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hiimnicole :) i havent been on here in a whileeeeeeeeee. hopefully i'll be able to fully start with Y!A again though :D my favorite band is bring me the horizon, but i'm a -fan-, not a fangirl. call me a poser for it, see if i care. i know who I am, and I know what music is "And sweetie, I've got to say That I'm really not worth the time of your day. I guess when when we left each other for the first time, we didn't think goodbye would be our new favorite line." add me . you know you wanna. =D

  • how is a score of 700 for the biology SAT II's?

    is it good? or average?

    that's what I keep getting on all the practices, and I don't know what it means.

    thanks! :)

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • How do I get back the administrator account my computer deleted?

    I changed my account to administrator for a second, to download something, because i've done it before without problem, but this time, without even telling me it deleted the administrator account

    and EVERYTHING is on that account.

    is there a way I can get it back?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • R&P: what's the next music-related thing you're excited for?

    hey! happy thursday!

    fact: I like thursdays and do not know why.

    anywho, what are you most excited for?

    it could be a concert, or an album coming out, or anything. =)

    i'm seeing Asking Alexandria in a couple weeks, i'm literally about to explode of joy.

    24 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • R&P: what would your dream concert be?

    happy Thursday! :D

    anyway, what would all of your dream concerts be?

    not so much in terms of favorite bands, but the actual concert (size/seats or standing/etc.)

    I was wondering about you all, because whenever I see concerts in tiny one-room venues in the front row, pushed up against the barricade, I might as well be in heaven. but I know people who would rather die than be in such a small space, and live to go to huge arena shows. so, yeah. share your opinions

    or, if you've been to a concert you'd consider your dream concert, tell us about it. :)

    13 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • I think I hurt my knee?

    for the past few days (and still now) I literally couldn't put any weight on my left leg, because whenever my left knee locks I almost fall over. it's like, unbelievably weak and it hurts.

    I've fell a lot ski racing recently, but no times specifically where I couldn't get back up or had noticable pain in my leg. also, I hurt the same knee badly when I was a kid, if that has anything to do with it. and I'm only 14 now, so I don't think I should be having this problem out of no where.

    so I'm just wondering if there's a reason for why it's so weak/painful all of a sudden? what do you think I did to it?

    Thanks in advance. :)

    4 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • R&P: Can someone explain to me how will call tickets work?

    I bought tickets for Bamboozle (if any of you know what that is), but anyway, since they were like special tickets the only way they let me pick them up was through will call, the day of the show.

    but it said I need a credit card that I bought it with & ID to pick up the tickets, but I bought the tickets with my dad's credit card under his name and i'm not going with my parents. and I have my student ID which works, but isn't under my dad's name [obviously] and i'm really worried cause they're $300 tickets, and I don't want to not be able to use them. ):

    GAH. sorry for my confused rant :/ but can somebody like, tell me how this works?


    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • what are some foods that were popular around the 1700's?

    or just a dish that could be made using ingredients common in that era?

    for my honors world history project I have to cook a food that was eaten then & bring it to class. so it'd be better if it wasn't too complex seeing as i'm not the best cook, and people actually have to eat it for me to get credit. :)

    but i'm clueless as to what to do. can someone help me?

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • R&P: What's your "baby band"?

    by that, I mean a band you've known and supported since the beginning, and every time you hear a song you think "i'm so proud of them!". who you think really deserves to get famous & heard.

    also, post some links to songs and tell us a little about them :]

    take this as an opportunity to share a lesser-known band to other people!

    i'll give you an example:

    for me, it's the band You Me at Six. they're a young british band, and they did their first US tour recently, as an opening act. my friend and I saw the show, and we were seriously probably the only two people who knew who they were. so afterwards we met them and constantly told them how amazing they did (again, since no one else knew them), and they thanked us a billion times, and were total sweethearts.

    so ever since, i've been attached to them. :) and I really hope they get a zillion fans one day.

    some songs:

    7 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • POLL: What's the last inanimate object you... ?

    cursed/yelled at?


    called a name?

    felt bad for?


    I asked this question before but i'm asking it again, I just loove the answers I get for it :D

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • R&P: What's one band you feel you have to explain your liking for?

    like, sometimes you need to say, "I like this band, BUT... " to protect yourself.

    For example, I really like All Time Low. But not in the way every preteen girl on the face of the planet does. I could care less if they were all fat and had santa beards (I didn't even know what they looked like for the first few months), and frankly I don't like their new mainstream music. I liked them when their music was from the heart. And even though I couldn't relate to it because it was so personal, it meant so much more.

    ^^ it's things like that I wish I could put like as a disclaimer after I claim to like bands like that. because I hate being stereotyped as a "fangirl", and frankly, i eat fangirls for breakfast >:)

    so, my question to you is, what's yours?

    12 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • POLL: what is the weirdest thing you're afraid of?

    be completely honest :)

    I'm absolutley terrified of foam pits. Like the ones at gymnastic places with the big foam blocks in them. I have nightmares about drowning in them, no joke. D=

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • R&P: Long time no see? (but wait-- there's an actual question! :O )?

    Sorry about the sucky title, I assure you this isn't one of those pointless "LOOK, I'M BACK" posts

    But, you could call it that; i'm just trying to see who's still here.

    I have nothing to do with my uneventful life, and will gladly start coming here more often again. :)

    QUESTION: Do you prefer smaller or larger concerts? Outside or Inside?

    So especially if you remember me from earlier on this year, and last, please answer =]

    PS. Thanks to those of you who star my questions (most of which being me not knowing how to work technology) you know who you are :D

    8 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • itouch/itunes song buying help?

    On my itouch today at school I bought like 20 songs, and a few of them downloaded fine until I went into a class where I lost connection. Then when I went back into an area with wireless connection they all said 'download error" no matter how many times I tried to restart the downloading.

    so i'm at home now with my itouch plugged in to my itunes account, is there a way to access those songs so I don't have to re-buy them? they won't show up under my available downloads yet.

    thanks in advance! :)

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How can I make my heat rash go away?

    I have tons of red bumps on the back of my thighs that i'm sure is heat rash. how can I make it go away?

    i'm stuck wearing these spandex shorts things for cheerleading all day, all week, which caused the rash in the first place, but I can't do anything about it. so don't tell me to expose the rash to cold air, because that's not really an option.

    sorry if that made no sence. but please help! :]

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • R&P: How can i convince my parents to let me go to warped tour? help please :)?

    i'm planning on going with a friend, but her dad drove us to a major festival last month so her taking me again is out of the question.

    my parents always find an excuse not to take me. they just put it off until the last minute, until it's too late to buy tickets or anything.

    & they're SO over protective. I know they would tell me that i can't go unless they spend the whole day, and then they would say they're busy that day. or some crap like that.

    I really don't wanna sound ungreatful by writing this, but i wanted to go to LAST years warped tour, and i couldn't. so i HAVE to go this year.

    PLEEEEASE help! :]

    4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • R&P: Out of all the songs *you* like...?

    which one do you think has the best title?

    and not something long and random. I mean a title that still has meaning.

    For example: I think the title of the song "For Stevie Wonder's Eyes Only" by Bring Me the Horizon is really clever :)

    17 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • R&P (I can't think of a title, lol):?

    so my english teacher is a bit wacko.

    ok, maybe a lot wacko.

    & a couple weeks ago, she played Stairway To Heaven to the class (from her ipod) and then went into a DETAILED lecture for the remaining half hour of class of the metaphors and similies in it.

    and some things she said the band was implying didn't make sence at all.

    like i don't know why it pissed me off so much, but it did. i obviously know there's meaning to the song, but she brought it to a level that ruined it for me >:(.

    would this p*ss off anyone else? it's weird cause I can't get it into words why it bugged me so much..

    MQ/BQ: Name a time someone other than a loser wanna-be fan ruined a song for you.

    10 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • on Picnik, my picture won't save to my computer...?

    When I click "save photo" it says 'Whoops! Your Photo Failed To Save. please try again using our simple uploader' so I click simple uploader, and then it says "your picture failed to generate"

    please help, it's a really cute picture and i'm getting desperate.. :[

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • my facebook won't let me join my schools network.. PLEASE help! ):?

    It won't show my school as a network. I used to have it as one of my networks, but i took it off. now it won't let me put it back on. like when i type in "ridge high school" into the thing, nothing shows up, and it says 'this is not a vaild network'

    it doesn't make any sence since everybody else is in the network, and I used to be in it.

    please help, i know it doesn't seem big but now i'm like the only person without that next to my name and i might get a new facebook if i can't fix it. thank you :)

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • R&P: what was the most recent concert/show youve been to? howd you like it?

    question pretty much says it all.

    i'll edit in my answer later :D

    9 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago