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Pre-OP Jason Deidre
Am I Really Artistically Inclined?
Lately, I've been depressed about whether I really should be an artist. I look around at younger kids on deviantART and they're light-years ahead of me. I really wonder if I've just been mistaken, that I'm not gifted but I'm just as good at drawing as the next schmuck. I don't know if I should try anymore.
I'm 17, and I would like you to judge if I'm at least around the stage of artistic maturity I should be at.
Comic Pages:
Full Page Single Character:
(Yes, both are based off Avatar: The Last Airbender! Emotional immaturity is nothing new to me!)
This isn't a "hey, look at my picture and tell me that my face is pretty." I want unbiased critique.
Yeah, I don't trust my mother to tell me I'm special anymore. I want to know if I am.
2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade agoI Dropped Two Dogs In a Dream?
A few nights ago, I had a dream that I was in a very low tree-house. The gap between the slats of wood was kind of large, the wood was pale. There was a skinny, medium sized dog with me, and he moved so that he fell through a gap and died.
Then, my friend joined me, and a dog that looked exactly the same was with her. I picked the dog up and moved it so that it fell through the gap, and it broke a few legs.
Neither dog made any noises. There weren't any noises in this dream.
I really hate animal cruelty, and this dream is bothering me. Could someone offer some interpretation?
2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade agoHow to Accept Being Abandoned by Parents?
They're not crack-whores that are losing me to CPS.
They're softball enthusiasts who hardly give a rat's *** for me anymore.
It's a horrible situation, and I doubt you've been in it. The past two years, my holidays from school have been centered around softball tournaments. My little sister is a talented player, my dad is an umpire, and my mom is the designated cheerleader.
I hate sports.
The first year of this was harsh. I was mutilating myself by cutting and play-piercing, an occasional burn or two. I had a therapist, who sucked. Eventually, I was put in a mental hospital, which sucked as well, but it stopped my cutting.
This year, my dad started really getting paid for umpiring. Sure, if you totaled it all up, my sister probably got a couple thousand dollars in sports equipment, tournament fees, hotel stays, and shopping. I got a little over a hundred, but it kept me happy. I went along for the tournaments, and just ignored the fact that I was burning like a vampire holding a crucifix, and focused on my love for my sister.
But, the games are local now, I'm not getting paid anymore, and I've realized I haven't spent a whole 5 minutes in a single day with my dad in months. Whenever I can make the effort to spend time with my parents, it's always "Your sister did great on the mound!", "Your sister made a great out!", "Did you see that? It was amazing!"
I HAVE told them that their obsession with softball is causing me to become depressed. On the ride back from the mental hospital! My dad made a promise to be home 5 days a week, and that didn't last three days!
I'm not exaggerating, I sincerely doubt there is an underlying cause since neither the mental institution or therapist picked it up, I just want to know how I can live life and not have to call my friends up every day I spend alone.
If you're going to flat-out insult me, saying 'you're dumb,' or 'emo', I will report you.
21 AnswersFamily1 decade agoMistaken Identity Between Cat and Puppy?
I've had a stray cat for over a year. He's charcoal colored, neutered, declawed, and housebroken.
Then, my sister gets a black lab puppy, and decides it should stay in the house for a while.
The puppy's a nice, playful little thing. Unfortunately, he seems to have mistaken my dear Tom for a litter mate.
Tom, my cat, has been attacked by three small dogs in his younger days. He also was attacked by an unknown animal a few months ago, and could have been a dog.
I'm trying to keep the two apart, but it's not fair for Tom to be afraid to come home. Is there anything I can do to help the puppy realize Tom is a cat?
4 AnswersDogs1 decade agoIs It Illegal To Abandon Your Teenager Without Planning or Warning?
My male friend has had a lot of problems with his mother. She's kicked him out of the house before, but recently she told him that she hates him. Tonight, she said that she disowned him.
She's not letting him into the apartment to get his things, she said she's shutting off his phone in two days.
He's 16 and unemployed with no relatives in the state.
Right now, he's at my house.
We're in Texas, but isn't this illegal?
I can add it to charges of supplying alcohol to a minor, since that's what she uses to keep him home when she wants him.
No jokes about "Oh, I wish I could dump my teenager off." Search deep down into your void and if you can't find anything, PRETEND you have a heart on the Internet.
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoI've Been Asleep for the Better Part of 3 Days?
OK, yes it's summer, and yes I'm a teen, but I've never experienced something like this.
A week ago, I woke up with a headache, sneezing, and runny nose. Summer cold.
Three days ago, I felt really tired after having a few friends over, so I fell asleep at 4 or so and woke up at midnight. I stayed up until three and fell asleep, waking up in the afternoon.
Pretty much the past three days have been just waking up to write creatively for under an hour, use the bathroom, and rarely eat. THREE DAYS.
Is this normal?! It's never happened before! I usually sleep from 3 AM to 3 PM, maybe less, during the summer. But, I just get so tired.
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade agoI Hear The Electric Guitar When I Blink.?
I've had my electric guitar not even 48 hours, and I'm sick with wanting to play it, even though my fingers feel like the skin is paper.
I can't sleep. It's five in the morning. Four more hours and I've gone a full 24 hours without sleep.
I had two meals and I went to the bathroom three times "yesterday" (Early morning kind of screws with ya.).
So, how can I go to sleep when I love my guitar so much that "love" seems like a weak word?
4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoOhh, Ohh, It's My Turn! Figure Out MY Sexuality!?
Romantically, I've found a few great women in my life. No guys. Not even the transvestite one. But, they're taken or straight. So I'm a lesbian.
Sexually, I've wanted to get a ******* for a long time. So I'm a transexual.
And since the Wolverine: Origins movie came out, I've wanted to be tied down and ravaged by Liev Schreiber.
So, would that fall under transexual, or am I just horribly, horribly confused?
4 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoAnime Character with REALLY short hair?
Well, I just got an undercut (near-buzzed on all sides, leaving the top) to show off my new industrial piercing, and came upon a problem.
I want to cosplay at AniMix, and I doubt my hair will grow the standard 5 feet for anime girls.
I have hair with a length of 3 inches MAX. I'm not against transgendering here. Any anime character with REALLY short hair.
9 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoBleached Hair Goes Green For the Summer?
No, hair dye green. XD
ONLY for the summer, 3 months, because my school is straight. (I'm the only gay, lol.)
SO, would the usual Manic Panic wear out, or is my hair too light?
1 AnswerHair1 decade agoShould I Burn My House Down?
It started with a shirt.
I was wearing a black and red shirt from Hot Topic that had a red tutu underneath. I was feeling happy and beautiful with this shirt and all the planned acessories.
My dad said that I was going to be mainstream from now on. The shirt was not mainstream.
Hell broke loose, I ran and screamed, he screamed and dragged me. I slammed quite a few doors, they called me a freak.
Loving sentiments, weren't they? "You're a freak." Just what you want to hear from your mother.
So, I need some help. Should I divorce my parents? Should I file emotional abuse? Can this relationship be saved?
They recently sent me to a mental hospital to "fix me". I was abandoned for 6 days in a nuthouse, arguing with suicidal teenyboppers about how to spell "gonerria" correctly.
So, I'm thinking about converting to Satanism. Leaving a bunch of knives on my parents' bedroom floor. Burning their Bibles. Running away.
Or, burn my house down.
Help me.
7 AnswersFamily1 decade agoWhat Are Some Pets That Either Don't Smell Or Have Bowel Control?
I prefer exotic ones. :)
I really would be accepting of all little creatures, but my mother discriminates.
3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoHow Can I Punk My Hair with THIS in My Face?`?
School dress code states that only natural hair colors can be worn by students. I can dress the part, but my hair has to be natural!
Several students got away with punk hair for months, but my parents won't let me do it unless it's completely school-ruled.
I have an awesome cut picked out, I just need two colors that would be punk AND natural.
9 AnswersHair1 decade agoWhat do you Do When You're Pissed Off?
I have emotional problems. :D
Lately, I've been really pissed off for hardly any reason. My parents and I have been fighting, and my best friends are going through relationship troubles.
Listening to pissed off music only helps a little, but I still feel like beating someone's face in. What do you do when you're pissed off?
6 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoIs it DID? What am I comorbid with now?
I'm a smart kid. I was molested and raped as a child.
I've been diagnosed with OCD and ADHD. I also hallucinate and have what I call a personality.
"She" has her own thinking, her own mood, and her own name, "Mary".
My psychologist has hinted that I have hallucinations to keep me on edge, to prevent being hurt again. Mary is there to protect me, to scare me.
Do I have three mental illnesses or four?
2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago