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Lv 2724 points

The Dolphin

Favorite Answers14%
  • Help getting a job?

    Long story short, my parents broke up, i stayed with my mom because my father is abusive, we lost the house, got a new one, lost that, got an apartment, lost that, now we are living at my grandpas. the majority of our stuff (clothes, furniture, endless picture books full of memories, massive movie and game collection, expensive instruments, etc) is in storage. my mom has started to loose the will to live and ive already come extremely close to giving up on life. ive decided not to shoot myself to help my small family but now that my mom stopped working (spinal injury on job, job refused to pay insurance through legal loophole, at least she is a bit better now but still cant lift heavy things) we have no income. back to the storage, we couldnt keep up payment, they locked us out. i have 3 months to come up with a little over $300 or else we loose everything and nobody is willing to give us any. im 17 (18 in september) with very little social skills and no job experience at all. i havent finished highschool and it is unlikely that i will graduate so im aiming for a GED.

    now to my question, how can i get a job without any fancy certificates and how can i try to motivate my mom to look for work again?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • help convincing my mom?

    since life is a ***** as usual my mom was put on workmen's compensation for nearly breaking her shoulder and pulling her spine at work a few months ago. recently they have stop giving us checks for some reason and we have to move out of our house again. this time however we have 2 choices, either stay with my grandfather (hes like a hill billy santa, jolly and sweet on one hand with a bottle of southern comfort in the other) or in a homeless shelter since our car is too small for the whole family. my mom wants us to go to the homeless shelter because she thinks grandfather's house isnt cleanly enough (she has OCD) and refuses to go because it will stress her out. im already near suicidal and being forced to live in a homeless shelter will make me get up one morning and slit my throat or run outside into traffic (im being serious, ive already came very close earlier today).

    my question is how can i convince her to live with grandpa where we can settle for a month or 2 until we can get back on our feet? the homeless shelter only has 8 minute showers and one meal daily, its a horrible choice compared to grandpas in my opinion.

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • Can the court keep you from living with other people?

    my friend amiee has 3 children and was married twice but they divorced her. one ex wants 2 of her children but the court ordered them to share 2 weeks with her 1 with him. the other ex has a mental problem and so amiee got a restraining order that protects both amiee and her 3rd child but somehow the ex still gets shared custody somehow despite the restraining order. the worst part though i dont fully understand it but now if amiee tries to date/marry or live with anyone then she looses all of her children somehow. i know shes a good parent and the children clearly want to be with her but its just crual hearing them cry over the phone begging to come back every time. isnt this violating one of the big amendments of freedom or something?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Can the banks keep people from donating to someone?

    wikileaks for example, the banks cut them off from people's donations. isnt that against human rights or something?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Youtube keeps crashing?

    ive tried refreshing the page, opening a new browser, and even restarting my computer but every time i try a video it plays for a second, the quality goes up and down like crazy, then it just says error has occured. how do i fix it?

    1 AnswerYouTube8 years ago
  • Do i just need the CAHSEE test to graduate?

    i took the CAHSEE (california high school exit examination) and im pretty sure i passed. it says you need it to get your diploma to graduate highschool but then whats the point of all these credits? i dont want a bright shining exit and all the chorus singing i just want to graduate however good i did. do i need both credits and the test or something?

    3 AnswersStandards & Testing8 years ago
  • Cant stop suicidal thoughts?

    Im a 17 year old guy failing all my classes this jr year and last years because i just cant keep the knowledge in my head no matter how many hours i spend studying and recently ive been very sick so ive missed days and even more impossible work piled up. every day is filled with pain and not a single thing to make me smile for the past years and my family treats me like ****. ive been feeling suicidal every day for months now and ive even planned it. its as easy as taking my mom's gun (i know where it is), walking out into the breezy California fields, and shooting myself. ive tried to talk to my friends about it but they dont care, ive tried to talk to my mom but she threatened to throw me in a psycho hospital because shes afraid its against the law not to, my counselors did nothing for me other than just say i should be more happy (literally, all they said was to be happier, wtf kind of counselors are they?), ive chatted online with help and they werent helpful either. i tried some of my moms norco (a moderate pain killer) and it calmed my heacaches and mind but now i feel like some worthless druggy and im worried im going to start getting addicted to it. all my options in life are withering away and i have no idea what to do. how can i explain to them how i feel without them locking me up and what can i do to distract myself from suicidal thoughts but still able to focus on school?

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Why does my internet get so slow?

    how does a 50 mbps plan from xfinity turn into only 300 kbps and sometimes nothing at all a few weeks later? it can probably be fixed by resetting the whole thing or having a guy come in and fix it but im curious as to HOW my connection can become so crappy?

    2 AnswersComputer Networking8 years ago
  • where are we going with the modern style of devices?

    over time tech goes from neat colors and shapes like the xbox (first one), gamecube, slide phones, and other old tech to really smooth and mostly plain shapes like the xbox one, modern art, and pretty much every apple device. will things keep getting simpler and simpler until everything is just a single colored little rectangle or is more eye catching trends coming out anywhere?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Caffeine makes me sick?

    it usually doesnt do anything for me, even if i drink a lot of coffee or a large energy drink. lately ive tried it again but an hour later im feeling very sleepy, my ears are ringing, my head is buzzing, im feeling nauseous, and dizzyness. could i be allergic to it or something?

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • Flashing pixels on screen?

    i just started using my new ASUS monitor and sometimes are dark colors, strange green flashing pixels appear. they aren't dead pixels because they move if i scroll down or if i move another window over them. sometimes there's just one and sometimes there's many all flickering randomly. is it something to do with the way the settings are? if so, how can i fix the problem?

    1 AnswerMonitors8 years ago
  • am i a psychopath or something?

    my little brother and i have disagreed on many things in the past but it was never that bad until today. he started a verbal fight over something stupid and every time i try to calm the situation by giving him what he wants, agreeing with him, or just walking away, he keeps trying to escalate it, even to the point of punching me in my face and kicking me in the side. they were real punches and kicks too, the kind that bruise and make you see stars. he kept arguing and hitting me until i turned around and grabbed him by the neck. i didnt want to grab him like that because it can be dangerous but i lost control of myself and yelled louder than ive ever yelled at anyone before. i let go of him, he cried and ran away. i dont want to hurt him because hes my brother, and i try to tell myself it was in self defense, but it still doesnt feel right. im afraid im just naturally violent and i might someday hurt him really bad because i cant control myself after so much brutality. i love him, but every day he tells me im just his biological brother, and would never be his real brother. i dont know what to do.

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • Suicidal thoughts every day?

    every day my mind cant stop thinking about it even though i dont want to nor have i tried to commit suicide. my father threatened to kill me and left with everything, my mom was too emotionally unstable to talk too, i had to move 3 times in 1 year just to stay alive, and all this has only happened about a year ago. now every day i worry if we will have to move again because we might not be able to afford our apartment anymore and im failing my classes (high school) because i cant focus even in the best of situations. i tried to talk to my little brother about it but hes too young to understand and help. i tried talking to counselors but i cant bring myself to admit my true feelings to people who are just paid to listen to crap all day. i tried to talk to my mom about it but she just started yelling and threatened to put me in a psycho hospital if i kept talking and i dont want to risk changing what little joy i have left with my friends at school. it would suck if they knew and every day they would look at me differently. i wanted to ask if anyone has had a similar experience and what they did to help themselves feel better.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Would liquid neon glow with electricity?

    if you cooled neon gas until it becomes a liquid and apply an electrical current through it like a neon gas sign, would it glow?

    1 AnswerChemistry8 years ago
  • How does one simply do something?

    i am told by the internets one does not simply. are they right?

    2 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Extreme lower back pain at 16 years old?

    im helping my family move into a new apartment so i have to lift a lot of heavy boxes and furniture up a flight of stairs. everyone else seems to have no problem but after a few minutes of lifting, the lower left side of my back becomes so painful it cramps up and i cant move my leg. stretching or painkillers dont seem to work. the pain is worse than anything ive felt before and its been happening my whole life. im not too out of shape and i lift regularly but im not sure if its just muscle getting sore or a serious problem.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Why wouldnt PS4 be backwards compatible?

    what reasons do the PlayStation developers have for ignoring the majority of the fans who want the PS4 to play PS3, 2 and 1?

    5 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • Can you get a Service Star for "Killing" in BF3?

    every now and then i get "killed" by someone. not with any gun, explosion, vehicle, just "killed". sometimes i accidentally do it too. can you get a service star doing it 100 times?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What to make for Valentines day?

    i cant decide to make either a cake, muffins, or cookies for valentines day. which should i make? or if you have any other suggestions that aren't too difficult that would be cool too. i'm still a newb baker but its going to be for my mom and she will hopefully understand if i epically fail :D

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Hot Pocket still hot?

    it says to wait about 2 minutes before eating a hot pocket after cooking it or your tongue might combust pretty much. ive been waiting 20 minutes and i still burnt myself! what gives?

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago