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Favorite Answers37%
  • Is this Shingles or Genital Herpes? Sorry, this my be a bit long.?

    I ended a relationship in May, and began anew one in August. We had sex 2 times, and about 2 days later I had flu like symptoms, 3 days later I started having painful urination, and about 5 days later I started getting small sores around my labia. I went to an OBGYN (i just moved so i have never seen this doctor before). I had read that some bad UTIs can cause sores, so i set up an apointment for that. The last guy i was with was clean, and i was with him for over a year with no kind of symptoms.

    The doctor swabed the sores, and came back within 10 minuts and gave me a difinitive diagnosis of genital herpes (HSV2). The guy i was with got a blood test the same day, and his test results came back negative for HSV2. The doctor had told me that i had most definatly gotten HSV2 from the guy i was currently seeing and this was a typical first out break of HSV2. I was given anti-viral medication. The sores healed quickly after i started taking the medicine, and never crusted over like i was told they would. They also didn't really have a lot of puss like i was told i would from the sores. There was some clear liquid, but never really any puss.

    I have done some reading about HSV2 now, and am very confused. From what i have read a positive test for HSV2 takes at least 24 hours to determine if they swab the sores. I know there is a test they can do where they look at the cells under a microscope, but from what i have read all hepes viruses look alike under the microscope including HSV1 and Shingles. Also from what i have read the incubation time for HSV2 is 1-10 days, so I dont see how I could have gotten HSV2 from any one else since it was well over a month between sex partners.

    I plan on getting a blood test soon, but thought i would come here first to see if any one else had ever heard of, seen, or experienced any thing like this. Of course the guy I am seeing is a bit freaked out about all of this, and our relationship is not what I would like it to be because of this.

    Is it possible I was misdiagnosed? Are there any differences in symptoms between HSV2 and shingles on the genitals? Is the information I have read correct?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • How possable is it that i got a false positive herpes test result?

    i recently went to an OBGYN for what i thought was a UTI. I had painful urination, a fevor, swolen lymph nodes, and a few days after those symptoms started i also started getting sores on my labia. I had not had sex with any one since late May, until my most recent on July 31st and August 1st. The symptoms started on about August 3rd. I saw the doctor on August 8th. The same day the guy who iI had been with also got a full STD screening test.

    The doctor examined, swabbed a couple of the sores, and came back about 10 minuets later and told me I had genital herpes. A few days later the test results for the guy i had sex with came back and he tested negative for every thing. The doctor had told me that because he was the only guy i had been with for a long time, and the incubation time of Herpes that i had to have gotten it from him. Now that he has tested negative for Herpes, it makes me seriously wonder if the doctor was incorrect in his diagnosis.

    Has any one had any thing like this happen to them? How likely do you think it is that the doctor was wron and it was something else? I have never had an outbreak like this, and am very careful in picking who i sleep with. This guy is the 5th person i have ever slept with and i am 30.

    4 AnswersSTDs8 years ago
  • How likely is it that i was misdiagnosed with Herpes?

    It's a bit of a long story, but please bare with me. On May 22nd my boyfriend/ fiance who i had been with for 1 year and 3 months commited suicide. We were monogomus. since his death, i had not had sex until recently. the guy who i had sex with had not had sex since January. We had sex 2 nights in a row. a couple days after i had pain when i urinated and thought i may have a UTI. I later started to develop sores around my labia. i did some reserch and found out some times bad UTIs will make sores. They were never really blisters, just open sores that were painful. I told the guy i had recently had sex with about it and asked him if there was any thing he hadn't told me. He said he had been tested a year prior and every thing was negative...but because i was having symptoms he would go get checked out again too.

    I visited an OBGYN. he examened me and took a swab of a couple of the sores. He told me to get dressed and came back in the room no more than 10 min. later. He told me it was not a UTI but Herpies. He aslo said that because this is my first out break that i got it from the guy i had recently had sex with.

    When the guy i had sex with got his results back he was negative for every thing including Herpes.

    Did the doctor jump to conclusions and just tell me i had Herpes, when it could be something else? is 10 minuts enough time for him to come back with a 100% definitive diagnosis? This all seems so strange to me and is confusing. How do i have Herpes, and where did i get it? I was told that the initial infection would have the worst out break, so how id it that the guy i had sex with tested negative?

    Has any one seen any thing like this before?

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Is there a place to report a buisness who treats employees poorly?

    I was laid off from a great job in March due to government budget cuts. We have a union, so all people who were laid off were chosen by seniority and job category. I desperately wanted a job, and I was hired as a driver for a limousine company.

    This job came with a lot of requirements including buying uniforms, getting a DOT physical, taking a test for a Chauffeur's license, and of course training which was unpaid. In all the cost was about $500 out of pocket. On top of that I was required to sign a contract that stated that if I worked for less than 90 days I would be required to pay $600 for training fees.

    After training was complete I worked for about 15 days. During this first 2 weeks I felt there were multiple times that the boss put me in danger by forcing me to drive while talking on a cell phone with out a hands free device, and requiring me to work a lite night shift followed by an early morning shift (5 hours off). On top of that, work schedules were given out on a day to day basis via E-mail. I would receive an E-mail between 7-7:30PM to let me know when I was working the next day. If I did not receive an E-mail, I had the day off. During my days off I was "on call" and would have to report to work within 2 hours if called. I never knew when I was going to have a day off and couldn't go too far from home if I did have a day off. If I had an appointment or wanted a day off, he required 2weeks notice and then reserved the right to deny time off. It seemed imposable to make any appointments I needed!

    I was going to tough it out for the 90 days and then move on, but things did not go as planned! My fiance attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head. I was there and saw the entire thing. I am traumatized and extremely depresses. Amazingly he survived, but is still in the ICU in critical condition. The prognosis for his recovery is not looking good.

    I had to make several appointments to deal with insurance, police investigation, and I made counseling appointments for myself. Because I don't have a work schedule, I could not schedule my appointments around work. I scheduled my appointments and let my boss know when they were, and told him how important they were. I also let him know that I was not in control of my emotions, and I was afraid that if I burst out in tears while driving it may hurt his business reputation.

    In the end he scheduled me to work during my appointments, and said if I chose to go to my appointments rather than work that he would consider it a voluntary quit on my behalf. I chose to put myself first this time, and went to my appointments. I was afraid that even if I did go to work so I didn't have to pay the $600 training fee, I may burst into tears and he may come ofter me for damages for damaging his business's' reputation.

    Is there a place to report someone like this? If I were to write a bad review could he come after me for ruining his business's reputation? Would it be worth it to take him to small claims court for the $600 training fee, plus harassment or unethical behavior?

    Please note that I am not asking for relationship advice, I am only asking about any possible legal or ethical actions I can take against this business. Please keep it to that.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Does my boss have any legal standing firing me even though I have a doctor's note?

    Less than 2 weeks ago, I was witness to my boyfriend's attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head. Some how he has survived, but is currently in the ICU and in a comma. The entire event was extremely traumatic and I am having problems sleeping, eating, and controlling my emotions. I have seen a counselor and they sent my boss a letter saying that I had suffered a traumatic event and am seeking further treatment.

    I am a Chauffeur and drive town cars or limousines.I am the emergency contact if any thing were to go bad with my boyfriend, but my boss does not allow me to take personal calls for any reason while I am driving. Also if I were to loose control of my emotions while driving that could damage his business's reputation. In all I am not able to do my job at this time because of my mental condition and because my boss will not allow me to take emergency calls.

    Does he have any legal standing to fire me even though I have a doctor's note? If he does fire me, would I be responsible for the training fee he charges to people who quit before completing 90 days on the job? Would it be better for me to quit, or wait him out and let him fire me?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Can my ex-boss come after me to re-pay him for training or damages?

    I was laid off in March and interviewed fora new job as a Chauffeur in April. I was desperate for a job, so I signed all the paperwork the employer had in order for me to get the job. The ad he had originally posted said the job paid $15-20 per hour, but I later found out that it actually pays minimum wage plus gratuity.We only get gratuity IF we clean the car the way he wants, complete the paperwork correctly and do other things he wants us to do. On top of that we all work less than 40 hours per week, and are on call all the time unless we have told him we have an appointment or need time off at least 2week prior. Even if we tell him 2 weeks prior he reserves the right to deny time off. We do not get out work schedule until 7PM or later for the following day. We are never told what days we may have off during the week, we just don't get an assignment the night before.On top of all that he requires you work for him for a minimum of 90 days or pay him $600 in compensation for the training he has provided. He also has every one sign an agreement that they will not work for a competitor for at least 2 years after they depart from his company.

    10 days ago my boyfriend of a little more than a year attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head. When he did it I was about an arm's length away. FORTUNATELY he has survived and is in a comma in the ICU.His brain swelling has gone up and down, and they had to rush him into emergency surgery at one point to remove skull bone to relive the pressure. I am listed as his emergency contact, and his parents live over 6 hours away.

    I am a veteran of the war in Iraq, and already have very mild PTSD. This event has thrown me into full PTSD with insomnia, depression, loss of appetite, and i occasionally start crying with out warning. I am getting counseling from professionals at the VA. All of this will get better over time, but for now it is causing a lot of issues.

    This situation is really effecting my job because if I were to burst into tears while driving that would defiantly make the customers uncomfortable, and possibly effect business. My boss does not allow me to take personal calls of any kind while I am driving. He has E-mailed me many times saying that he "needs me to be available to work" despite the problems I have told him I have. I even had a doctor send him a note saying I have suffered a traumatic event and I am seeking further treatment at this time.

    MY questions: If he fires me because having me work for him may effect his business can he still come after me for the $600 training bill? If I do drive for him and have a problem, can he come after me for damages to his business's reputation? I feel a bit like I have been backed into a corner. If I quit, I owe him $600. If I don't quit and he demands that I drive I am afraid he may come after me for damages if I answer my phone in an emergency or end up crying. Beyond that my sleep problems could defiantly effect how safe I am driving on the road.

    What should I do? Wait him out and make him fire me? Should I quit? If I quit and he takes me to court for the $600 does he have a leg to stand on?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Have you attempted suicide and lived? I need some advise!?

    5 days ago my boyfriend attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head with a pistol. FORTUNATELY by some miracle he has survived, and on top of that they have said his prognosis is good! They think the only permeate complete disability he will have is a loss of his sense of smell. I am still having trouble wrapping my head around all of this, because I had never heard of any one surviving something like this. I thought it was impossible.

    So here is my question: Did you or some one close to you survive a suicide attempt? When they woke up, were they mad that they were saved? I am a little afraid he may feel guilty about what he did, so what should I say to him if he does? I need advice!

    Please note, I am not asking for relationship advice. I am simply asking for advice about how to deal with someone who has survived a suicide attempt. Please keep it to that.

    9 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • I am having a family emergency, and my boss is NOT accommodating. What would you do?

    Four days ago my boyfriend attempted suicide. He used a pistol and shot himself in the head about an arms length away from me. Miraculously he survived and is in the ICU. Of course it was a very traumatic event for me, and although my boyfriend is not legally my family we have known each other for a while and lived with each other for a little over a year. I am emotional at times, and will be seeking professional help. I also have made some appointments to take care of issues dealing with his disability and bills right now.

    I work as a Chauffeur, so my work schedule varies day to day. I don't know what I am doing the next day until 7PM (some times a little later) the night before. My boss sends an E-mail with my assignment. He E-mailed me and said he needed me back to work on Monday. I told him that was fine, and gave him a list of my appointments. I also let him know that after one specific appointment I will probably be an emotional mess and I don't think it would be safe for me to drive, and it would be uncomfortable for the customers. He E-mailed me back and let me know he would "be as accommodating as possible" but that it would not be possible for me not to work during some of the days or times I gave him. I would have scheduled the appointments around work, but because I am not given my work schedule until the night before there is no way for me to know. I have only been working there for a month, and for the most part I hate the job. The pay is not very good, but I took this job because I needed to prove I had income for a loan that I have decided I don't need now. It would be easy for me to quit, but the problem is I had to go through training and if I quit before 90 days on the job I will have to pay for the training ($600). Also my next job may want to call him and that may effect my next job. I suppose I could exclude this job on my resume, but I am not sure how it will look being unemployed for so long. I was laid off March 22nd, so my resume would show about 2 months of unemployment right now.

    If you were in my position what would you do? Would you quit? Would you tough it out and get to the 90 day mark? If I told him to take me to court to get his money do you think I would have a good case?

    The details leading up to this suicide attempt are complicated. In the end I believe he had been so giving that he ended up screwing himself by letting people take advantage of him. Tack that onto a childhood from hell where he was in over 40 foster homes before the age of 5, was adopted and then rejected 2 times, was with 1 family for 5 years and then 2 weeks before they moved they told him he was not going with them, and he spent 2 years in an orphanage. His family (the people he calls mom and dad etc.) met him in the orphanage when he was 11, and became his legal guardians when he was 13. There are serial killers out there that had better childhoods. I am not asking for relationship advise. I am asking for advise about this rotten job. Please keep it to that.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • I am having a family emergency, and my boss is NOT accommodating. What would you do?

    Four days ago my boyfriend attempted suicide. He used a pistol and shot himself in the head about an arms length away from me. Miraculously he survived and is in the ICU. Of course it was a very traumatic event for me, and although my boyfriend is not legally my family we have known each other for a while and lived with each other for a little over a year. I am emotional at times, and will be seeking professional help. I also have made some appointments to take care of issues dealing with his disability and bills right now.

    I work as a Chauffeur, so my work schedule varies day to day. I don't know what I am doing the next day until 7PM (some times a little later) the night before. My boss sends an E-mail with my assignment. He E-mailed me and said he needed me back to work on Monday. I told him that was fine, and gave him a list of my appointments. I also let him know that after one specific appointment I will probably be an emotional mess and I don't think it would be safe for me to drive, and it would be uncomfortable for the customers. He E-mailed me back and let me know he would "be as accommodating as possible" but that it would not be possible for me not to work during some of the days or times I gave him. I would have scheduled the appointments around work, but because I am not given my work schedule until the night before there is no way for me to know. I have only been working there for a month, and for the most part I hate the job. The pay is not very good, but I took this job because I needed to prove I had income for a loan that I have decided I don't need now. It would be easy for me to quit, but the problem is I had to go through training and if I quit before 90 days on the job I will have to pay for the training ($600). Also my next job may want to call him and that may effect my next job. I suppose I could exclude this job on my resume, but I am not sure how it will look being unemployed for so long. I was laid off March 22nd, so my resume would show about 2 months of unemployment right now.

    If you were in my position what would you do? Would you quit? Would you tough it out and get to the 90 day mark? If I told him to take me to court to get his money do you think I would have a good case?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • I am having a family emergency, and my boss is NOT accommodating. What would you do?

    Four days ago my boyfriend attempted suicide. He used a pistol and shot himself in the head about an arms length away from me. Miraculously he survived and is in the ICU. Of course it was a very traumatic event for me, and although my boyfriend is not legally my family we have known each other for a while and lived with each other for a little over a year. I am emotional at times, and will be seeking professional help. I also have made some appointments to take care of issues dealing with his disability and bills right now.

    I work as a Chauffeur, so my work schedule varies day to day. I don't know what I am doing the next day until 7PM (some times a little later) the night before. My boss sends an E-mail with my assignment. He E-mailed me and said he needed me back to work on Monday. I told him that was fine, and gave him a list of my appointments. I also let him know that after one specific appointment I will probably be an emotional mess and I don't think it would be safe for me to drive, and it would be uncomfortable for the customers. He E-mailed me back and let me know he would "be as accommodating as possible" but that it would not be possible for me not to work during some of the days or times I gave him. I would have scheduled the appointments around work, but because I am not given my work schedule until the night before there is no way for me to know. I have only been working there for a month, and for the most part I hate the job. The pay is not very good, but I took this job because I needed to prove I had income for a loan that I have decided I don't need now. It would be easy for me to quit, but the problem is I had to go through training and if I quit before 90 days on the job I will have to pay for the training ($600). Also my next job may want to call him and that may effect my next job. I suppose I could exclude this job on my resume, but I am not sure how it will look being unemployed for so long. I was laid off March 22nd, so my resume would show about 2 months of unemployment right now.

    If you were in my position what would you do? Would you quit? Would you tough it out and get to the 90 day mark? If I told him to take me to court to get his money do you think I would have a good case?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • My boyfriend attempted suicide, and I need some words of wisdom.?

    Two days ago, my boyfriend attempted suicide. We were having a heated discussion (not really an argument, but out voices were both raised nothing violent) about finances. Basically it all boiled down to we were trying to close on a house, I was laid off from my job, he has a judgment against him that is affecting his credit along with other things, he found out that his ex wife was able to settle her "half" of the judgment for MUCH less than the deal he got, and his grandma had sent him 10K for his first house and he thought the check had bounced. He went into our bedroom and got his pistol. I heard him chamber a bullet and asked him what he was doing. He came out of the room, and I told him it was spooky that we were having this kind of discussion that I know is stressful, and all I hear is him chambering a round in his pistol. He then told me "well I am sad and depressed and not worthy of you." At that point because I knew he had his pistol I told him that if he was thinking about doing something stupid that we needed to go some where and talk to some one. It was at that point he drew his pistol, put it to the bottom of his chin and shot himself in the head.

    I was about 1 arm's length away from him when he did it. I screamed, and immediately called 911. I was asked by the dispatcher if he was breathing, and I said no. At that moment I thought there was 0% chance that he was alive because I had heard of many cases like this and never any survivors. The dispatcher told me I needed to move into another room, so I went out side onto my back porch and locked the doggy door so my dogs could not disturb any thing. At that point looking back inside at my boyfriend I saw his arm twitch. I rushed back in (still on the phone) and discovered he was breathing! He was actually snoring like he does when he is sleeping! He was mostly on his side, but slumped a bit toward face down. I lifted hi shoulder to make him more on his side so he wouldn't drown in his own blood. He started choking at one point and the dispatcher told me to sweep his mouth for any thing that may be blocking his airway. It was a lot of blood, but I swept it out and he stopped choking. I found that holding his lower jaw down also helped. I held him in that position until the police and ambulance arrived.

    Some how he miraculously has survived, and the doctors have a very positive outlook on his recovery. The said he will need multiple reconstructive surgeries to fix his jaws, throat, and sinuses. They believe he may never re-gain his sense of smell, but they thing that is the only permanent damage he will have. It will take a LOT of therapy, and it will be a long road, but in all I can not believe how optimistic the doctors are about him! I mean I watched him shoot himself in the HEAD!!

    I guess I am really not sure how to take all of this. I have talked to social workers, a Chaplin, and a psychiatrist briefly. Only the social worker said any thing negative. She said she was afraid I was "high risk" because I am also an Iraq war vet and saw some crazy things while I was there.

    My boyfriend was stable, and there is nothing I can do except wait. I was told by several nurses and the Chaplin that I need to take care of myself by eating, sleeping, and getting back to as normal a schedule as possible because if I stayed there at the hospital I would go crazy.

    So here is my question (sorry I know this is super long). I drove myself to the hospital over an hour away, I have returned home, cleaned up the mess, and got my dogs from a friend that was taking care of them. I almost feel like I am not freaking out enough. Most people who have seen someone die (or thought they did in my case) seem to act scared and distraught. It has been just over 48 hours, and I am acting nearly normal. I am not sure if this is good...any thoughts?

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • IS it OK to show my GF's parents the engagement ring when asking for their blessing?

    I plan on meeting up with my GF's parents next week end. I plan to ask them for their blessing to ask her to marry me. She already knows I plan on doing this and we have even picked out an engagement ring ect. I am asking them for their blessing kind of as a courtesy to them.

    Is it good form to take the engagement ring with me to show them, or should I leave it at home for now?

    5 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • Witch forms do I need for this court case?

    I live in Thurston county in Washington state. I got divorced 9 years ago, and had a problem come up with a bill my ex was responsible for. In the divorce my ex was awarded a truck. Because my ex didn't have a job, the payments were not made and the truck was repossessed. After it was repossessed and sold at auction there was still an out standing balance on the loan. The lender sued for the amount still out standing on the loan. Some how because my name was on the initial loan and because I was the only one of us that had an income they got a judgment against me. I have been making payments so that they would not garnish my wadges,but my ex is the one that should be responsible for this judgment. What forms do I need to fill out to file a case against my ex in family court in Thurston county Washington?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Are there any medical conditions that would make a person act drunk when they are not?

    Occasionally my boyfriend will start acting drunk when he has not had any thing to drink. He will slur his words, say random things, and not remember any of it. This usually happens when he is tired. I even did a couple sobriety tests on him (had him follow my finger with his eyes with out moving his head) and he passed with no problems. Are there any medical conditions that may cause this? He is 39 years old, and seems in good health.

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • My Glo fish are dying, and I don't know why!?

    I have a 55 gallon tank with glo fish, guppies, cardinal tetras, and one rainbow fish. I have had my fish for a little over a year, and never had any problems. I did a large water change last week end, and changed my disposable filters. Ever since then I have had 1-3 fish die per day! I noticed that before the fish die their gills turn very red, they open their mouth as large as possible and look a little like they are panting. Later they develop large pale patches, that seem to be caused by the scales standing up rather than laying flat. It takes about 24 hours from the onset of symptoms until death. I tested my water and all my nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, PH, harness, etc. are at good levels. Can any one give me any ideas as to what may be killing my fish? Why is it mostly affecting my glo fish and not so much the others in the tank?

    3 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • In small claims court, what is the max $$ you can sue for?

    I live in Washington state. What is the max I can sue someone for in small claims court? If I sue someone for more than the amount allowed in small claims court can I represent myself or am I required to have a lawyer?

    The case I have is pretty cut and clear. Divorce papers said the spouse was awarded a vehicle and had to pay the loan for that vehicle. The spouse did not pay, and the vehicle was repossessed and sold at auction. There was an outstanding balance after the vehicle was sold. The finance company sued for the balance and was awarded payment, but is getting it from me because the spouse was not employed at the time of the finance company being awarded payment.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • What is the statute of limitations for paying off a car in WA?

    My boyfriend is currently making payments on a vehicle that he does not have. When he was married, he and his ex wife bought a vehicle and when they got divorced she was awarded the vehicle and was supposed to pay the bill...and she didn't. The vehicle was voluntarily repossessed and sold at auction. There was still an outstanding balance on the vehicle after being sold at auction.

    My boyfriend was employed, but his ex wife was not. The finance company sued for the balance of the vehicle, and because he was the only one with an income the court awarded in favor of the finance company and made him pay. In the divorce decree it states that his ex wife was responsible for the vehicle.

    It has been several years since the divorce and the court awarding the finance company payment. He would like to sue his ex wife for the money she should have been paying for the vehicle. He is currently making payments of $75 per month for the court's ruling.

    What is the statute of limitations in washington state for something like this? Does the time for the statute of limitations start from the date the divorce was complete or from that day the finance company was awarded payment?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Are there any pet insurance campanies that cover pre-exsisting conditions?

    I have a large 3 year old dog (1/2 weimaraner, 1/2 pit bullbull) 117lbs and the sweetest dog I have ever been aroud. unfortunatelyatly he has torn his ACL in both back legs, and has mild hip displasia. He is still able to get up and get around, but he constantly limps and is not as active as he was just 6 months ago. I have taken him to the vet and with X-rays have been told that the only way to fix his pain is to get surgery. Each knee would cost $3000, and each hip would cost $6000. All together that is 4 surgeries and $18,000.

    I make good money at my job, but not enough that I can spare $18,000. I have started looking at pet insurance (a little late I realize) and all that I have found do not cover pre-existing knee and hip problems.

    Does any one know of a way I can get my big buddy the help he needs with out putting myself out on the streets?

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • If your BF got a DUI (3rd DUI now) what would you do?

    My BF and I have been dating for a little over 6 months. Tonight he and I got into an argument over my house being messy. I work 40-72 hours per week and catch up on stuff I need to do on the week ends if I get one off. Between my crazy work schedule and a divorce last November my house is a mess and I have a lot of work to do. So far he has only complained about and started an argument about it when he was drunk...and evidently when I told him to get out of my house he was drunk and was arrested for DUI.

    He told me about his 2 previous DUIs. HE said the first one was legit, but the second was on an Indian reservation and between a malfunctioning BAC machine, and not being able to get the video of him blowing in the malfunctioning machine he was convicted of his 2nd DUI. HE spent 30 days in jail because of it.

    He seems to be a super sweet guy and we have many of the same life goals, like the same things, enjoy being around each others families, and have many of the same interest.

    Over the time we have been together he has had 4 times (including this dui) that he has had a problem because of the alcohol. 2 times he was so drunk he doesn't remember starting an argument with me and calling me some nasty names. one time he was on a flight to come see me during a long business trip and got kicked off the plain because he became disruptive....and of course now the DUI. Although he has said a few mean things, he has never physically hurt me or even threatened to.

    Currently he has a great job, but with his 3rd DUI he may face 90 days in jail...and may not get to keep his job.

    I can't say I am always perfect. I really care for this guy. Have you ever had a situation like this? what did you do?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • My boyfriend got a DUI...again! What to do?

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for a little over 6 months. He seems to be a super nice guy, and we seem to really match. We have the same job, come from the same area, get along with each others parents, enjoy the same foods, enjoy many of the same hobbies, and I am sure there are more things I can't think of right now.

    We got in an argument tonight. I now think he may have already been drunk and I told him to get out of my house. The argument was that he started harassing me about the fact that my house is messy. I was married for 6 years of a nearly 10 year relation ship and am still working on cleaning up some stuff (mostly getting rid of the X's crap!). I work a minimum of 40 hours per week, but up to 72 hours per week. I feel like I have had barley any time to work on getting things cleaned up and organized. He argues that I don't try enough. I keep asking him when have I had time? The only thing I have done other than cleaning in months is fix dinner, go out with him a couple times, a couple week end trips to see my parents or his, and 1 mani/pedi to relax.

    He has told me that in his past he has had 2 DUI's. He said the first he deserved. The second he was caught on a reservation, and when their BAC machine wasn't working they accused him of not trying to blow into the machine. Later when he went to court they sequestered the video of him trying to blow into the machine, they were not allowed to get it because the reservation is considered a sovereign nation and they did not have to give up the video. With that he was convicted and spent 30 days in jail.

    I looked up Washington state penalties and now it looks like he faces up to 90 days in jail. This is the 4th time he has gotten himself into trouble involving alcohol while we have been together. 2 times he has become drunk to the point he called me a B#@$% and a whore, but didn't remember it later (that is really not like him). One time he was getting on a plain to come see me during a long business trip, and was kicked off the flight for becoming unruly. Now this...

    If you were in a situation like this what would you do? I really love this guy, but the alcohol is causing REALLY BIG problems. He becomes verbally mean when he drinks too much, but is an awesome boyfriend otherwise.

    Sorry this is so long....trying to give as much back ground as possible.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago