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  • I'm 17 and have no breasts, they're undeveloped, what can I do?

    I don't understand why but my breasts have not developed since I was about 14, they barely fill a 32A bra, it's so embarrassing and really effects my confidence, when I'm having sex my boyfreind gets annoyed with me cause I refuse to take off my bra I feel that uncomfortable about it. They're not even small, they're just undeveloped and there's nothing there. The thing is though I'm not even skinny, I'm quite chubby other places so I look un proportionate. I've been on the pill for about 4 months and that hasent made a difference to my breast size at all. What can I do?:(

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Yasmin pill issues, acne related?

    I ve struggled with mild acne on my face and back for a while now. Ive tried cremes (quinoderm, etc) and antibiotics but none of them seemed to work that well so I went on the yasmin pill after hearing it helped people with acne and it had good reviews but I ve finished 2 packets of the pill and it s been the worst 2 months. It s made me break out more and my acnes worse than before, I keep getting cysts on my face and loads on my back. I was also spotting for about 2 weeks on the first month but this might have to do with me skipping my first break. I ve also out abit of weight on and I m getting excess hair even on my face! Should i finish my 3rd packet and stop or should I continue it and just hope it gets better? Could this just be my body adapting?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body6 years ago
  • Yasmin pill issues? Acne related?

    I ve struggled with mild acne on my face and back for a while now. Ive tried cremes (quinoderm, etc) and antibiotics but none of them seemed to work that well so I went on the yasmin pill after hearing it helped people with acne and it had good reviews but I ve finished 2 packets of the pill and it s been the worst 2 months. It s made me break out more and my acnes worse than before, I keep getting cysts on my face and loads on my back. I was also spotting for about 2 weeks on the first month but this might have to do with me skipping my first break. I ve also out abit of weight on and I m getting excess hair even on my face! Should i finish my 3rd packet and stop or should I continue it and just hope it gets better? Could this just be my body adapting?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Depression has come back, how can I get out of this rut?

    Iv been struggling with self harm for over 2 years now. This summer I felt the happiest I've ever been, I didn't cut for months and was convinced I had recovered. In the summer I had no school worrys, I'd made some new friends and felt happy. Now I have the stress of exams and I don't see much of my friends anymore. The boy who used to make me happy lead me on and left me and I'm beginning to let myself be treat badly and used by boys which is making me worse. I accept what I can get as I'm scared of having no one but this means I'm not being treat well knocking my confidence even more. I'm just so unmotivated and can sit for hours doing nothing because I can't get the motivation to do things. I think about bad past experiences too much making myself depressed. How can I get out of this rut :(

    2 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Should I go on the pill?

    I'm 17 and am thinking of getting the pill. I'm a virgin and don't really need it for birth control however Iv heard the pill balances hormones and therefore gets rid of acne. I have quite bad acne all over my body and Iv tried all sorts of spot creams and they never work. I also have really small, undeveloped breasts that I am really self conscious about and apparently the pill makes them grow? However I know it makes you gain weight and I'm already self conscious about my weight so this is a big issue for me. Is it worth going on the pill?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • I feel like an outcast and have no life,am I normal?

    I'm 16 and I spend a lot of time alone, I have a few close friends who are girls but I don't know any boys, no boys talk to me and my friend is starting to get into relationships and it's making me feel lonely and I feel like I don't have the social skills to speak to boys and this makes me worry about the future and if ill ever have relationships. Is this normal for people my age? I just feel lonely all the time and I feel like I'm turning neurotic, I talk to myself all the time and just wish my life would change and something would happen, at the moment I just feel like I'm existing rather than living

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Anorexic/ weight loss question?

    Iv been struggling with my eating recently and haven't been eating that much, when I do eat a lot ill sometimes throw it back up... Messed up I know but that's what Iv been doing, Anyway i was filling in my food diary on my fitness pal and it said that I was eating too few calories which makes your body go into starvation mode and actually makes you gain more weight, I don't understand this cause when you see people who don't eat or eat little they are usually really skinny, surely not eating much makes you loose weight not put it on right ?

    Oh and please don't be judgemental I know my eating habits are bad and I'm working on it

    22 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Weight loss/ anorexia question?

    Iv been struggling with my eating recently and haven't been eating that much, when I do eat a lot ill sometimes throw it back up... Messed up I know but that's what Iv been doing, Anyway i was filling in my food diary on my fitness pal and it said that I was eating too few calories which makes your body go into starvation mode and actually makes you gain more weight, I don't understand this cause when you see people who don't eat or eat little they are usually really skinny, surely not eating much makes you loose weight not put it on right ?

    Oh and please don't be judgemental I know my eating habits are bad and I'm working on it

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Self harm question ?? Please help?

    Iv been self harming over two years now so I have a few scars on wrists, they aren't extremely bad as Iv been self harming on and off. Recently, after 2 months of being clean I cut again as Iv been extremely stressed out recently and old problems are returning. I realised that if I constantly cut over my wrist those scars are never going to fade like they did before, so I started cutting my legs. For some reason I don't feel the same pain on my lets than I do on my wrists and I don't get any release out of it. This is annoying for me as I need the same release cutting my wrists gives me but cutting my legs isn't the same and Im trying really hard to stop on wrists. Is it just me who feels this way? I'm sorry about how messed up this question sounds but I want to know why different places give a different feeling

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Body image, weight loss question?

    Recently Iv been really upset about my body and Iv gained so much weight recently. Iv been stressed out so Iv been binging on junk food and Iv over eaten so much that I'm panicking. If I didn't eat for 3 days, would I loose weight and how much would I loose?? After the 3 days I would eat healthier so I wouldn't put it all back on? Would that work?? Also I'm about

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Need help recovering from self harm?

    I have self harmed on and off for about 2 years now, I went to counselling about 8 months ago and my parents now think I'm 'fully recovered' and never mention self harm to me anymore. I have exams coming up recently so I'm really stressed and my parents alcohol problems haven't got any better and they still effect me. I had not self harmed for about 5 months however last week I stupidly started again. I haven't cut since then however Iv had a strong urge recently. I feel extremely guilty when I think about self harming as a close relative has recently battled with cancer and his attitude to everything is so positive and he's been really happy even though he's going through hell and when I compare my troubles to his, they are nothing, If he can stay so positive going through all that, who am I to complain and harm myself over such little things? Yet I still feel the urge and hate myself for it. I wish to take inspiration from him and be more positive but I just feel so low all the time, does this make me a bad person?

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Will the squat challenge and crunch challenge help me lose weight?

    Iv been eating more healthier recently because I really want to lose some weight. I'm 15 and I weight about 9 stone and have have bmi of 22.2 overall I think it's pretty normal however I'm not toned or skinny. I'm quite chubby. So if decided to do the squat and crunch challenge hoping to tone my stomach and thighs however I want to lose weight to? Is this just a toning exercise or will it help me lose weight aswell? If so how much if I did this for 30 days?

    16 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How can I make myself bulimic?

    I know it's stupid but I'm gonna be completely truthful. I don't excercise because I'm lazy and don't have time anyways cause of school work, I eat quite healthy however all I have to do is look at chocolate and I gain a stone so whenever I do treat myself i pile it on. I know I'm not fat but I'm not skinny either and I hate my body. Iv tried to make myself sick but I can't do it. Im hardly ever sick so forcing it on is difficult. How can I make myself sick quickly without buying laxatives and things?

    7 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Is snapping an elastic band really better than cutting?

    My current councillor suggested to me to try snapping an elastic band against my wrist when I get the urge to cut. I was confused because a different councillor told me he didn't want me to do that. I tried it anyway and I do find it useful because it hurts in a similar way to cutting however I find everytime I use the elestic band I get raised red marks that stay for days and sometimes bruise. I was thinking to myself I might as well just cut. Either way I'm ending up with marks I have to cover up.

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • I feel pathetic, I can't even self harm properly?

    Iv been self harming for just under 2 years now. Iv been to therapy and all that and I know it's bad so don't lecture. Recently I accidently came across some self harm pictures online. I usually stay away from those kind of accounts that glamourise self harm because they are triggering and immorally wrong. However I didn't notice what is classes as self harm these days is a full arm of deep cuts that pour. Yes I sometimes bleed when I self harm however I only cut my wrist and never go all the way up my arm as its not possible to cover the cuts up. When I look at my scars compared to these other pictures it makes me feel like there's no point in me getting help because I hardlys do anything compared to these other people. Does that make me a wimp? I mean if I don't properly self harm do I really need help or can I just continue the way I am and not tell anyone as I don't cut deep enough to put myself in danger.

    8 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Why do I want scars? Please read?

    Iv been self harming for a year and a half now. Iv been to councilling but it didn't completely help me stop. It helped me stopped for certain times. I went through faces of stopping and then harming again. Now after a month of not harming I'm back into the routine again. Most of the time I am triggered but sometimes I'm not. Sometimes ill harm because I can see my scars fading and feel like I don't want them to. I never show my wrists in public I always cover them up so it's not an attention seeking reason. I don't know why but I feel like they are part of me. When there not there I don't feel complete. I can't imagine my wrists without them so when they fade I sometimes feel sad. I know it sounds messed up cause no body wants scars and I get angry with myself when I feel this way, is it just me or is it normal for self harmers to feel this way??

    5 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Self harm/ depression question?

    Iv been self harming for over a year now. I know how bad it is and Iv had counselling but it didn't really help. My family think the counselling helped and think I'm better but I'm not. During the day I feel fine, unless something bad has happened during the day I usually feel ok, however every night when I think about my life I get myself really depressed. I cry every night and I don't know what to do. Obviously there are things going on that trigger me to harm but even when there isn't, Iv got back into the routine of cutting and ill do it even if I'm not triggered. I can't tell my family because they don't understand, they will get angry if I tell them I'm not ok and want another councillor so ill have to try and overcome this myself. Am I the only one who self harms when they're not triggered or am I just stupid??

    7 AnswersMental Health8 years ago