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Lv 2685 points

Silent Beauty

Favorite Answers15%

My name is Amanda. My friends call me Mandy. I am 5 foot 6, I have long dark brown hair, blue eyes, and I am athletic. I am 20 years old. I wear glasses and i have braces. No I am not a nerd. If you want to know more about me or see my pics you can go to my myspace.

  • I need help on a costume. Any Ideas?

    I am looking for a costume that is sexyy but not slutty. Something i can show off some skin in. please help?? I have a halloween party to go to at school.

    3 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • What should i do, someone i love wants me to move in with him?

    I love this guy more than anything, i want to go see him and everything and move in with him but i need to finish up my school work first before i could move in with him. He means a lot to me and i love him . What should i do?? Should i move in with him soon?? or wait until i finish school, or just go move in with him and go to school where he lives. I dont know what to do.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What would you do if someone was stalking you online?

    There is someone stalking me on my aim, and i have no clue who it is. This person gave a false name. He doesn't know much about me but he says he loves me and that he misses me and stuff like that. It is really making me mad, He wont tell me who he is, I dont know what to do. Its rather creepy, to know that someone who doesnt know me and i dont know him saying that he loves me. What do i do.

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Has this ever happened to anyone?

    There was this guy that was trying to talk to me, he liked me for a while i didnt know much about him or who he was, but he came up to me and started to talk to me, he was a very sweet guy, his name is angel, he had a great personality, and he was such a gentlmen, he asked me out. Then i talked to my best friend who i call my sister and she said dont mess with him because he is a player, and my friend told me that he was texting her saying how much he likes her and all that bull, and then i find out that he had a fiance back at home. Wow, for the first time i though that i found a really nice guy that i could be with. Guess i was wrong. I dont know what to do anymore. i have been through so much with guys i am done dealing with them. I dont think that there is any really nice guys out there. I cant stand liers. Please help me. What am i to do?? I am not even looking for anyone to be in a relationship with, the guys seem to find me. I cant deal with them anymore.

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What would you do if your ex who has been your best friend for about 8 months, wants to sleep with you!!?

    My best friend/ ex wants to sleep with me with no feelings. He just wants to get laid he says. I dont want to be used like that. I care about him a lot because he is my best friend, but y would he want to use me like that? I dont get it.

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What would you do if your friend and her boyfriend call you a whore when your not?

    I talk to and hangout with a bunch of guys, they are all my friends. I flirt with one of them thats it. I am cool with a lot of guys. I dont like to hangout with a bunch of girls they are too much drama, plus i grew up hanging out with guys. Because of my brother. But the other day i was hanging out with my friend and her boyfriend and they called me a whore because two of my guy friends came over to me and said hi to me and started talking to me, they wanted to know if i wanted to hangout with them later and i said yea sure. Then my friend and her boyfriend said i was a whore and i said watever and walked away. That really pissed me off. I dont do anything for them to be calling me a whore you know?? What would you do if your friend says that about you??

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I like my guy friend, But does he like me??

    My guy friend Danny and i have been hanging out for a while. We have known each other for about 6 months. He has been flirting with me the whole time. I am not sure if he likes me or not. He wanted to talk to me in private the other night, and he wants to hangout off campus together. So am i just dreaming or does he like me?? Please help me??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My best friend Sean and his girlfriend asked me out, I said yes, but now i dint know if i want be with them?

    My best friend sean and his girlfriend laura both asked me out, i told them yes. But i met a guy the next day, and i really like him. He is 25 years old, and we both connected on that level. Plus there is a guy at school named danny that i really like. I have known danny for six months, he is showing signs that he likes me. I also like my best friend Nadia. She and i are both bi. I dont know what to do. I need help on who to choose. I dont want to be in a relationship with more than one person. I never had that happen to me before. I really dont want to be in a relationship with anyone right now, because i just recently broke up with my ex. And i have been through soo much hurt in my relationships. I need help on what to do. Please help me??

  • What if you got together with your ex after 2 years of not seeing him?

    I havent seen my ex boyfriend sean in 2 years. We went together for about a week, and broke up because he was cheating on me. After 2 years i figured you know that he would change and I would give him a second chance. Well i did give him a second chance and it blew up in my face. He hasnt changed he is talking to another girl when me and him are supposed to be together. He even asked me to marrry him. I dont know what to do.

    Here is the conversation that we are having on AIM.

    [08:08] Goddesangelz18: i dont know y i had sex with you

    i didnt completely say yes to marrying you i had to think about that

    i dont want to marry you sean.

    if you loved me like you say you do

    you would tell me the truth

    i feel as though you are talking to other girls

    what are you talking about? dont do what everyone else did to you?? what do you mean?

    [08:11] seanliz123456: babe i love u im not talking to no other girls stop accusing me of that **** and omg u really pissed me of saying u dont kno y u had sex with me im done with u i thought u were the one for me it seams u r the one that cant trust **** i was siting here wating for the next time u come home so i can see u u dont understand how much i missed u and cared for u i got 1 question do u love me or not amanda

    [08:15] Goddesangelz18: i did love you

    im done with you sean

    i cant trust you

    i know you are talking to other girls

    i have a feeling that you are

    i dont know what to do or say anymore

    i am done with relationships

    [08:15] seanliz123456: u got me crying i did noting wrong to u

    [08:16] Goddesangelz18: im sorry please dont cry

    please tell me the truth

    [08:17] seanliz123456: i got to go im done thanks for jsut leaving me for no ******* reason im blocking your sn dont im em no more i told u u could trust me and u cant so **** u amanda im done ill ******* kill my self u got me so upset saying u dont kno y u had sex with me and u did love me y is it every time i fall in love some one thinks im cheating im done amanda just leave me alone i hope u hear im dead

    [08:23] Goddesangelz18: that is sooo pathetic sean

    dont do something like that

    i cant trust you

    because of the **** you did when we were together before

    why is it every time i fall in love with someone they either cheat on me or they realize that im not worth being with ,or they just dont care about me.

    [08:26] seanliz123456: i doo care bout u u r the one who is paranoied im telling u the truth i love u and i want to be with u please stop it amanda i trust u y cant u trust me u and my cuz and his gf are the only friends i got left please dont leave me again amanda i cant stop crying i just hit the wall i think i broke my knuckle o well but babe u r the only one for me i wated 2 years to hear from u and i did and my heart became happy fro once even after all this that been going on in my life babe please trust me and i kno u love me

    [08:29] Goddesangelz18: sean i dont know what to say

    [08:30] seanliz123456: say somthing if u say no to me ill just leave u alone that night we spent together was the happiest time i had since i seen u 2 years ago

    [08:31] Goddesangelz18: im really upset right now

    i dont know what to say

    i am literally in tears right now

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it ok to be single and Loving it?

    I am now single and I love it. Sometimes I hate it. I hate not being with someone but yet i love being with someone. I am tired of dealing with the BS that guys give me all the time. I have benn dumped so many times i dont know if its because im not good enough to be in a relationship or what but i just cant find the right guy. I try sooo much to find the right guy. I thought i did for a while but that went down hill. I was going out with this guy named luis. Everything was going pretty well up until last thursday. He breoke up with me because he so called lost interest. How do you lose interest in a girl you really liked?? I am soo confused. Then he goes and pulls the famous phrase "its not you its me" which is bulls**t. And then he is like I just want to be friends. What is wrong with me or him?? i dont understand guys. I am 20 years old and ready to give up on relationships for good.

    21 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My ex boyfriend wants to hangout with me again. I havent seen him in 2 years. Should I hangout with him?

    my ex boyfriend sean is my best friend. We lost contact 2 years ago. We finally found each other on AOL IM. He wants to hangout with me this weekend. My recent ex boyfriend Luis doesnt like him at all because we are friends. Should I hangout with my ex boyfriend sean, or should I jsut forget about him to make my ex Luis happy?? I really miss hanging out with my friends. Idont want anything to mess up my friendships or my relationship. Please help me?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend broke up with me a few days. He says he wants to be just friends... Is it possible to be friends?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for a month and a half, he just broke up with me a few days ago. He said "Its not you its me" and that he wants to be friends. I have been dumped sooo many times i dont know what to do. I feel as if I dont deserve to be in a relationship with anyone. I dont know if i want to be friends with him. He was always flirting with other girls and talking to them. He always got mad at me for hanging out with my guy friends but i couldnt get mad at him for hanging out with girl friends. I dont know what to do. Please help me. I really care about this guy, but I dont know if I could deal with all the stress. Plus he is a computer geek. He is always on the computer playing a game called World of Warcraft. He is playing that game 24/7. He never wants to go out and do anything, hed rather stay inside and play his computer game. I always had to force him to do stuff with me. He never wants to do anything that I am interested in, we always have to do what he wants

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • For the first time I actually pissed off my boyfriend. What do I do??

    I had a headache, I mean a really really bad headache, One that would make you throw up. I didnt tell him that i had a headache and he wanted to use the computer or do something and i yelled at him and he got mad at me and walked away. Then I went to talk to him and told him that i had a headache and that i was sorry for the way i yelled at him. I never done anything like that before. I really care about my boyfriend, I am scared to lose him, I dont want anything to ruin our relationship, especially something stupid as a little arguing. He told me that he wasnt mad anymore, but i still feel bad about how i reacted to him. I didnt meant to yell at him. I care about him too much to lose him. Please help me??

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you like this song "Tattoo" by Jordin Sparks?

    I love it.

    She is awesome.



    Oh, oh, oh

    No matter what you say about love

    I keep coming back for more

    Keep my hand in the fire

    Sooner or later, I'll get what I'm asking for

    No matter what you say about life

    I learn every time I bleed

    That truth is a stranger

    Soul is in danger, I gotta let my spirit be free

    To admit that I'm wrong

    And then change my mind

    Sorry but I have to move on

    And leave you behind


    I can't waste time so give it a moment

    I realize, nothing's broken

    No need to worry 'bout everything I've done

    Live every second like it was my last one

    Don't look back at a new direction

    I loved you once, needed protection

    You're still a part of everything I do

    You're on my heart just like a tattoo

    (Just like a tattoo, I'll always have you

    I'll always have you, I'll always have you)

    I'm sick of playing all of these games

    It's not about taking sides

    When I looked in the mirror, didn't deliver

    It hurt enough to think that I could

    Stop, admit that I'm wrong

    And then change my mind

    Sorry but I gotta be strong

    And leave you behind


    (Just like a tattoo, I'll always have you

    I'll always have you)


    If I live every moment

    Won't change any moment

    Still a part of me and you

    I will never regret you

    Still the memory of you

    Marks everything i do

    [Chorus X2]

    Just like a tattoo

    I'll always have you

    35 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you like this song called "Untitled" By Simple Plan?

    It is my fave song.

    They are an awesome band.


    I open my eyes

    I try to see but I’m blinded by the white light

    I can’t remember how

    I can’t remember why

    I’m lying here tonight

    And I can’t stand the pain

    And I can’t make it go away

    No I can’t stand the pain

    How could this happen to me

    I made my mistakes

    I’ve got no where to run

    The night goes on

    As I’m fading away

    I’m sick of this life

    I just wanna scream

    How could this happen to me

    Everybody’s screaming

    I try to make a sound but no one hears me

    I’m slipping off the edge

    I’m hanging by a thread

    I wanna start this over again

    So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered

    And I can’t explain what happened

    And I can’t erase the things that I’ve done

    No I can’t

    How could this happen to me

    I made my mistakes

    I’ve got no where to run

    The night goes on

    As I’m fading away

    I’m sick of this life

    I just wanna scream

    How could this happen to me

    I made my mistakes

    I’ve got no where to run

    The night goes on

    As I’m fading away

    I’m sick of this life

    I just wanna scream

    How could this happen to me

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Who likes the song "Bleeding Love" by leona Lewis?

    I love this song.

    She has alot of inspiration in it.

    She is an awesome singer.

    Bleeding Love

    Closed off from love

    I didn't need the pain

    Once or twice was enough

    And it was all in vain

    Time starts to pass

    Before you know it you're frozen

    But something happened

    For the very first time with you

    My heart melts into the ground

    Found something true

    And everyone's looking round

    Thinking I'm going crazy

    But I don't care what they say

    I'm in love with you

    They try to pull me away

    But they don't know the truth

    My heart's crippled by the vein

    That I keep on closing

    You cut me open and I

    Keep bleeding

    Keep, keep bleeding love

    I keep bleeding

    I keep, keep bleeding love

    Keep bleeding

    Keep, keep bleeding love

    You cut me open

    Trying hard not to hear

    But they talk so loud

    Their piercing sounds fill my ears

    Try to fill me with doubt

    Yet I know that the goal

    Is to keep me from falling

    But nothing's greater

    Than the rush that comes with your embrace

    And in this world of loneliness

    I see your face

    Yet everyone around me

    Thinks that I'm going crazy, maybe, maybe

    But I don't care what they say

    I'm in love with you

    They try to pull me away

    But they don't know the truth

    My heart's crippled by the vein

    That I keep on closing

    You cut me open and I

    Keep bleeding

    Keep, keep bleeding love

    I keep bleeding

    I keep, keep bleeding love

    Keep bleeding

    Keep, keep bleeding love

    You cut me open

    And it's draining all of me

    Oh they find it hard to believe

    I'll be wearing these scars

    For everyone to see

    I don't care what they say

    I'm in love with you

    They try to pull me away

    But they don't know the truth

    My heart's crippled by the vein

    That I keep on closing

    You cut me open and I

    Keep bleeding

    Keep, keep bleeding love

    I keep bleeding

    I keep, keep bleeding love

    Keep bleeding

    Keep, keep bleeding love

    You cut me open and I

    Keep bleeding

    Keep, keep bleeding love

    I keep bleeding

    I keep, keep bleeding love

    Keep bleeding

    Keep, keep bleeding love

    You cut me open and I

    Keep bleeding

    Keep, keep bleeding love

    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Who likes the song "Beautiful" by christina Aguilera?

    This is my fave song by her.

    I love it. It has a lot of meaning to it. The video expresses a lot of things that girls go through growing up.


    Don't look at me

    Every day is so wonderful

    And suddenly, it's hard to breathe

    Now and then, I get insecure

    From all the fame, I'm so ashamed

    I am beautiful no matter what they say

    Words can't bring me down

    I am beautiful in every single way

    Yes, words can't bring me down

    So don't you bring me down today

    To all your friends, you're delirious

    So consumed in all your doom

    Trying hard to fill the emptiness

    The piece is gone and the puzzle undone

    That's the way it is

    You are beautiful no matter what they say

    Words won't bring you down

    You are beautiful in every single way

    Yes, words won't bring you down

    Don't you bring me down today...

    No matter what we do

    (no matter what we do)

    No matter what they say

    (no matter what they say)

    When the sun is shining through

    Then the clouds won't stay

    And everywhere we go

    (everywhere we go)

    The sun won't always shine

    (sun won't always shine)

    But tomorrow will find a way

    All the other times

    We are beautiful no matter what they say

    Yes, words won't bring us down

    We are beautiful no matter what they say

    Yes, words can't bring us down

    Don't you bring me down today

    Don't you bring me down today

    Don't you bring me down today

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How do i stop being shy??

    I like this guy, but I am too shy to do anything.

    I cant even kiss him with out being shy. When he tries to kiss me I turn away.

    How can I stop being so shy??

    I really like him though.

    Its hard for me to stop being shy.

    I dont want to be shy anymore.

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • There is this guy that I like and who likes me back? we are taking things slowly. Should I ask him out?

    Should i ask him out or should I wait forhim to ask me out?

    I really like him and he is a very amazing guy.

    He has a great personality, he is just amazing.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What do i do? I am in a love triangle. I am confused. Please help?????

    I like this one guy who likes me back and I like my ex boyriend who im not sure if he likes me back. I am confused they both are very gorgeous guys. Please help me. What should I do? Should I try to talk to this new guy, or do I try to get back together with my ex? Please help me with that.

    41 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago