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Can a 17 year old legally work a 12 shift?
I recently got my timetable for work for next week and they want me to do a 12 hour shift. I remember my college saying there is a maximum number of hours I can legally work since in still in education. I really don't want to work it since I'll literally have no time to do anything else. Is there a way for me to get out of it. Please don't say fall in sick.
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years agoMy friend cheated on his girlfriend?
Basically my friend told me last week that he lost his virginity. He said it was at his friends party. I obviously felt happy for him at first until I realised something. He said it happened at his friend party but his girlfriend never went to that party. I know I have no actual proof but I know my friend talks to other girls even though he has a girlfriend. What should I do?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years agoNot working notice period?
I am planning on quitting my job for a new one and I want to start my new job as soon as possible. I have already handed in my 1 months notice but I really don't want to continue working for another month. Is there anyway I could cut it down. Maybe taking unpaid leave or something.
3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment4 years agoMy finger won't straighten all the way?
About a year ago when playing football I tried to save the ball bit the ball ended up hitting my pinky and bending it back. I'm not sure if my finger was swollen, dislocated or broken at that point but ever since that moment my finger has had a slight bend to it. It doesn't prevent me from doing things and it doesn't hurt but it's just weird. Should I still see a doctor about this or should I just leave it.
2 AnswersInjuries4 years agoWhat's a good reason to quit your job?
I have worked at Sainsbury's for over 8 months now and am awning on leaving. It's not necessarily a bad job as I can understand why other people may love to work there it's just not right for me. I am not good at my job and struggle to keep a smile as most of the customers really get on my nerves. Most of the time I don't even know what I'm doing cause I know nothing about food or any of the stuff Sainsburys sell. Also even though I'm only working part time cause I'm a student I find the job very boring as I do the same thing every day. I feel I would work better at a place where I would know more about the product I'm trying to sell e.g curry's, phone shops etc. Even clothes shops would be better. There is a new shopping centre opening near where I live so I am going to apply for jobs there but I need a legitimate reason for quitting my current job.
8 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment4 years agoMy friend keeps getting back with his ex?
My friend went out with this girl for 2 months but ended up breaking because she thought he cheated on her. Then she got a new boyfriend and my friend got jealous so he started calling, texting, trying to get her back. It eventually worked and they got back K together but then they broke up again a week later cause she thought she was cheating. Then they got back together for a 3rd time only to break up again. Then after a few days they started talking again and even had sex. Now he plans go get back together with her. I know they are just gonna break up again because of who he is as a person but he just won't let her go. Me and his other friends have told him multiple times that she's not worth it and that he should move on but he refuses to move on.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years agoDo we control our brain or does our brain control us?
5 AnswersPsychology4 years agoIm 17 and have never had a girlfriend?
I am 17 and have never had a girlfriend. It's not that I don't want a girlfriend its more the type of girl i'm looking for rarely shows up and when she does I don't know what to do since i'm shy. One of my friends keeps trying to set me up with other girls but none of the girls he tries to set me up with aren't my type. My standards aren't necessarily high it's just the type of girls i'm looking for are hard to find. I do want a girlfriend but when the opportunity comes I don't know what to do.
5 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago