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  • If someone's posts stop coming through my newsfeed, does that mean they unfriended me?

    As above. I noticed one of my friends had stopped posting on Facebook for a couple of weeks, but then went on her page and saw that she had been continuing to post during those two weeks. Does this mean she unfriended me? I don't know much about how Facebook works, so if anyone could let me know, I would appreciate it.

    1 AnswerFacebook8 years ago
  • How can I request Adderall from my doctor w/o looking like a drug seeker?

    I am seeing a doctor tomorrow to try to get a prescription for Adderall IR. I am 28 and have never been diagnosed with ADD nor have taken any medication for it.

    It was only about a year ago that the idea sparked in my mind that I might have the disorder. The reason it never crossed my mind until this point was that my concept of ADD was of some kid bouncing off the walls and needing to calm down. I am not that type of person and was never like that as a kid. Then I began reading more about the disorder and it really clicked that I may have it. I took some online ADD tests and my numbers were off the charts for having ADD.

    A few of my problems include taking an obscene amount of time to finish any project I need to complete because I can't focus on the task for more than ten minutes or so. Another major problem is having difficulty understanding what people are talking about unless I intensely focus on what they are saying. If I casually listen, I often can't make sense of what they have said. If someone is talking for a long time, I tune out after a minute or so. The same thing happens when watching TV or movies. I can hear the dialogue and English is my native language, but I often can't focus enough to make any meaning out of it. My grades throughout school were mediocre at best and I usually just sat in class doodling on my notebook and not listening to the teacher.

    Anyway, from the research I have done, getting a prescription for generic Adderall IR seems to be the most effective and reasonably priced (I am uninsured) way to go. After explaining some of my ADD symptoms, I don't know how to broach the topic with the doctor of getting Adderall. That's the medication I want to try, but I know many people abuse it and I do not want the doctor thinking I am just some drug seeker looking to sell it or get a cheap high.

    Can anyone give me advice on this? I have heard of people saying that it is best to say you were on the drug on as a child and were taken off of it, but I want to be completely honest with the doctor (plus I am a really bad liar). Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerAlternative Medicine8 years ago
  • How to request a medicine from a doc w/o looking like a drug seeker?

    I am seeing a doctor tomorrow to try to get a prescription for Adderall IR. I am 28 and have never been diagnosed with ADD nor have taken any medication for it.

    It was only about a year ago that the idea sparked in my mind that I might have the disorder. The reason it never crossed my mind until this point was that my concept of ADD was of some kid bouncing off the walls and needing to calm down. I am not that type of person and was never like that as a kid. Then I began reading more about the disorder and it really clicked that I may have it. I took some online ADD tests and my numbers were off the charts for having ADD.

    A few of my problems include taking an obscene amount of time to finish any project I need to complete because I can't focus on the task for more than ten minutes or so. Another major problem is having difficulty understanding what people are talking about unless I intensely focus on what they are saying. If I casually listen, I often can't make sense of what they have said. If someone is talking for a long time, I tune out after a minute or so. The same thing happens when watching TV or movies. I can hear the dialogue and English is my native language, but I often can't focus enough to make any meaning out of it. My grades throughout school were mediocre at best and I usually just sat in class doodling on my notebook and not listening to the teacher.

    Anyway, from the research I have done, getting a prescription for generic Adderall IR seems to be the most effective and reasonably priced (I am uninsured) way to go. After explaining some of my ADD symptoms, I don't know how to broach the topic with the doctor of getting Adderall. That's the medication I want to try, but I know many people abuse it and I do not want the doctor thinking I am just some drug seeker looking to sell it or get a cheap high.

    Can anyone give me advice on this? I have heard of people saying that it is best to say you were on the drug on as a child and were taken off of it, but I want to be completely honest with the doctor (plus I am a really bad liar). Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • How do I ask doctor for Adderall w/o looking like a drug seeker?

    I am seeing a doctor tomorrow to try to get a prescription for Adderall IR. I am 28 and have never been diagnosed with ADD nor have taken any medication for it.

    It was only about a year ago that the idea sparked in my mind that I might have the disorder. The reason it never crossed my mind until this point was that my concept of ADD was of some kid bouncing off the walls and needing to calm down. I am not that type of person and was never like that as a kid. Then I began reading more about the disorder and it really clicked that I may have it. I took some online ADD tests and my numbers were off the charts for having ADD.

    A few of my problems include taking an obscene amount of time to finish any project I need to complete because I can't focus on the task for more than ten minutes or so. Another major problem is having difficulty understanding what people are talking about unless I intensely focus on what they are saying. If I casually listen, I often can't make sense of what they have said. If someone is talking for a long time, I tune out after a minute or so. The same thing happens when watching TV or movies. I can hear the dialogue and English is my native language, but I often can't focus enough to make any meaning out of it. My grades throughout school were mediocre at best and I usually just sat in class doodling on my notebook and not listening to the teacher.

    Anyway, from the research I have done, getting a prescription for generic Adderall IR seems to be the most effective and reasonably priced (I am uninsured) way to go. After explaining some of my ADD symptoms, I don't know how to broach the topic with the doctor of getting Adderall. That's the medication I want to try, but I know many people abuse it and I do not want the doctor thinking I am just some drug seeker looking to sell it or get a cheap high.

    Can anyone give me advice on this? I have heard of people saying that it is best to say you were on the drug on as a child and were taken off of it, but I want to be completely honest with the doctor (plus I am a really bad liar). Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerMedicine8 years ago
  • How many Facebook friends to look popular without looking desperate?

    At my old school, the average student had 1,000 friends, the unpopular kids had less than 500 and the cool kids had around 2,000. At the school I'll be attending in September, I was able to find out that the average kid has 2,000 or so and pop kids have about 4,000. I want to make an impact at my new school without looking desperate. Do you think 10,000 would make me seem more popular or would people become suspicious? I'm going for the cool yet mysterious, Johnny Depp type vibe. TIA!

    4 AnswersFacebook8 years ago
  • My great-great-great-great-great grandfather is black. Does that make me black?

    I am in the midst of applying to universities and there's a couple of schools that are probably out of my reach academically speaking. However, I did some research of my family tree and found out that my great-great-great-great-great grandfather was black. I intend to mark myself down as an African American in order to get into the more difficult schools, but naturally I do not want to get in trouble for doing so. Am I doing anything wrong here and will I get in trouble?

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Who's going to replace the illegal immigrants who pick fruit, etc. once they become legal?

    I'm excited about the 15 million or so illegals become legal and all, but I don't want to pay more money for fruit. Who is going to start doing the jobs that Americans don't currently want to do after these people join the rest of us in the fight to get a good job?

    7 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • What do raisins taste like?

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Why would someone waste 4 years and 100 k and not just get a fake degree?

    I realize there's more to college than just the classes--there's partying, having lots of sex and doing drugs. But, I was thinking about doing the one year party thing, save myself heaps of cash and just get a fake degree online instead of continuing on for the remaining three years. Any info. I would need for a particular field, I could pick up on my own. Does this sound unreasonable and please let me know why if it does.

  • English grammar question about 'this' and 'that'?

    I know normally 'this' is a demonstrative pronoun used to refer to a thing close to the speaker and 'that' for a thing further away from the speaker. But for example if I was looking at a photo of my mom with a friend and we were both the same distance from and close to the photo and my friend says, for example: 'Who's this?' I would respond with: 'That's my mom.' I wouldn't say 'This is my mom.' Can anyone good with English grammar explain why 'that' is more natural in that case. Thanks,

    2 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • How many possible compound words are there in Japanese?

    It seems like the several thousand kanjis that people know can be mixed and matched in seemingly endless combinations. It's like playing chess, but with several thousand pieces instead of just six different pieces. I reckon there are hundreds of millions of possible words in Japanese, if not billions. Someone please correct me if my math is off here.

    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • Aladdin was a shop-lifter?

    That bread that he and Abu gave away to those two kids wasn't his bread to being giving away.

    4 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Why do people's faces get wider/bigger even after the facial bones have fused?

    Here's an example of L. Dicaprio in his early twenties: http://leonardodicapriophotos.files.word…

    And here is him in I'm guessing his early thirties:

    This is one example, but I have noticed it in almost all people as they age. Their faces seem to get wider, the jaw gets bigger/squarer and overall the face just looks bigger. With Dicaprio, I understand he gained some weight, but in the pic I presented, he really isn't overweight. I also realize that his hair line went up quite a bit, but even if you ignore that, his face looks much bigger. I was just curious if anyone knows the reason that peoples faces get bigger and lose the small oval face look long after their bones have fused, and even if they haven't gained weight.

    1 AnswerBiology8 years ago
  • Help! I'm visiting Los Angeles for the first time, but can't speak Spanish?

    I'm from Massachusetts and will be visiting Los Angeles for the first time in a week. Here in MA everyone speaks English, but I heard people only speak Spanish in southern California. My friend visited there recently and was able to get by, but he learned Spanish in middle school and high school. I made a major mistake and chose French to learn. Should I learn some survival phrases before traveling?

    10 AnswersLos Angeles8 years ago
  • Why do so many Chinese men have the comb-over hair style?

    Even when they are not balding

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • Question to other guys: I have trouble having sex with girls I care about?

    I don't know the psychology behind this, but I mainly only enjoy having sex with girls that I consider sluts, often girls that I have just met at a club or a girl that I haven't really gotten to know. Once I start dating a girl and start caring about her, I lose interest in having sex with her. Often after spending a day with her, talking and laughing, having sex with her seems very strange. I think of sex as having this dominating, almost violent quality to it. People refer to having sex, as making love, but I just don't get this at all. I imagine many other guys are like this, because 99 percent of porn which guys watch and get off on, involves a guy having sex in a very dominating aggressive with a woman that he just met. There is no love in those porns. If guys enjoy loving sex so much, why is not more porn like that made and why are guys not downloading it?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Does Santa go to the bathroom?

    What it is? Mah namez Jeremy, 9 mo fo years old. Duz Santa drop deuces? Me and my friendz were wonderin bout dis.

    1 AnswerChristmas8 years ago