him the lady gave it to me he stopped. Then at 9 at night I took some pics of something he had for sale for him. I was crying and he got upset but I could not stop. Why cant I stop? He has never hit me but sometimes he scares me. Is it because he knows I have no family to go to? No close friends? Or is it because of me? Why cant I do better? I cant take meds because I have a house and kids to take care of and the side affects disrupt that. I know I am a horrible house keeper lol really. But I take care of the animals and yard and kids and him. I have never told him "no" in the bedroom. When he hurts from work I rub his muscles. When he is stressed I try to calm him. When he gets drunk and talks about the same stuff over and over I listen. What am I doing wrong? I don't get it....

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • What are the chances my mare is pregnant?

    I recently took in a 25 year old POA. She was in decent if a little thin body weight. She is great for the kids. However after she was dropped off I noticed her anus had tipped pretty far back. No biggie for a mare that age. I mentioned I would have my vet stitch up her vulva some to keep the gunk out. The previous owner said "You might want to wait on that" "She has been with my stallion every day. She did not have a foal last year but did the year before. " Now im thinking that with her age, The tip back and the fact that she went empty last year gives me a pretty good chance she is empty now. The previous owner said she saw the stallion cover her on April 28th. My vet will be coming out end of the week to check her and another older gelding I took in the same day. But curiosity is driving me nutts. Will he be able to tell externally? I mean good enough to go ahead and have her stitched?

    2 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • What would be a good price to charge for house/dog sitting?

    Just a general question on why you think its worth? I am sitting for a friend/client. I have known her for years but even though we are "friends" in the sense that we go to lunch once in a while and hang out some really it is more a "client/boss" friendship. I do all her landscaping, and general handywork as well as help her out with her business with things like writing up the invoices, billing (quickbooks stuff) and filing. On top of that i also clean her large home. Really just about anything she needs. I agreed to house/dog sit again this year just like last year when they took their vacation. When it comes to a large job like this we really dont discuss cost because For one i usually underbid myself and they pay me more than i would have asked for. And i know they always pay me well. I have a set "per hour" i charge for everything else. This year I arrived at their house on the 29th at 10am. I stayed the night untill wed, but did not leave untill thursday at 5. they had a friend that was in town so they decided to let him take over at night with the dogs. I returned friday at 9am and stayed untill five. I was supposed to stay at myplace over the weekend. However the friend was not watching the dogs well so she asked that i go back on Sat morning and watch the dogs. The friend was out shopping untill after five so that is when i left. Frustrated my "Boss" asked me to also come back this morn around 11 so the friend could leave. So here i am again.....I will be here overnight and tomorrow untill around 5 when my friend and her husband get home. Along with watching the dogs on weekdays i am taking calls for the business and doing all the paperwork. Sending work orders to the men they have working for them. and of course invoicing the jobs when they are finished. I have cleaned the house. 3 bed 4 bath. twice. Blown the leaves off the fairly long drive around the house and pool. kept the goldfish pond clear of leaves and made sure the pump on the pool is fine. When im not doing anything though i get to pretty much just watch tv or be online.

    This client is VERY picky so i make sure everything stays very clean!

    OH!! And before someone says "you should have set a price before the job" i just want to make it clear that they always pay me well and i have no worries on that issue. Just want to know what others think its worth. Im not insured or bonded and dont do the house sitting part as a regular business

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Is she Bernese or Shepard?

    I got Velvet 9 years ago as a pup from a shelter. I was called for her because at that time i held an "exotic animals license" and Velvet was listed as a Shepard/coyote mix and could not be put up for regular adoption. I am sooooo very glad i took her in. When i first brought her home she was a little traumatized. She was terrified to get into the car. And she was terrified to get back out. She did this for about a month with me having to drag her out getting bit in the process. But she finally learned that getting in the car ment going somewhere fun and never looked back. She suffered badly from separation anxiety and i quickly learned she would tear the house from one end and back. Now she simply naps or tries to find food unguarded lol. When my son was born she was about 6 months old. and she was instantly in love. She watched over him day and night. As he grew she was his balance to learn to walk and his kisses when he fell. If he cried she was right there for him. We now have three children 9, 7 and 6 and they have all been loved by her. She is like a nanny. They have tripped over her. slept on her pulled ears and tail and she has been patient with them and taught them well. We found out when we had her spade that SHE was really a HE. Looked female on the outside. but had testicals that would have eventually dropped. Vet said it happens often with coyote or wolf crosses. She now has pills for her thyroid. Any way she is that once in a lifetime dog that cant be replaced. My real question is I dont think she looks Shepard. to me she looks more Bernese. And i think some of her actions are more Bernese. She has a very thick double coat that blowes spring and fall and well.....there is always her hair everywhere lol. Any comments or ideas? Not that it matters but would like to know.

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • test to see if link works?

    Just testing to see if the link works before i type out a long question!

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Will my dog ever like my children and Partner?

    They say he is say he is grumbling. He has been with us for 2 years now. since he was a pup. He grumbles at the kids if they get close to him but just gets up and leaves. He grumbles at my husband when he tells him to get off the bed when im in it. He grumbles when my husband playfully smacks my behind. He is also sensitive to sounds. He howls alot to certain tones on the tv. He has never ever offered to bite any one in the family but just grumbles at is it grumbles or growling? He is a (best guess) lab rott mix that i found at about 6 weeks old on the side of the road in freezing temps. I took him home and warmed him up. called the vet. loved him and well...yes he is "my dog"

    9 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Can I sever his rights without a divorce?

    Years ago i had to run away from a very abusive husband. I moved many states away but before i left the state of California gave me a Permanent restraining order on him. I filed divorce and was doing it through Cali but he never signed for any of his papers or showed up for court. I was doing it on my own and was not sure how to file it right. I had to drop it at that time. I have been now with my "boyfriend" for almost 5 years. He has raised the three children i had with the ex as his own even though they know they have a "bio dad" they dont remember him. I have been ill lately and am worried now that if something were to happen to me the children would be ripped away from all they know and be sent back to the abusive ex. He spouts off to his friends that he will get us all back someday and that he "Misses his children" even though the courts gave him permission to call the children and send them stuff. However he has not called them in three years and has never sent them so much as a card. I cant seem to get divorced from him because i cant get him served. Here in MO i have to far as i can tell. I need to know if i can have his rights to the children severed even without a divorce? If something was to happen to me i want the children to remain where they are with the father they know. It would kill the children and my man if they were ripped away. If they were sent back to the bio they would be destroyed. He is on disability and welfare. The child he has from a prev marriage looks like he is going to end up on disability as well. HELP!!???

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Can I sever his rights without a divorce?

    Years ago i had to run away from a very abusive husband. I moved many states away but before i left the state of California gave me a Permanent restraining order on him. I filed divorce and was doing it through Cali but he never signed for any of his papers or showed up for court. I was doing it on my own and was not sure how to file it right. I had to drop it at that time. I have been now with my "boyfriend" for almost 5 years. He has raised the three children i had with the ex as his own even though they know they have a "bio dad" they dont remember him. I have been ill lately and am worried now that if something were to happen to me the children would be ripped away from all they know and be sent back to the abusive ex. He spouts off to his friends that he will get us all back someday and that he "Misses his children" even though the courts gave him permission to call the children and send them stuff. However he has not called them in three years and has never sent them so much as a card. I cant seem to get divorced from him because i cant get him served. Here in MO i have to far as i can tell. I need to know if i can have his rights to the children severed even without a divorce? If something was to happen to me i want the children to remain where they are with the father they know. It would kill the children and my man if they were ripped away. If they were sent back to the bio they would be destroyed. He is on disability and welfare. The child he has from a prev marriage looks like he is going to end up on disability as well. HELP!!???

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • PS3 to PSP question from mom without a clue?

    I recently got my son a PSP from ebay. (couldnt afford new lol) and i have no idea anyway how to work this stuff. We have a PS3 and a disk for little big planet that he likes to play. Is there anyway to get the little big planet on the PSP?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Is it him or me? My man does not like touching...?

    Ok here goes. It is a question i have had on my mind for years. We have three great children and have been together for a long time. But he has been this way since the beginning. He will let me snuggle a little bit but cant seem to take it for to long. A quick kiss is all i ever get. He will touch me before sex but only when he as he says. "Owes it to me" He cant seem to stand putting his fingers in me. (i keep it cleaned and well groomed) NEVER goes down on me. And as soon as he comes he has to get up and clean himself off. There is never a "cuddle afterward" I do get some foreplay when he has been drinking. But he seems just as happy to get off and let me finish myself.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Swollen lymph node in groin area?

    I have had pain for months and thought i had a hernia. During this time i have also been treated for night sweats that were unexplained as my blood work came up fine. Last week i finally went in for surgery to have the hernia repaired. Both my regular doc and the surgeon agreed it was a hernia. When i woke up from surgery they told me i did not have one but had a swollen lymph node. Set me an appt for the surgeon for next week for follow up but the nurse told me that sometime lymph nodes can swell and just never go back down. Does that make any sense? Everything i have read so far tells me it is not normal. Specially with the night sweats. Any ideas as i wait for my follow up? And should they have taken a biopsy?

    1 AnswerCancer10 years ago
  • what type of snake changes color?

    I found a small snake and it is generaly greysh/brownish with black markings along the back. But what caught my attention was that it changed color. At one point it appeared to be almost metallic green. I really dont know much about snakes. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersReptiles10 years ago
  • wireless router range question?

    I am preparing to move soon and we will be living "rural" It is family property so my in-laws also live on the same acreage as we will. They have dish for internet. I need to know if it is possible to set up a router that will be strong enough to let me run a laptop and possibly the ps3. Their place is between four to five hundred feet from ours with a window facing our place. BUT our place is a mobile so it has metal sides. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersComputer Networking10 years ago
  • Why does my dog lick me if i pet one of our other dogs?

    We have three dogs. Whenever i pet one of the other dogs he comes over and tries to push them away. When i tell him "NO" he will stand there and lick the hand i use to pet or my arm. If he cant lick me he will lick the other dog. He also does this when ever my hubbie and i sit close. He will lick my hubby and not want to stop. I feel like his licking is his way of saying "MINE" lol. Any ideas?

    9 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • How do i download the norton disk on my sisters laptop?

    She got hit with a virus. One i delt with before and the only way i got through it was to install norton by disk. I cant get to any sites on her laptop and she has no disk drive. It there a way to connect our two computers so i can run it onto hers? Any web site we try to get to brings up the fake "security" warning. HELP?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • I want to sever my mothers rights to me but i am an adult?

    I am an adult now...have been for many years. But i want to sever my bio moms rights so that the woman who was a mother to me can legally adopt me. I have children and recent medical issues have me worried about what could happen to my children if i were gone. How can i go about this? Is it the same process as if i were a minor?

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships10 years ago
  • how can i get better pic resoultion on my laptop?

    I got this laptop from a friend. I dont know much about it but the picture quality on it is terrible!!!. Do i have to buy something to make it better? change something? Please help me out

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • Your thoughts on color and overall looks? Gettin ready to register?

    LOL i am so sorry!! this time i listed the link!! I am on two sides on this one. Her mom is registered a color i dont agree with. Let me know what you think and also any thoughts you have on her. Just keep in mind. she was born may 7th. not very old yet and not all the pics are taken on flat ground.And they go back in time so you will see the newest pics first. I will add what color i think she may be later on. Thank you for your help (link will be in the edit in just a min)

    5 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • why wont my question show up?

    I posted yesterday about foal color and forgot the links. So i deleted the question and re-posted with the links. Now it showes up in my activity but not on the boards. Any ideas? HELP lol

    4 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • Is my female dog still in heat? (New to unspayed females)?

    Before you slam me let me give some details. I Had to pick up my sisters dog yesterday to care for it until she got moved into a place she can keep the dog. I have always had my female pups spayed right away so i never had to learn much about it. The dog is right about a year old and my sister said she was just coming out of heat. She is still very swollen and i noticed her dripping some bright red discharge. I have tried to read around on the internet but some sites say they do that at the beginning of heat only and some say they do it at the beginning and end. I contacted my sis and she said she had been in heat 2 weeks. But sites i read say they are fertile after the first week and a half to two weeks? All our own dogs are altered. So i dont have to worry in the house. Should i worry when she is outside? I dont let her out in the yard unsupervised anyway but i would love any more information on this.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago