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well my name is sarah yes i know my pic is of a guy... well this is my hubbys account.. I am 29 and have been around horses my whole life i am a ranchers daughter and love that fact! i am very opinonated about horses and that has caused some fights on YA! i really have no tolarance for stupied people owning horses... if i think your doing something wrong i will call you out and i wont sugar coat it!!!

  • What makes a teenage girl do such a idiotic thing with there horse these days?

    What has happened to having a brain around horses? Is it cool to Put yourself is The most dangerous positions you can with a horse Just to Brag and show off?

    6 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • How do you think this is going to effect US horses?

    so canada has shut its boarders to USA horses And the Antis are celebrating In my opinion

    I think the Anti horse slaughter people are celebrating to soon they seeing the HERE and NOW and not the future effects of this and what its going to do to horses..Sad they can not think with there these horses that were going to be headed to canada will now be sent to mexico to be tortured.. at least canada had Regulations..

    How do you think this ban is going to effect horses in the USA? now that there is no safe outlet and it is unconfirmed if mexico will also shut down its boarders to Horses.. Do you think abuse and starvation and abandonment are going to rise?

    3 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Would you allow this Behavior?

    So theres this Pic going around FB of a girl getting a *HUG* from her horse.. When really what this horse is displaying is Dominance Behavior This action is what a stud does to a mare when Hes Wanting to breed with her? My question is Would you allow your horse to do this? or do you find it as dangerous As I do? (imagine Him trying to Mount her and crushing her to death)

    17 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Anyone Have RA (rumatoid arthritis) And never being able to ride again?

    Hey horse section havent been around in a long time.. anyways Not to go into to many details.. Im being tested for RA (rumatoid arthritis). And I see it as me never being able to ride again. Since it effects all joints and even your spine. Im selling my mare becuse I just cant see keeping her If i can never ride her again or afford her.Anyways any of you Deal with or Know a horse rider with RA?becuse Im majorly Upset to think all never be able to ride again

    6 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • McClellan saddle What are they worth?

    Any idea on what a good condition McClellan would be worth.. Theres a auction tommarow and they have 2 in the auction My mother useally buys tack and saddles at these auctions to resale Well she has never bought a McClellan. anyways what would be the price for a good condition one.

    3 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Whats your Dream horse that you would give anything to ride?

    what horse would you DO anything to ride?? Mine is a friesian I have since i was a little girl wanted to ride a friesian. I have been on 1 once as a little girl but it was with the women who owned him so i didnt get to ride alone..

    So whats your ultament horse?

    and can you find a pic of it>?

    13 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • whooping cough and being contagious?

    If someone says they were dignoised with whooping cough but not contagious becuse there not coughing Is that true?

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • SafeHaven to Answer youe question..?

    oky so you keep asking about keeping 3 horses on a tiny amount of property.. And you wont belive anyone of us who tell you 3 horses CAN NOT live comfortablely being Shoved in 3 acres. its not all about the horses its also the land you will be putting stress on.. Causing it to go Muddy in the winter, dry and dusty in the Summer,they will depleate any grass that could hold the Top soil down causing it to errod and Flood in rain, Horses standing in mud Can get many health problems.

    As for the horses how would you like to be shoved in a small room with 10 to 20 other people? with no place to get away.. horses are herd animals but that does not mean they want to Be ontop of eachother 24/7 You just need to realize You can comfortably Keep 1 horse on your 3 acres. and stop asking the same question over and over

    11 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • horce hocky! i just have to ask...?

    is that really a horse in your house under the christmas tree???? i was looking through your Pics and was like WHAT! theres a draft horse on the floor!!!

    3 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • local rancher Butchering a horse for his freezer,would you if invited go watch?

    so theres a rancher out by my parents they have what they call a Dink horse.. hes Mentally Challenged i guss well there going to butcher him off for meat. and give some to locals who want some and also eat some themselves. well I was curious about how they would do this, I mean is it the same as a cow? the local mobil butcher is going to be the one processing it. So if you got a chance for educational purposes Would you go watch the process just to learn?

