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I'm a 3 time Marriage idiot, currently unhappy and lonley in a marriage that is full of fights and strife.....wanting peace and happiness

  • My husband is mean sexually?

    He can't seem to get off unless I am hurting and begging him to stop - help?

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • how do I get oover the sad of a divorce?

    I love my husband, he isn't the father of my 2 kids, and he told me recently, he can't stand being married to me anymore, because my 13 year old is disrespectful, and rebellious. We've been married 2 years almost, my son's father is trying to sabatoge my marriage by getting my son to be rebellious and not mind myself or my husband. My husband told me, he can't deal anymore, and I am trying hard to keep authorative peace between my son and husband. He is moving out, signing divorce papers. I want a happy home, with my husband, and my son, and I can't have it obviously because my husband is throwing in the towel. I'm so devestated, and know I will choose my kids first always...just sucks and I wnnt to know how to get over it.....?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • am I wrong for flipping out: looked on husbands phone, he has pics of exwife in sexual acts with him?

    He also had 9 porn sites bookmarked on his phone, where he has been ' rubbing one out' out of convienence and the fact that I have had hysterectomy and couldn't meet his needs. He promised me in the begining of our relationship he wouldn't look at that stuff, and here he is, masturbating to pics of ex wife and cheap free phone porn. I am ready to divorce over this. What happened to sickness and health, faithfulness? Excuse me for having pre cancerous uterous. I'm heart broken, and feel ugly, and inadequate.........any advice? even if it's not what I "want" to hear...I need some perspective....B

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • my nightmare, husband is looking at porn and naked pics of exwife, help? perspective?

    I went thru my husbands phone, was looking for a picture he'd taken of us this past weekend, and I came across a whole folder of pics, of his ex-wife, in situations, that showed both of them in bed doing things. I went to next folder and it was pornography. Next looked at his history on phone, he'd bookmarked 9 different porn sites with it with it showing dates and times sites were visited. All within last few months. I showed it to him, because I'd fw'd it all to my phone, and asked him for an explination, he said I wan't taking care of his needs, so he did this to releive pressure. I've been in hopsitol for blood clots in my lungs, and 2 more surgeries since then, this all begining with my health in December '11. I am devestated. I just had hysterectomy, can't have relations, and have been ill. Does'nt the innability to have relations when sick, fall under understandable circumstances in the whole " in sickness and in health deal"? I'm so sad and fell inadequate and hurt and upset because he had to look at dirty pics of ex wife, and porn......I'm I absurd and overreacting?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Will I ever find a soulmate, who loves my kids?

    Will I ever find a soul mate, that will love my kids as I do? Men are so territorial, and I have a teenage son, would rather a man try to be buddy instead of dictator to him, here's my scores - married 3 times, divorced 2 times, with 3rd divorce on horizon. My husband wants to fight my 13 y/o ( who admittedly has a huge attitude problem) . I suppose I'm to be alone, because there is not such a thing as a good step parent in my experience as both a step child and mother to 2 kids in a divorced/remarried home, am I wrong to have lost all hope?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Is this abuse or am I overreacting?

    Husband won't talk to me, won't listen to me- doesn't want anything to do with me. He says he's tired of me and wants me to just stay away from him. Apparently I talk in my sleep and he kept hitting me with his pillow everytime I talked last night. He tells me I am too needy. Tells me he is unsatisfied in our marriage- yet wakes me up at 3 am to make me have relations with him. That's the only attention he will give me. I think he is messing with my head.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • can I get advice on getting husband to be more respectful?

    He acts like it's a pain to pause the TV and listen to me talk, and like it's a bother to take the time to hug me, and like I'm emotionally needy because I need to get his input on how he feels about different things......Am I asking too much to get him to actually sit down and talk to me about his day, what he has planned for weekend, and all that?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • I'm Divorced, my 13 y/o wants to live with dad, why? I'm stable parent!?

    My 13 y/o son wants to live with his unemployeed, non childsupport paying, ex convict dad. I am the better parent who has sole custody with visitation only on dad's rights. He thinks his dad hung moon, and I'm the heavy with rules, bed times, rules on movie ratings. Sucks to be best provider, and son idolizes his looser dad. What can I do?

    9 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Here's what I feel I want/need, is it too much?

    I want a companion that will sit with me on the couch with thier arm around me. I want to hear about their day, the good the bad, what they think about what's on the news. I want to tell them how I feel and what I've done that day. I want to eat an evening meal together, gossip about family, and what we want to do that weekend together. If they are crying, I want to hold them, listen, and comfort them, and if I'm crying, the same. I want to plan weekends doing things together, ToGether! like enjoying something together, even if it only intrest them. I want a best friend that I can kiss slowly, and not rush to the next step. I want to feel uncritizied and heard, and let me give the same in return, let me really really in. I want conplete transparency without judgement. Am I asking too much? I would give all this to someone, without so much as half in return. Mabey I'm unrealistally disallusioned. please be honest, and blunt, I welcome it.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • why am I so dependant and cling to my mean hateful husband?

    This is my 3rd marriage, I already had two children from two previous marriages. We (current husband) and I had known each other long ago, and reconnected, and decided to marry. He is short tempered with my kids, critisizes me on how I parent, says I'm titty feeding my kids still by being too nice and easy on them. My son doesn't even want to live here anymore. He calls us all names, drinks a case of beer a day, gets so drunk he pees the bed. Tells me I'm a mental case because I'm always stressed all the time. I divorced the kids dads bc of simular reasons, yet I'm having a hard time leaving this husband and I have no legal (kids, custody wise) reason to stay. BUT I'm so aftaid of being alone, 33 years old, and I feel like I'll be alone forever. I am putting my kids thru seeing me a wreck all the time. Why can't I get my big girl panties on and leave him. I grew up with an abusive stepdad, and am doing it again to my kids. I hate myself for this.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • I keep on letting husband put me down, critisize me, then he says I love you, and it's all better and hopeful.?

    I get so much negative from him, one little kindness, I'm willing to take

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce9 years ago