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  • Food/meal substitute to have in morning?

    I have recently been diagnosed with ME, so to help myself with energy I need to eat a balanced diet, and ideally a good breakfast in the morning as I am a showjumper I use up alot of energy in the day.

    But before competitions etc I have a nervous/burning stomach and I cannot eat anything as it makes me feel really ill, so I always end up competing on an empty stomach which isn't good. Any advice/ideas on any of those juices/shakes you can use to replace meals so I can have one for breakfast??

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • my puppy won't eat dog food?

    I got a 6 month old puppy a week ago, her old owners told me she was a fussy eater, but just said that sometimes she likes her food wet and sometimes she likes it dry. Well she wont eat the food they gave us for her, so after a day of her not eating we tried some wainwright puppy food as it was better quality than the pedigree food and thought she may like that, she won't eat that either.

    We have researched and tried to only offer her the dog food twice a day, hoping that eventually she would be so hungry she would eat it. That didn't work and I worried she may start to become ill as she hadn't eaten for at least 3 days. I tried more types of puppy food throughout the week, and I also tried puppy milk she won't eat any of it and she doesn't eat dog treats either.

    We have now had to resort to giving her cooked chicken as we just want to make sure she doesn't get ill from not eating. I know that will make her expect human food but after 3 days of not eating we were too worried about her to not feed her anything as she is so young and could get very ill very quickly. You have to really encourage her to eat the chicken also, she wont really eat it from the bowl, just from your hand most of the time, and you have to re-offer her pieces she wouldn't eat several times for her to eat it all. She needs to eat the dog food to get what she needs to grow healthily.

    I will be taking her to a vets this week but I just wondered if anyone can help?

    2 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • best fly rug for uv protection for long neck horse?

    My horse is black, so I need to protect his coat with a UV protective fly rug or it bleaches and dries it out. He also has a long neck and any rug I've tried before comes up short so I need a rug that will cover his big long neck aswell. He generally wears a 6ft6 rug. (He is a big warmblood)

    Any ideas on fly rugs that fit the bill?

    1 AnswerHorses7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    what is this bald patch on pony?

    In the last couple of days, my Shetland pony has developed two sore looking patches on the top of her back, and I am unsure as to what it could be... I thought perhaps lice, or sweetitch?

    Photo attached.

    Any Ideas?

    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Lunging to build top line and engage hind?

    I have a horse who I bought as a very undermuscled and barely schooled boy. He has come a long way, we do alot of flat training, jump training , lunging, everything.

    Can anybody suggest different lunging aids, (Pessoa, side reins etc) and different settings (photos would be great) to help him build more of a topline and lift his tummy and engage his hind end.

    I have recently tried side reins between his front legs attached to the girth up to the bit, but he tends to lean on it and lift his head, I want to help him relax and move forward into it.

    Suggestions helpful, thanks.

    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • best fly rug for uv protection?

    My black horse bleaches in the sun. I am looking for a full neck (attached and not detachable) fly rug which is helps prevent coat bleaching.

    Water resistant would also be good.


    4 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Horse bitting advice?

    Need suggestions on bits for my horse. bsja showjumper.

    Currently ridden in a straight bar metal pelham, but leans on this and therefore is unbalanced, always on his nose, drops if i pick up a definite contact or ask him to collect or sit up.

    Have tried a copper roller tom thumb bit, initially he was beautiful in it, could sit him on his hocks and we stayed balanced, he respected the bit and stayed 'round and on the bit' alot better. But unfortunately he was too sensitive to it jumping, and didn't take me to fences, as it was so different from a pelham. He isn't the best schooled horse, leans to the right and can be unbalanced, isn't easy to steer, but has scope for 1.20 and is currently doing 1.10, so would need a bit that can help with this. Like I say, he respected the tom thumb but it was just TOO much and too different for him. We are currently doing alot of schooling on the flat with him as obviously bits won't solve issues but they can help if he gets on with it.

    Any suggestions for bits?


    2 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • black horse bleached in sun?

    I have a registered black horse. He has bleached in some parts on his back to a dark brown. It is my first summer having him so wasn't aware this could happen.

    Any ideas on how to fix this? If its too late this summer what can be done to prevent it next summer. He goes jet black in winter. And when I bought him last august he was jet black. I havent had a rug on him all the time this summer so I know that is why but unsure of how to help the problem.

    Sprays, supplements, shampoos etc? But I will not damage his skin by dying his hair..


    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • drop nosebands, crank nosebands etc?

    im trying to sort out what sort of bridle to ride my showjumper in. currently i ride him in a grackle bridle with a metal pelham bit. but he doesnt relax his head on the bit very well any longer (he has gradually got ALOT fitter so has become much stronger, resulting in the grackle being tightened more) , i thought it might be the poll pressure etc of the grackle. he also has a rub mark on his cheek bone where the grackle rubs him. i was looking for some advice on what sort of bridle to try? i am considering a crank noseband with a flash?

    he has been known to pop his tongue over the bit and cross his jaw also, so with that in mind please!


    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • make my black horse shine without sprays?

    I have a black horse, who is a big baby and gets scared of spray bottles! So I can't use coatshine sprays or fly sprays on him.

    How can I make his coat be black and shiney? I know you can buy supplements but I was wondering which is best for a black horse?


    13 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • calories rider burns showjumping?

    How many calories roughly burned from the below:

    Once/twice a week I have an intense showjumping/flatwork lesson:

    40 minutes total:


    generally around 20 minutes of constant flatwork - trotting & cantering collected, round and forward.

    20 minutes of pure collected canter & showjumping 1m BSJA tracks.

    2: 40 minutes of flatwork, trotting & cantering collected, round and forward, performing basic dressage movements.

    Just wondering how many approx. Calories I would burn in a session of each of the above? I am 8st9


    1 AnswerHorses8 years ago
  • how to get my horse fit?

    I have a black warmblood grade C bsja horse, who can be abit lazy. A normal weeks work for him consists of:

    1 intense showjumping and flatwork training session,

    1 sj competition (we generally jump around 90, 1m, 1.05 tracks at the moment)

    1 'canter/gallop' day, where he does about 10 minutes of gallop,

    (but as i havent got good hills near us, i have to gallop to the top of the hill, walk/trot back down, then gallop back up. So it is stopping and starting.)

    3 lunging sessions

    2 hacks with a couple of canters

    1 day off in the field

    He still tends to puff and sweat alot, and is naturally abit lazy, but clearly enjoys his jumping, tries his little heart out and wouldn't dare knock a pole, but struggles with stamina.

    I have only had him 6 months, before that he didnt get worked much with his last owner and just got fed competition mix twice a day to gee him up for comps but was only ridden otherwise a couple of times a week, was overweight and had no muscle.

    I have done alot of work with him and he still seems 'unfit' despite the fact he has muscled up brilliantly and shed all his weight. He is by any standards, in good shape.

    My instructor suggests I should do more gallop work with him, will this help? And how much gallop work at a time? I was thinking I could use one of the big flat paddock's at home to do gallop circuits or is the hill im using enough? I am going to do some gallop work with him today so any quick replies appreciated.


    11 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • ladies short but not wide showjumping black laced leather boots?

    I am 5ft3 and need some showjumping competition boots. Black leather, laced. I need short fitting but not wide fitting. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerHorses8 years ago
  • horse panicks when away from other horse?

    I bought a homebred gelding about 6 months ago. Very nice temperament, not a bad bone in his body, very chilled out and perfect to hack. In the past few months (since he has got more attached to the older mare) he has become very panicky, frightened and spooky out hacking and will neigh constantly, making it hard for me to hack him out alone safely unless he is with another horse. If he is with another horse which isn't the mare he is kept with he is still quite frightened and on edge, and we split up on the hack to head home he get's very silly, understandable, though he never used to.

    It's now at the point where if we going towards home he gets silly and tries to run. I am trying to do canter work with him to increase his fitness for competitions, but as he is so frightened being without his friend he gets very flighty and has recently got out of my control and galloped away with me towards home, thankfully a friend was on the track home and he stopped. If for example we go away to a competition without his friend he is ok, but I wanted to avoid having to go away to do gallop work. If we go to a competition with his friend, he gets very 'stalliony', prancing, snorting, stomping, jumping about etc.

    Any ideas? He is not being nasty he genuinely get's ever so frightened so I am unsure of whether I slap him or try to ignore him, he tends to get fretty when punished as he really is a big softy, I would imagine as he was with his mother for his whole life (10 years) before I bought him he has got attached to the older mare at the yard. I want the horse I bought back, not this silly boy!

    7 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • How to help my horse create topline, he is 'upside down'?

    In September I bought a lovely 10year old homebred warmblood gelding, his owners used to feed him competition mix twice daily with sugarbeet and clearly didn't work him alot/hard as he had a bit of a belly on him and a lack of muscle. So when I bought him he was lazy and fat but I saw his potential as he still managed to comfortably pop round a 1m class without any fuss.

    Now he wouldn't dream of being lazy, has lost his belly, and is nicely muscled.. only feeding him one feed a day which is hifi with some quiet pencils and some conditioning nuts and this gives him a nice amount of energy.

    The only problem is he has not developed muscle on his neck and topline. I am lunging him in a pessoa and work him on the bit when riding 90% of the time. He has muscle on his lower neck, I believe he has an 'upside down' neck, not a conformation problem just bad schooling. He is stiff in the neck and can be a bit like turning a train at times.

    As much as I try to have a nice long and low approach in the pessoa he immediately brings his head up once he goes into trot/canter. He stays in an 'outline' but he relies entirely on the pessoa to hold him.

    I have read that I should try long reining him or trying side reins, I am not sure what will help him the most, he is a very sweet willing horse but for the first 10 years of his life has never known hard work and I would just like to help him.

    Any advice appreciated.

    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago

    i have bought an iphone 4s... and got my normal sim cut to a mini sim. and the phone shows a no sim sign. i have googled and tried all the tape and restoring etc... not working. any help? i have no phone!!!

    2 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Where can I buy decent miniature pony rugs?

    I have a miniature shetland pony foal who was a rug size 2'9 last year but has since grown to a 3'3 rug, I am struggling to find any decent rugs in that size as she has quickly outgrown her 3' rugs and winter is coming fast!

    I use the tackandturnout website. But I would just like to know of any websites that I am missing? The only other mini rugs I can find are plain navy blue and never heavyweight combos!

    Any help appreciated. Thanks

    5 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • horse refusing contact going above bit?

    I am a fairly novice rider and bought a new horse several months ago to start competing in showjumping. As he didn't come with a bridle or bits I tried him in a pelham and he worked beautifully in it until he learned how to grab hold of it and pull, so I switched to a 3 ring gag and he worked really well in it also. A week ago I decided to get a tom thumb bit for him as when I tried him before I bought him he was in a tom thumb and he naturally rounded, moved wonderfully in it etc, at his old home he had always been ridden in a tom thumb so I thought he may prefer it here. When I had it on him he was the opposite and kept pulling his head up when I asked for any sort of contact with his mouth.. He would only accept a long rein. So tried persevering with that bit for a few days to see if he would get used to it and he didn't he got worse. I swapped back to my 3 ring gag and he is awful with his mouth always stretching his neck out and moving his jaw about and won't let me have any contact, if I ask for any he pulls forward and brings his head up.

    I know as I am a novice I may be heavy handed and unsteady, but I am being as light as possible with my hands and he still will not accept any contact. He has had his teeth checked, back checked etc. I am not sure what to do, my instructor is away at the moment and I just want my horse back! Any ideas?

    I know I'm novice so no cocky comments please as they are not appreciated! Before switching his bit we had no problems. It was the exact same bit and size as he used to have so I am not sure what is wrong, but he is most definitely not happy in his mouth.


    1 AnswerOther - Pets9 years ago
  • miniature shetland foal behaviour?

    i have a miniature shetland filly, shes 5 months old, and i was just wondering if her behaviour is normal and how to train her properly. she is kept with my 15.3 horse and they are totally fine with eachother, but my filly tends to nibble my horses legs and rug? I presume she's 'grooming' her in her own way. is that normal? my filly also tries nuzzling me and 'grooming' me when i scratch her neck which she loves. she copies what the bigger horses do like she'll eat out of a haynet rather than the hay on the floor, also i was stood behind my horse trimming her tail and my filly was stood sniffing the scissors as i did it, she does the same when i pick hooves, she will sniff the hoof as i do it. when i cut my horses tail i tried it on my filly without tieing her up and she stood good as gold all relaxed, she seemed to enjoy it! the only thing is when i go through her field with food to another field and i dont give her any of the food she will try and kick out at me, because shes so little it doesn't hurt but i need to get her out of the habit. she seems to have no fear of anything which in a way is worrying! she will just walk under or round the back legs of my horse without giving it a second thought, its just a good job my mare is ok with that! when she is tied up she manages to get herself tangled and gets the rope under her leg like a dog does with a lead! she also has the habit of scratching against anything she can find but i have given her a bath with flea shampoo and it hasn't stopped her scratching. she is although extremely friendly and sweet natured, follows me around like a little dog everywhere i go and seems to think im her mum! are all of the points i made normal for a miniature shetland foal and what can i do to correct the wrong?


    1 AnswerHorses9 years ago
  • Disc drive won't recognise my sims 2 bon voyage disc?!?

    Right when i put The sims 2 Bon Voyage disc in and click on desktop icon to play it, it comes up with a message saying "no disc inserted. Please insert the original the sims 2 bon voyage cd/dvd" it used to work, i played it yesterday, but now it won't work for me. Help?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago