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  • Why are teens usually?

    The ones who give PARENTING advice on the PARENTING board???? Does this irritate anyone else looking for other parents advice?

    And usually it's in favor of the child in question whether it not the child is at fault. Anybody else think they should go to the TEEN section and give advice there?

    8 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • How do you pronounce?




    I know it's not a name. Didn't know where else to out it.

    3 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • How do you pronounce?

    The name Cara?

    I pronounce it car-uh

    If its spelled Kara: care-uh

    8 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Is this an acceptable ultimatum?

    I saw on a show recently that this woman had an affair on her husband. She finally ended it after a few weeks because she realized how much she loves her husband. She later discovered she had become pregnant. The husband told her either she goes up the baby or he leaves. Is this an acceptable request to you?

    Personally, while I dont agree with what she did, I do not think its fair to ask her to give up her baby for him. I feel like he's being spiteful. IMO a real man would either just leave or raise the baby as his and forgive her. Preferably the latter. But I don't think it's fair to the baby who didn't choose this.

    1 AnswerParenting9 years ago
  • America vrs everyone else?

    Why is America so disliked by everyone? Even our supposed allies are quick to criticize. Personally I'm confused. I do believes America was called into war by our allies and without our fathers and grandfathers, so many people would be under another power. Another question, how about if next time America is called we say, "sorry, you think we're worthless remember?Fix it yourself."? But we won't do this will we? Because we believe everyone should have their freedoms and go out of out say to ensure even people that don't like us have theirs. Why are we hated? I just don't get it.

    12 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Welfare?????????????????

    I notice a lot of people talk trash about the welfare system abd the people on it. I was wondering how many of these people have been on it and how many of them realize how difficult it actually is to get and stay on benefits?

    7 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • What do you think about my kids names?

    I went a little classic and biblical with them. Totally by accident but I think it works.

    Katherine Elizabeth (we call her elizabeth) and Elijah Benjamin

    7 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • What do you think about my kids names?

    I went a little classic and biblical with them. Totally by accident but I think it works.

    Katherine Elizabeth (we call her elizabeth) and Elijah Benjamin

    5 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • I'm having their baby?

    On the show the pregnant women are giving their babies up for adoption. For real, one of the girls "friends" asked her this, "You're pregnant and that's exciting but how do I tell you congratulations when you're giving your it up"

    Personally I thought that was overstepping. Thoughts, opinions?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Husbands talking about divorce?

    My husband and I have been together for 4 years and we've been married for 3 mths. We have 2 children together, one of which will be going to have his first if many surgeries within 2 weeks. He works I don't.

    Today, I asked him for help with the baby. He was off yesterday and today so I figured he got plenty of rest yesterday. He didn't want to help. He said he'd come in the living room I a few and asked me to fix him something to eat. Sounds reasonable except that the baby is SCREAMING and had been for an hour. So I told him I'm about to lose my mind and I can't fix him anything until he helps me. So he gets up storms into the living room and yanks him up. He's 3 mths old. Needless to say when I saw this I was LIVID. I don't know what I my daughter or my son did to deserve the way he's been acting lately but he's been bossing me and my 3 year old girl around. And he never helps with the baby and when he does he does crap like that. He actually told me that I, ME, don't take care of my kids when I quit my job just to be home with them. I get up at night. I change diapers. I fix their breakfast lunch and dinner. But yet I don't take care of them???? He says he wants a divorce and the way he's benn acting lately I'm frankly beginning to agree with him.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Could he be teething??

    My son is 11 weeks old and he's been fussier than usual. We know he's a bit colicky and that he has acid reflux, but lately he's been drooling excessively and just seems to want to chew, not suck, on his paci and bottle. (He can't really suck anyway because he has bilateral cleft lip but he usually makes the movements.) So I'm starting to think he might be teething but my daughter didn't get teeth until she was 1 and honestly I've not heard of children getting their teeth (usually) before 4+ months. I mean I know some babies are born with teeth but ive always thought these occupancies were rare. I plan on checking with his dr in the morning but just wondering if you think he could possibly be teething.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • What first time parents need to know?

    I just had to post this. What every first time parent needs to know.


    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Are there any parents with newborns with cleft lip and palate on here?

    My son has complete bilateral cleft lip and palate and I'm wondering what I need to be prepared for as far as surgeries go.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Chocolate breastmilk?

    Mu 3 year old is going to be having her tonsils taken out on the 6th because of frequent cases on tonsillitis. She got off antibiotics for an infection on the tonsils last friday and is already getting another infection. My question Is whether or not adding chocolate to beast milk will take away the antibodies or harm it in any way? I want to help her and since I'm Breastfeeding my son, breastmilk is readily available to help her but I highly doubt she will drink it without some sort of additive to it.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Exclusively pumping milk?

    Is there anybody else that is exclusively bottle feeding breastmilk for whatever reason that is getting frustrated? I know when I have a question on ANY site if I say I pump breastmilk and have a question, the most common answer is "well, you need to put the baby on the breast to fix the problem" and then I have to go through the whole sing and dance if explaining WHY my baby CANNOT breast-feed directly. And god forbid I do a search on Breastfeeding websites to see experts opinions, including Le Leche League, because they have very little information or advice for problems for moms who have no choice but to exclusively pump except not getting frustrated which is obviously hard to do when you can't find what you're looking for. Ugh!

    Sorry.... I guess this is more of a rant than question but it's very irritating. There seems to be no support for us moms who can not Breastfeed but are still trying to do what's best for ours babies.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Do some of these people scare you?

    I worry about the children of some of the parents in here. Did you see the one where a mom asked about feeding her newborn blood?? Uhhhh WHY?!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Do some of the questions make you fear for the child's safety?

    Is it just me or are some of these people on here do crazy you want to call the authorities and report them?????

    3 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • How can I be sure my baby is eating enough and getting enough hind milk to satisfy him? ?

    I am exclusively pumping and giving him a bottle as he cannot latch onto the breast due to a bilateral cleft lip. Unfortunately this makes it more difficult to be sure I'm producing enough milk and getting what he needs.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago