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  • Is it possible to raise my child to be trilingual?

    I'm a native Englsih speaker, and my husband's a native Chinese speaker, but we both share the language of Korean. We live together in Korea, and I recently discovered I'm pregnant with a little girl! Anyway, are there any techniques we can use to bring her up to speak all three languages? If not three, at least Korean and Chinese?

    9 AnswersLanguages5 years ago
  • I met a guy the other day, and I can t stop thinking about him! Help!?

    Okay, so, I'm a sophomore in Highschool, and I've never had a boyfriend. I pretty much friend zone every guy I meet. My sister is a freshman in college, and I was hanging out with her at her college and he was with us. He was super flirty with me, which I have a flirty personality anyway, so I didn't think anything of it. He ended up getting a little drunk, as did the rest of us, but he was a lot worse. He kept flirting and stuff, but I got kind of creeped out since he was drunk and I didn't want to take advantage of him in any way.

    So, we left their room at like 6 am, and it's been three days since then. I still can't thinking about him. It's kind of starting to worry me be because I've never really thought of a guy like this. I've had crushes on guys before, but nothing like this.

    It like hurts me to think about him, because I kinda know that we're not going to become a thing since he's like an hour away at college.

    Is there something wrong with me? Or is this totally normal? Please help me!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • My heart beat is 100-105 beats per minute. What could be wrong?

    I'm fifteen years old- a girl if that matters. I'm normal weight, and normal height and everything. Yesterday I was throwing up, and I've only eaten one thing today, but I haven't really been hungry. I'm drinking normally. Just to clarify, there is no possible way that I am pregnant, so please don't suggest that. A few minutes ago, I checked my heart beat because it seemed a bit fast, and it came up as 104. But, I checked it again right before I asked this, and it was 100. My usual heart beat is 80- 85. Please help me. What could possibly be wrong?

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases6 years ago
  • Sad love story title?

    Help!! I'm writing a love story and I am in DESPERATE need of a good title.

    It's set in Japan, in a boarding school for American transfers who haven't learned the language thoroughly. It starts on the main character, Serena's, plain ride to Japan, where she meets two brothers. They are from Japan and go to the same school as Serena because they are learning English at a late age. The older brother, Yuki, takes in instant liking to her, and her to him.

    Anyway, the whole plot of the story is that the family has a curse where every youngest son has a fraction of the "Gepsod Seed" in them, which pretty much turns them into a horrible monster when they undergo a certain amount of physical pain.

    The whole gist of it is that Serena and Yuki fall in love, but Yuki's little brother, Sho-Li... Li, for short, is the youngest in their family. At the end, it is revealed that Li is in love with Serena, after he gets beat up by Yuki. This leads to his transformation. When transformed, it is revealed to Serena that there is only one person who can bring him out of it. The one he is meant to be with. It ends up being her, so she can't be with Yuki any more, and has to be with Li.

    That's how it ends, but I PROMISE, IT ISNT AS CHEESY AS IT SEEMS.

    Please help!!! Xoxoxo

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • How do I ask him to dance at the homecoming?

    Sorry, I know I just asked this question, but I forgot to put detail XD

    Anyway, my homecoming is coming up in a few weeks, and he knows I want to go with him because a few friends of mine told him...

    But, the thing is that we've never actually talked before because I'm a pretty shy person. So, we probably won't actually go together, but I still want to dance with him because I REALLY like him. He's pretty popular, and I'm not really. I think I'm decently pretty, and I know that I come off as a pretty confident person.

    So, should I ask him to slow dance, and how should I ask?

    Or, should I ask him to dance with a group of my girlfriends for a faster dance? Again, how would I do that?

    Thanks so much for the help! XOXO

    Singles & Dating7 years ago
  • Would you keep reading this?

    So, here's the thing- and I hope you already know this- I'm in a book.


    I'm a character in a book and you're reading it. Don't ask me why you're reading it, you just are. It probably looked appealing in the book shelf, so you picked it up. Maybe you aren't even reading this right now. You're probably just skipping over this with tired eyes.

    If you're actually reading this, that's fantastic.

    Hey, so I, as the main character, have the special know late known as spoilers. So SPOILER ALERT!

    The whole plot of this story centers around me, Samuel Dandy and my not girlfriend Mason Sanderson, the two main characters, trying to find out why the stupid author who thought it a good idea to write this story, wrote us as the main characters and why this book was such a good idea.

    So, leave now if you're not interested, and if you are, you are in for the thrill of a lifetime.

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Next character bio?

    Reese Keaton Simmons



    1. Height?


    2. Weight?

    145 lb.

    3. Hair color?


    4. Eye color?


    5. Allergies/ sicknesses?

    Some medicine

    7. What role do you play in my story?

    That annoying character who pops up every now and then.

    8. How are you going to benefit my story?

    My main purpose is to annoy the heck out of Sam by flirting with Mason, who btw, totally flirts back because I'm a babe. The only thing I'm good for is starting a group of fans hoping for Sam and Mason to get together. I'm pretty much hated. Except for those first few bits where the fans will go through a "team Sam or team Reese" phase. Yeah. I'm the Jacob Black. Just hotter.

    Claudia Emerald Rose Peters



    1. Height?


    2. Weight?

    140 lb.

    3. Hair color?


    4. Eye color?


    5. Allergies/ sicknesses?


    7. What role do you play in my story?

    The director of jobs.

    8. How are you going to benefit my story?

    I keep everyone on track, constantly yelling at Sam to do his job. I'm not hated, but not loved. I go through a phase where fans can't decide if we're in love. But, trust me, we're not. I'm an amazing fighter despite my frail look. I often beat up Sam because his ********* gets the best of him and he underestimates me again and again.

    Hayleigh Joe Keese



    1. Height?


    2. Weight?

    120 lb.

    3. Hair color?

    Honey brown

    4. Eye color?

    Baby blue

    5. Allergies/ sicknesses?

    Stupid Mason

    7. What role do you play in my story?

    I'm the Sam fangirl

    8. How are you going to benefit my story?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Does this books sound interesting?

    In this book, the characters know that hey are purely characters in a story. The whole plot focuses on them trying to figure out why the book was made and why they were chosen to be characters.

    It is a very comical book, but it has its serious moments. It is a constant fourth wall break. The characters often address the author asking why something is happening and why they were put in certain situations; as well as addressing the audience. Questions such as "Why is she so stupid?" All the way to "Can you help me?" Are asked, even they know they can not be helped or spoken to.

    The characters are not totally realistic, nor are they meant to be. It would be kind of similar to watching A disney show where it's not totally realistic, or maybe even something like Space a Dandy.

    Please let me know if this sounds interesting and original or overused and bland.

    Thanks so much! KISSES ^3^

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Terrible cramps and awful nausea with beginning of period?

    I'm only fifteen, and there's absolutely no way I'm pregnant. I'm having my usual monthly period, except this time I have this extremely painful cramp that won't go away. Along with it, I have very strong nausea but no matter how long I sit in the bathroom, I can't actually vomit.

    I have been up for four hours with these, and I would really love to get some sleep. I've gotten a lot of cramps before, but these are worse. And this is the first time I've ever had nausea before.

    Please let me know what could be wrong, and again, there's no way I'm pregnant. If I'm sick, or there's something wrong with my period, please tell me!

    Thanks so much!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Does this book idea sound interesting and original enough that you would read it?

    Okay, so here's my idea.

    It starts out talking about the crazy scientist who started the whole thing. He wanted to be god, but he decided that he couldn't be god if there wasn't a devil. So, instead of creating a single person to go around tempting civilians, he created "sins."

    The seven deadly sins to be exact.

    Here's the list of them:

    Lust- a busty seventeen year old girl whose only job is to seduce everyone in her path.

    Pride- an seventeen year old girl who has a self esteem too high for any good to come out of it. Her job is to convince others that they're better than everyone in their lives.

    Wrath- a thirteen year old boy who takes revenge on anyone who crosses him. His job is to get people to hold grudges against people and cause them to physically and mentally put them down.

    Envy- fifteen year old girl who has an absolute need to be the best at everything. To make those better than her suffer. Her job is to convince everyone that jealousy is a wonderful thing.

    Greed- eighteen year old man with everything he ever wanted. Perfect car, perfects girlfriends, perfect everything. His job is to convince everyone that bragging is a good thing and to rub what you have in everyone's faces.

    Gluttony- unlike stereotypical gluttony, with food... This gluttony is a fourteen year old gluttony has drugs on his side. His job is to get everyone on his strong addiction.

    Sloth- fifteen year old girl who is lazy as heck. Her job is to convince everyone laziness is a good thing.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Is it normal that I haven't had my first kiss yet?

    I just turned fifteen, and most of my friends have had theirs already, but me and a select few haven't. I wouldn't say I'm gorgeous, but I'm not ugly. I have had one real boyfriend for six months, but we never kissed before we broke up. Am I normal?

    Btw, I'm a girl if it makes a difference.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is it okay for a U.S. resident to become a Manga (graphic novel) artist?

    I'm thinking I'm either going to become that or a video game designer.

    So, I'm just wondering if it's okay, wrong, taboo, or what.

    4 AnswersDrawing & Illustration7 years ago
  • How do I start designing?

    So, I'm planning on becoming a graphic artist and designing my own video game. How do I start designing everything? The characters, the landscape, the buildings, just everything?

    Tips at all will help!

    I want it to be like Final Fantasy in with the fact that there will be a lot of cutscenes and it will rely deeply on its story line. But, the game play will be better than Final Fantasy. I want it to be much more free roam, at least later in the game, and I want the fights to be more like The Legend of Zelda or Assasins Creed.

    Keep reading if you want a little blurb about what the game is about. I have it all planned out already.

    So, the main (and only playable character) is Celeana Azcars, princess of the kingdom of Rithborn. She is very noble, but she has this thing where she wants to be a damsel in distress. She wants her Prince Charming to pop up and save her.

    Anyway, after a bit of exploring Rithborn, Celeana ends up showing up late for a council meeting she had forgotten about.

    Just to save time and space, here's what happens:

    She meets these two princes from different kingdoms who have the powers of ice and fire built into their swords.

    Celeana goes to war with them, only to realize that they're on her side.

    A lot of stuff happens, and it ends in a cliff hanger.

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration7 years ago
  • Can you help me find names for my characters?

    The first one is a prince with fire "powers" that come from his sword. I don't want cheesy names that have to do with fire, or anything, but can you help? My book is set in a fantastical kingdom, and he is a prince that is very obsessed with his looks, he is a bit girly, but he is very sweet, and is a sweetheart when it comes to the ladies.

    He has brown hair, pale skin, very blue eyes, and always wears silver and blue.

    The next one is a prince with ice "powers" that come from his sword. Again, no cheesy names. He is very manly, loves sports and is, just like the first guy, very sweet, and yes, a sweetheart with the ladies.

    He has brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and usually wears sliver and red.

    Next is a prince with... Wait for it... NO POWERS. He is a kind of a middle mark of the first two. He isn't too manly, and isn't too girly, he's very sweet, and especially sweet with the ladies.

    He has very red hair, pale green eyes, pale skin, and usually wears silver and yellow.

    The last one-Yay!- is a princess, who is totally unrelated to the other ones besides the fact that she is in the same kingdom, who is very "my Prince Charming with come and save me." She's an incredibly girly girl. But, halfway through the story, she steps up and has to hold her own for a while. She is kind, but can get an attitude. She loves dances and balls, especially masquerades, she loves the idea of love, and she especially "loves" the first prince mentioned here.

    She has dark brown hair, gorgeous blue green eyes that people complement a lot, pale skin, and usually wears pastel colored gown dresses.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • In Assassin's Creed Revelations and 3, did anyone else cry like a baby during these moments?

    So, I'm female (so don't judge) and I cried like a baby when Etzio died in Revelations, and again in 3 when the stupid "gods" killed Desmond. Actually, I threw the controller down and didn't play another AC game until I beat both Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Would you read this fiction novel?

    This book is written in 1800's England- AKA Victorian/Steampunk era. It's about a fourteen year old girl who lives with her aunt who is a drunk who gets money from prostitution, and is never home. The girl- Malory's- mother died during childbirth, and her father committed suicide in the room Molory sleeps in.

    At the age of eleven, Malory was adopted (bought, technically) by an illegal child prostitution business, and was forced to pleasure men (and women) for just over a year, when her aunt- Adalade found her and pretty much explained to her that her parents left her the mansion, and that if Malory adopts her, that she has to allow her to live in the mansion, free of charge.

    The family butler- Sedrick- is the only person at least relatively familiar to Malory.

    Only a few days after Malory returned "home" is he is told that she has a fiancé that she didn't know about. Kenzie Alexander Havenston was his name.

    That all happens before the book actually starts, and is explained throughout the story.

    Needless to say, Malory is a bit messed up in the head two years later. She's still girly and absolutely in love with her fiancé just like any other fourteen year old girl, but when she's alone, or with only Sedrick and the other servants, she is just a bit (absolutely) crazy. For example, there's one point where she doesn't like the food put out for her, so she throws it on the ground, and makes the servants pick it up "crumb by cumb".

    But, you can't help but feel bad for her, because she hadn't exactly had an easy life.

    But, after some adjusting, she slowly gets better, and matures a LOT.

    Her and Kenzie are going to take a trip together, and when they get there- a small luxury village, that is usually very quiet- prostitutes start being murdered, and all eyes are turned to the three of them. (Mallory doesn't leave the house without Sedrick)

    So, it becomes a kind of murder mystery, but there is literally no one who could've done it.

    After everything is sorted out, and there are some very "scandalous" things that happen between Malory and Kenzie, they pin the murders to a mystery fellow known as "Jack the Ripper" and, after receiving a coded letter, it is apparent that Malory is the next target.

    In the end, Kenzie is killed by the "Ripper" himself, while in a disguise as Malory, and, writing it, I cried. Is that sad? XD

    Anyways, Malory and Sedrick return to the mansion, and getting everyone out of it, they burn it to "release the curse set upon it" meaning the bad luck that follows their family, and Malory vows to never have children so that the line ends with her.

    That's pretty much how it ends.

    So, what d'ya think? Don't be afraid to criticize, that's what I'm here for! Would you read it, would you walk past it and scoff? Let me know!!! Thanks so much!!!! XD

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Does this book sound like it would be popular?

    It's a fantasy novel about three people who take a summer vacation to what is supposed to be a luxury town. When they get there, it ends up being an old village where all the villagers have been driven insane from never leaving the village.

    After a while, the three (a girl and a boy- both 13- and the girl's butler) discover that every time they try to leave the village, you get turned around; therefore, you cannot leave.

    The boy and the butler go out in the middle of the night one night to try to find some clues on why this is happening, and the boy is cursed by an old woman. Utterly freaked out, the two head back to where they're all staying.

    After a week or so, boils begin appearing on the boy's arms and legs. Soon, a rash appears, along with more boils.

    They end up finding the old woman when the boy is on the verge of death, and she tells them that she won't take the curse off, but it will go away if they can get out of the city.

    So, they go on a desperate mission, trying to find a way to leave the city.

    They end up finding out how to get out- they have to kill the witch. They kill her and get out of the city.

    At the very end, the girl's eyes begin watering awfully, and boils begin showing on her skin. That's how it ends, so that it's a cliff hanger.

    Some side notes:

    Boy's name- Oscar, Taylor, or Daisha

    Girl's name- Celeana, Daisha (yes, I know it's a choice for the boy too, but it's unisex), Heather, or Victoria.

    Butler's name- Sedrick, Jeeves, or Hans (or Han)

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • How long should it take for the plot to really start in a book?

    I have a really good idea for this fantasy book, and I want to know how long I should write in main character development before I start into the actual plot relevant stuff.

    I know I want the actual plot to start with the main character (Rosaline) trying to get back into her town as the gates are closing. This book is set in an old time kingdom where magic and that stuff exists.

    A man (Sharnee) who is the queen's personal servant is under orders to capture and kill female who had been breaking into that city and steeling from the townsfolk. He falsely captures Rosaline, and after he realizes his error, he helps her get to the nearest town, then drops her off, only to check up on her every now and then to make sure she's not dead.

    While in this city, Rosaline is caught up in a military group and ends up having this amazing power inside of her, that she knew of, but she has a back story that she only knows of.

    So, how long should I take for character development? I want Rosaline to be somewhat of a mystery, and Sharnee as well. Or, should I just jump straight into the plot, and have character development along the way? Because the way Sharnee captures her is by breaking her leg so she can't run, as his magic is a torture telepathy. So, I don't know if I should start with action or character development?

    I want Rosaline's father to be introduced only once at the beginning of the story, because he has no real plot relevance at all. The queen has a formal introduction later in the story, so she will not need to be introduced at the beginning.

    In a nutshell, I want Rosaline introduced, and a little bit of character development, but most of it saved for when she is with Sharnee. I want her father to be introduced, but character development is not really needed, because Rosaline is not very close with her family. Sharnee isn't introduced until the plot actually starts rolling.

    So, if I can get a number of chapters, pages, general things needed before the plot starts rolling along, anything, that'd be great! Thanks so much guys!!!!!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago