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    Hey there I recently applied to be a foster home for a rescue group! I was contacted by the foster home coordinator who stated he would be calling my references, no worries there, and then would schedule a home visit. I want to know exactly what to expect during this home visit? do i need to clean my house so thorughly it is white glove tested and approved? Is it a more casual deal? Im told they will want to meet my current pets. I have a 7 month old spaz of a puppy who is fine with us but with knew poeple regardless of the amount of socialization and training given, still jumps and freaks out with new people! Is this going to be a factor? Also i literally just purchased the home we are renting on the first of oct and have not had any time for exterior renovations, will this be an issue? It seems like a very tight knit small group, and i want nothing more then to be accepted and there to help the breed!

    what will take place? how should i prepare?

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • Is my pup sick, picky, or?

    We have a 6 month old boxer puppy! When we got him from the BYB (unknowingly) he was very ill, serious intestinal infections, worms etc. After hundreds spent at the vet, we thought he was completely healthy, no diahrea, great appetite, very active. We started him on blue buffalo (yes we slowly transitioned during all switches) the vet said this was too rich for his tummy which she believes is very sensitive, but doesnt know to what. She suggested the science diet bland diet, I hated it he loved it. The second he was better, i switched him off that crap. The vet suggested diamond large breed puppy chow. He loved it at first, he would sit and wait and even eat whil you poured. Now he doesnt seem to like fact the only way i can get him to eat it is to make him think its treats and make him do tricks...(very time consuming)

    On top of that he's been having off and on soft serve poop. I told the vet she says not to worry no need to bring him in. Well im worried. 80% of the time he poops just fine the other 20% is very soft but not quite watery. Is it the food? He also has a new game...its called how much rabbit poop can i eat out of the yard. She says not to worry about this either unless he starts vomitting?

    If its the food what can i put him on thats for sensitive stomaches and not the crap you buy at the grocery store!

    Hes growing tremendously obviously at this stage, and we get comments all the time how very thin he is. I know the boxer breed tends to be very lean as it is, but he is just skinny!

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • has anyone gotten their 2008 MN Renters return back yet?

    I mailed mine amy 14th, opted for direct deposit, it says it was accepted and that they will be sent out in 'august'!

    Just curious if anyone got theirs back yet?

    *State of Minnesota*

    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago
  • 2-3 yrs of box black, want it out!?

    Now, i decided at a young age, that since my older sister and I are identical and naturally blonde, or was at that point, that i would dye my hair the exact opposite....brown, dark brown actually. I then slowly somehow dyed it black and just stuck with that for quite some time. I then decided to bleach just my bangs, succesfully, then decided i didnt like it. Then i decided i wanted it back, did it again, turned my hair to moosh, then colored that red! lol. Obviously, it looked terrible and faded to pink, so i covered it up with black again. I then saw this stuff color oops and decided to try it. It did lift quite a bit of color, except my ends, about 4 inches. Now i have 2.5 inches of light brown roots (natural, i guess...i hadnt seen it for awhile) And i want a medium to dark brown with a dark red tint.

    I have two friends in two different beauty schools here and one wants 100 to strip and color it and one wants 140 to bleach shampoo and color then cut it too. I just cant afford it. What do i have to do? I just want this ridiculous 'fade' (light brown to dark brown with red tints to black at the end) gone!

    Please dont say see a proffesional, go to a salon...if i could afford to do that i wouldnt be posting here! im thinking sallys.....

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • what the heck is wrong with my puppy?

    He has been sick since we brought him home, brought him to the vet after serious diahrea, they put him on albon and a bland prescription diet + pedialyte after diagnosing him with a bacteria infection. The albon and diet did nothing after 10 days, so we brought him back, this time she put him on metronidazole, continued the bland diet and told us to start mixing in his new food slowly after 5 days on his new meds. He was doing great, solid stools, less often etc etc. Today, his 3rd day off metro, after a very slow switch to iams low res (crap i know but its what the vet ordered), he had his first day of solid kibble, no bland diet, and hes gone soft again!!!

    Im getting very frustrated, not with him, but i just wish i had a normal puppy and a vet who could fix this dog. After $100's in vet visits, i still have a dog with the runs.

    And the next step is?

    side note: we switched him over a 10 day period to solid food gradually increasing the iams,not overnight, and he was fine

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Were having a slightly poopy problem... Advice?

    We just got a 7.5 week old boxer pup from a very reputable breeder in southern MN.

    When we went to pick up the puppy we let him go potty first before the long car ride. He pooped some fierce Mustard yellow runny poop. Not to be graphic but it SHOT out of him 90 miles an hour!

    I became concerned and was reassured by the breeder that it was a mixture of the four hour car ride and being weened from milk, and that its normal.

    Well his poop was brown the next day and has been since but its still runny! She was feeding him purina puppy chow ( ick :S ). We feed him blue buffalo large breed puppy.

    He did have his first shots along with something called albon?

    His vet appt isnt until the 29th, but im worried he will get dehydrated or die...

    Is this normal or should i make an emergency appt for him?

    Im willing to fork over the money, but after paying 750 for him and 240 for neccities for him, well ... money isnt exactly growing on the tree in the back yard. If neccisary, he will be treated regardless of cost.

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • pregnant or normal...i know i know?

    there no possible way any of you could possibly know im pregnant but i'm trying to more or less figure out whats going on with my cycle.

    I was due for my last period march 6th. I got it march 13th. Now my calender is looking like i should have gotten it on the of april 11th (today is the 16th) Yesterday i had a drop of old blood, maybe a tad more and now nothing!


    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • best way to grill and marinade a steak?

    So i LOVE steak, my boyfriend hates it and lives off chicken. I am so sick of cooking frickin chicken, i could rip my hair out and yours!

    I got him to agree to TRY it tonight. Here is the problem, i don't have any recipes for steak anymore! I haven't made steak in roughly 4 years now!

    We will be grilling it, i just need to know how long for a medium JUICY steak and what i should marinate it in.

    Come on people, unite!

    Were getting married, and if eat any more chicken, ill kill myself!

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • what kind of sewing machine should i get?

    I have no formal sewing experience but can sew by hand. i make hand sewn vintage re creation dresses, and i need to get a machine as im getting backed up.

    Just curious what the simplest/cheapest/worth the money sewing machine i should get?

    Keep in mind, I know Absolutely nothing about sewing with a machine

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • If my pay is direct deposited tomorrow morning can i write a check?

    tonight? I have zero food in my house and no money other than a couple bucks in my checking.

    If i wrote a check at target tonight, would it work?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Im ready, why isn't he?

    Ive been with my boyfriend for almost three years, lived together for two of them. No Let me start by saying, i love him whole heartily. I had a several year relationship that felt nothing like this, and the feeling is mutual.

    I have now had two miss carriages with him.(Both conceived on accident)

    One of which was recent, roughly three months ago. When i told him i was pregnant, he seemed excited, even brought home flowers and my favorite ice cream demanded tht we go get paint and a crib and the whole works asap!

    I lost it at 8 weeks, and i was heart broken, depressed, miserable, and still am. I cant help but hate every woman i see with child.

    He was upset at first but bounced right back, no problem. I am aching for a baby so bad, and we have the perfect situation. Both done with school, jobs, no debt etc etc. Both families were upset, still are, and asking when were going to try.

    Ive begged and pleaded, begged and pleaded all to no avail.

    He says "someday". End of conversation.

    I'm almost to the point of (god knows i love him to death) but saying "sh*t, or get off the pot"

    Is there anything i can do here? I cant keep going on this way..depressed and miserable. I'm also beginning to resent him.


    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend is building a "rat rod". Want to get a him a necessary (die without it) tool. But what?

    We just bought him a 29 model t body, two door and its rough! Emphasis on rough!

    It needs a lot of work!

    Now valentines day is coming up and i want to get him he can use to rebuild. A part, tools, anything! I have no idea what is needed.

    any car guys out here to shoot some suggestions?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • what should i do about being harassed at my job?

    There is a female i sit next to who i thought was my friend, so when i told her i was expecting, of course she spread it around the office quicker than her std she's got. Unfortunately, i had my second miscarriage a few weeks later. In her mind, i made the whole thing up. She proceeded to spread rumors about me, but was nice to my face.

    I than come home after my appt yesterday, i check my myspace and i have a very long message titled truth serum from a unkown person on a profile created that day and the picture was of a picture she had forwarded me previously pointing out how funny it is. (a picture of a young boy at a baseball game flipping the camera off and its edited to say liar liar pants on fire. Im going to post the message below.

    Before i do this i should probably add she has made numerous comments to me such as shut your legs, you smell like fish(at work)

    Your fugly and manly etc etc

    i told this to my supervisor and she blew it off and appeared to be protecting this employee.

    I dont want to lose my job because of this. What should i do?

    Heres the message that was sent during business hours, after lunch, so she was not off the clock:

    sent at: 2:40 pm Friday Dec 12th 2008

    First off Roxy, you are a liar. Everything you ever tell anyone in life is a lie. And at this point…everything that isn’t a lie, people think is because you are so full of ****. Your boyfriend has been sucked into your lies and so have the people around you. You have annoyed and angered so many people that you have no friends. The people that you think are your friends, are his. They invite you to come with and hang out with you because they know he won’t be allowed to go out or hang out unless you come or are there. Then they talk about how much they can’t stand you and how you’ve changed him once your not around.

    It is incredibly insane how any person can sit on a day to day basis and lie like you do. The stories are endless and are all lies. The amount of times you have sat and pulled some random bull **** from your *** is amazing. You are addicted to being a horrible person! You are a crazy person who needs serious help.

    Word gets around so everyone knows all the lies.

    There is no way you were ever pregnant, or at least it seems that way with all the backwards *** comments you made about it that didn’t make sense. Was it an act because you wanted attention from people because nobody likes you or wants to be around you? Or did you just want to trap your boyfriend, so you pull the pregnant card from your *** to try to get love? People who are cold hearted can not be loved! That empty feeling you have inside is due to being a liar who has chased any form of friends away because you were making them crazy with your lies! They wanted out! Or you just imagined up some sort or ridiculous beef just in the nick of time before they figured out your games.

    Everything you touch is tainted with your bullshit. Stop and get some help. Here is a little example of what your problem is….you are a LIAR. A pathological liar at that. Plain as day…just read it Roxy, you have a problem. Just get it over with and get help. Everyone is sick of your ****!!! ******* done! You’re the crazy *** ***** with the mental problem that just keeps getting worse! ITS ENOUGH! Shut up!

    Identifying a Pathological Liar

    Pathological liars, or "mythomaniacs," may be suffering from histrionic personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder.

    The following comments basically reflect a pathological liar who has the characteristics of histrionic personality disorder.

    Some characteristics:

    1. Exaggerates things that are ridiculous.

    2. One-upping. Whatever you do, this person can do it better. You will never top them in their own mind, because they have a concerted need to be better than everyone else. This also applies to being right. If you try to confront an individual like this, no matter how lovingly and well-intentioned you might be - this will probably not be effective. It's threatening their fantasy of themselves, so they would rather argue with you and bring out the sharp knives than admit that there's anything wrong with them.

    3. They "construct" a reality around themselves. They don't value the truth, especially if they don't see it as hurting anyone. If you call them on a lie and they are backed into a corner, they will act very defensively and say ugly things (most likely but depends on personality), but they may eventually start to act like, "Well, what's the difference? You're making a big deal out of nothing!" (again, to refocus the conversation to your wrong doing instead of theirs).

    4. Because these people don't value honesty, a lot of times they will not value loyalty. So watch what you tell them. They will not only tell others, but they will embellish to make you look worse. Their loyalty is fleeting, and because they are insecure people, they will find solace in confiding to whomever is in their favor at

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago