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  • What is the medical machine called that helps you breath? ?

    I’m obese and my lungs were badly damaged thanks to to Covid. Lately it’s been getting harder and harder to breath, and even catch my breath. My respiratory doctor doesn’t seem to want to help me too much except prescribe meds like my primary care doctor. I don’t know what the machine is called I need. The one that aids you getting oxygen. You the thing thing with the tube that has the things that go in your noise. I also think a portable one will help possibly regain my ability to walk. I can’t walk without passing out and causing my lungs to stop working. The little function that is left in them. 

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases2 weeks ago
  • What’s the rail called that lets the seats in a car go backwards and forwards, for leg room?

    I’m obese, and majority of my weight is in my abdomen and it’s getting where I can barely fit behind the wheel. I’m gonna start booking appointments to see about getting this weight off me and that’ll require long drives. What do I need to make the driver seat go even further back? I need maybe 4 or 5 more inches maybe more. 

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 weeks ago
  • Are there real unlimited plan?

    For a long time now my phone plan which is linked to my parents (family plan) somehow mine got so grandfathered in, where I had legit legit unlimited data. Talk and text, Internet, and hotspot. I used as much as I want. I used 14,400 gb last month. Imagine how much that would be on a normal unlimited plan. Verizon screwed my mom by lying to her about how they could save her money and it took away my freedom plan. My mom has been fighting them today trying to get the old plan back but they act like they can’t. My mom is wanting to sue them. I’m now in search of new company and was wonder if there’s another plan like mine out there? 

    5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans3 weeks ago
  • Are there any legit grants that an individual can apply for?

    I’m disabled due to damage caused to my lungs. Y Covid, as well as to super morbidly obesity and other underlying health issues. I’m in serious need of something while I’m waiting to get on disability. They’ve already denied me and I have an attorney helping me appeal the decision. My health is really bad and I need to lose weight ask but that’s impossible due to the severe damage to my lungs. I need a breath machine, and a wheelchair but I don’t have the money for any of it and my doctors think I’m nuts when I ask about them. I really need along with so much health supplies and what not. I need help. So are there any grants I can sign up and get? 

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance3 weeks ago
  • What do you think would be good exercise for me?

    I’m trying to lose weight. But here’s the underlying issues, my lungs were damaged greatly from Covid so I can’t really move. If I walk say 5 ft under my own power, my lungs stop working. So walking/treadmill is out. I do really anything physical either because of that and I’m 500 pounds and my hips are gone, and my legs cant barely support my weight anymore. To anything standing etc is out. What do you suggest? I can’t bend over, it’s way too painful. The only way I can clean is if I’m sitting in the floor. I can’t go anywhere unless I have the aid of a wheelchair or a scooter. Help!!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 months ago
  • Are there any grants or income programs for low income individuals or disabled individuals? Yes I've filled for disability.?

    I'm 29 and disabled, not able to work due to lung damage caused by my bout with covid-19, among other health issues, all of which including the again the damaged caused by covid when I had it. I've filled for disability but have yet to here anything back and I'm broke, with my parents footing my bills which makes me feel like a failure, I need to find someway to get income in. I can't work due to health issues and mental issues, so I've looking and researching any way possible to get income into my home. Can anyone recommend anything, grants, work from home options that my mental state can handle. I've been doing stock trading but It's legit a scam, I'm getting no where with it. I just know I need help somehow. Just right now my heath has caused me to become legit useless is a way. I can't even do simple tasks anymore without my body just giving out on me.

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance3 months ago
  • Was I wrong to react this way?

    I’m a Covid-19 survivor and my lungs are completely severely shot. On the other hand, I also dispose smoking cigarettes and vaping with a passion. I think it’s a waste of time, money and health. I confronted her a while back and laid it out, that I didn’t want her vaping for own health and mine as well. I’ve legit caught her many times and confronted her about it. She keeps telling me that she just tries it. She told me she wouldn’t vape again. Earlier tonight I saw a live that she did and she was vaping in living color. It felt like a punch to my gut. She then proceeds again to tell me she only tries it and she only does it on live Facebook which makes no sense. At least to me it doesn’t. Them she told me it helps her nerves because she has a lot of stuff on her mind. I legit flipped the **** out on her and told her she needed to stop. I feel like a jerk right now. Was I wrong in telling her to stop only because I don’t like it? 

    8 AnswersFamily3 months ago
  • How does this make any since when it comes to YouTube downloaded sites?

    We all know it’s illegal and it violates YouTube’s policies to download videos from the site but okay why are there video downloader websites and then there’s certain content creators who do allow their content to be downloaded. It’s called royalty free. So how can it be illegal and some cheaters give permission to use their videos and stuff? 

    1 AnswerYouTube6 months ago
  • Attachment image

    What is wrong with this lung?

    I saw this video a Instagram, and it freaked me the **** out! I don’t get creeped out easily. But the way it look when it expands gives me the heebie-jeebies! Why does it look like this? Why is it split open like that?

  • Okay so I’m an idiot and need to fully understand, what is affiliate marketing and trading?

    Don’t jump down my throat here. I’m an idiot when it comes to stuff like stocks, trading and affiliate market. So when you apply to be an affiliate for a company that sells products, I know you can become a Vendor which means they’re selling your items but you have to promote, you be both of just an affiliate. Now, so being an affiliate, does that mean once I sign up, can I just sit back and make some money, or is there some promoting involved like say, on social media, YouTube etc. I mean I know I’m getting paid for the sales they make due to me trying to get the word out of their products. What is it? 

    Trading, I have a ton of friends who’ve said they make mad money from trading. How the hell does it work? What is it?

    Give me the answers in lemans terms please. 

  • Can a person's Bitmoji be used in a company logo?

    Here me out, I created a logo for my sister's barber shop (She hasn't used it yet) I did my research and it says that the avatars are copyrighted meaning they cannot be used as a shirt design and be sold. But what about a logo, it says you can't use then commercially but what if it's just for a self local business. She'll be making money doing hair and what not but what about a logo?

    3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration7 months ago
  • What is going on with me? ?

    First off, I do take antidepressants and a mood medication, and yes I do suffer from chronic depression and mood swings. 

    Back to it. I am an aspiring filmmaker and I’ve come up with a story for a film I wanna make, and the more see the story in my head and come up with ideas for it, I end up getting sad, anxious and I wanna cry. It feels like the beginning of an anxiety attack or a panic attack. I just can’t shake the feeling every time I go write something down or do any work on the screenplay. I just can’t do it, I can’t get the feeling to go away. 

    2 AnswersMental Health7 months ago
  • Why does shopgoodwill keep doing this?

    I’ve been using shopgoodwill for a while now. Found and won some amazing stuff on there. So for the last several days I’ve been in the bidding for some great stuff that I wanted to win and display in my memorabilia collections, but goodwill only allows 15 items in auction at a time so I created another account so that I can bid on the other items I wanted. Then all of sudden after I bidded on the stuff and was in the running, they disable that account like many others of mine, then they suspend bidding on my main goodwill account. So all the stuff I was in the running for my bids got erased. I don’t get it, I have been paying for my items, I have no late or past due items. They’re gonna get their money. I just don’t understand why they keep doing this to me. 

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation7 months ago
  • What is wrong with WWE 2K20?

    I saw today that the deluxe WWE 2K20 was on special for $17.99 so I bought and it downloaded it to my PS4, it finally go done downloading and I went to check it out and play it. I can’t scroll down the menu, the only thing I can do is play a match. Can’t do any match types except single, I only have 3 male wrestlers and 3 female wrestlers in total which isn’t right. No entrances, what is up with this glitchy thing. I said **** it and bought the physical game. **** digital games. I’m sticking to the discs.

  • What song is this?

    It’s a rap song that I used to really like, now I can’t remember anything except for these lyrics:

    I’ll be alright thank you! (Which is by a female in a auto tune voice and the other lyrics I can remember is:

    hump back side to side

    Lyrics12 months ago
  • What software is this?

    Back in 10th Grade I was in this class called EAST LAB which is a class where we did projects and what not using computers and PC software. I remember playing around one day after all my work was done and I found this software, I think it was called Macromedia Fireworks but I can't find the right software so I don't think that was it and no it wasn't Photoshop. It was software where I made fake DVD covers and stuff using google images. I could just take whatever part of the image and put in the software to make whatever i wanted.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 year ago
  • What movie is this? It's been driving me crazy?

    I remember as a Kid watching this movie or tv show where this woman and this guy were doing something in a grave, they had a grave dug up. Then the woman was chased into the coffin by rats. She slide into the coffin form the feet end of it and was shooting at the rats and she then was eaten alive by them.

    1 AnswerMovies1 year ago
  • what movie or short film is this?

    I was watching elders react (from FBE YouTube channel, who also do Kids and teens react) on Pluto TV, and they were reacting to either or. They would surprise them with say a clip from a bizzare Japanese movie or a cute cat. Okay so in of the clips was this scene where an alien beheaded this woman, ate her head then shitted out a bloody mass.

    Movies1 year ago
  • I really need help and some advice. Anyone?

    I just can’t make myself do anything. I need to sweep and mop my floors. I need to start getting things put together in my house (still hasn’t gotten done), it took so much force to clean the litter boxes this morning. I don’t really remember much the last two days because I was a sleep majority of the time. Even right now I just feel like there’s a hole or an emptiness inside me. What used to bring me job, just makes me sigh and continue to sleep or lay down. All I do is go to work and back home. I barely leave the house. I just don’t know what do anymore. I just don’t have it in me anymore.

    10 AnswersMental Health1 year ago
  • What show was this? Does anyone remember?

    I can’t for the life of me remember this children’s show from back in the day. The only things I can remember was it was about toys. These old type toys with buttons for eyes etc. this one particular episode I can remember was about Mummy’s and the Mummy stone. The mummy did show up after his disembodied voice shouted out of nowhere “Who has my stone?” Then appeared out of thin air and it was also a doll that was wrapped up like a mummy. 

    Does anyone remember this show? 

    2 AnswersOther - Television1 year ago