    PS,lets not start a debate on this being right or wrong.. I just want to know what would you do if you were invited to go Witness this event

    25 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • I know its a worn out topic... But please read this?

    This post is for the anti-slaughter people.........If you've been out there buying up horses at auctions - preventing them from being bought by the kill buyers and shipped out of this country - then we applaud you. For the rest of you here is the truth. Nothing other than joining in with your fellow animal rights activists and buying up these horses is going to end slaughter. You succeeded in banning slaughter here in the US but you have sat idly buy and watched almost the same number of horses go to slaughter only now they are shipped in horrible conditions to other countries who don't have near the humane regulations that the US did. But you sat there and occasionally polished your participation trophies and then idly sat back and ignored the consequences of your actions. Regulation - breeding permitting - blah blah blah will not solve the problem. If you truly wanted to help these horses you would be out raising money, finding property, starting rescues, going to auctions buying these horses up so the KB's can't. Almost all of these horses go through an auction somewhere so where have you been? Why haven't you been out there buying them up and saving them? Could it be that you can't afford to? Could it be that you don't have property to keep them on or know of homes that will take them? If you can't - do you naively think that there is just a plethora of individuals out there just chomping at the bit to do it for you? If you can help by buying these horses then I don't know of anyone in the horse industry who would not applaud you. Get your hands dirty and start doing something more useful than sitting behind your monitor and preaching what is right and what is wrong. If you can't do this simple thing - if you can't buy up these horses, then please shut up and let us do our job of providing an out for these horses other than starvation, neglect and abuse. We are trying to help these horses whether you like it or not. Those of us who have horses are usually the ones driving by the place with starving horses. We are the ones who hear the stories from the vets and the farriers about horses being abandoned and tied up somewhere and left. You're not doing anything, HSUS isn't doing anything, PETA isn't doing anything - and yet you find gratification in trying to make those of us who are out there feel bad about it. You're the ones who should feel bad. You conveniently excuse yourself of any wrong doing as the big trailers head for Mexico and yet you seem to want to degrade us for trying to make these horses ends more humane.

    This was Posted by a women called Ranch Barbie on FB and I applaud her for standing Up and Stateing the truth. For all you nay sayers of slaughter Please Open your check books and Do something insted of Whinning about how cruel it is to Slaughter horses. Lets not start a debate about slaughter either..

    And heres a LQ for the YA! police

    Would you ever ride A mongolian Horse.. there soo tiny yet full grown adults ride them

    21 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • What would you do? Farrier Convicted of crime?

    Oky first back story My farrier Is a sweet Kid 21 years old Went to a good acredited school and Is a great farrier.. His parents are friends And raised Him right but in the last 5 years his familys seen some Bad times Starting with his father Being run over by a simi On the hwy. Hes still alive but can no longer walk so His horse training Buissness went To mike (my farrier) as a teen he had to finish the horses his dad was working. And since that was there Income He had to basically become the man of the family at 16 and Do everything to keep the family afloat. Mom owned a local feed store But it started to fail becuse she was trying to Keep up with hubbys injures and so forth.. Anyways..

    Mike Started Rebeling About age 18.. He moved out started Drinking and Partying Dated a girl who stole His moms truck and wreacked it. I was starting to really worry about him But this last years been the worst He was always on time for our Appts. then he started Making excuses.. He had no gas money His truck broke down So we tried to help by giving him gas money to get him to his appts. then he was arrested for Buying a minor beer and being In possesson of Pot.

    Well now to the crime.. Yesterday I get my Local paper and Heres a story about him Being convicted of Sex with a minor It was consinsual it was his girlfriend. but her parents called the cops on him.. now he must register as a sex offender. Here in Oregon If your a registered sex offender you can not GO anywere there are childern.. No resturants,stores or public events.. So Since I have a little neice whos Always with me and A baby on the way SHOULD i find a new farrier? Im sorta in a moral delima I know he didnt Rape anyone this was His girlfriend But still He was Doing things with a minor? What would you do??

    12 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • horse slaughter has Be apporved to be Reopened In the USA?

    Now lets be adults About this and Not start fighting... I just thought i would Let you all Know That the bill has been Passed and signed by Obama, Horse slaughter IS now legal in America.. All i can say Is thank god..

    Update November 18, 2011: Both the House of Representatives and the Senate have now approved the Conference Committee report on H.R. 2112, the bill that, in part, determines agriculture appropriations for FY 2012. President Barack Obama immediately signed the measure, making commercial horse slaughter legal once again in the U.S

    LQ so no one reports this

    Would you work at a slaughter plant?

    24 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • Fun Question. a horse that changed your life? whats the story?

    So i was looking through old photos and found the picture of the mare Who changed my life as a young women.. I was 18 just went through a nasty break up with my Fiancee and this little mare Was there for me to cry into her mane.. Then when she got diagnosed with DSLD a year later i was there for her. I think we both kept each other From Depression. she was the one I could confide In and Tell her All the rage I was keeping in from My life and hers Being so crappy!! So who was the horse that was there for you during a time of Need?

    Her name was Concha she was a QH Peruvian paso cross

    And for fun lets see your first horse ever this is mine

    Porcelana Pure bred Peruvian

    And yep that's me High water pants and everything!!

    Gahh I hope this posts this is the 5th time in 3 days have tried!!

    1 AnswerHorses10 years ago
  • Fun Question..A horse that changed your Life? whats the story?

    So i was looking through old photos and found the picture of the mare Who changed my life as a young women.. I was 18 just went through a nasty break up with my Fiancee and this little mare Was there for me to cry into her mane.. Then when she got diagnosed with DSLD a year later i was there for her. I think we both kept each other From Depression. she was the one I could confide In and Tell her All the rage I was keeping in from My life and hers Being so crappy!! So who was the horse that was there for you during a time of Need?

    Her name was Concha she was a QH Peruvian paso cross

    And for fun lets see your first horse ever this is mine

    Porcelana Pure bred Peruvian

    And yep that's me High water pants and everything!!

    Gahh I hope this posts this is the 4th time i have tried!!

    1 AnswerHorses10 years ago
  • fun horse question! the horse that changed your life?

    So i was looking through old photos and found the picture of the mare Who changed my life as a young women.. I was 18 just went through a nasty break up with my Fiancee and this little mare Was there for me to cry into her mane.. Then when she got diagnosed with DSLD a year later i was there for her. I think we both kept each other From Depression. she was the one I could confide In and Tell her All the rage I was keeping in from My life and hers Being so crappy!! So who was the horse that was there for you during a time of Need?

    Her name was Concha she was a QH Peruvian paso cross

    And for fun lets see your first horse ever this is mine

    Porcelana Pure bred Peruvian

    And yep that's me High water pants and everything!!

    Gahh I hope this posts this is the 3rd time i have tried!!

    1 AnswerHorses10 years ago
  • Fun Horse Question.. the horse that changed your life!?

    So i was looking through old photos and found the picture of the mare Who changed my life as a young women.. I was 18 just went through a nasty break up with my Fiancee and this little mare Was there for me to cry into her mane.. Then when she got diagnosed with DSLD a year later i was there for her. I think we both kept each other From Depression. she was the one I could confide In and Tell her All the rage I was keeping in from My life and hers Being so crappy!! So who was the horse that was there for you during a time of Need?

    Her name was Concha she was a QH Peruvian paso cross

    And for fun lets see your first horse ever this is mine

    Porcelana Pure bred Peruvian

    And yep thats me High water pants and everything!!

    2 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • Amber I saw you on here? Whats up with TANGO?

    Amber, I say you answered a question so whats the Update on Tango did you sell him or Is he a national show horse yet? We all want to know.. :)

    3 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • Hollywood! I hope i didnt upset you!?

    hollywood! I Hope i didn't upset you with my answer to your question! you seemed upset with my price i put down.... Im sorry...

    2 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What to get a 1 year old for her birthday?

    Im so stuck!! my neices first birthday is the 17th! and I dont have a clue whats age approprite for her? Shes got SO many toys! Shes a first grandchild so shes Gotten Lots of toys and Cloths! so im Like Ekk what to get her! i would love something educational but It seems all the leap frog is for older kids?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago