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Bandit Cue
question on custodial account please?
My dad died when I was 7. He left me a custodial account for $5000. It is empty. My mom used it when I was like 21. Said she had used it to pay for my college, which mind u she wouldn't aid me in filling out fafsa and when I went to college I wasn't old enough to apply alone. So she just paid for my 2 years of school. She took the money out a year after I quit college and I had no idea it existed until I was being taxed for it by the irs for not claiming it on my taxes the year she withdrew it behind my back. So I look up what a custodial account is and is says the custodian,, my mother, has control over it for a minor. Ok well when she took it out I wasn't a minor. Was this legal? Please help. She won't discuss this with me.
1 AnswerInvesting10 years agoWhere to get a kit of swarovski crystals?
So I'm making some leather things to sell, I am going to be doing this regularly. I would like to get a bunch of colors of Swarovski crystals, however I don't really want to spend $10 a set of colors, for numerous different sizes, that would end up costing hundreds of dollars. Does anyone know a place I can order like a kit of crystals that comes with several different sizes and colors? or even just colors?
1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade agohow to put on a saddle concho?
I just bought a new saddle. On the back corner of the saddle there is print and a shape to it, there are no conchos there but I want to buy some gemmed ones and add them onto the corner flap, where there currently aren't any conchos. My question is how do I do this? I know they come with screws and washers with each concho, however how do I put it in? do I have to drill a hole or something and then screw it in, if so would I have to worry about drilling it all the way in or how wide it was? I have never used or changed conchos before so I am curious, I can't find any good information on the internet, please link anything you can find or share any knowledge that you have. Thanks so much!
3 AnswersHorses1 decade agoFender bender, what happens next?
Well today on my way to work... I was merging off a highway to a stoplight. There was one person in front of me, and we were performing a right turn on red. She looked both ways and started going forward, so I also was checking to my left, and was creeping forward, she apparantly stopped and I lightly bumped into her. Well in her crappy toyota corolla and my f-150 I managed to knock half of her rear bumper off. I hardly got any damage just a small crack in my plastic spoiler, and a fog light cracked. Well I will be held accountable for her slamming on her breaks because apparantly I am an "un attentive driver". I have never ever been in an accident, so this is crazy and I don't know what to do. I have a court date, and apparantly I have to call and find out if she'll be taking me to court? for a freaking light tap? ugh. and I don't quite understand how all this works, will I have to pay my deductible (which is $500) before they cover her damage? I won't be getting mine fixed asap it's not a big deal. or is me crashing into her completely covered as a liability or whatever? I am trying to figure out what I financially will be charged for or if my insurance will take care of it...
Also people have been telling me different things. Some people tell me the government doesn't fine me unless I hurt property such as like a fire hydrant or whatever, which I didn't hit anything just her car. and other people are telling me that I will be "sued" by the government for like $200 fine for putting someone in danger. Which is correct? I live in Minnesota, couldn't find any info on it and I forgot to ask the cop because I was late for work...
2 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agofender bender, what happens next?
Well today on my way to work... I was merging off a highway to a stoplight. There was one person in front of me, and we were performing a right turn on red. She looked both ways and started going forward, so I also was checking to my left, and was creeping forward, she apparantly stopped and I lightly bumped into her. Well in her crappy toyota corolla and my f-150 I managed to knock half of her rear bumper off. I hardly got any damage just a small crack in my plastic spoiler, and a fog light cracked. Well I will be held accountable for her slamming on her breaks because apparantly I am an "un attentive driver". I have never ever been in an accident, so this is crazy and I don't know what to do. I have a court date, and apparantly I have to call and find out if she'll be taking me to court? for a freaking light tap? ugh. and I don't quite understand how all this works, will I have to pay my deductible (which is $500) before they cover her damage? I won't be getting mine fixed asap it's not a big deal. or is me crashing into her completely covered as a liability or whatever? I am trying to figure out what I financially will be charged for or if my insurance will take care of it...
Also people have been telling me different things. Some people tell me the government doesn't fine me unless I hurt property such as like a fire hydrant or whatever, which I didn't hit anything just her car. and other people are telling me that I will be "sued" by the government for like $200 fine for putting someone in danger. Which is correct? I live in Minnesota, couldn't find any info on it and I forgot to ask the cop because I was late for work...
2 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agowhat is a good way....?
to advertise yourself as a trainer? I currently am training part time at my boarding facility, but I want to recruit and start advertising so I can get more horses to work with. I am using craigslist and equinenow as of now with no success... I have a website. where are good websites to put your training services on and such? or any other suggestions? we don't really have any local tack stores...
5 AnswersHorses1 decade agosaddle pad size question?
So I haven't bought a new saddle pad in AGES.
I believe all my saddle pads (western!) have been 32"x 32"?
I am looking into buying a classic equine ESP saddle pad, and the sizes run a little different.
there are 32" x 30 something, and there are 34" x 38".
I have a relatively small 2 year old, coming 3 year old, that I will be using it on. would the 34" be way too big for her? I'm not sure how large that is, but i don't want it all the way down her back. I will be using the pad for barrel racing. thanks.
2 AnswersHorses1 decade agobarrel racing question?
Just curious... So I am getting myself a project horse for this year, and I'm going to start her under saddle, she will be attending a clinton anderson clinic with me as well, and we will be starting drywork and then leading up to the barrel pattern and learning pockets and how to rate in the late summer I am hoping. My question is, I found a filly that is going to be a great barrel prospect, she is turning 3, she really is athletic and can use her body.... but she is not registered. I am just starting to get into competing, so for a 1d or 2d barrel racing is it require that your horse is registered? or how do you go about that? I can't get her registered as she was bought from someone as her parents weren't registered but they did have some doc bar bloodlines and some others back in her history.I didn't know if registering was a qualification, so if someone could let me know that'd be great :)
5 AnswersHorses1 decade agoquestion about Wills - please help?
So I have kind of a situation. I am 22, my father died when I was 7. I was informed by my grandmother that my father had left us money and he had left us well off. Well when I ask my mother about any sort of money he left us she starts screaming and having a fit saying he died prematurely and didn't have much, and he only left us a little bit for college.
first of all, wouldn't he get life insurance for dying from cancer?
secondly I was fined not last year but the year before from the IRS for not claiming $5000 on my tax return that I didn't ever have. Reason was because apparantly "I" have a investment account with Meryl Lynch and "I" withdrew money. Well I didn't even know this account existed. I was forced to go to a local college for 2 years after graduation when i didn't know what I wanted to do yet. My mom was too lazy to help with the the FAFSA (that you have to sign with a legal guardian until your 20s) so she had to pay "out of pocket" for my 4 semesters each time. She claims she took this money out to pay for my school.
BUT wouldn't it be illegal for her to take money out of a fund that was left for me after I turned 18?
I am very lost I know nothing about wills, but I find it absolutely hard to believe my father would not have left us any money at all. Does anyone know the answers to my questions or where I can find copies of a will? I can't talk to my mother about this stuff she starts screaming and having a fit that makes no sense whatsoever... and no one else in my family knows anything.
Any advice you can give me would be awesome, in fact if your a lawyer I would love to speak with you about it. Thanks!
9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoIs this mileage too much? (and what are annual tune ups?)?
So I have the crappiest 1998 Plymouth breeze ever, I hate it and everything goes wrong with it over and over again no matter how much money I put into repairing it. I am going to trade it in and get a Ford F-150 XLT crew cab. I need a truck that is 4 wheel drive, and a V-8 because I will be towing a horse trailer regularly during the summer. Well the one I am looking at is a 2002, $7900, and has 143k miles on it. I am looking for a truck under 150,000 miles, under $8000, and that is above a 2001 in year (those are the requirements to get a loan and my budget limit). So this one fits perfectly. However, I am hearing mixed messages about the mileage. My boyfriend and a lot of others say that trucks, unlik cars can last well over 200k miles and aren't even broken in engine wise until about 100k so it's actually better to buy one at that mileage than a brand new one. I am also hearing people screaming at me for even looking at cars over 100k, however for a truck that is all I can afford to make payments on. So my question is the car looks and runs fantastic, has never been in an accident, has had 1 owner, is in perfect condition in every way. So would it be bad to buy this truck considering the mileage? I drive about 15000 miles a year, and I'm going to be getting a 3 year loan and would like the truck to last me longer than that. Would it be wise to buy a truck like this in your truck opinion (truck nerds please answer, if you don't know anything about trucks please don't give your opinion).
And my other question is as far as maintenance goes, what besides oil changes do I need to do on a regular basis for a truck annually?
Thanks everyone :)
2 AnswersFord1 decade agoHow do I prevent my horse from doing this?
We have a 9 year old off the track thoroughbred who gets pretty lazy. He'll go if you want him to, but he prefers not to. We've had him since march and he just developed a new problem this month we haven't had with him so far. He over reaches his steps CONSTANTLY. It's getting rather dangerous to ride him because of it. There's nothing physically wrong with him. He just started kind of dragging his feet and not paying attention. I didn't want to ride in bell boots because I want him to kick himself so he realizes he needs to stop doing it, but it's not working. I can hear his shoes from his back feet and front feet clanking against each other when he walks sometimes. And when he overreaches at the canter and trot, he'll trip falling forward, there's been several occassions I've almost gone flying over his head to have him step on top of him. So now I'm getting kind of fearful of making him do anything above the walk because he can't even do that without constantly clicking his feet together. How do you get a horse to stop overreaching if you can at all? It's driving me crazy.
6 AnswersHorses1 decade agogaming patterns, help please?
Hey there, I am currently taking lessons for barrels and poles. I grew up on english since I was 5, I'm 22 and own 3 horses. I've been doing barrels for a while but would like to branch off into all sorts of gaming events and train my horses to do them. I have to stop lessons for a while due to financial stuff and time this winter. So I was wondering do any of you know a website where I can read about things like a certain events "goal" and the pattern for running it? or a book or something? I want to just read about it on my own for now and get familiar, and I can't find anything on it. I'm looking for all sorts of gaming patterns and all that just broken down. Thanks :)
4 AnswersHorses1 decade agoabscess help please!?
so my POA that was supposed to be my summer project has been sitting for like 2 months with one problem after the other. I got him and started working him he was doing great, until he started getting lame and limping. Well I had the vet come out and he had thrush in both his front feet really bad. So then he was fine, limping again, and so the farrier said he has natural super super thin soles and will need shoes forever, but his feet were taken care of so horribly from the previous owners that his hoof wall was too thin to get shoes. So I had to wait for those to grow. Now finally again today he was all ready to get shoes, and ends up he has an abscess that blew out in his back foot that was also bruised and limping. The abscess itself has popped and is just draining. It's like a big crevice going along one side of his foot. The farrier didn't want to put shoes on because he says that would get in the way of it draining and cleaning it out so we are going to wait. But he also told me that he probably shouldn't be ridden until this spring after it heals up. I was like wait... WHAT?! I rearranged everything in my schedule and time frame so I could get him broke this last month before the weather gets bad, and now I have to pay board on him to sit all winter?
Well I've been looking up abscess stuff now and it says once it popped it's no big deal and heals up quickly if you keep it cleaned. So what is correct, the online articles or my farrier? We cleaned it out and bandaged it up. but the articles say don't bandage it, soak it and put iodine in it and it'll heal up quickly. So my question is, those of you who have had abscess or know anything about it, how long does it take to heal after it pops? How long until the pain goes away so that he can be round penned and lightly ridden? He's fine when I round pen him and stuff, it's just the day after he gets really bruised and sore.
And should I be bandaging it and cleaning it out? or just cleaning it out and letting it heal naturally? thanks for your suggestions
8 AnswersHorses1 decade agosooo many ways, please tell me what method works best for you?
I'm breaking in my first horse. He had a long break because the last boarding place I was at didn't clean the pastures and after a ton of rain our horses got thrush. So he's been off for a month or so. I started roundpenning him again today, he's doing great, he's a very calm and respectful 5 year old POA. I was training him John Lyon's method previously, but I don't think that Lyons covers enough ground to make as respectful and light of a horse as some trainers. I can't stand Parrelli, and I love Clinton Anderson. I am a member of his No worries club, but I am trying to branch out on the breaking thing because I'm having a hard time with some of his methods right now and would like to try another approach and work on Clinton's stuff later, I just want this horse broke before it is too cold, or at least have a good start. Clinton's method is all about disengaging the hindquarters and lungeing for respect, which is all great, but I'm wondering what other people who don't follow Clinton do as far as groundwork goes before they start riding an unbroke horse. Tell me what you make sure your horse is good at.
Also Clinton's first ride is all about having a buddy and turning circles, well I don't have a buddy in the pen to help me, but someone there to help me if something goes wrong. So what do you do the first ride, and how do you teach your horses to trot/canter off leg commands, he was ridden once previously in my training and was very ignorant of leg as of right now, so none of this "horses naturally respond to kicking commands" bullcrap, and I don't kick my horses, I just like to squeeze lightly when asked to trot or canter, so how do you go about teaching this in a method that actually works?
Advice please, not criticism, I hate rude people. And don't tell me you don't like Clinton, I don't care about your opinion there, just tell me what you do yourself.
8 AnswersHorses1 decade agomy horse has a very hollow back, how can I build this up?
I have a 9 year old ex racehorse. I have no hills at my new boarding place, so that's out of the question. I have a soft indoor arena, a creek, an open field and that's about it. Gravel roads to, but he has soft feet so I try to avoid these. Here is a picture of him, he's put on a little weight since then, but his back still looks very boney and his spine sticks up. So it's just a lack of muscle. What exercises can I do to make this even out?
7 AnswersHorses1 decade agoshoes on for the winter, or barefoot?
One of my horse's don't need shoes, however my 2 new ones that I haven't had for a winter yet have very sensitive feet and get bruised and sore very badly. I have to have shoes on all 4 of their feet in the summer, spring and fall, so I was wondering, for those of you who have horses with tender feet, do you keep shoes on all year, or do you take the shoes off and if so are they fine for the winter?
5 AnswersHorses1 decade agoadvice to getting my horse to let me soak his feet?
I have to soak my horse's feet in epsom salt water for 10 minutes so his frog will dry out from thrush. My one horse does great. I just have to lift his feet in there and he'll stand there nice and calm for 10 minutes without any protest. Well we just found out my other horse has thrush, so when I went to pick his foot up and put it in the water, it turned into a spaz attack with a lot of rearing and freaking out. I couldn't get him anywhere near the bucket after he realized that's what I wanted from him. he would brace himself and plant his feet and snort. and if I brought it closer to him he'd flip out. I would get him moving and make it uncomfortable for his foot to NOT be in the water. getting him to yield and move his feet and disengage himself from being so tense and snotty. Then he'd be fine and I would get his toe to the water, but once his foot actually touched the water the rearing, and snorting, and yanking began again. I worked on this for like 40 minutes with 0 progress I had to give up so I could treat my other horse and go to work. What are some tips you have to soaking your horse's front feet in a large bucket when they act like this?
4 AnswersHorses1 decade agowtf is wrong with my horse? does he just have a bad attitude?
So I'm getting extremely frustrated and just want to sell him. Every time I ride him it's a fight showing him who is boss in the saddle, and getting him to not bolt out of arenas, and stay at the gait you want him to. It's just getting annoying. I have done groundwork in attempts to retrain him, it doesn't matter. He'll turn in to you and be a sweet heart on the ground, but in the saddle i'm just getting fed up. He gives me a hard enough time, so I figured I would lease him so he can be actively ridden. Well this person after riding him in the arena wanted to 100% lease him. I took her out on a trail ride with him today, on our way back there's a huge alfalfa field that we ride in after it is plowed that goes along the length of all the pastures, well she asked him to trot and he bolted off and then stopped suddenly and went on a bucking fit and threw her off. She got back on and tried again but he wouldn't stop tossing his head and backing up. I had the vet out, she inspected him in every which way, $400 later nothing is wrong with him. He has thrush in one of his feet, but nothing that is really bothering him where it is and the way his hoof is shaped. So now I can't even lease him, and he's getting worse and worse. and I try to do groundwork and earn his respect. He's just a snot under saddle. what can I do, or is this just his personality? I've had him for a year, he's always been testy, but it just gets worse as times goes on.
9 AnswersHorses1 decade agomy project horse has thrush, couple questions please!?
I just got this horse at the end of June, so I've had him for about a month. He is a 5 year old POA. I started roundpenning him a couple weeks ago, and I noticed he was getting extremely sore feet. Not sore... Bruised, very very bruised. So bruised he would limp and his feet would have dark purple veins because of the bruise.
This was after about 2 weeks of roundpenning. Then he started getting really bad and looks like he can hardly walk. I had the farrier come out and look to put shoes on, he can't have shoes because his hoof wall is too thin so we're waiting for that to grow out then we'll get shoes on. Well he's been limping for a whole week without getting better. His feet are horrible squishy, poor guy so he'll probably need shoes forever. Well since he's not getting better I had the vet come out and look in case it was a leg problem. She identified it as thrush in his frog. It's not full thrush though, because there's no black puss. But it is a frog infection so she was calling it thrush because it is sort of like it.
Now I don't really understand how a horse gets it, because I have 2 other horses with sensitive feet to and they didn't get it, only one of them is shod. It hasn't even been that muddy either so the footing hasn't been too terribly muddy to cause it. his feet were awful when I got him, almost completely flat and all chipped, and unlevel. They are good now I had them trimmed as soon as I got him. But when you pick his feet, there's hardly anything to pick, he has the tiniest crevices around his frog.
So knowing all this, how do you think he would get thrush? also I can't find any information of this online, maybe i'm typing in the wrong things, but how long does it take for thrush to get to that stinky and really soft and tender limping horrible bad stage? like is it a week later, or do you think he had it before I got him and it's just now getting to the point of bothering him?
4 AnswersHorses1 decade agosurcingle help and advice please?
I was advised to try using a surcingle and side reins on my horse because he hold his head so high he needs to learn where to place it. I've never used one before but I was watching how to use it, but I just have a couple questions.
1) do you attack the side reins to a bridle with a bit and then to the surcingle?
2) this is the one i'd probably get, which loop do I attach the side reins? if there's more than one place, what's the purpose of each loop and benefit?
3) it says to attach a longe line to it, which loop would I attach the longe line to, or can I just wrap it around the bridle like I normally do? advice on that.
4) do you have any pictures or anything on how tight the surcingle should look with the side reins? I'd like to get an idea of what the proper form should look like so his isn't too tight or too loose.
no critiquing please, i'll make sure I have these answers before purchasing...
1 AnswerHorses1 decade ago